Tomorrow, pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh’s four-country “world tour” comes to Montreal, Canada and it’s fair to say it has hit a few snags.
The first little snag, as you may already have heard, was a petition asking the Canadian government to bar Roosh’s entry into the country as a literal hatemonger. It drew nearly 14,000 signatures, while a counter-petition, demanding that Roosh be let in, has so far managed to get six.
The snags continue. Though the wily Roosh has apparently been able to make his way over the border, he wasn’t able to keep the Montreal hotel originally scheduled to hold his event from cancelling on him, in the wake of complaints from local activists and some less-than-adoring media coverage of the terrible Mr. V.
Roosh says he’s found a new location, but the cancellation and the campaign against him have clearly been wearing on him.
In an an angry and at times unhinged video that he made before he secured the new venue, Roosh declared that his life’s work was at stake, and that if he was unable to book his event at another location he would show up at whatever protest materialized and, he strongly implied, start fighting everyone there until he got carried off to jail.
Hoping to forestall such an embarrassing spectacle, Roosh rallied his internet army and called on them to dig up dirt on the organizers of the planned protest. Posting on his own forum earlier this week, Roosh announced the start of “Operation Medusa,” the name an apparent reference to his belief that feminists are ugly monsters.
Naturally, Roosh’s five-prong plan was steeped in ethics. Among other things, he urged his followers to
1. Infiltrate main staging area for the enemy on Facebook and gather information. Use a fake Facebook account that is not linked to your real identity to message the organizer pretending to be a sniveling male feminist and asking for access to the private group. …
2. Spread disinformation on the event page. On the public page, contribute updates that distract them and lead them astray. You can also attempt to goad them into making illegal statements that can allow me to pursue legal action (civil or criminal).
3. Counter opposition research on the main perpetrators. With the help of an ROK writer, I am commissioning an investigative journalistic piece that focuses on [the three main organizers].
Given that he announced this super seekrit plan publicly on his forum, and that his opponents found it fairly quickly, it’s safe to say that prongs one and two were not likely very successful.
But Roosh seems to be going forward with prong number three. Posts attacking two of the three names at the top of Roosh’s enemies list have already appeared on Return of Kings, though they are less muckraking than simple poop flinging. The conclusion of David Garrett’s post will perhaps give you a sense of the general tenor of both pieces:
Aurelie Nix and her not so merry band of affronted, free speech-hating witch hunters are currently in the self-immolating throes of their violent opposition to Roosh’s truth.
Both posts quote Roosh without mentioning that he’s the guy “commissioning” and presumably paying for them. Smearing someone for money on Return of Kings, on behalf of the publisher of Return of Kings, is not “investigative journalism” as it is practiced anywhere on planet Earth.
You’d think that ace reporter Matt Forney, the author of the other of these lovely posts, would know better. After all, he was until recently the, ahem, “editor” of Roosh’s Reaxxion website, a #GamerGate-aligned video game site ostensibly big on media ethics. Indeed, it had this as the first plank in its “ethics policy.”
We give full disclosure if writing about a topic that we have personal or business relationships with, including investments. All disclosures will go at the very beginning of an article. Failure to disclose relationships will result in an immediate blacklist from publishing on Reaxxion.
But I digress. Forney’s piece, in addition to its many ethical failings, is also a terrible work of journalism, a blustery assault on what he describes as a “frenzied hate mob” of “authoritarian, Pharisaical” feminists, whose allegedly “violent campaign” against Roosh is “built on lies and intimidation.”
Uh, isn’t that a pretty spot on description of Roosh’s “Operation Medusa?”
You know, the one where he openly and unapologetically urges people to “spread disinformation” and dig up dirt on his opponents in order to scare them into silence?
In response to this nasty little campaign of intimidation and insinuation, many of those publicly associated with the planned protest of Roosh’s event have deleted and taken their social media accounts private. The original proposed protest of Roosh’s event has also morphed into a more broadly focused Demonstration Against Rape Culture, to be held tomorrow at noon, with the organizers of the new event declaring
In the last few weeks various women have mobilized to protest the hate speech disseminated by an American “pick up artist”. These women were victims of intimidation, trolling, harassment, and even some rape & death threats. Cuntamponary Art has decided to lend its voice to these women and to serve as an anonymous platform for them to express themselves freely. Due to said harassment, public facebook events have been canceled. The Cuntamponary Art Collective refuses to play into this petty “internet war” that has been targeting and abusing individuals instead of focusing on the larger issues at hand: preventing the promotion of hate and rape culture.
Roosh and his followers see this a giant victory. Which, looked at narrowly, I suppose it is.
But by responding to charges that Roosh is a disseminator of hate with a hateful, misogynistic campaign of intimidation aimed at feminists, they have succeeded only in making clear to more people just how staggeringly awful Roosh and his ilk really are.
Nest week, Roosh heads to Toronto. I don’t think he’s going to get a very warm welcome.
EDIT: Added some stuff about Roosh’s three-prong plan.
In San Francisco (the cool, gray city of love), MaduSalon is the name of a hair salon that calls itself “a hair salon without borders.” It’s owned by a Haitian woman, and its customers are all races–a rarity in hair salons. And it specializes in curly hair–you know, sort of like Medusa’s “hair.” MaduSalon is expensive, but if we’ve learned anything from the “Peanuts” character Frieda, it’s that “curly hair is such a responsibility.”
