antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

PUA asshat Roosh V declares victory in Montreal, gets drink tossed in face

Roosh celebrates his "victory" in Montreal
Roosh celebrates his “historic victory” in Montreal

Yesterday was a big day for Roosh Valizadeh, pickup artist, rape legalization advocate and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity.” Some highlights:

Roosh was the inspiration for a demonstration against rape culture in Montreal.

Roughly 100 demonstrators held a peaceful demonstration in Montreal’s Norman Bethune Square targeting rape culture in general and Roosh in particular. It is not known how many of the demonstrators were undercover Roosh operatives dressed as “a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist).” Best estimates put the number at zero. The rally was covered by both CTV News and The Montreal Gazette.

The mayor of Montreal weighed in on the issue, declaring in a tweet that as far as he was concerned Roosh was not welcome in his city. 

On the Roosh V forum, meanwhile, Roosh’s fans scoured the news footage for identifiable faces of people they could smear, and debated whether or not they WB (“would bang”) or WNB (“would not bang”) various women who had attended the demonstration.

Roosh (apparently) gave his talk, celebrating afterwards by posting a video claiming a “historic victory in Montreal.”

After calling on his followers to spread false information about the super seekrit location of his talk, as part of what he charmingly called “Operation Goebbels,” Roosh apparently gave his talk in a rented room at a Montreal restaurant.

Afterwards, evidently quite proud of himself,  Roosh posted a victory video on Youtube. On the Roosh V forum, his fans happily posted celebratory gifs, including this one.


Donning a wig — no, really — Roosh hit the bars in an evident attempt to find a woman in Montreal who was not repulsed by him.

He failed, as this video of a woman tossing a drink in his face suggests.

Roosh went on Twitter to report being assaulted by “a mob,” and apparently reported the incident to police.

He might have undermined his case a little by suggesting it was “worth” it because, well, he got some action out of it, sort of.

The woman with the “sexy legs” responded, and suggested that Roosh had in fact put his hands on her first.


On the Roosh forums, Roosh’s fans urged him to file charges for assault and to sue everyone in sight.  And debated whether or not they WB the alleged beer-pourer.

Meanwhile, Roosh’s plan to smear his opponents online continued apace.

“By Monday,” one Roosh fan wrote, “we’ll have identified every single one of these pieces of garbage and work on decimating their future career options.”

According to this Tweet, Roosh himself was threatening to falsely report one of the organizers to social services as a bad mother.

On Twitter, the #IStandWithRooshV hashtag has been having a little trouble getting going, generating all of 3 Tweets as of noon on Sunday.

This does not look like a grand victory for Roosh, unless his aim was to show the world what terrible shits he and his supporters are.

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Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

Considering Roosh’ lack of personal hygiene that beer bath may actually have improved his odour.

As if Social Services would even care what a sexual harasser had to say. It is not as if Roosh is the first to think of this tactic. Moreover, should he ever need to testify for whatever this post of his could be used to consider any statement he makes suspect.

9 years ago

It sucks that we couldn’t keep him out of the country, but it’s nice to know the mayor of Montreal took notice enough to condemn him.

The woman who played him and poured her beer on him is my new hero. I love how all of the PUAs are crying “assault!” and threatening to press charges, given how very fond they are of raping women and getting away with it. For everything Roosh has done, he’s owed a FEW beer showers.

berdache from a previous life

Wondering if Roosh thought the wig made him look like a gay hipster.

9 years ago

How to quote someone here? Sorry guys, I’m quite incompetent when it comes to technology.

Anyway, @Bernardo Soares

“He would have claimed that anyway. I don’t think it’s useful to cater your activism to how the people you oppose will misrepresent it. Everybody is opposing Roosh because of his vile shit. There might be perfectly legitimate disagreements about tactics, but the goal is the same. And “freeze peach haters” are a non-existent group that lives in the fevered minds of those who want to spew forth vile hate without being called out on their shit.”

You’re most likely right. Even if Roosh’s opponents offer him a civilized, polite debate, he would probably just put his fingers in his years, scream “LALALALA” and again, declare victory. It’s ironic that people like him claim to be immune to ideology and represent truth, and yet again fail to see how heavily ideologically painted their worlview, attitudes and opinions are. And yes, opposing Roosh means opposing hate, but of course he and his ilk will never understand that. Every attempt at stopping them from spreading bullshit will be seen as censoring free speech. Fuck them.


“Personally I wouldn’t, because the woman herself said that Roosh just grabbed her waist and dragged her into a bar. He will stoop to the level of physically forcing himself on someone to get what he wants and remember, he thinks that if you’re alone in a room with him you are consenting to sex, no matter what you actually say. Even if a lady were to mess with his brain and then walk out, he’d probably just grab her and rape her and then justify to himself that she must have been displaying LMR or something.”

Yes, because coercing women to sex IS JUST SO FUCKING ALPHA. In that case, it would be required for a woman to excel in self-defense skills to kick his pathetic ass if he attempts that.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Let’s see if I’ve figured out how to post code…


It’s <blockquote>Words and whatnot</blockquote>.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Well crikey, it worked. Yay!

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


How do you demonstrate the blockquote thing without it actually turning into a blockquote!!

epitome of incomprehensibility

I’m rethinking the (somewhat discouraged) tone I took yesterday. The demonstration was a useful one not just for the feminist art group but also for the anti-Roosh contingent, because it led to people recognizing him and standing up to his bullshit.

