antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

PUA asshat Roosh V declares victory in Montreal, gets drink tossed in face

Roosh celebrates his "victory" in Montreal
Roosh celebrates his “historic victory” in Montreal

Yesterday was a big day for Roosh Valizadeh, pickup artist, rape legalization advocate and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity.” Some highlights:

Roosh was the inspiration for a demonstration against rape culture in Montreal.

Roughly 100 demonstrators held a peaceful demonstration in Montreal’s Norman Bethune Square targeting rape culture in general and Roosh in particular. It is not known how many of the demonstrators were undercover Roosh operatives dressed as “a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist).” Best estimates put the number at zero. The rally was covered by both CTV News and The Montreal Gazette.

The mayor of Montreal weighed in on the issue, declaring in a tweet that as far as he was concerned Roosh was not welcome in his city. 

On the Roosh V forum, meanwhile, Roosh’s fans scoured the news footage for identifiable faces of people they could smear, and debated whether or not they WB (“would bang”) or WNB (“would not bang”) various women who had attended the demonstration.

Roosh (apparently) gave his talk, celebrating afterwards by posting a video claiming a “historic victory in Montreal.”

After calling on his followers to spread false information about the super seekrit location of his talk, as part of what he charmingly called “Operation Goebbels,” Roosh apparently gave his talk in a rented room at a Montreal restaurant.

Afterwards, evidently quite proud of himself,  Roosh posted a victory video on Youtube. On the Roosh V forum, his fans happily posted celebratory gifs, including this one.


Donning a wig — no, really — Roosh hit the bars in an evident attempt to find a woman in Montreal who was not repulsed by him.

He failed, as this video of a woman tossing a drink in his face suggests.

Roosh went on Twitter to report being assaulted by “a mob,” and apparently reported the incident to police.

He might have undermined his case a little by suggesting it was “worth” it because, well, he got some action out of it, sort of.

The woman with the “sexy legs” responded, and suggested that Roosh had in fact put his hands on her first.


On the Roosh forums, Roosh’s fans urged him to file charges for assault and to sue everyone in sight.  And debated whether or not they WB the alleged beer-pourer.

Meanwhile, Roosh’s plan to smear his opponents online continued apace.

“By Monday,” one Roosh fan wrote, “we’ll have identified every single one of these pieces of garbage and work on decimating their future career options.”

According to this Tweet, Roosh himself was threatening to falsely report one of the organizers to social services as a bad mother.

On Twitter, the #IStandWithRooshV hashtag has been having a little trouble getting going, generating all of 3 Tweets as of noon on Sunday.

This does not look like a grand victory for Roosh, unless his aim was to show the world what terrible shits he and his supporters are.

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9 years ago

Ohhh the PUA charms in action: so the king of the douches got an alleged “leg rub” that brought a beer-on-the-face and public humilliation. And he claims the outcome “was worth it”. Sounds alpha to me.

36,000 petitioners lol

You can’t take misinformation and run with it, well you can but you just look lazy for not doing the work. You want to know what happened? Go to this thread

Read it from page 1 on. Learn what really happened. Read about these so called leaders of yours who won’t acknowledge the truth. That isn’t much leadership if they can’t cope with reality.

How well do most of you handle reality and specifically, setbacks? Denial damages your soul. Accept that it did not go well for your team. Freedom of speech won.

Chris Bacon
9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

I’m normally very much against spilling fluids on someone’s face without consent. Beer, wine, liquor, water, whatever.

And now and then comes that perfect exception to that rule I personally adhere to.

Can we have a moment of silence in loving memory of beer that gave its essence to drive away a repellant rapist troll?

Also, I’d like to join that woman’s fanclub like right now and give all the high fives. ALL OF THEM.

9 years ago

Christ. The address WHTM whited out is a short walk from my place. I’ll keep the cats indoors tonight.

9 years ago

I can imagine men being skeptical about Roosh’s advice for seduction. Here are ladies he tried to bang, and instead gets shut down. Why aren’t these women ripping his clothes off again?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


If it makes you feel better, I also endorse throwing beer cans at the faces of women who are trash and are trying to rape people, like JB.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Hypatia | August 9, 2015 at 5:51 pm
He doesn’t actually want Roosh’s potential future daughter (which I hope will never exist, for her own good) get raped, he just thinks Roosh would realize what a piece of garbage he is if he imagined men treating his daughter as he treats other women.

I both like and dislike this argument that implores men to think about what they would do if it was the women in their life who were the victims.

I like it because it appeals to the empathy of the person who’s being implored (provided they have any in the first place), and it does cause some people to take a step back and realize what they were just talking about. This argument attempts to make it a bit personal, and it does work on some people in specific cases.