Have I wandered off topic?
It’s about ethics in rape advocacy, y’all.
And the sad thing about working on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is that it has/had fans that are some of the most entitled, sexist, anti-feminist bags of horse shit I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, and thats the reason why I avoid the ‘bronny’ community even if I could be considered a bronny my self. Too toxic for my tastes . I’ll just stick to enjoying the show and comics on my own.
and the blockqoute monster strikes again. just when I thought I had it slain.
So, in order to ‘protect’ the children of the people who think that rape is bad, the MRAs are making spurious child protection alerts. The sick, sick, bastards.
I know other Iranians who’ve also claimed that they’re white. They do have the advantage of being the literal definition of Aryan, as numerobis said.
His “life’s work”!!! Ha ha!! He needs to get a life and them maybe he might not be so hateful. But ultimately I don’t care about Roosh’s life, I just care that he not be permitted to spout his crap in Canada.
It’s so pathetic and funny that these fools still think they can “infiltrate” Feminist spaces, and successfully disrupt any conversations happening there, as if they aren’t entirely obvious to anyone even remotely familiar with the anti-feminist movement and their recent tactics.
More often than not, on an otherwise blank profile, they can’t even resist making their intentions plain in the mandatory data fields when they activate their troll account. It’s like watching an elephant try to hide under camouflage netting.
You’d think Roosh would pay enough attention to learn from AVFM’s, Julian Blanc’s and GamerGate’s myriad failures. For someone who thinks men are teh Great Innovators of Civilization, he’s never had an original thought in his shitty little life, and can’t even follow the examples set by his woefully incompetent peers.
jj (@clockworkelves)
Wait, did you just try to turn the word ‘Maenad’ into an insult against feminists? I don’t think you know your audience at all.
This is so out of touch it’s adorable. People who are against the advocacy of rape are rabid feminazis? What does that say about you that you think disliking this sort of thing makes one an extremist instead of, y’know, a decent human being? Doesn’t look like you think much of Canadians either (Bina! Have at him! :p ).
@history nerd
I think you are more or less correct in that. (Similar to the US). However, you could make the argument for turning him aside at the border more easily. (The law has been applied to Westboro Baptist Church, for example.) So it is a gray area, but from what I’ve seen the bar to actually ban someone is very high.
jj (@clockworkelves): So, what you’re saying is, that alpha-as-all-get-out alpha dudebros (don’t they even lift?) are too afraid to sign an anonymous petition online because (dun dun dun) “Feminazis!” Ah, okay. I mean, it’s usually the feminists that run around doxxing, harassing, swatting, and making rape and death threats–so the alpha dudes better just mind themselves. Makes total sense.*
*And by “makes total sense” I mean to say that dude, you are completely grasping at straws and making no sense whatsoever.
Also, by “raving Maenads” are you meaning folks that are opposed to a guy who writes books on how to rape women in different countries and someone who supports the legalization of rape on private property? The same guy who writes blog posts, and allows authors to write blog posts on his site, that advocate racist ideology and violence against women? Wow, chief, I totally can’t understand why those “raving Maenads” would be so upset.
FYI, chief: Maenad is actually, literally translated to “Raving Ones.” So when you say “Raving Maenad,” you are actually saying “Raving-Raving One.” Which is cool, just thought you’d like to know.
Also, if I remember correctly from the classical mythology lessons I’ve had, they had to get rip-roaring drunk in order become a Raving-Raving One. Sounds like a good time.
Oh shoot, just read my post, and should have added the teal deer at the end. Well, here it is–
tl;dr: Wait, wut?
Well this doesn’t sound at all like libel.
If I remember correctly, Roosh wrote about how inhospitable Canada is to men* by using some DEFCON rating. Why is he then surprised by his reception? Shouldn’t he have prepared for this?
Also, what he’s doing there is NOT work. He needs to get a real job…but then again, that would require him to get real hygiene, and we already know how allergic he is to that.
*makes LOL Wut Pear face*
*clicks Twitter link*
… Uh, dude, it doesn’t make much sense to call us “Feminazis” when you’re a literal Nazi.
I wouldn’t necessarily read it as such elsewhere, but given the context, there’s a real chance “Pharisaical” has an anti-semitic sort of thing going on there.
Well, that’s Ovid’s version, which is pretty late in the game. From what I remember, Medusa starts as just this symbol of protection we don’t know much about, and is linked to Athena by her shield. Medusa might be Athena’s battle fury. Then she might be the only Gorgon, and maybe a storm deity. Maybe killed by Athena or by Athena’s hero, and put on the shield. Then she has two sisters and they are all horrible monsters. Then she becomes originally beautiful, but says she is more beautiful than Athena, and so Athena turns her into a monster. Then she is a priestess of Athena, pledged to virginity, and she falls in love with Poseidon and breaks her vows, so Athena turns her into a monster. And finally she is raped by Poseidon, thus breaking her vows, so Athena turns her into a Monster.
So there is PLENTY of room to play with when re-telling that tale. 🙂