antifeminism boner rage misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

“Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men?” Red Piller asks

Just like a woman, always complaining
Women: Always complaining

A Red Piller wonders aloud: Do women totally suck, or is it just me? 

Why do women seem not as smart/funny/interesting as men? (self.TheRedPill) submitted 1 day ago by FitnessRegiment This is just in my personal life but, so far I've only met 1 girl that is funny, interesting, smart and fun to hang out with, I have never met another, none, ever.  They either act stupid to be "cute", or are stupid. They have very little conceptual understandings of mathematics, physics, IT or anything that matters. Half the things they say, and the way they deduct information is borderline retarded. My ex who gets great grades apparently in school, thought that the pill would make her blind, because a "friend of a friend" had it happen to her.  Also why are women not funny? It's usually just sad when women try to be funny, I rarely find any that make me laugh and not just cringe. They also aren't as interesting, they always try to look "pretty" and "cute", and can't just piece together a coherent and informative sentence. It's painful.  Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men? I mean physically they are obviously inferior in every single way, and I have seen that men are much better at math, chess, computing, any STEM fields, gaming, writing, cooking, driving, any sort of physical activity, art etc... I cannot even think of 1 field where women are better than men, why is this?

This barely literate disquisition on innate female inferiority garnered 85 upvotes from the alpha dudes of the Red Pill subreddit, who added equally compelling analyses of their own.

gu4po 324 points 1 day ago  They don't have to be interesting to get what they want.  permalinksavereportgive gold [–]3 Endorsed ContributorBurgundyCarpet 123 points 1 day ago  Exactly. They just have to exist. So, for most of them, that's all they do.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]Trpidation 13 points 1 day ago  Like the vast, vast majority of them. Kinda sad really, but if you think about it... If you didn't have to work for anything, would you work? I guess I can't blame them, but still it sucks that they're so goddamn boring aside from sex. Like when you actually want to spend quality time with another human being, a sickening majority of women have little to no substance worth speaking of. Frustrating but that's how it is.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]GreatWalker 9 points 1 day ago  that may be the only redeeming quality of being short, you're forced to improve and even excel in other areas.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]lordsmash 1 point 1 day ago  Then they hit 35, lose the looks and tern into a feminist, because having an interesting personality is too much hard work.

Women TERN into feminists?

I’m stopping right there. These are the only five comments in the thread I could bring myself to read. There are 261 total comments in the thread, so if my math is correct, that means that there are 397 more comments that I haven’t read. They could be even more ridiculous than the ones I just quoted.

But I’m a little hung up on this TERN thing, and so instead of reading through the rest of the comments and picking out other totally terrible ones I’m just going to post pics of feminist terns instead.

She seems stuck up.
She seems stuck up.


She probably just had babies so she could live off those sweet, sweet beta bucks
She probably just had babies so she could live off those sweet, sweet beta bucks


Beta male tern (I'm assuming), doing all the work while the woman sits on her ass eating bon bons back at the nest
Beta male tern (I’m assuming), doing all the work while the woman sits on her ass eating bon bons back at the nest


A MAN made that 2-by-4. Do you think these two birds appreciate that for a second?
A MAN made that 2-by-4. Do you think these two birds appreciate that for a second?

H/T — r/thebluepill

Also, please don’t tell me I’ve got the gender of these terns all wrong. I don’t have time to fact-check all my jokes.

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9 years ago

I am glad to see that the terns are on our side.

These kind of twerps always shoot themselves in the foot with these absurd ‘arguments’, as by his logic we women are all so completely lacking in any redeeming quality whatsoever that it is of course impossible that we should be clever enough to rule the world from backstage as the amazing puppet mistresses we clearly are .

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ msexceptiontotherule

The best summary I heard (from a coroner as it happens) was:

“Women’s accidents tend to be ‘that’ll polish out with a bit of T-Cut’ and men’s accidents tend to be ‘Police expect the motorway to be closed for another 3 days'”.

Who Knows (@ShiraMK)
9 years ago


No but we DO have one reedeming aspect that lets us rule the world from the shadow. It’s the power of ass.

-Warren Farrel.

9 years ago

Also, that rambling about how women “aren’t funny” and all that jazz, it felt like I was reading E.L. James’s “Grey”. Seriously, um… to echo gosuamakenatek a bit here, I’m sure there’s more than toilet jokes or your average episode of “Family Guy” for actual humor.

These arguments must have taken a tern for the worst in the actual Reddit thread, huh? *is booed*

9 years ago

Biologically iferior? Sez the nothing to the Great Egg.

9 years ago

Ugh. Puns. Look at you people crowing about puns all the time. Sparrow me this nonsense, please!

9 years ago

Speaking of inferior creatures, this is what redpillianism looks like in action (standard warnings apply):

And this is the FBI tip line, should you feel inclined to use it after reading the above:

The redpillian asshole prefaces his screed with “none of the following is true,” but that’s to pre-emptively cover his ass, IMO. I, for one, don’t take his disclaimer seriously; but his violent braggadocio, even if exaggerated to impress his fellow redpillian assholes, does ring true.

I think it is indeed exaggerated for his bros, but what made me sit up was when he said he’d been raping his girlfriends since age 15. I don’t think that’s unlikely.

9 years ago

“Inferior”? Thanks for the subordination, Dudes. Sad that you have no frickin idea what girls are really thinking. We lay low so as not to get hurt but we think as well or better than you ya dicks.

