a robot woman is always to blame evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paranoia reddit sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

MGTOW Redditor warns unwary men of the dangers of sexy lady robot … SPIES!

Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive
Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive

So the fellas in the MGTOW subreddit are as excited as our old friend Heartiste about that Daily Mirror article predicting that we’ll all be schtupping robots in 50 years.

bidi123 28 points 1 day ago  It gets you off better than any woman ever could, as often as you want, and you don't have to do anything in return. Everything no woman ever did. Does not get old, does not get fat, does not want children... What's not to like? permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]TX_Man_ 19 points 23 hours ago  Not to mention no divorce and no false rape accusations permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]bidi123 13 points 23 hours ago  and the most important bit: no condoms and std's

But one Redditor thinks he sees a possible danger in this seemingly perfect solution to every MGTOW’s lady problems: the sexy robot ladies could be … spies for Microsoft!

pirate6728 2 points 17 hours ago  Y'all are not gonna like me much. Under the immediate circumstances, I don't care. This still needs to be thought about and maybe discussed. A sexbot is the perfect vehicle for spyware. Think about it: Most men say things to their lovers (pillow talk) that they would never say to anybody else. If Microsoft, Google, Facebook and the Federal Government all want to learn your deepest, darkest secrets it would be hard to come up with a better way than a robot woman capable of real sex. We already have spyware of various sorts as it is. Google does all it can to learn everything. Microsoft just released Windows 10, and as part of that package you can turn on "Cortana" which does nothing but spy on you so it can--supposedly-- learn how to make your computing experience "better", and of course it's not hard to go on and on about the various ways the powers-that-be spy on us now. So-- give us a robot woman, programmed to learn about us so it "can make you more pleased with your experience"--- and you have spyware that would make Sean Connery drool when he played 007. Something to think about.



MGTOW and SEXBOT lie in futuristic bed after sex.

Sexbot turns to MGTOW and gives him a quizzical look.



What are you thinking about, honey?


How women are filthy whores.







[Brightly] Let’s play a game!


What kind of game?


Let’s play “can we remember our social security number.”


Ok, you start!


I’m a sexbot, silly, I don’t have a social security number.


Ok, ok, 597-21 … wait a minute!


MGTOW leaps from the bed and points his finger at Sexbot, shaking with anger.



You’re a SPY! Just like that guy on Reddit warned me about!


I’m not a spy, silly! I’m a sexbot!


Who are you working for? Microsoft? Google? SarkeesianCorp?


The END TABLE lets out a long sigh.



Dude, she works for SarkeesianCorp. I work for SarkesianCorp. You work for SarkeesianCorp.


Oh. I guess I do, huh?


No one’s even used Social Security numbers for like 20 years.


She just wanted to play a fun game, you dingus.


[Turning to Wall Sconce] Do you work for SarkeesianCorp, too?


Seriously? What do you think?


[Muttering to himself] Seems like everyone works for SarkeesianCorp these days.


This popcorn is delicious indeed.


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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Ah, this isn’t even to get an animal mascot; it’s to design an abstract logo! That’s not the weirdest question by a long chalk though. [“What would your company smell of?”].

These people charge thousands!!!!!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


*Shrugs* I don’t make the rules for graphic design, I only live by them.

(And they have student loans/bills to pay/families to feed, be nice.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

I don’t make the rules for graphic design, I only live by them.

Ha, say that in a suitable heroic voice and it sounds like a line from a really avant garde action movie.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Argh, curse you BQ mammoth. Accept these bon bons in sacrifice.


What these guys really want is a woman who will pretend to be a sexbot. After all, women are better than sexbots because they are are self-cleaning, amirite?

9 years ago

They want women to feel threatened by sexbots. Yet, in the end, it is THEY who feel threatened.

They’re just so precious!

9 years ago

I thought the sexbots wouldn’t need to be connected to the Internet but would instead come pre programmed with sex moves and an ability to learn. Why would they be linked up to a mainframe if the MRAs are so worried about spy ware?

Mind you I would totally hope they ARE online 24/7. The potential for creating viruses that would mess with their systems is huge. If and when these bots become a thing, I want there to be an epidemic of chlamydia.exe. Mwahaha!

9 years ago

blue collar nerd:

Can I just say that in the Rick and Morty sexbot/spermjacking episode how great it is that Morty immediately recognized that his offspring was his responsibility? He made mistakes but he adulted the fuck up instantly.

I obviously need to start watching this show, since I apparently managed to subconsciously channel one of the episodes!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | August 6, 2015 at 3:21 pm
Ha, say that in a suitable heroic voice and it sounds like a line from a really avant garde action movie.

There’s a saying in the design field I’m rather fond of:

“Design won’t save the world, but it damn sure makes it look good.”

9 years ago

I read that and my first reaction was… wait, are they planning on talking to their sexbots?

Now, I apologize as this is TMI, but I’ve never owned a sex toy in my life, so I’m a little inexperienced on the protocols here, but uh… is it normal to talk to your sex toys?

