do you even lift men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

A Voice for Men defends skeezy PUA Roosh V as “much like the Buddha or Dalai Lama.”

Talk to the hand, because the Dalai Lama isn't listening
Talk to the hand, because the Dalai Lama isn’t listening

Apparently worried that not enough people were conflating the woman-hating, reactionary assholes who call themselves Men’s Rights Activists with the woman-hating reactionary assholes who call themselves pickup artists, MRA stronghold A Voice for Men has come rushing to the defense of PUA skeezeball Roosh Valizadeh, in the wake of his recent troubles in Canada.

In a post titled La défense de Roosh, Roosh fan and recent Bill Cosby defender Jonathan David Farley reports that

I attended Roosh’s World Tour in Washington, D.C.  At a last-minute-buyer’s ticket fee of $60, I thought the price was well worth it─not just for the information, which I knew already─but for the comedy.  As a former professional comedian, I know comedy: I wouldn’t have paid $60 to see Chris Rock, one of my favorite acts, but Roosh V’s speech was better.

But Farley doesn’t just see Roosh as a brilliant comedian (?); he also, well, just read this, because, what?

While I no longer have a need to do what Roosh advises in his book Day Bang, which I have a signed copy of, I have a longing to do what Roosh does: help men become happy. Roosh is in that respect much like the Buddha or Dalai Lama.


The rest of Farley’s post is a weirdly perky defense of Roosh and some of his, er, teachings, with Roosh’s abundant misogyny surgically removed.

Far from promulgating “hate speech,” Return of Kings tells men that if they want the highest-quality women, they have to improve themselves, whether it’s through starting an internet business to become financially independent, lifting weights, or learning the wisdom of classical philosophers.

Do you even lift, Athanasius of Alexandria?

He goes on to suggest that Roosh’s, er, teachings may help to prevent mass murders in the future.

Far from creating another Elliot Rodger─the murderer who joined a forum dedicated to hating pick-up artists and their ideas─Roosh’s speech, books, and website may prevent one.

Roosh does life-saving work.

The whole post is so ridiculous — even by AVFM standards — that I found myself wondering if Farley isn’t just a very committed troll. Nope. He’s real. I’m not quite sure what strange path led him to Roosh.

EDIT: Changed the end.

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9 years ago

I’ve read the description of Day Bang on Amazon. You know, if I didn’t know who wrote the book and if it wasn’t called “DAY BANG” lol, I would think it was written by an okay guy who really wants to help his other troubled fellow men in approaching and getting women.

The problem is that some of these strategies and techniques perhaps aren’t unethical per se, it depends on what is the guy going to use them for. If a guy uses these tips to approach a girl he really likes and wants to be with, I don’t think there is a problem with that. On the other hand, if he uses them to manipulate as many women as he can into going to bed with him and use them only for sex, that’s pretty disgusting imo.

From what I’ve seen lurking in the manosphere so far, misogyny goes hand in hand with these tips and “learning the game” so there is a high possibility that if a guy approaches you with game techniques, he is a vile misogynist. The question is how to see through his well trained, sugar coated speech and behavior and see him for who he really is.

As for AVfM, I’ve written in a comment on a previous article here, funny how they will run a piece defending this asshat, but won’t run a piece which considers the option that Bill Cosby really is a rapist. Great human rights activism, Paulie, why don’t you go and join Amnesty International.

9 years ago

I remember when Penn Gillette compared Anthony Cumia to the Dalai Llama because he said a bunch of horribly racist things about black people online…instead of physically attacking them, or something?

Not sure how those two things connect there, buddy.

9 years ago

Correction: it was actually Ghandi – which makes it ironic, given this…


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | August 7, 2015 at 4:14 pm
If that’s what they were after, they’d be spending their energies learning new things, getting better at their hobbies, volunteering, whatever.

Of course, we’d have to explain to them why those things are worthwhile if they’re not going to get laid for it, because in their minds, guys only do this kind of stuff to get laid, and not because they’re “good people” or some such nonsense they’ve never heard of.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ghandi’s actually very much a terrible human being. I believe I’ve mentioned this before with a troll who tried using that “If you laugh at me, I win!” bullshit.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Churchill called Gandhi a “seditious Middle Temple lawyer”; which I find really offensive. Gandhi was a member of *Inner* Temple [they have all the wrong ‘uns over there].

9 years ago

Among other things, how exactly is Roosh making men happier? By his own admissions, he’s miserable pursuing the lifestyle that he promotes.

9 years ago

Buddha had some serious Day Game in his time.

Yup. All that sitting under a Bodhi tree, meditating, gives one a seriously enlightened ass!

9 years ago


Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Dalai Lama has been saying that the world needs more female leaders:

Which is totally like Roosh, innit.

And yeah, Gandhi was a rather nasty misogynist.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Buddha had some serious Day Game in his time.

Fo’ sho.

Little known fact: his (long lost now) autobiography was titled Bang Tibet. He wrote it after killing his inner beta and ditching his ball-and-chain, sexually withholding wife (AWALT!).

Not many people realize that his spiritual transformation was really the awakening of his True Alpha, with its limitless banging potential. Bro was the prototypical redpillian.

And yep, he lifted, alright.