9 years ago

…it’s “tern” for the “worse”, not “worst”. I effed up my own crappy joke. *facepalms*

9 years ago

@paradoxical Intention (and others)

I always thought the bon bons comment went back to the urban legend of the Welfare Queen who collects money from the government to sit around all day. I think there was a case of someone using their welfare money to buy bon bons and people who are against welfare lost their minds over it because it was an indulgence and misuse of money etc etc etc.

Not surprising that shitty rederpillars (who turn into shitterflies when they metamorphose) would be spewing the same BS that right wing assholes use to try and screw the poor.

9 years ago

Anfenwixkm thanks for the link. Fascinating!

9 years ago

Recently, the Coast Guard caught a boatload of marijuana near a sea bird sanctuary and burnt it to the water line, leaving no tern unstoned.

9 years ago

Loquora, the bonbons thing has been around since before the whole “welfare queen” deal. But I’m sure that was probably conflated.

9 years ago

Women TERN into feminists?

Women tern into feminists, because of lesbian gulls.

9 years ago

Sissy on August 3, 2015 at 5:15 pm

I’m sure there’s more than toilet jokes or your average episode of “Family Guy” for actual humor.

Not much more though. Probably why I stopped watching it. It could also have been Seth MacFarlane’s “We saw your boobs” musical effort at the Oscars, which finally drove home the level of “humour” in his shows.
(Side rant: it’s deeply disappointing to me since Seth was integral in rebooting Cosmos with one of my heroes Neil Degrasse Tyson. How can such a jerk do something so awesome?)

Or maybe I stopped watching because I “terned” into a humourless, ugly feminist four years ago?

Cast your votes here!

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Sounds about right. I tend to use lots of words and extra details when I’m writing for everything but work. They kind of frown upon 124765 page court filings with extra words not absolutely necessary and relevant to the case. They like us to save that shit for the other lawyers to ‘appreciate’.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


You may appreciate “Sedley’s Law of Documents”.

I’d do you a link but I’m on my phone and not techno literate enough to do that! Try a Google though. Be interested in what you think of them.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ah, my inherent male ability at STEM stuff works after all 🙂

(well, assuming that link does work anyway)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

the way they deduct information

Hey, don’t knock it. I saved $300 on my taxes last year by donating information to charity and itemizing it.

9 years ago


I can’t comment on the Oscars musical number because I haven’t seen it (and I don’t think I’d want to).

And yes, I did love Cosmos. So much so that I ended up live watching it with a buddy of mine from the Chicago area (I’m in the Metro Detroit area), and we’d have discussions about it.

I still watch the first three seasons of Family Guy for the heck of it sometimes, because it felt like a bit of fun, even if it was a bit crass, but it wasn’t too bad. After that, the constant Meg bashing and the “edgy trying to be edgy” stuff killed it for me. (And that’s just PART of the list. If I listed all of my grievances, I’d be here all night!)

I’m surprised that I made it to season 6, for that matter. I must’ve been bored in high school. *shrugs*

9 years ago

@ Aunt Edna: I don’t want to click that without a DoNotLink, so I’ll take your word and that of the other commenters.

Here we see a woman/feminist getting her success in life by riding on the backs (heads?) of males.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Lol. There seems to be just as much contradiction on that side of the pond as there is here when it comes to the “way things are done when in the business of law”. Also makes me wish that I had someone else working as my paralegal because it’s tedious work doing everything myself, though I am very particular about how things are organized for maximum efficiency while meeting all court rules and law requirements. I’ve got files and boxes of files stacked up taller than I am (not hard, I’m only 5’1″) and 3-4 columns deep – the dog gets lost sometimes trying to get to the office chair so she can take over 2/3rds of the seat while I perch on the edge. She’s not keen on sitting on my feet (but she’ll grudgingly do so after I’ve been shifting uncomfortably a good while and keep interrupting her naptime) since the last time a cascade of paper came down because the pile on the desk pull-out writing board got too high and the whole thing just careened over. There are still courtrooms presided over by the ancients, who make no apologies for expecting the “ladies” to wear skirts when they appear before them…fun times.

9 years ago

What I find really sad about the post is that this stereotyped view of women is really consistent with the psychological brainwashing about women that the mass media pounds into our heads. Sadly many teenage girls internalize a lot of this propaganda that the only thing that matters in a woman is having perfect bodies and being young and thin. Obviously they can never live up to this ideal, which leads to major self-esteem issues as they move into adult life.


“I feel like I just read what goes on in the average 12 year old male mind.”
Actually it’s more like 16-17, and some are forever arrested at that point. The problem is that so much of this type of shit is tossed around by young men that some guys come to believe that it’s the Wisdom of the Ages, and thus screw up any hope of having a satisfying relationship ever. Whenever I hear this “wisdom,” I think of a poem written by J V Cunningham — a poet who was particularly good at the short epigrammatic poem — which I heard him read when I was in college about 50 years ago.

You ask me how Contempt who claims to sleep
With every woman who has ever been
Can still maintain that women are skin deep?
They never let him any deeper in.

The thing about short men is that they do have a lower status in the pecking order among men, and they assume that women judge men by the same standards. Many of them compensate by being tougher and more aggressive, and that doesn’t help them get along with women.

By the way, did you hear about the boy who walked along the beach throwing rocks at seabirds? He left no tern unstoned.


Damn. I used not just a lousy pun, but one that had already been posted. That’ll teach me to read the whole thread first.