antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs MRA whaaaaa?

Perplexing MRA Meme of the Day: “Saying She’s Not a Real Feminist is Like Playing Russian Roulette”

Uh, what?
Uh, what?

So I found the meme above on the Twitter, posted by some FeMRA I’ve never heard of but who for some reason has me blocked.

I’m stumped. A little reverse-image search shows that the pic is a still from a K-Pop video. Which … doesn’t really help me to make sense of this at all.

Any guesses?

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ lux

I didn’t know about that, so thank you.

I’ll read up on that. I have a bit of an interest in that sort of thing; like the Anenehrbe in Germany. (wonder if there’s a connection)

You really do provide some great intellectual stimulation. Told you you’re a muse!

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

One of the interesting theories I’ve heard about how the Eva/Juan binary worked was that she could do the rabble-rousing, and then he could come in and be conciliatory and statesman-like, and therefore get things done. After she died, he started having to give the rabble-rousing speeches himself, and therefore lost his ability to reconcile factions, leading to the success of the coup against him. (IANAExpertinArgentinianHistory and welcome rectification.)

There does seem to be some justification for the view that, especially in his later years, Peron’s interests were more about his own self-image than in helping Peronism to become self-sustaining — that is, he wasn’t able to accept the idea of “Peronism without Peron” and therefore set the country up for what came after. But again, IANAEAH.

My favorite story remains the one that the reason he lived so frugally in exile was because he couldn’t get into Eva’s Swiss bank account because she’d destroyed her birth certificate to hide the evidence she was illegitimate, and so Juan couldn’t satisfactorily prove to the Swiss that she’d ever existed. I have no idea if it’s true, but I love the idea that that happened.

The whole lobotomizing her thing, though, is skeezy beyond belief:

9 years ago

Let’s see if I can meme better than this…

PS: I’m from Argentina as well. Hi there! I suck at politics though, so I’m not useful to discuss them.

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago


I didn’t know about Sandi, but I’ll definitely do my research. I value all experiences because no matter their success, there’s a lot to learn from practice.

The WEP sounds like something to keep an eye on!

I could peronism for ever, but it’s almost midnight and I’m on antibiotics, so I should say goodnight.

As for the inspiration, it takes two to tango, as we say.

9 years ago

I’ve used the Russian Roulette metaphor before to explain Shrodinger’s Rapist. So I thought it was yet another attempt by MRAs to use feminist words and turn them around without actually understanding them.

Though I could also see how some people (especially women) may say they’re not feminists even though they share very feminist views.

Woman: I’m not a feminist.
MRA: Okay. So…dumb c***s be gettin raped amirite? Har har!
Woman: What?! That’s a disgusting thing to say.
MRA: Aaaah!! Feminist! I’ve been deceived!

9 years ago

Maybe it’s: “be carefull about abusing/raping your girlfriend because even though she says she’s not a feminist, she still might report you”.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Kreator – bravo!

I’m not sure whether the original meme is using “not real feminist” in the sense of feminists who’ve said extreme or discriminatory things, or just people who claim to be feminists but then say anti-feminist things (Summers who got involved in GamerGate, say). Je ne sais pas!

Oh, and speaking of the Roosh thing (which I was a few hours ago), they ARE having a protest regardless of where his talk is at Norman Bethune square – see

(That’s on Saturday at noon and I know that area, so I’m planning to go.)

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

You bring up all valid points.

I agree with the dynamics you mention, at least in a general way. They were definitely one political unit, and Peron lost an important partner apart from a loved one.

Peron’s last years are a bit more complicated, and the points of view are many and opposing, but yours is a very valid one.

The only one I haven’t heard about was the Swiss bank account story, although the certificate part is true, but I’m pretty sure a new one was forged (therefore the debate on her hometown, Junin or Los Toldos). I can believe something like that happened, though.


Hey there! I hope I’m not too annoying, I’m a bit too into politics hehe

Also, you’re memeing right!!

9 years ago

He’s just sending you a message to say “don’t bother contacting me, because I’ve blocked you! See how hard core I am? Don’t mess with me Futrelle!”.