I might not agree with the way they did it, but I did laugh at the ending of that letter. The 3rd paragraph (“Did you really think…”) is right on point.

Oh, and Roosh “fear(s) for the safety” of the petition organizer’s children because she’s apparently neglecting them? What an upstanding citizen. So sensitive. So concerned. I wonder why I don’t believe him?

9 years ago

@SFHC Thank you.

There is a lovely article on ROK, and by lovely I mean vomit-inducing. I mean take a look at it.

A guy on facebook commented that Roosh would maybe, perhaps realize the repugnance of what he is writing if his non-existent daughter was some day raped on private property and ROK is writing that SJWs support “rape of unborn children”. I mean, yes, he worded it badly with “I hope” part, but the message is clear. He doesn’t actually want Roosh’s potential future daughter (which I hope will never exist, for her own good) get raped, he just thinks Roosh would realize what a piece of garbage he is if he imagined men treating his daughter as he treats other women.

Also, this is gold (from the article):
“In turn, the full body of information is selectively manipulated by the media to falsely characterize Roosh as a misogynistic fascist caricature.”

Love, it’s not cherry-picking, misogyny is one of the central tenets of Roosh’s “work.”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


<<i></i>blockquote>This is reaching HTMLception on my end<<i></i>/blockquote>.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ah right, magic. Gotcha.

9 years ago

I love me country <3

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago


I’m afraid you’re in for one big disappointment (but luckily for us), because everything is developing as quietly as we could wish.

There are still no official numbers, but Peronism presented only one candidate for President (the first to not be called Kirchner in 12 years / 3 elections), and he’s the favorite for the general elections in october, with an important difference over the second most popular candidate (from a conservative coalition, and a friend of Donald Trump, ugh).

It was a bummer that the majority party would present only one candidate to the preliminaries, rendering them meaningless at a national level (most provinces are presenting at least two candidates for governor, though, so it could be worse).

Buenos Aires province, one of the main and most poulated districts, has also favorited the most popular Peronist candidate over the least popular, apparently (again, nothing official, but not surprising either).

There are the usual accusations of fraud in mass media which never turn into real justice prosecutions, and a certain expectation as to how the minority left leaning parties will line up.

9 years ago

Words and whatnot

Testing the block quote instructions.

9 years ago


Thanks for the block quote instructions. I didn’t want to ask, so I’m glad Hypatia did.


Thanks for asking. Now we both know!

9 years ago

The stupidity of the comments on that article, my God. One guy whines how unfair for the media to portray Roosh as a rapist when “he’s never threatened to rape anyone or written anything that supports rape.”


9 years ago

@Kat, you’re welcome.


Isn’t a drink in the face an accepted way to deal with a creepy guy in a bar, even for purely verbal abuse? If he grabbed her, then she was justified in an even more serious act of physical self-defense. After all, that’s assault and battery by an admitted rapist. (Although Roosh seems to require having his victims passed out and completely unable to resist — such a courageous rapist.

9 years ago


Yeah, the comments on ROK tend to be worse than the articles. It’s one of the biggest circle-jerks on the internet lol.

I know that in one of his books, Roosh wrote that in Iceland he slept with a woman who was too drunk to consent and he published an article proposing rape legalization on private property. What else did he do/write in regards to rape?

9 years ago

And of course Janet Bloomfield follows that comment up with an equally stupid “how often do feminists ask men for consent huh? HUH? Never I bet! Hypocrites!”*

*not her exact words but to that exact effect.

9 years ago

There’s been a couple times where he’s described how he had sex with a woman who repeatedly told him no. Two different women, two different stories, I mean. Exactly the same message though: “she said no, I just took her clothes off and fucked her anyway. ALPHA!”

And his lapdogs are wondering why people think he’s a rapist.

Cthulhu's Intern
9 years ago

I was just wondering: If Roosh ever goes to Iceland again, is it possible for him to get prosecuted for rape if someone gave the authorities the account of when he admitted to raping a woman? Him getting convicted is a longshot, I know, but at least prosecuted?

9 years ago

Utterly disgusting. I think I heard of those two separate stories already. Anyway, in his worshiper’s eyes, Roosh can do no wrong. If he was recorded raping a woman in the middle of the day on a public place, they’d find a way to excuse him. I wish his fans would wear a badge declaring their loyalty to Roosh so you would know who to get the fuck away from.

9 years ago

I just read an interview that The Daily Dot did with him and you can tell that he struggles to think of women as people. Really, really struggles. His fatphobia regarding women is obvious and obscene as well.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I’ve said before that one of the reasons I’m not a very good pro-feminist is that I’m not entirely into equality.

One of the facets of that is that I think a woman throwing a drink over a creep is totally acceptable. I’d go even further and say that a slap is a perfectly appropriate response too. [I wouldn’t particularly lose any sleep over knee in the nads either but I’ll stop there].

I know that I’m falling back into traditional gender stereotypes there about acceptable behaviour but feeling that M-F violence is always beyond the pale whereas F-M violence is different is just something innate in me. It’s not even that I think women are delicate little flowers who need to be protected; I know plenty of women who could knock seven bells out of a bloke.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy with an equal society but even if we ever get the matriarchy I’d be interested in seeing I hope there’ll still be a place for the occasional summary smack when it comes to importunate knobheads.