alpha males beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever PUA red pill reddit vaginas

New Red Pill theory: Talking about relationships causes vaginas to reabsorb all moisture

Seems there's a drought
Seems there’s a drought

In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, one perplexed alpha male thinks he may have irrevocably broken his sex thing’s vagina hole by accidentally talking about relationship stuff with her. 

Girl tricked me in a talk about our "relationship". Now her pussy dries up. (self.asktrp) submitted 3 days ago by RedPill-NoFapper Current girl I'm seeing for about 6 months, potential LTR, kind of tricked me into revealing more than I should have in a conversation about where our "relationship" is going. She started throwing all kinds of indicators that she really wanted to go the LTR route, for example:  "Can I leave shampoo in your shower?" "I really like you a lot" "I think about you all day long" "I really want to be with you and I'm not interested in seeing anyone else" Asking me to go on vacations with her.  So I take these as pretty much requesting exclusivity with me. I ask her if that's what she wants and I get "I'm just not ready for that yet". So I basically said, fine by me and that I'm not going to bring it up again. This almost pissed me off.  Yesterday we start messing around and her pussy is dry as fuck. It's never been like this, she's always fucking soaked. She gets some lube out and we go at it anyway and she cums like usual. But this has me kinda doubting the relationship now.  It seems that I lost frame during this conversation with her. What can I do to get it back at this point?

While most of the respondents suggested that maybe he should just chill out a little, because jesus fucking christ, one seemed to think that women could consciously cause their vaginas to dry up out of spite.

TattedGuyser 10 points 3 days ago  Once an incident, twice a coincidence and three times a pattern. Chill out a bit. Have you never had whiskey dick before? I sure have and it sucks, but it definitely doesn't mean I'm impotent. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]FRedington -1 points 2 days ago  Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; thrice is hostile action.Then again if I had a vagina I’m pretty sure it would be sewing itself shut right now.

H/T — Thanks, r/thebluepill!

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9 years ago

Wow, totally ninja’d.

9 years ago

@ Falconer

*Chortle* [and note I resisted my usual rantings about how that tea was subsidised anyway]

It was the principle of the thing.

At least you’re not taxing Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

9 years ago

Wow. Being a young straight man must be tough. The fact that he went to the people he did with the question he had is troubling, at best.

Does he have redeeming features that are not on display here? I’m imagining her writing to a sympathetic advice columnist with her side of the story. How good would everything else need to be to not get DTMFA as advice?

9 years ago

Maybe it’s all the resentment and hostility that made it difficult for her to get in the mood.

9 years ago

His delivery is cocky but the question smacks of such desperate insecurity because it is so ignorant of women’s bodies and the lack of communication is pitiful.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw: “Are You Being Served?” and “Grace & Favour”(under the title of “Are You Being Served? Again!”) tended to be staples of many a BBC-based public TV station, along with Doctor Who, East Enders, Keeping Up Appearances, and Red Dwarf.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Aerinea

On behalf of the people of Great Britain, may I apologise for East Enders. No matter how ungrateful you were about the tea, no nation deserved that programme.

9 years ago

Fawlty Towers is pretty awesome too 🙂

9 years ago

So… the woman he’s been dating made some relationship-y comments, he got all excited by the prospect of a long-term relationship, she dashed his hopes by telling him she’s not ready to settle down, and now he’s casting around for signs that she’s the one who’s really broken up about it.

This is seriously half the posts on the Red Pill subreddit: guys twisting themselves into pretzels to explain how every normal, mundane interaction with a woman is proof of their alpha male alphaness.

7 years ago

One question about /r/bluepill (off topic probably): but what’s a “Terp”? They keep using it as an insult. It sort of reminds me of TERF, but I know it’s not that.