9 years ago

I love how when these men attend somethin that by its definiton mean they’re losers, for example a PUA seminar, they have to do funny little intellectual back flips like ‘I was only there for the comedy.’

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

As a former professional comedian, I know comedy

Oh, isn’t he precious. 🙂

9 years ago

I don’t think that someone who is only funny unintentionally can be classified as a comedian.

9 years ago

If you doubt Roosh V is like the Buddha or Dalai Lama, how is it there are PYGMIES + DWARFS??

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


9 years ago

A reference to a notorious pro-Creationist argument.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

During his time in South Africa, Gandhi did not cover himself in glory. It’s difficult to stand out against the backdrop of 1930s South Africa as being especially notable for your racism, but organising protests against black people being admitted to Indians-only hospitals? That really does go the extra mile.

Of his career in India I cannot speak. If we have a commentator on the board who’s Indian then I’ll leave it to them.

Re the Dalai Lama: remember that his current incarnation as a cuddly media-friendly pro-western pacifist postmodern wisdom-speaker is fairly recent. From the 1950s until 1974 he was organising Tibetan insurgent fighters from across the borders in Nepal and India with CIA backing (including lending irregular military units to India during the Pakistan war.) When the CIA funding ended, however, he performed a volte-face and became his modern cuddly version. It’s almost as if he’s savvy enough to show the West whichever face will get it to give him money.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago


“Do you even levitate, brother?”

9 years ago

Hahahahaha! “Day Bang” is the title of Roosh’s book??? This guy has a *signed* copy???? I don’t know why that cracks me up, it just sounds like some kind of ridiculous joke.

As a former professional comedian, I know comedy: I wouldn’t have paid $60 to see Chris Rock, one of my favorite acts, but Roosh V’s speech was better.

“former professional comedian” here means, ‘did some low-rent (free) gigs at an open-mic, got a stony-faced response and was too much of a chump to think about improving his material’.

He wouldn’t pay $60 for A-list professional comedy, but he sees it as a good price to pay to have Roosh tell him what he already knows? No wonder he’s a “former professional comedian”. He clearly has no concept of how that even works.
What does he like about these two completely dissimilar men’s output, that makes him place this value weighting on their work? I can’t even…

When I initially read the part about finding Roosh funny, I thought he was a detractor who finds rampant misogynists as hilarious as we do, but the fact that he’s an earnest fan makes it just bizarre and pathetic.

As for spirituality and philosophy…

Ugh, who honestly believes women dig superficial regurgitation of classical philosophers any more? It’s such a trope that anyone quoting Nietsche on a date might as well have a big flashing **Beware: Pseudo-intellectual DOUCHEBAG** sign on their foreheads.

And you know they only have the most superficial understanding of any philosophers, because I barely paid attention in R.E. but I’m still pretty sure the point of the Dalai Llama is not to “help men become happy”, but to be a terrestrial ambassador for peace, and that Buddhism teaches not to become happy through constant struggle for gain, but to accept life for what it is.

I kind of want the Dalai Llama to school this guy in exactly how grossly he’s misrepresented his earthly mission, and why he should STFU.

I hate how easily someone can write a paragraph about doods not becoming spree-killers as long as they can make women touch their boners, and not realise how utterly fucked up that is.

Wow, there are so many layers of awfulness to this guy’s post.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Like Roosh, the Buddha was depressed by the problem of aging and suffering, which he felt was made worse by the pursuit of fleshly pleasures. Unlike Roosh, his solution was non-attachment and ego dissolution. Roosh went in the exact opposite direction, preaching egotism, hatred, racism, rape, and the relentless pursuit of fleshly pleasures. His livelihood depends on keeping his audience angry and dissatisfied.

Also unlike Roosh, Buddhism has half a million followers, centuries later, while Roosh can’t even get into the double digits on a support petition while he’s still alive.

9 years ago

@ Buttercup – Ah, so the Buddha was MGTOW?

Also, I shoulda read the comment section before posting, because my Humanities and R.E. lessons sure left out a lot of stuff to do with the Dalai Llama, Ghandi, et al.
9 years ago

….Doesn’t it take, you know, lots of hard work to earn your own herd of cattle? Even if someone does decide to just coast through life after pulling off a feat like that, I couldn’t blame them for that.

9 years ago

Well, Roosh is a lot like the Dalai Lama & the Buddhist in a lot of ways. The Buddha & the Dalai Lama taught temperance, peace, contentment, and enlightenment, and Roosh teaches all of those things except temperance, peace, contentment and enlightenment. Plus, none of them have English names. They’re so similar I often confuse them with each other.

9 years ago

I guess R.E. is not the best place to learn this sort of thing. I studied in a Catholic school when I was younger, and I remember that a lot of things they taught us turned out to be wrong. Not wrong in a way that would make the students hate other religions and cultures, mind you, but factually wrong.

Now that I think about it, it’s really creepy to compare Roosh’s teachings to religious teachings. Shouldn’t religious teachings exist to help people have better lives in all aspects? To say that the manospherian rigmarole is like a guide to life is terrible, not just because it preaches hate towards pretty much everyone, but also because it tells men that they should only be concerned with things that will help them get laid. Taken as life advice, it’s actually harmful to the very group they claim to help.