a robot woman is always to blame evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paranoia reddit sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

MGTOW Redditor warns unwary men of the dangers of sexy lady robot … SPIES!

Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive
Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive

So the fellas in the MGTOW subreddit are as excited as our old friend Heartiste about that Daily Mirror article predicting that we’ll all be schtupping robots in 50 years.

bidi123 28 points 1 day ago  It gets you off better than any woman ever could, as often as you want, and you don't have to do anything in return. Everything no woman ever did. Does not get old, does not get fat, does not want children... What's not to like? permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]TX_Man_ 19 points 23 hours ago  Not to mention no divorce and no false rape accusations permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]bidi123 13 points 23 hours ago  and the most important bit: no condoms and std's

But one Redditor thinks he sees a possible danger in this seemingly perfect solution to every MGTOW’s lady problems: the sexy robot ladies could be … spies for Microsoft!

pirate6728 2 points 17 hours ago  Y'all are not gonna like me much. Under the immediate circumstances, I don't care. This still needs to be thought about and maybe discussed. A sexbot is the perfect vehicle for spyware. Think about it: Most men say things to their lovers (pillow talk) that they would never say to anybody else. If Microsoft, Google, Facebook and the Federal Government all want to learn your deepest, darkest secrets it would be hard to come up with a better way than a robot woman capable of real sex. We already have spyware of various sorts as it is. Google does all it can to learn everything. Microsoft just released Windows 10, and as part of that package you can turn on "Cortana" which does nothing but spy on you so it can--supposedly-- learn how to make your computing experience "better", and of course it's not hard to go on and on about the various ways the powers-that-be spy on us now. So-- give us a robot woman, programmed to learn about us so it "can make you more pleased with your experience"--- and you have spyware that would make Sean Connery drool when he played 007. Something to think about.



MGTOW and SEXBOT lie in futuristic bed after sex.

Sexbot turns to MGTOW and gives him a quizzical look.



What are you thinking about, honey?


How women are filthy whores.







[Brightly] Let’s play a game!


What kind of game?


Let’s play “can we remember our social security number.”


Ok, you start!


I’m a sexbot, silly, I don’t have a social security number.


Ok, ok, 597-21 … wait a minute!


MGTOW leaps from the bed and points his finger at Sexbot, shaking with anger.



You’re a SPY! Just like that guy on Reddit warned me about!


I’m not a spy, silly! I’m a sexbot!


Who are you working for? Microsoft? Google? SarkeesianCorp?


The END TABLE lets out a long sigh.



Dude, she works for SarkeesianCorp. I work for SarkesianCorp. You work for SarkeesianCorp.


Oh. I guess I do, huh?


No one’s even used Social Security numbers for like 20 years.


She just wanted to play a fun game, you dingus.


[Turning to Wall Sconce] Do you work for SarkeesianCorp, too?


Seriously? What do you think?


[Muttering to himself] Seems like everyone works for SarkeesianCorp these days.


This popcorn is delicious indeed.


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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I’m pretty sure anonymous is the same person because they have the same icon and shit.

9 years ago

“Conservatives just aren’t funny, are they?”

…says the humorless nag holding show trials about words.

Actually, you weirdos are pretty funny.

“albeit in a way that is the direct opposite of what he actually thought he was saying.”

I could have used “down the path of enlightenment” in lieu of the (deliberately and obviously tongue-in-cheek) “slippery slope” and saved myself the effort of addressing this kind of typically spergy, dumb-as-shit response, but what fun would that be?

Hope that helps, though I can feel the next obtuse reply slamming into me already…

9 years ago

“I’m pretty sure anonymous is the same person because they have the same icon and shit.”

You have nothing interesting to say and your moniker is try-hard and ret-ar-ded. Lurk more.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Wow, “lurk more”. Wow. You’ve changed my perspective, person who has only been on here a few days. Your words wounded me in a way I will never recover from. Boo hoo, boo hoo. I am forever scarred by your harsh words and criticisms. I may never recover.

So wounded, such hurt, much sad.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Shorter Anonymous: “You’re all stupid and [slur]! I’m obviously smarter than you! You’re all weird and I’m going to make a very sorry attempt at making fun of you! Arglebargle!”

Anonymous, please don’t come in here and start waving your genitals around. None of us are impressed with them, nor do we want to get into some sort of measurement contest. It’s boring. You’re boring. Either be a more entertaining troll or go bother someone else.

9 years ago

“I am forever scarred by your harsh words and criticisms. I may never recover.”

Did you feel that? That was the three dozen people who post here, puffing and wheezing through an earth trembling, collective sigh of relief. “FINALLY, someone said it. Maybe now she’ll get the hint and change that stupid fucking moniker.” 😀

“nor do we want to get into some sort of measurement contest”

You damn right you don’t.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

*rolls eyes* People would have said if my name was bothering them. Unlike the people you hang around with, apparently. We’re a community that is forward about things and don’t badmouths behind people’s backs, unlike, it seems, whoever you hang around with.