I dislike it because it still makes it so a woman has to be attached to a man in some way to be worth saving or important. It says that the woman in question has to be somehow related to the man you’re arguing with in order for him to give a shit, and that really doesn’t help women as a whole, just those women who are (un)lucky enough to be related to this man.

And it also takes away the gravity of the situation itself. It makes it seem like it’s not so bad until it happens to someone you love. “Oh, well this woman got beaten nearly to death? Not my problem, I don’t know her!”

We should not rape or assault women, or blame them for their rape/assault, and care about their rape/assualt because they’re people, not because we’ve magically managed to make men imagine their daughters/mothers/sisters/what-have-you when the situation crops up, as it almost inevitably does.

I think John Oliver put it best when he was talking about the Ray Rice abuse incident, after he showed some clips of ESPN reporters and other NFL players talking about how they have daughters and wives and how horrible it would be if they were beaten in an elevator:

Here’s a crazy idea: you could put away your magic face-switching machine, and just be upset about the incident as it actually happened.

Because you should not need to insert a relative into a horrifying situation to make it horrific. For instance, I hate Sea World’s treatment of whales on principle alone, not just because my father is an orca.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

36,000 petitioners lol | August 9, 2015 at 6:47 pm
You can’t take misinformation and run with it, well you can but you just look lazy for not doing the work. You want to know what happened? Go to this thread

[link put through donotlink -PI]

Read it from page 1 on. Learn what really happened. Read about these so called leaders of yours who won’t acknowledge the truth. That isn’t much leadership if they can’t cope with reality.

How well do most of you handle reality and specifically, setbacks? Denial damages your soul. Accept that it did not go well for your team. Freedom of speech won.

Wow. What’s that about denial not just being a river in Egypt?

David did the work. Roosh was on the news, being exposed for a slimy rapist, as he is. He was chased out of a bar, the mayor said publicly that Roosh isn’t welcome in his city (and you can see that on twitter if you’d bother to do any reading besides what Roosh shows you), and yet, we somehow “lost”?

Roosh has been exposed to a lot of people, and those people now know what a slimeball he really is. He can spin it all he wants, but at the end of the day, a rapist is a rapist.

You can call what Roosh does “freedom of speech” all you want, but at the end of the day, he’s still a rapist dirtbag who’s teaching other men how to be rapist dirtbags, and that’s not covered under your precious frozen peaches.

Luzbelitx - from my phone


I will insist that you do sound all about equality to me ????

Remember often the powerful don’t use violence, not because they can’t but because they don’t need to. Male privilege works that way: the system of violence and disempowerment does most of the job, individual men mostly reap the benefits with little to no effort.

So, if we go beyond a merely individual analysis of the subjects involved (in this case, Doosh & Beergirl) and include the context of power/violence, it becomes obvios who has the greates advantages in the overall stuation, not only in the touching-beering sequence.

The power imbalance between men and women is, for the time being, unsurmountable, and it is reproduced in every man-woman interaction.

So, I don’t think it misses the mark to disavow violence from men (who constantly reap the benefits of sexist vioence) but find it less concerning or even endorse it when it comes from women (who are targets of sexist violence and have the cards stacked against us).

This doeesn’t mean any violence from woman to man should be accepted or encouraged, it’s just taking the playing field into account when assessing a certain episode.

I also like to believe a feminist utopia would include no harassment of any kind, but if that’s not possible, I’m ok with assholes from any gender getting a “corrective smack” from their targets, of any gender, as long as society as a whole is a level playing field.

Ps: I left you a report on the elections in the previous comment page ????

9 years ago

…Your link leads to a comment that is telling ROKers what we’re saying here.

Good for you?

I don’t know what you planned to achieve by showing us that.

9 years ago

Ah, I missed the part where you said to read from page 1 on. Although why you didn’t just link to page 1 I don’t know.

9 years ago

About the pepper spray thing: it’s illegal in Canada. It stings the eyes.

I know this because I once dropped my then-gf at an airport in the US, then I drove on to Canada (it was the holidays, we were visiting our respective parents). At the airport, she realized she had a can of mace in her purse and left it with me since obviously that would be a bad thing to go through security with.

The next day, at the Canadian border, I declared the can of mace.

The guy at the border post says “oh, sir, please drive over there and park. You can’t have that can of mace. It stings the eyes.”

I follow his directions, park, and go inside to make my declaration. The border guard there takes my declaration, “hmm. I’m sorry, you can’t come into the country with that can of mace. It stings the eyes. You can abandon it here, please fill out this form.”

