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#Cuckservative: The dumbest neo-Nazi hashtag since #CulturalMarxism hits the big time

From the #cuckservatives hashtag
From the #cuckservatives hashtag

Congratulations, neo-Nazis, quasi-Nazis and panderers-to-Nazis: You’ve managed to catapult your obsession with “cuckolding” into semi-mainstream political discourse.

It’s no secret that those on the far right in the US can’t stop talking about “cuckolding.” Some have been using “cuck” as a handy insult for any man they don’t like; others have concocted weird paranoid fantasies about black men “cuckolding” white men and the white race, literally and symbolically. It’s a ridiculous mixture of racism and misogyny.

And until recently, it was mostly confined to the neo-Nazis and “dark enlightenment” sorts. A couple of months back, you may recall, the cuck-callers tried ineffectually to torpedo a Nickelodeon show about a high school cheerleader-turned-quarterback for supposedly “promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking.”

That strange crusade never caught on but the same gang of far-right cuck-callers has hit the big time with “cuckservative,” a handy if ill-defined epithet for conservatives who aren’t conservative blatantly racist enough for the anti-“cultural Marxist” crowd.

Over the last couple of weeks, the “cuckservative” meme has blown up on Twitter, and ignited a miniature civil war on the right online. Right-wing and far-right “journalists” and bloggers, from Erick Erickson at Red State to Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart to Andrew Anglin at the Daily Stormer, have been busily churning out, er, thinkpieces on the subject. (Erickson, who’s been himself labeled a “cuckservative,” hates the meme; Yiannopoulos and Anglin love it.) Even the Washington Post has weighed in on the subject.

But if you want to understand what exactly this meme is all about you don’t need to wade into that flood of verbiage; all you have to do is to take a look at the #cuckservative hashtag on Twitter, where people are a bit more, well, succinct in expressing their thoughts on the matter. Oh, and they’re also racist as hell.

Let’s take a look.

(All the slogans in this meme are literal neo-Nazi talking points.)

Despite all this — and these Tweets are actually fairly typical for the #cuckservative hashtag — there are those who insist that there’s nothing racist — honest! — about the #cuckservative meme.

And there are some slightly-less-far-right conservatives who’ve been trying to ignore the racism and recast the word as a handy put-down of “moderate” conservatives. Trouble is, most of the cuck-callers seem to think that pretty much all right-wing politicians and media personalities are “cucks.”

Their list of supposed “moderates” ranges from Jeb Bush …


… to Ted Cruz …


… to Bill O’Reilly …


… to Glenn Beck.


Indeed, the only big-name politician (aside from the late Adolf Hitler) that any of the cuck-callers seem to actually like is Donald Trump. (Well, Putin, too, but he’s not running for President over here.)


But that may change now that Trump has fired an aide for making a racist Tweet.

The #cuckservative meme may be too ridiculous, and too suffused with open racism, to survive for all that long in mainstream conservative circles. But there certainly a lot of people out there who want to keep this mishegoss going as long as they possibly can.

Especially this guy.

The little ball gag is a nice touch.

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EDIT: Minor fixes.

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9 years ago

The one-drop nonsense makes me laugh. I’m white, I look like a white stereotype, all but one of my ancestors were Irish or English… But according to the one-drop rule, I’m Chinese. =P Who needs reality when you have racism?!

According to 23andMe, my DNA’s like 1% West African, a fluctuating amount Native American (I think they still have some serious work to do on their data sets), and a chunk Balkan (I can’t remember off hand – and I’ve oy included it because I know some of those Nazi fucks would look askance), and I have blue eyes, generally pale skin, blonde-highlighted brown hair – though I can do a pretty good job producing pigment in the summer.
I’ve been told I look slightly “exotic”, but definitely look “white”.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag85

Who’s saying this?

This was the Rotherham case. There has now been a prosecution in that case but the lessons don’t seem to have been learned.

It’s probably also worth bearing in mind that in the Rotherham case some of the victims were also indicted as co-conspirators with their abusers!

9 years ago

“I’m not sure how many UK viewers there are here…”

Me for one. And if the 13 years of (New) Labour proved anything, it’s that an unfettered left-wing government can get it as wrong on civil liberties as an unfettered right-wing one. Remember also that Labour would’ve had a much stronger bargaining position following the election of 2010 if it hadn’t alienated so many of the liberals who’d formerly voted for it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag95

Not very pleasant reading but gives a flavour of what was going on.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Oliver

Yeah, it’s weird when you consider David Blunkett and Jack Straw were Labour Home Secretaries and Ken Clarke was the Tory one!

