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“Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men?” Red Piller asks

Just like a woman, always complaining
Women: Always complaining

A Red Piller wonders aloud: Do women totally suck, or is it just me? 

Why do women seem not as smart/funny/interesting as men? (self.TheRedPill) submitted 1 day ago by FitnessRegiment This is just in my personal life but, so far I've only met 1 girl that is funny, interesting, smart and fun to hang out with, I have never met another, none, ever.  They either act stupid to be "cute", or are stupid. They have very little conceptual understandings of mathematics, physics, IT or anything that matters. Half the things they say, and the way they deduct information is borderline retarded. My ex who gets great grades apparently in school, thought that the pill would make her blind, because a "friend of a friend" had it happen to her.  Also why are women not funny? It's usually just sad when women try to be funny, I rarely find any that make me laugh and not just cringe. They also aren't as interesting, they always try to look "pretty" and "cute", and can't just piece together a coherent and informative sentence. It's painful.  Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men? I mean physically they are obviously inferior in every single way, and I have seen that men are much better at math, chess, computing, any STEM fields, gaming, writing, cooking, driving, any sort of physical activity, art etc... I cannot even think of 1 field where women are better than men, why is this?

This barely literate disquisition on innate female inferiority garnered 85 upvotes from the alpha dudes of the Red Pill subreddit, who added equally compelling analyses of their own.

gu4po 324 points 1 day ago  They don't have to be interesting to get what they want.  permalinksavereportgive gold [–]3 Endorsed ContributorBurgundyCarpet 123 points 1 day ago  Exactly. They just have to exist. So, for most of them, that's all they do.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]Trpidation 13 points 1 day ago  Like the vast, vast majority of them. Kinda sad really, but if you think about it... If you didn't have to work for anything, would you work? I guess I can't blame them, but still it sucks that they're so goddamn boring aside from sex. Like when you actually want to spend quality time with another human being, a sickening majority of women have little to no substance worth speaking of. Frustrating but that's how it is.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]GreatWalker 9 points 1 day ago  that may be the only redeeming quality of being short, you're forced to improve and even excel in other areas.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]lordsmash 1 point 1 day ago  Then they hit 35, lose the looks and tern into a feminist, because having an interesting personality is too much hard work.

Women TERN into feminists?

I’m stopping right there. These are the only five comments in the thread I could bring myself to read. There are 261 total comments in the thread, so if my math is correct, that means that there are 397 more comments that I haven’t read. They could be even more ridiculous than the ones I just quoted.

But I’m a little hung up on this TERN thing, and so instead of reading through the rest of the comments and picking out other totally terrible ones I’m just going to post pics of feminist terns instead.

She seems stuck up.
She seems stuck up.


She probably just had babies so she could live off those sweet, sweet beta bucks
She probably just had babies so she could live off those sweet, sweet beta bucks


Beta male tern (I'm assuming), doing all the work while the woman sits on her ass eating bon bons back at the nest
Beta male tern (I’m assuming), doing all the work while the woman sits on her ass eating bon bons back at the nest


A MAN made that 2-by-4. Do you think these two birds appreciate that for a second?
A MAN made that 2-by-4. Do you think these two birds appreciate that for a second?

H/T — r/thebluepill

Also, please don’t tell me I’ve got the gender of these terns all wrong. I don’t have time to fact-check all my jokes.

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I think it starts in adolescence, when people are dealing with the effects of the unfamiliar hormones while trying to figure out who they are. The sex drive is there but they are not emotionally ready for an intimate relationship. It is my impression that girls tend to develop serious crushes on rock stars, movie stars, etc. — the point being that they can fantasize about these guys but they’ll never be in a situation where they might have to think about actually sleeping with them. The fact that they are unattainable is part of the attraction. Boys are mainly confused. Society tells them that men are supposed to be unemotional and independent, never needy, but a Real Man has sex with lots of women. Since adolescents of all sexes are not ready for a real (adult) relationship, the issue of sex in high school is mostly about status, about one’s self-image and place in the pecking order. Guys learn to believe that status in the male pecking order is derived to a substantial extent from the conventional attractiveness (and popularity/status) of one’s girlfriend. I assume that some analogous situation exists for girls at that age.
The problem is that nerdy guys have very low status in the male peer group, so they tend to be especially insecure, and since they tend to be socially awkward as well, they have a hard time making friends with girls. To a certain extent they long for a conventionally attractive girlfriend because she would raise their own status. On the other hand, dating a girl who is not gorgeous would tend to confirm their inferior status. But high-school kids are pretty superficial and status driven, so the conventionally attractive girls tend to date the high-status guys, who tend to be the ones who pick on/try to humiliate the nerds.
If things go well, a guy eventually acquires a few platonic girl friends, interacts with them in a mainly non-sexual manner, and learns to see women as people not sex objects. They learn to not overvalue appearance — it doesn’t have much effect on whether a girl is fun to be with. But it’s all to easy to fall into a group of disgruntled guys who create an echo chamber of the misogyny that has been regarded as common wisdom for ages. The combination of disgruntlement, misogyny, and sex-obsession makes them unattractive to girls, which makes them even more disgruntled and misogynistic, and you get a synergistic effect. The underlying theme is that to be a Real Man you have to fuck a lot of conventionally attractive women, and it’s easy enough to slip into the view that it’s women who are spitefully keeping you from being a Real Man by refusing to fuck you — rather than understanding that if you want to have a girlfriend you have to figure out what she wants from the relationship and give it to her if you can, and if you can’t then look elsewhere.
Most guys manage to get out of the misogynistic bubble to a greater or lesser extent, but some of them stay there and putrify, becoming more and more unattractive to women — and that’s where you get the hardcore manospherians.
Oh, that thing about women hitting the Wall at 25 or so? I think that’s not so much about looks but about the fact that the vast majority of single women have become fairly cynical about men by the age of 25, and they find misogynistic men very easy to detect. You have to get ’em while they’re still young and naive.

tl;dr: A lot of the problems adult men have with women derive from attitudes acquired in adolescence. That is obvious enough, but what is not obvious is how to prevent those attitudes from developing. It is a lot more effective to prevent misogyny from developing than it is to try to fix it once it has fully developed.