Because I’m pretty sure it’s not.

epitome of incomprehensibility

That was really funny. I liked the twist with the end table. (That sentence sounded weird – like, is the table doing a dance?)

Tangentially, I wrote down a dream a few months ago in which I was having a debate about machine self-awareness. With Anita Sarkeesian. It involved a guitar…

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

Why would a man engage in pillow talk with a sexbot? Do these men currently whisper sweet nothings into their Fleshlights after they’ve ejaculated inside them?

epitome of incomprehensibility

@StarStorm – Probably not with things like dildos. But then again they don’t look like whole people.

Before Real Dolls (and that TLC show episode of a man who treated one like a real person), there was the story “Smile” by J. G. Ballard. Only in this case it’s not a sex doll, just a life-size doll, but a man falls in love with her and gets jealous of a hairdresser who does her hair… The narrator isn’t very likeable and it’s a mix of surreal-funny and surreal-creepy. (I find life-size dolls to be somewhat creepy in general. Robots… I dunno.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I’ll stick in my usual reference to Asimov’s “Robots of Dawn” here.

9 years ago

“In any case, if the plan is to obtain sperm via sexbot-secret-agents, I’d hope that they would at least select a better breeding stock to obtain the sperm from.”

I love how dangerously close this clueless shitlib comes to taking an awkward tumble down the kind of slippery slope that would violate the rest of her delusional, shitlib worldview.

Who knows, there may actually be hope for some of you yet 😀

9 years ago

is it normal to talk to your sex toys?

Not that I’m aware of. To my knowledge, NOT having to talk to them is the whole idea.

9 years ago


I love how dangerously close this clueless shitlib comes to taking an awkward tumble down the kind of slippery slope that would violate the rest of her delusional, shitlib worldview.

Don’t beat around the bush, oh please please elaborate.

9 years ago

Is anonymous that guy who wandered over here from Heartiste’s site on the Donald Trump thread about the rape allegation? Shitlib seems to be the insult of choice over there.

I don’t know why. It’s not a good insult.

9 years ago

I love how dangerously close this clueless shitlib comes to taking an awkward tumble down the kind of slippery slope that would violate the rest of her delusional, shitlib worldview.

I’m pretty sure the comment you’re replying to was just snark. No sensible person literally believes that there’s a gene that’s responsible for people being horrible bigoted losers. (Most bigots are victims of poor parenting, and most of the rest fell in with a bad set of peers. A handful of people become horrible bigoted losers for more obscure reasons. Anyway, the point is that it’s society’s fault, so it’s society’s responsibility to try to fix them.)

By the way, did you ever notice that genetic determinists always divide people into groups like the “white race” and the “non-white race”? It would make more sense for them to divide people into groups like the “loser race” and the “non-loser race”. The reason genetic determinists don’t do that is because deep down they know which race they’d be classified into.

9 years ago

The Slippery Slope Fallacy is the one where one belief or action inevitably leads to exaggerated progress down the same course, becoming increasingly dire. By using “slippery slope” to describe a perceived (not sincere) belief in genetic determinism leading to an all-out rejection of liberal ideals of equality and fair treatment, anonymous is using the term in a perfectly correct manner, albeit in a way that is the direct opposite of what he actually thought he was saying.

9 years ago

I remember a few years ago, Apple patented a few designs to make you interact with your fucking ad for a few seconds before it would return you to your app. Like make you run a short maze with your finger before letting you go. I don’t think it ever got implemented.

Do you get where I’m going?

I’m not entirely sure I’m going down the same lane you’re thinking of, but I can imagine having some of those interactive ads requiring the user to stimulate the sexbot’s clitoris-part. And then the MRAs losing their shit over “GOVERNMENT MANDATED FOREPLAY” (nevermind that corporations aren’t governmental bodies), and how sexbots have been ruined forever now.

Also, Tessa, your hypothetical Nissan commercial made me snort in a most unladylike manner.

9 years ago

“Don’t beat around the bush, oh please please elaborate.”

If you have to ask, you’re probably too dumb to understand the elaboration.

“Is anonymous that guy who wandered over here from Heartiste’s site on the Donald Trump thread about the rape allegation?”


“I’m pretty sure the comment you’re replying to was just snark.”
“By using “slippery slope” to describe a perceived (not sincere) belief in genetic determinism”

Who knew that the sort of people who start frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of the word “crazy” could be so charitable? Good for you.

Pithy Pseudonym
9 years ago

I believe Shitlib has already successfully completed its first round of funding for.$10M. Shitlib: it’s the Über for poop!

9 years ago

Seriously. Can somebody explain the insult “shitlib”

It’s not a clever play on words and it doesn’t rhyme. It’s not clear how shit and lib are related. It’s an even less clever insult than “libtard” and that’s really saying something.

Conservatives just aren’t funny, are they?

9 years ago

Until WWTH made the connection of liberal to shitlib, I parsed that word as being some kind of corruption of Mad Libs. Maybe Shit Lib would be like Mad Libs except every blank you fill in has to be an expletive or somehow toilet related.

That might actually be good for a laugh or two, but I bet it would get old fast.