I fill out the form, then they arrange to have a third border guard all decked out in a bulletproof jacket go and seize the can of mace. He has a bit of trouble finding it, I’m not allowed to help — I have to give verbal directions from a distance. Finally he sees it, takes it, says “oh, no, you can’t have this. It stings the eyes.”

HOWEVER, a can of bear spray is totally legit. And I guess what’s been proved here is that beer spray works pretty well too.

9 years ago

Also, lol at you 36k suggesting to Roosh that he sue us for defamation and “trying to ruin his reputation.”

Sunshine, Roosh has ruined his reputation all on his own. I strongly doubt there’s anything we could do to worsen his name at this point. It just baffles me that after everything that’s happened, short of immigration services hauling him away for deportation, he hasn’t yet grasped that being a rapey asshole while teaching other men to be rapey assholes is just not kosher, and never will be.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

HOWEVER, a can of bear spray is totally legit

That reminds me of a possibly apocryphal piece of advice from a ranger at one of the US national parks.

“Some people advise ringing a bell to scare bears away and carrying pepper spray as a last resort. It’s best to avoid bears though so keep an eye out for bear shit”

“How do you recognise bear shit?”

“It has bells in it and smells of pepper spray”

9 years ago

He is probably showing the link because roosh is trying to intimidate protesters by threatening to dox them for his followers, opening them up to harassment, threats, and possible violence. Since there is currently a trial on for internet harassment in Canada and since Roosh is not being terribly subtle doing this he might even get arrested. Fingers crossed!!!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Lux

Thanks for the update. Bit disappointed at the lack of occult practices, but I understand this is just a preliminary election, so hopefully we’ll see at least some zombie politicians in the main one.

“Doosh & Beergirl” sounds like the world’s worst superhero team-up.

“He’s a misogynist creep and she’s an activist for social justice. Together THEY FIGHT CRIME!!”

The gender disparity in the application of force is something I could go on about all day. I totally see where you’re coming from. I take on board Pandapool’s point about women like JB too.

I would still have a real problem though with any sort of violence against a woman, even if she were the “bad guy” as it were. I could see a woman swilling another woman if it was appropriate, I just feel a real visceral aversion to a man ever doing that though, no matter what the circumstances.

I know that isn’t logical.

I can intellectually say it’s justified for a man to use violence against a woman in the same circumstances where he would be justified in using it against a man; but emotionally I just can’t countenance it. I think that’s because of the historical and societal context you identify. M-F violence always seems to be “punching down” (pun not intended) because of the general background of inter-gender violence, even if in that particular situation the woman was the aggressor.

I’m not sure I’m expressing that very well. No doubt you can put it better if you can decipher my general drift.

Luzbelitx - from my phone




Double LOL


Alan, you were probably brought up the way I was — that only the lowest, filthiest kind of coward would hit a woman. Yes, there’s an element of sexism to it, but as a general principle it’s fairly sound. By and large, an unarmed woman isn’t going to do any real damage to a large man like you or me, and women trained in martial arts or self-defense probably aren’t going to attack us without good reason. As long as we’re behaving appropriately, there’s little risk of a woman attacking us.

36,000 petitioners lol

So you don’t have to make any extra effort, since that is clearly something people hate to do. Here is the link to Page 1.

Here is a link to some screencaps of a woman with about 25k twitter followers and she uses logic. Might be hurtful to some people.

Her twitter.

Look it is easy to parrot what other people tell you. Especially, the part where they claim they won. But even the woman above posted the Roosh Victory video. It happened.

Roosh does not condone rape, he does not condone anything illegal. But that wouldn’t make good news nor provide enough stimulus to get the outrage machine going that gives you those good feelings you need.

Just remember, you are just selectively applying laws so you can win, there isn’t anything noble about that. Apply them evenly or not at all.

Good night and best wishes.

Luzbelitx - from my phone

@Alan (whatever I did to your name in the previous comment!!)

I think we’re drifting real close to each other here.


I somehow missed your meme before, but it looks great ????


I loved the John Oliver quote, he’s so brilliantly spot on when adding his twist to a much-discussed matter.

Luzbelitx - from my phone


You certainly sound like a parrot to me.

If only I could trust you to stick to the flounce…

9 years ago
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Lux

I liked the mangled name. I might adopt it if I ever end up living in some sword & sorcery type world.


Yeah, I think it’s that old school “a real man never hurts a woman” thing. An example of stereotypical masculinity; but one I’m happy to live with, even if we get a feminist/matriarchal society.

9 years ago

May I suggest everclear next time? He needs disinfecting.