The other possibility of course is that he is shit scared of you knocking on his ‘cyber door’ and challenging him to a meeting of minds, so he’s blocked you to avoid the embarrassment.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago
9 years ago

@Aunt Edna

Wow, and he had to close with ‘I don’t have time for political correctness ‘

Then if so, mister trump, can you gtfo of politics?

The fact that the crowd cheered for him made me sad :(. At least he’s getting called out.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Moocow, if you are sad now, then don’t read the comments under the DM article. It’s like The Twilight Zone.

It appears that the unthinkable may not be so anymore and that there is a very real possibility of Trump becoming a GOP candidate after all. One hopes not a president, surely — but I don’t think we can overestimate the, er, irrational enthusiasm of the wrong-wing American voters.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago




Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I was watching a Larry Wilmore clip where some conservative voters literally said they wouldn’t ever forgive Chris Christie ever because he hugged Obama.

No, seriously. Christie hugged Obama after a hurricane hit his state and Obama came to offer support. Nightly ShowGet More: The Nightly Show Full Episodes,The Nightly Show on Facebook,The Nightly Show Video Archive

*crosses fingers and hopes embed works*

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Well, if you click the first bit, it should take you to the clip. It happens after Larry says goodbye to Jon Stewart.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


To be fair, I also like Juan Luis Borges response over renaming La Plata after Eva. Namely, “Come on, let’s compromise. We can call it La Pluta”.

It is a horrible misogynistic joke. It is also hilarious. I’m afraid my taste for terrible wordplay overwhelms my feminism sometimes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Lux

Been reading up on “the wizard”. You weren’t wrong about Argentine politics being weird.

UK politics is so dull by comparison. Our politicians hardly ever engage in voodoo rituals.

Mind you, I suspect there’s a few of our party leaders fantasise about having snipers under the stage at party conferences. It would certainly make them easier to stage manage.

9 years ago

I think the incomprehensibility of this meme is what happens when someone really, really wants to use an image of a pretty woman being threatened with violence and then has to retrofit some political message on it.

9 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Ok, that did make me giggle, and I too have a weakness for puns *hangs head in shame*

I used to like Borges a lot when I was younger, he is indeed an impeccable writer, but as I grew up I realized he wasn’t only a misogynist but also horribly racist (and classist, but that’s sort of a given).

He belonged, by heritage and by ideology, to the elites who believe native americans, and anyone poor for that matter, should do all the work and us descendant from Europeans should get all the benefits.

He even refers to native people as “monsters” in one of his stories. One of his main character heroes is a detective from Norway or Finland (who lives in Buenos Aires, but still).

It’s hard to be a white supremacist when you’re not exactly white among whites(most of us are descendant form Spanish and Italians, mostly the southern/brownish kinds), but Borges got as close as possible and that’s just nu-huh for me….


To be fair, I’m not entirely sure it was a voodoo ritual 😛

But I definitely get your point.

To add in to the weird, Lopez Rega’s borthday is October 17, same date of the Peronist Revolution in 1945 (not the sme year, though).

And there’s also people who claim Eva herself was Native American, based on the theory that she was from Los Toldos, a community made of survivors from different Native American peoples.

I guess we simply weren’t meant to be regular folks *sigh*

Why can’t we just dream of snipers under the stage?

Ok, that didn’t sound any better 😛

9 years ago

Oh, my mother hates Borges, she calls him an “oligarch geezer”. Me, I find his constant references to labyrinths a bit tiring, but I can’t deny that he was a great writer despite his prejudices. Stuff like the Library of Babel are very interesting concepts.

9 years ago

Well, he was definitely a brilliant mind, and had a clear passion for knowledge. That’s what I liked about him in the first place. I’m a fan of labyrinths myself so that helped too.

(This reminds me of an episode from Friends in which Ross recalls a comic he wrote as a child about “Science Boy”, whose power was “a superhuman thirst for knowledge”).

9 years ago

Kreator, that was great. Much better than the OP. I’m saving that for future use, if you don’t mind…

I’m not an expert on Argentine politics, but I’ve been following along on this one from the sidelines, and if I had to sum up what I’ve seen in a nutshell, I’d have to say it’s quite the circus, and the monkeys don’t disappoint. El Brujo, I guess, could in this case best be translated as The Necromancer, since it was necromancy, not voodoo, that he tried his hand at.

