A Red Piller wonders aloud: Do women totally suck, or is it just me?
This barely literate disquisition on innate female inferiority garnered 85 upvotes from the alpha dudes of the Red Pill subreddit, who added equally compelling analyses of their own.
Women TERN into feminists?
I’m stopping right there. These are the only five comments in the thread I could bring myself to read. There are 261 total comments in the thread, so if my math is correct, that means that there are 397 more comments that I haven’t read. They could be even more ridiculous than the ones I just quoted.
But I’m a little hung up on this TERN thing, and so instead of reading through the rest of the comments and picking out other totally terrible ones I’m just going to post pics of feminist terns instead.

H/T — r/thebluepill
Also, please don’t tell me I’ve got the gender of these terns all wrong. I don’t have time to fact-check all my jokes.
Pardon me, but I love to pontificate on this subject.
The people who tend to throw around “fat”, “ugly”, “unbangable”, etc, when it comes to feminists I find are the most shallow people ever. Even more shallow than they claim women to be.
Yes, some feminists are fat. Yes, some feminists are “ugly” by society’s standards. Yes, some feminists are “unbangable” by some men’s standards. You’re going to find people like this in every cross-section of humanity.
However, I find that feminists (myself included) will sometimes jump and point to Emma Watson, Laverne Cox, etc, in an attempt to somehow defend ourselves, and we really shouldn’t, because that’s stooping to their level.
What we should do is ask why that should make any point we make suddenly null and void. Why does us not being boner-pleasing suddenly make us not worth listening to? Or, better yet, why does being not boner-pleasing suddenly make people not want to listen?
Forgot to add: “Feminists being fat and ugly, and therefore not worth listening to, only proves a hell of a lot of what feminists have to say about the subjects of fat acceptance, beauty standards, and sex.”
Annnnd not only used once, but twice before me. Arggggh.
Translation of principal argument in OP: I can’t find a woman who’s interested in NASCAR, fart jokes, and drinking till you puke. The last one I met was into Elizabethan drama and pre-Raphaelite art — what a dunce!
Deliver to Rey, one gold-plated Internetwebtube. Stat.
And as for this guy and his bird-brained views on women, just remember: He says this about ALL THE GULLS.
The classic rebuttal to the ‘ugly feminist’ line:
Gloria Steinem was employed as a Playboy Bunny at the New York Playboy Club for months while she worked on an article about the exploitative conditions for employees at the clubs.
@Jenora: I did mention in my reply that this is a common response to that question, but I think in jumping to say that feminists can and are accepted as beauties by society and men (Which isn’t a bad answer, don’t get me wrong), we tend to ignore a larger question: Why should our looks immediately invalidate anything we say? Why should we have to be good-looking and skinny for our words to mean anything?
Or, we can go one step further and ask: Why do feminists on the internet dismissed like this solely based on an assumption by someone who doesn’t like what they have to say, and who likely has no idea what said feminist looks like?
In fact, the idea that feminists are all “ugly, fat, and can’t get laid!”, and thus we’re dismissed by a lot of people, only proves a lot of points that feminists make about beauty, sex, and fat acceptance.
Actual comment from the Reddit thread:
Women stagnate evolutionarily because they have 2x chromosomes, the fact male is xy allows for more genetic variables, which allows for different off spring. Men tend to be smarter than women but also stupider than women because of this genetic trait. By having the variability in the man who must earn their partner it ensures the best traits move forward.
Why do men not seem as smart/funny/interesting as women?
They either act stupid to be “macho,” or are stupid. They have very little conceptual understandings of science or anything that matters. Half the things they say, and the way they deduct information, are borderline retarded. This guy on Reddit, who gets great grades apparently in school, thought that men and women are different species and men are evolving at a faster rate because the Y chromosome has more genes than the X (I know, it’s actually the opposite, but just try explaining biochemistry to a man).
Also, why are men not funny?
(Yes, I went in and corrected the grammar of the guy I’m mocking. Why do I bother? I’m sure he’s already banging out another Reddit post about how much smarter he is than me because of his extra man genes.)
The Red Pill subreddit is truly amazing. There’s a thread about how “Grave of the Fireflies” is a Red Pill movie. No, I cannot explain the logic, but the writer somehow manages to work in a paragraph about all those sluts who won’t have sex with him. I’m pretty sure posts that don’t mention the crisis of sluts not having sex with Red Pill guys are automatically deleted from the forum.