9 years ago

Today, on As the World Terns…

9 years ago

@Luzbelitx, well speaking as someone who just graduated with a degree in evolutionary biology I can confirm said mansplainer is talking out of his ass.

In first year classes they tell you that the definition of what a species is pretty much an arbitrary guideline invented by humans. Most people use the biological species concept (a biological species is a group of individuals which can breed together. However, they cannot breed with other groups), but anyone who actually knows about evolution knows it isn’t perfect and have flaws. Plants of different specie hybridize and produce fertile offspring, bacteria have horizontal gene transfers between species, not all members of defined species can mate naturally due to infertility, early in species divergence individuals may not be completely reproductively isolated etc.

There’s a reason scientists spend so much time arguing if a specimen is a new species or a subspecies or an alternate phenotype of the same species because it isn’t clear cut and it’s generally best to go with the consensus and which hypothesis has the most evidence (in this case it would be separate species for neanderthal and human).

(Sorry for off-topic evolution tldr)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ snuffy

I had an interesting chat about this once. The topic was mainly how you ascribe extinct animals to different species (as we obviously have no direct evidence as to how they may have interbred).

We got in to all the different ways of defining ‘species’. It ended up with ducks being split in to “a l’orange” and “cherry sauce” families.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

This dude jumped in to correct me, mansplaining that different species actually can’t have fertile offspring, so it had to be the same species, and produced a few scientific articles about humans having a certain % of Neanderthal DNA (which I was already aware of).

By his logic, lions and tigers are the same species, because female ligers are perfectly fertile.

Just for cuteness’ sake, have a liger mother with her cub!

9 years ago

@Alan, trying to define extinct species is tough and involves a lot of guess work. Evidence can come from differences in morphology seen in fossils, DNA samples, or phylogeny history.

@SFHC, soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


At first I was like, “Wait, aren’t ligers sterile?” Then I remembered the few ligers I’ve heard of have all been male.

I’m pretty sure the argument would include both male and females being able to come together to have completely fertile children of all sexes to be the same species.

But then you bring up that there’s also kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, subfamily and genus before they get to species. People tend to forget the whole taxonomy stuff.

Kings play chess on fine green silk.

9 years ago


Would you mind putting line breaks between paragraphs? I’d find it easier to read.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Yup. My suggestion for testing was rejected as “impractical” on the dubious ground that cloning dinosaurs wasn’t yet possible.

@ Panda

Cheers for that. Love me a mnemonic.

berdache from a previous life

So, it’s my understanding that the only 2 things that the Y chromosome codes for is male sexual characteristics and ear hair. I’m guessing that the rdepillers don’t know.

9 years ago

We got in to all the different ways of defining ‘species’. It ended up with ducks being split in to “a l’orange” and “cherry sauce” families.

And “duck surprise,” which is duck without oranges or cherries.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Katz

I’ll just have the cheese; and maybe a rat. 😉

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

What duck?


9 years ago

Hoisin duck is best duck.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I had a duck tell me I had the most beautiful eyes.

I said “Waiter, I ordered *aromatic* duck”.

[Why yes, that is my coat]

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

In the duck’s defense, it could be aromatic and appreciate a pair of pretty eyes.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

My sister argues that ducks are a grain crop. Her reasoning for this is that it’s possible to harvest a field of ducks using a combine. Then again, she also argues that lambs are fruit, which technically makes sheep a form of tree. Perhaps my family is just weird.

9 years ago

Random side-note: Reaxxion, Roosh’s reaxxionary gaming website that was trying to create a “male safe space” in response to gamergate (for those who don’t know), is now shutting down due to lack of traffic.

This is my shocked face. See how shocked i am. 😀

9 years ago

🙂 well people used to think cotton was a ‘vegetable lamb’….
comment image

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

kirbywarp: I am deeply shocked. No doubt the GGers have already said that this is good for bitcoin, and is part of the plan all along?

9 years ago


so, Roosh realized GamerGate wasn’t a cash cow for him to milk after all? What a surprise. I checked the comments in the article you posted, it seems even its regular readers were fed up with ‘anti-SJW bs’.

I guess Matt Forney will have some spare time on his hands now, I hope that doesn’t mean he’ll start blogging again.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

katz | August 4, 2015 at 12:20 pm
Today, on As the World Terns…

Oooh, my soaps are on, let me get my bon-bons…

Pandapool — The Species that Endangers YOU | August 4, 2015 at 1:50 pm
But then you bring up that there’s also kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, subfamily and genus before they get to species. People tend to forget the whole taxonomy stuff.

Kings play chess on fine green silk.

There’s actually one you’re forgetting there.

And it was presented in 1990. It goes Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and then Species.

So, Decadent Kings Play Chess On Fine Green Silk?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

kirbywarp | August 4, 2015 at 4:02 pm
Random side-note: Reaxxion, Roosh’s reaxxionary gaming website that was trying to create a “male safe space” in response to gamergate (for those who don’t know), is now shutting down due to lack of traffic.

This is my shocked face. See how shocked i am. 😀

Oh, that’s just hilarious. Oh, and the article gets even better!

The fact the gamergate continues to be successful and influential in other communities shows that I did not even provide a substantial need to the audience it was intended for.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

In my defence, I learned that in high school.