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PUA asshat Roosh V declares victory in Montreal, gets drink tossed in face

Roosh celebrates his "victory" in Montreal
Roosh celebrates his “historic victory” in Montreal

Yesterday was a big day for Roosh Valizadeh, pickup artist, rape legalization advocate and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity.” Some highlights:

Roosh was the inspiration for a demonstration against rape culture in Montreal.

Roughly 100 demonstrators held a peaceful demonstration in Montreal’s Norman Bethune Square targeting rape culture in general and Roosh in particular. It is not known how many of the demonstrators were undercover Roosh operatives dressed as “a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist).” Best estimates put the number at zero. The rally was covered by both CTV News and The Montreal Gazette.

The mayor of Montreal weighed in on the issue, declaring in a tweet that as far as he was concerned Roosh was not welcome in his city. 

On the Roosh V forum, meanwhile, Roosh’s fans scoured the news footage for identifiable faces of people they could smear, and debated whether or not they WB (“would bang”) or WNB (“would not bang”) various women who had attended the demonstration.

Roosh (apparently) gave his talk, celebrating afterwards by posting a video claiming a “historic victory in Montreal.”

After calling on his followers to spread false information about the super seekrit location of his talk, as part of what he charmingly called “Operation Goebbels,” Roosh apparently gave his talk in a rented room at a Montreal restaurant.

Afterwards, evidently quite proud of himself,  Roosh posted a victory video on Youtube. On the Roosh V forum, his fans happily posted celebratory gifs, including this one.


Donning a wig — no, really — Roosh hit the bars in an evident attempt to find a woman in Montreal who was not repulsed by him.

He failed, as this video of a woman tossing a drink in his face suggests.

Roosh went on Twitter to report being assaulted by “a mob,” and apparently reported the incident to police.

He might have undermined his case a little by suggesting it was “worth” it because, well, he got some action out of it, sort of.

The woman with the “sexy legs” responded, and suggested that Roosh had in fact put his hands on her first.


On the Roosh forums, Roosh’s fans urged him to file charges for assault and to sue everyone in sight.  And debated whether or not they WB the alleged beer-pourer.

Meanwhile, Roosh’s plan to smear his opponents online continued apace.

“By Monday,” one Roosh fan wrote, “we’ll have identified every single one of these pieces of garbage and work on decimating their future career options.”

According to this Tweet, Roosh himself was threatening to falsely report one of the organizers to social services as a bad mother.

On Twitter, the #IStandWithRooshV hashtag has been having a little trouble getting going, generating all of 3 Tweets as of noon on Sunday.

This does not look like a grand victory for Roosh, unless his aim was to show the world what terrible shits he and his supporters are.

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9 years ago

Seriously, are MRAs incapable of *not* publicly posting their intent to libel people?

9 years ago

I’d have thrown more than a beer in his face.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Note to Had To Be Said, before he slimes his way over here:

This is why the publicity we’re dumping on Roosh is a good thing. If she hadn’t known who he was, then there’s a high chance that he would have raped her. Now shut the fuck up, you flatulent cane toad.

9 years ago

It’s cowardice for most of them, I feel, in that they beat their chests to look ‘manly’ but don’t actually do anything. The problem lies in the few that are stupid/crazy/brainwashed enough to follow through with their inane threats. 🙁

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Hoo, boy…

9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
One of my Facebook friends posted the beer-pourer’s letter to her timeline, with the address fully visible.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Wait, Roosh is going to lie to social services that this woman spends four hours a day on activism against him for being a shitbag rapist instead of taking care of her children? Only four? And this makes her an “unfit, mentally unstable mother”?

I would ask what Roosh thinks of women who work an 8-hour-a-day job, but I think I already know the answer to that question.

And props to the lady who responded to his tweet. Bienvinue a Montreal Mother Fucker indeed, and I’d buy her another round of beer. She deserves it for putting up with that greasy asshole.

9 years ago

So glad to hear this prick had beer dumped on him and that he was called out in that bar and chased down the street. It’s hard not to feel good at that, especially when a rapist is the target of a mob.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

@jbgarner58: Might I direct you to the revised posting rules right here:

Just to let you know, mentally ill=/=to being an intolerable asshat (e.g. Roosh). Stupid and brainwashed may apply to Roosh fan-boys, however.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

jbgarner58 | August 9, 2015 at 1:15 pm
It’s cowardice for most of them, I feel, in that they beat their chests to look ‘manly’ but don’t actually do anything. The problem lies in the few that are stupid/crazy/brainwashed enough to follow through with their inane threats. 🙁

Please refer to our comments policy on use of the word “crazy”.