But wow, Evita is one onion that just keeps right on peeling. Possible indigenous origins? A lobotomy? I can well believe all of it. Her impoverished origins (indigenous or not) would help to explain why she became more radical as her cancer progressed — she seemed to want to urge her fellow poor folk to get rid of their oppressors before it was too late. Maybe she regretted all the sucking-up she had to do to get out of the mire herself? I wouldn’t be surprised. At any rate, Borges* was a shit for calling her a puta — if she was prostituted, best blame the men who expected sex in return for acting roles. You can’t have a whore without johns, after all…

And yeah, how about that lobotomy. They were handing those out like candy at precisely the time Evita is likely to have had one forced upon her. And consent was often neither sought nor given. I translated some German documents for a friend’s husband not long ago, and found that the doctor who had lobotomized the man’s mother was not trained in surgery of any kind, much less neurosurgery. His specialty, when he received his doctorate at Heidelberg, was skin diseases. I was shaking my head in amazement when I e-mailed back the translations to the client, and expressed as much to him. That poor woman…how DID she survive? And what kind of desperados think an induced state of catatonia, brought about by doctors who are not even trained surgeons, is preferable to organic madness?

*I have a hardcover book of Borges’ stories, but I’ve barely cracked it. He’s very polished, but brrrrrr. Eduardo Galeano is less refined, but more human. It’s funny: they both come from the same region, with the same ferments, but Galeano isn’t an elitist even though he is undeniably an intellectual. Uruguayans seem to have recovered better from whatever bug it is that’s raging on the other side of the Río de la Plata.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Lux, Kreator,Binary

You might find this interesting if you can. Seems now definite that Eva was lobotomised.

I could make the point that she joins the ranks of Rosemary Kennedy, Frances Farmer and a worryingly large number of women lobotomised at men’s request, or even that women were/are disproportionately lobotomised compared to men, but then I’d just sound like one of those feminists one reads about.

9 years ago

I think it’s a variant of the “Don’t Date SJWs” thing. I don’t think it has to do with inter-feminist debates or evaluation of who is a “real” feminist in feminist circles at all. I think it’s directed at guys who are dating self-described “feminists”.

Basically saying “Dating Feminists is like Russian Roulette and don’t fool yourself by saying ‘Well, my GF my call herself a feminist but she isn’t a real feminist so I don’t have to worry about her cuckolding me and then taking half my stuff in a divorce if I marry her’ because the consequences of being wrong are disastrous”.

Just more paranoid nonsense.

9 years ago

I’m fairly certain this meme is about dating. See, MRAs know, deep in their souls, that real feminists are cackling menocidal terrorists. Also, many young MRAs and redpillers are straight men who still do want to date women. A good number of them are good enough at covering their hatred, and/or moderate enough and/or charismatic enough to successfully date women their age, who may not yet know how to spot a misogynist or how unpleasant it can be to associate with them.

I have no demographic data on the red pill, but my perception is that the younger part of their base skews techy, college-educated, and non-religious. (I know there’s lots of christian conservatives in the manosphere but I tend to assume they are older) Thus, they gravitate to urban environments and meet women largely through school or through online communities, including the gaming they so jealously defend.

Urban, irreligious, geeky women are very likely to identify as feminist. If young red pill men want to date — and they do — then they’re probably going to date a feminist, likely one who thinks in terms of big political issues, but not yet in terms of microaggression. Dating a feminist is hard to justify to the red pill crowd. Their defense is to point out that their girlfriends haven’t tried to menocide them yet, so the girlfriends are probably not real feminists. The meme was likely created either by a bitter old man warning young men not to have any fun, or perhaps by a still-youngish man who discovered that eventually young women with poor bullshit-sense grow up into less-young women with keen bullshit-sense, and then break up with their red pill boyfriends.

Either way, the message is: you may think that [your girlfriend] isn’t a real snake-monster feminist, but she could bare her fangs at any time.