There’s another thread where guys post their favorite Red Pill movies. Among them:
Ex Machina
It Follows
The Empire Strikes Back
The Thin Man films
American Psycho
Interview with the Vampire
I’m thinking they didn’t get the point of a bunch of these films.
Well I, for one, have had it up to my aquatic warbler with this nonsense. What a load of garganey. Don’t these MRA’s ever kittiwake? They can go yellowhammer alone with their Lady Amherst’s pheasant, for all I care. Am I right?
*awaits high fives*
@Paradoxical Intention:
You said it a lot better than I could. It does feel like a lose-lose situation, like… if we’re “hot”, then we’ll get glossed over for our looks. If we’re “not hot”, then we’re often given the old “Why aren’t you hot?” BS.
It’s tiring. (And I wish I could say more considering that it’s almost 2:30 in the darn morning and I can’t think straight. Need to get my butt to bed!)
Wait, this post is just sad.
My mom was talking about her friend girl who is 50 years old, and her husband who is in his late 30s. Apparently my moms friend’s husband has been going on a lot of extreme hikes that my moms friend cant go on, and has been hanging out with a lot of younger dudes going on trips. My mom was talking to me about how her friend should leave him because he is distancing himself from her and he is going through a mid life crisis and potentially cheating on her.
I simply said “It isn’t a question if she should leave him; its whether he should leave her.” My mom took this as me attacking her friend and started personally attacking me “Oh you hate women, you are in perfect shape but you cant even get a woman (not true), woman don’t like you!”
Don’t use red pill logic when explaining stuff to your mums, they can’t handle it! At least she knows her son isn’t a bitch.
That guy’s poor mom, finally forced to face the cold, hard fact that she raised an asshole. I like how she’s got his number, though.
“Such language! No wonder a nice-looking boy like you can’t get a girlfriend!”
“Nuh-UH! I could totally get like a million girlfriends! I EVEN LIFT, BRO! I mean MOM!” (bedroom door slams)
Of course the thread is full of guys high-fiving him for being such an awesome truth-teller. Because they are all also mentally 16 years old.
I’m attracted to short guys, but I run screaming from the guys who have a chip on their shoulders about it. Do I spend all my time whining about how all my problems in life would be solved if I had big tits? No. That would be ridiculous and unattractive. I only spend half my time whining.
Interview with a Vampire?
Interview with a Vampire.
Interview with a Vampire?
It’s as if they, in their extra super advanced male-begotten superiority, cannot comprehend that even “all those slutty sluts” have standards. Gone are the days where a guy of the redpillian variety can convince a female to sneak into his basement room through the window so his mom doesn’t know, to give him bjs while he plays video games and then leaves the same way she came in before his mom comes down to check on him or he has to get online for the nightly sharing of feelings and rallying of far too angry men with accounts of the latest reasons why females are bad bad bad and ruining everything good and important in the world somehow – typically including a denial of sex component – but still stupid and useless in comparison to the menz. Now it’s just basement, mom checks, video games without bjs, and online with angry men.
Not a pun, but I did read today that the Oakland animal shelter has a goose available for adoption but there is a condition that anyone who does adopt it CANNOT EAT IT. Those geese are mean waterfowl, but I hear they’re pretty tasty if prepared properly. Mean waterfowl do not = great pets, so what’s the harm in roast goose for dinner? 😉
@Paradoxical Intention:
Of course, you forget that women are only judged by our physical attractiveness in the eyes of men, since this is the only thing inportant about us, so clearly calling us fat and ugly and unbangable will always be relevant. After all, how else could we become such misandric feminazis, if not because no man would bang us?
(Also, I guess the same strain of “logic” could lead in the opposite direction, where turning [or terning] into a manhating feminist would immediately cause your looks to deteriorate through… err, no make up? I mean, they hate make up because it’s deception, so maybe not. Something with bon-bons, maybe.)
The Empire Strikes Back?
They’re reaching.
In other news
Also Shaenon,
The Empire Strikes Back?
Talk about reaching.
I checked out the infowars video you donotlinked to, what a complete arse. I love it when anti-feminists try to dismiss feminism by indulging in the kind of sexist idiocy that proves why we need feminism. I like how he includes the ‘no true scotsman’ argument by saying that attractive feminists are only pretending to be feminists because it’s trendy.
So… feminists are fat and ugly, but attractive women pretend to be feminists because they want people to think they’re fat and ugly? I don’t think I get that.
@Sissy So much ‘science’ in that infowars video.
I imagine the redpillers like ‘It Follows’ because the main character is punished for having sex with the football player, instead of going for the Nice Guy that’s been pining for her for years.