A Red Piller wonders aloud: Do women totally suck, or is it just me?
This barely literate disquisition on innate female inferiority garnered 85 upvotes from the alpha dudes of the Red Pill subreddit, who added equally compelling analyses of their own.
Women TERN into feminists?
I’m stopping right there. These are the only five comments in the thread I could bring myself to read. There are 261 total comments in the thread, so if my math is correct, that means that there are 397 more comments that I haven’t read. They could be even more ridiculous than the ones I just quoted.
But I’m a little hung up on this TERN thing, and so instead of reading through the rest of the comments and picking out other totally terrible ones I’m just going to post pics of feminist terns instead.

H/T — r/thebluepill
Also, please don’t tell me I’ve got the gender of these terns all wrong. I don’t have time to fact-check all my jokes.
This is abusive.
No different than the race “debates” that go around. Told by white supremes that you can generalize about a whole population and exceptions don’t count because that is outside of the goal of generalizing. A single example does not mean the general rule is not true. Many examples do not mean the general rule is not true. Abusers generalize to abuse populations. Nothing new here, but it’s gross abuse.
It’s been said many times before regarding these individuals that find themselves here on WHTM, but I hope he, they, never get near a female. I hope they give off a scent that triggers a hormonal reaction in all females to run for their lives.
And I’m sure this dood that could only find one funny female in his whole life is a regular Mitch Hedberg, and not just… horrifying. He probably thinks Dice Clay is the best, but actually thinks he’s personally funnier than Dice. Bets. I looked in to my crystal ball and I’m pretty sure, I’m right.
“Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men?”
No dude, it’s just you.
And any time I have an argument with one of the guys who say things like this, it always amazes me how little they know about the topics that they claim to be experts on. They’ll bitch about how some girl “didn’t know” some ‘fact’ they consider obvious, & when you find out what the ‘fact’ is, it’s wrong.
Is it just me, or are red pillers intellectually inferior to people capable of rational thought?
“having an interesting personality is too much hard work”
I thought guys like these didn’t give two shits about women’s personalities. I’d quote the relevant section from American Psycho but I’m still sleepy and don’t feel like looking for it now.
Also, maybe ease up a little, Dave! You’re not only harshing the buzz of my mother’s birthday but I’m trying to make myself remember that napalm is not the answer to many of life’s problems and this is NOT. HELPING.
You’ve terned this into something it was never meant to be.
Who in ternation does this guy think he is?
That was pretty cringe worthy to read. I almost feel embarrassed for the fool.
I’ve literally heard it said – from MRAs, red pill doods, and their predecessors, no less – that “boys don’t like girls who are too smart.” As well as all the crap from the same shitbag “movement” – on this very blog, even! – about women who have the nerve to exist while failing to live up to societal/patriarchal standards of beauty (and actually living up to those standards takes some serious effort, mind you), the lack of self-awareness from this ignoramus makes me glad that I’ve never tied myself to a man.
“Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men?”
It’s just him, he’s biologically inferior to men 😀
What’s most remarkable is that DESPITE being stupid and shallow and biologically inferior, women control everything everywhere and have crushed all men with their gynocentrist tyranny, as revealed by redpillian, uh, research and, er, intuition.
I guess it’s the feminine mystique? That, or it’s because women can fly and snatch up fish with their long, pointed beaks.
Wait, what were we talking about again?
I must have wasted too much of my life reading redpillian hate blogs to be in any way surprised by it. This is their standard fare.
Add to it the manlogickal calls for taking women’s human rights away, and you have the basis of redpillianism laid bare.
TERNS, the alpha agents of the Feminine Imperative, that’s what. I think.
As a women in a STEM field, it’s so painfully obvious that these men are not in any of those fields. You could have the highest paying job in IT and not know a thing about physics. They just throw out terms they think make them sound smart. Like the guy who was a “Java Programmer”. If you google java programmer description, the top results are Java Developer because that’s the actual job title.
Male and female terns have the same plumage (according to Wikipedia), and both parents care for the chicks, so it can be a bit difficult to tell them apart. You have to look for the vacant, humourless expression on the faces of the females. Also, female terns suck at calculus.
“The way they deduct information”???
About the anecdote of the girl who thought the pill would make her go blind, I have to wonder if she didn’t hear of someone who had that happen and just express horror and fear about that, basically confiding a weakness to him, that he then translated into “dum bitchez be dum”.
Also, I love terns! And what cute baby terns!
I find the inclusion of IT on that list of the great fields somewhat hilarious.
Not badmouthing IT as like any field it requires certain expertise, but it’s not exactly academic. It’s just a systems management field and/or help desk job when you get down to it, like quite a lot of non-technical jobs.
Did ‘only redeeming quality of being short’ guy post in the wrong thread? ‘Cause in general women are shorter than men soooo…
actually women are controlling beta men with their vaginas, tricking them into building civilizations while flirting with hairy alphas and eating bon bons.
The Black Pill once referred to women as ‘Thrints’ from some sci fi novel he absorbed. Apparently thrints can’t do anything except control others with telepathy and thereby parasite off the more worthy species.
It’s all too silly, with or without misandrist seabirds.
Is it just me, or does the Red Pill magically TERN you into a dim-witted shitebird?
Yeah I’m sure it’s the women who aren’t interesting, smart, or funny, and he’s the smarty smart Most Interesting Man. Dude if you dismiss half the population as dumb, inferior, and uninteresting, you may need to do a little self reflection. Like my very interesting, funny, and smart female friend always says: if you think you’re in a room full of assholes, you’re probably the asshole. (Unless you’re at a men’s rights conference. Then you truly are in a room full of assholes. There are exceptions to this saying.)
I find an inconsistency in claiming women are biologically inferior to men yet always whinging about the unfairness of women living longer.
Also, how interesting can someone be who dismisses half the population as inferior? He must be a hoot!
Well, terpers seem to tend to only think men are actually worth considering in any given situation, so I don’t think there’s any significant cognitive dissonance going on with him. You know, beyond dehumanizing half of the population on the planet (more once you figure in homophobia and transphobia and racism, but hey, one thing at a time here!), but that’s peanuts to these guys.
Incidentally, “terp” is the sound I make with my mouth whenever I think about reptpillians.
I wonder who this one special girl is he’s talking about, and why isn’t he going out with her?
Funny that the guy complains about women’s way of “deducting information” (based on one anecdote about one woman), when his idea of fact checking seems to be asking the reddit echo chamber to confirm his already held opinion.