9 years ago

Ah yes, Jack Straw: the politician who had the time to introduce a law against “disturbing a pack of eggs” but not to prosecute General Pinochet. And I wish I were joking.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

And if the 13 years of (New) Labour proved anything, it’s that an unfettered left-wing government can get it as wrong on civil liberties as an unfettered right-wing one.

If you think New Labour was a left-wing government of any sort, you’ve got your head on backwards.

9 years ago

I don’t know if this is a common neo-Nazi talking point right now or if it was the work of a lone troll, but the other day, on a thread about Subway Jared Fogel someone posted that he is a cuckold with a link to the Daily Stormer and that video about the Nickelodeon show. It was hilarious.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Oliver

Pinochet was owed certain favours as a result of assistance he had provided during an endeavour in the South Atlantic; so he was always going to be given a pass.

9 years ago

Sometimes it makes me really happy that all I have to do to frustrate the hell out of these assholes, as a liberal, feminist, tattooed, short-haired, Jewish woman, is get out of bed in the morning.

9 years ago

Vox Day is 1/8 Native American and another 1/4 (or thereabouts) Mexican, so therefore it’s OK for him to be racist. No, really, he says so himself:

Then where do we send the First Nations peoples?

They get to live on the remainder of the land that the white people don’t want, after it’s been made worthless through fracking, dumping, water contamination, and other forms of pollution.

9 years ago


For a supposed “master race”, for supposed paragons of physical, mental and cultural evolution, these people sure get frustrated easily!

9 years ago

@mockingbird, I’m another one of those hiding in plain sight ‘mongrels’. I self-identify as ‘white’ because I mostly am and that’s the culture I was raised in and that’s what I look like…

I have a little cousin who is half white (as in white like me) and 1/4 African American (so presumably some white admixture?) and 1/4 Japanese and is blond in the summer time and looks ‘white’. His sister meanwhile has ‘exotic’ looks. It will be really interesting to see how they adopt racial identities or have them foisted upon them as they mature.

9 years ago

Lincoln must be spinning in his grave like a jet turbine.

This primary season is going to be mad ugly

9 years ago

This is very weird; cuckolding, and interracial cuckolding in particular, are significant porn fetishes (I’m sure there are videos called “Caught My Wife With My Black Neighbor #37”). I somehow doubt that the two phenomena are unrelated; has this been remarked on in any of the commentary?

9 years ago

Alan and Oliver – PLEASE do not describe ‘New Labour’ as left wing! They were most emphatically NOT.

9 years ago

ceoln – David has mentioned it quite a few times.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Ellesar

The whole left/right thing is probably meaningless now post-Blair.

Are you familiar with the concept of the ‘Overton Window’? It is interesting where ‘the centre’ is currently located.

Father Thyme
9 years ago

Always ask: Wasn’t Jesus himself cuckspawn?

“Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant.” Matthew 1:18

Merry Cuckmas!

9 years ago

Are you familiar with the concept of the ‘Overton Window’? It is interesting where ‘the centre’ is currently located.

I’m in Australia. We have prime examples in our current government and opposition. The “modern” I’m-more-right-wing-than-you-are Liberals (Tory or Republican equivalents) now hold policy positions that would have shocked their forebears of thirty years ago to the core. Labor is virtually indistinguishable from the “small l liberals” of 40 years ago apart from their continued commitment to unions and fair industrial relations policy generally.

9 years ago


It’s as if they don’t want to acknowledge their dirty kinky fetish obsession, there should be an effort in the defcon camp to bring the porn they download and all that stuff into the light of defiantly demanding equal rights journalist scrutiny.

“Here a cuck, there a cuck, yes we’re all obsessed with cucks just look at our hard drive with all those cucks” – if they just admitted they’re kinky and their kink happens to involve cuckolding, as the kink community says “Your kink is not my kink but that’s ok” ….but really, the more they carry on with the “cucking” the less all the reasonable people are going to be inclined to believe their protests.

9 years ago

On that first cartoon-

If “white history” begins and ends with the Confederate flag and slavery, then, well, fuck white history.

9 years ago

I just ran into this “cuckservative” term on a youtube comment section. It looks like someone’s trying to make “fetch” happen. I hope they split up the republican party but good for this election.