We understand the common usage of it outside of this site, but we don’t use it here. Misogyny isn’t a mental illness, and those of us with mental illnesses don’t like to be conflated with them. Thank you.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Aw, ninja’d.

9 years ago

I was going to say, what a waste of beer.

But let’s be honest. Beer’s abundant. Roosh V himself, in the flesh, is thankfully not.

9 years ago

I enjoyed the bit where he retreated until he was safely behind the hotel door and his buddies, and THEN found the courage to turn around and give them the finger. So brave!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

And for the record (because I just know he and the other Roosh cultists will bring it up), no, I don’t agree with her posting which hotel he’s at. At all. The only people she should have given the hotel name to are the cops. However, that pales in comparison to the fact that he was planning to rape her after giving a speech about teaching other men to rape.

9 years ago

It’s about time he got facebeered. Cheers for the woman who did this!

Twisted Inspiration
9 years ago

Isn’t that basically what MRAs do? Phantasize online about what they would like to do?

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

@Paradoxical: That would be the absolute first time I’ve ever, in my entire life, ninja’d anyone. LOL–perhaps it’s because I’m a bit slow on the draw (internet-wise).

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | August 9, 2015 at 1:25 pm
And for the record (because I just know he and the other Roosh cultists will bring it up), no, I don’t agree with her posting which hotel he’s at. At all. The only people she should have given the hotel name to are the cops. However, that pales in comparison to the fact that he was planning to rape her after giving a speech about teaching other men to rape.

Yeah, that was going a bit too far. Cops was a far better option here.

And the worst part is, he was trying to rape her not just after giving a speech on how to rape women, but doing it in a shitty wig because his face was all over the news saying he is a rapist.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
9 years ago

Shame the woman only had beer and not pepper spray or something extremely foul smelling

Miss Diketon
9 years ago

I would like to go to Montreal n buy everybody in that video a drink.

Film Runner
9 years ago

Shame the woman only had beer and not pepper spray or something extremely foul smelling

Some sort of tellurium compound would have been great. Those things stick in your skin for weeks and smell so bad no-one will go within ten feet of you.

Film Runner
9 years ago

I may have undersold it, as Linus Pauling will attest:

Linus Pauling: Well, Matt, you know about tellurium, the group VI element below selenium in the periodic chart of the elements?
Matthew Meselson Uh, yes. Sulfur, selenium, tellurium . . .
Linus Pauling: I know that you know how bad hydrogen sulfide smells. Have you ever smelled hydrogen selenide?
Matthew Meselson No, I never have.
Linus Pauling: Well, it smells much worse than hydrogen sulfide.
Matthew Meselson I see.
Linus Pauling: Now, Matt, hydrogen telluride smells as much worse than hydrogen selenide as hydrogen selenide does compared to hydrogen sulfide.
Matthew Meselson Ah.
Linus Pauling: In fact, Matt, some chemists were not careful when working with tellurium compounds, and they acquired a condition known as “tellurium breath.” As a result, they have become isolated from society. Some have even committed suicide.
Matthew Meselson Oh.
Linus Pauling: But Matt, I’m sure that you would be careful. Why don’t you think it over and let me know if you would like to work on the structure of some tellurium compounds?

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago


he was planning to rape her after giving a speech about teaching other men to rape.

That’s why I disagree with those who say the beer throwing was a bad idea. He had already overstepped boundaries in touching her waist. He planned to rape her. If she had thrown a beer in his face when he touched her without being allowed, or later when he would have tried more, everyone would agree that it would have been self-defense. Had she told him to fuck off, he would have tried his shit on somebody else, who might not have known who he is.

The people who followed him and yelled at him were doing this spontaneously, and while it might seem too much, I would have joined them in that situation. This way, he and his buddies were forced to go back to the hotel and didn’t have an opportunity to leave the bar and try their predatory shit in another.

So congratulations, Montréal, for making him feel as unwelcome as possible.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

On the hotel: I agree that went too far. But the police probably already knew where he stayed, they probably asked him to be prepared. But it would have been a good idea to inform staff and management (which maybe they did?).

9 years ago

Is his report of being assaulted by a mob actually a report of a woman throwing beer on him?

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