Such nasty thoughts they must have but never share with you.

9 years ago

Oh dear, looks like someone figured out the password for parental controls on the computer.

9 years ago


If you have to ask, you’re probably too dumb to understand the elaboration.

Well that was sadly predictable. *sigh* that was number 1 on my list of most obvious responses. I sure hope cleverness isn’t part of your goal. I guess this means you won’t elaborate. Oh well.

9 years ago

Someone posting as “anonymous” probably doesn’t have much grounds to criticize someone else’s nym.

9 years ago

There are male Real Dolls, I just checked the website. Same vacant stare as my recently separated spouse, but otherwise not really my type.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I quite like Jackie’s nym. Then again, she’s just a big softy really, so whatever nym she picked would make me go “awwwww” and post kittens.

9 years ago

I hope anonymous doesn’t call us fat, ugly or spinsters. That would be super devastating. I’ve never heard such witty rhetoric and clever insults before. All this time I’ve been posting online, I’ve been afraid a troll would be original enough to call me fat. I mean, he came up with an entire handful of synonyms for stupid. Who knows what he might think of next!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

It could be worse, WWTH. If he calls you ugly then no male poster will ever want to talk to you again, and thus your entire scheme to snare yourself a husband by posting online will be ruined. The stakes are high.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Are you sure you’re old enough to be posting here, kiddo? Well, word of advice: You’ll have a much longer and happier life if you aren’t so angry all the time. Constant seething rage is not good for the heart; just ask Breitbart. Here, have a lollipop.

9 years ago

I quite like Jackie’s nym. Then again, she’s just a big softy really, so whatever nym she picked would make me go “awwwww” and post kittens.

Also this.

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

Have to say the concept of pillow talk with a sex bot is just about the silliest thing I’ve read in a while. And then to get paranoid about it is simply the icing on the weird cake.

9 years ago

“In any case, if the plan is to obtain sperm via sexbot-secret-agents, I’d hope that they would at least select a better breeding stock to obtain the sperm from.”

I love how dangerously close this clueless shitlib comes to taking an awkward tumble down the kind of slippery slope that would violate the rest of her delusional, shitlib worldview.

Who knows, there may actually be hope for some of you yet 😀

Whereas there is none for you, because you are a boring, unoriginal, plebeian, thoroughly garden-variety right-wing moron.

Troll harder, emo kid.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Posts about MGTOW and sexbots always seem to attract a special brand of angry, stupid troll, the type who resent women for being independently happy and think their superiority can be restored by slinging cheap playground insults and strutting around preening, the way they imagine actual smart people do. Something tells me these posts are hitting a little too close to home for comfort.

That being said, I’m entirely in favor of shitlib. Shit needs to be free, man.

9 years ago

I’m not entirely sure I’m going down the same lane you’re thinking of, but I can imagine having some of those interactive ads requiring the user to stimulate the sexbot’s clitoris-part. And then the MRAs losing their shit over “GOVERNMENT MANDATED FOREPLAY” (nevermind that corporations aren’t governmental bodies), and how sexbots have been ruined forever now.

Yeah, that was where I was going. I dunno why I got bashful about mentioning the clit.

If it taught some of these bros how to please a woman, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Posts about MGTOW and sexbots always seem to attract a special brand of angry, stupid troll, the type who resent women for being independently happy and think their superiority can be restored by slinging cheap playground insults and strutting around preening, the way they imagine actual smart people do. Something tells me these posts are hitting a little too close to home for comfort.

Yup. They’re the pigeons that can’t play chess, so they just upset all the pieces, poop on the board, and strut off thinking that’s how you win a game.

That being said, I’m entirely in favor of shitlib. Shit needs to be free, man.

Yeah. Down with the assholes keeping shit a prisoner! Free the shit!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

just upset all the pieces, poop on the board, and strut off thinking that’s how you win a game.

It isn’t? So *that’s* why I’m banned from the library.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

anonymous | August 7, 2015 at 3:29 am
Did you feel that? That was the three dozen people who post here, puffing and wheezing through an earth trembling, collective sigh of relief. “FINALLY, someone said it. Maybe now she’ll get the hint and change that stupid fucking moniker.” 😀

It’s cute how you think we’re all passive-aggressive and don’t know how to say things to people when they’re bothering us.

“nor do we want to get into some sort of measurement contest”

You damn right you don’t.

It’s also cute how you think that your dick is bigger than everyone else’s. In the most pathetic of ways. Like a child who doesn’t know that Santa isn’t real.

“I’m going to strut in here and brag about my huge cock! That’ll impress those stupid feminists!”

Pro tip: No one here cares about your dick, sunshine. Especially us ladies who are into dicks. We can find and purchase bigger and better.

9 years ago

Oh man trolls coming down and getting dogpiled never ceases to make a thread even funnier to me.