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#Cuckservative: The dumbest neo-Nazi hashtag since #CulturalMarxism hits the big time

From the #cuckservatives hashtag
From the #cuckservatives hashtag

Congratulations, neo-Nazis, quasi-Nazis and panderers-to-Nazis: You’ve managed to catapult your obsession with “cuckolding” into semi-mainstream political discourse.

It’s no secret that those on the far right in the US can’t stop talking about “cuckolding.” Some have been using “cuck” as a handy insult for any man they don’t like; others have concocted weird paranoid fantasies about black men “cuckolding” white men and the white race, literally and symbolically. It’s a ridiculous mixture of racism and misogyny.

And until recently, it was mostly confined to the neo-Nazis and “dark enlightenment” sorts. A couple of months back, you may recall, the cuck-callers tried ineffectually to torpedo a Nickelodeon show about a high school cheerleader-turned-quarterback for supposedly “promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking.”

That strange crusade never caught on but the same gang of far-right cuck-callers has hit the big time with “cuckservative,” a handy if ill-defined epithet for conservatives who aren’t conservative blatantly racist enough for the anti-“cultural Marxist” crowd.

Over the last couple of weeks, the “cuckservative” meme has blown up on Twitter, and ignited a miniature civil war on the right online. Right-wing and far-right “journalists” and bloggers, from Erick Erickson at Red State to Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart to Andrew Anglin at the Daily Stormer, have been busily churning out, er, thinkpieces on the subject. (Erickson, who’s been himself labeled a “cuckservative,” hates the meme; Yiannopoulos and Anglin love it.) Even the Washington Post has weighed in on the subject.

But if you want to understand what exactly this meme is all about you don’t need to wade into that flood of verbiage; all you have to do is to take a look at the #cuckservative hashtag on Twitter, where people are a bit more, well, succinct in expressing their thoughts on the matter. Oh, and they’re also racist as hell.

Let’s take a look.

(All the slogans in this meme are literal neo-Nazi talking points.)

Despite all this — and these Tweets are actually fairly typical for the #cuckservative hashtag — there are those who insist that there’s nothing racist — honest! — about the #cuckservative meme.

And there are some slightly-less-far-right conservatives who’ve been trying to ignore the racism and recast the word as a handy put-down of “moderate” conservatives. Trouble is, most of the cuck-callers seem to think that pretty much all right-wing politicians and media personalities are “cucks.”

Their list of supposed “moderates” ranges from Jeb Bush …


… to Ted Cruz …


… to Bill O’Reilly …


… to Glenn Beck.


Indeed, the only big-name politician (aside from the late Adolf Hitler) that any of the cuck-callers seem to actually like is Donald Trump. (Well, Putin, too, but he’s not running for President over here.)


But that may change now that Trump has fired an aide for making a racist Tweet.

The #cuckservative meme may be too ridiculous, and too suffused with open racism, to survive for all that long in mainstream conservative circles. But there certainly a lot of people out there who want to keep this mishegoss going as long as they possibly can.

Especially this guy.

The little ball gag is a nice touch.

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EDIT: Minor fixes.

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9 years ago

How hard is it to understand that the current United States is made up of groups from all over? That it was NOT majority white people for most of history? WTF?

And I am so tired of the bully-style name calling that these goons use.

9 years ago

It’s really hard for me to understand these far-right racists because their worst doomsday scenarios are all either things I don’t really care about or things that I think would be good.

Like, whites potentially being a minority in the US in the future? Eh, whatever.

9 years ago

You know, I just learned what an Ouroboros is today. It should be the symbol of the Republican party–a snake eating its own tail. They bred and birthed these idiots, so it’s their responsibility to swallow them. Watching the Republican party collapse onto itself is a treat.

Also, conservatives/Neo-nazis have this weird obsession with sex that actual kinky people don’t have. Huh. It’s almost like raising children and young adults to believe that sex is the worst possible thing you can do before marriage in turn makes them obsessed with it. You wanna tell them to grow up and move on, but I guess they stopped maturing around the time they were fourteen. (I only say fourteen because that was about the age that I believed in things absolutely and loudly without question, though thank God it wasn’t “hating black people”)

9 years ago

Also, conservatives/Neo-nazis have this weird obsession with sex that actual kinky people don’t have.

There are the people who tvir qrprag creiregf n onq anzr. They so make the bekabot want to wash out her brain.

9 years ago

Hey, “cultural marxism” doesn’t just mean “jews”, it means “jewish academics.” It’s important to keep track of which kind of jews are being hated on. Your guy who hates jewish businessmen is a very different creature from your guy who hates jewish scholars.

9 years ago

If it helps for people who don’t know: a short primer on Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism in an academic sense refers to a concept in Marxist thought that developed to explain why it was the preindustrial societies like Russia and China had experienced the workers revolution and the industrial nations like America, France or Britain had not. Some (mainly German) thinkers around the 1920’s to 40s argued that “Bourgeois culture” had gotten in the way of inspiring workers to unite. They argued institutions like religion, nuclear families, nationalism and restrictive social mores (bourgeois mores) had to be undermined or removed before a revolution could take place, this is what is meant by “the threat of cultural Marxism”.

It was never a serious force outside of academia (barring some Hamfisted attempts by the Soviets) but the mere notion, the suggestion, has been a perfect boogeyman that can be “behind” everything a conservative hates. The link to Jewish people comes from the fact that some of the academics were Jews who ended up fleeing to the USA during the Nazi era where they continued to (ineffectually) push the idea. Nut jobs who speak of cultural Marxism believe that a shadowy conspiracy exists pushing this idea behind the scenes of everything.

Gay rights? Cultural Marxist plot to destroy traditional mores or nuclear families! Anti-racism? Attempt by cultural Marxists to destroy white society! So on and so forth. Needless to say it’s a lot of crap that fits into any bigotry.

The term has mostly devolved into meaning “things racist/sexist/bigoted ultraconservatives don’t like” among the less aware.

It rapidly fell out of favour in Marxist thought because of the immorality of undermining cohesive society to bring about change and the fact that it is patronising to workers to say that their favoured institutions must be broken for their own good.

Tl;dr “cultural Marxists” are people who are pushing to destroy conservative institutions for the sole purpose of preparing society for a workers revolution (rather than people who are genuinely anti racist, pro feminist etc). It’s total bollocks.

9 years ago

Also, conservatives/Neo-nazis have this weird obsession with sex that actual kinky people don’t have. Huh. It’s almost like raising children and young adults to believe that sex is the worst possible thing you can do before marriage in turn makes them obsessed with it.

I think this might tie in with the emerging consensus about the basic attributes that researchers are finding when lining up people’s conservative or liberal leanings with their negative/ positive, .pleasant v. unpleasant focus and all the rest of it.

Most relevant here would be the conservative emphasis on disgust, avoidance, purity, cleanliness.

This is a neat overview of the various study outcomes with handy links to actual research papers.

9 years ago

Okay, Orion, since you and I are both in this thread, let’s settle this. One of us has to change their username. Who’s it going to be?

9 years ago

> But I’m also half white, so am I allowed in America?

I see you’re not familiar with the good old “one drop rule”. They don’t consider you half white.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thank you, Orion, I learned something.

9 years ago

@mildlymagnificent really interesting roundup of lib v con – which puts me roundly in the lib category usually, but as a confirmed Democrat in the US I’ve ended up Tory here in the UK – i.e. the Conservative Party, partly because of its liberal (yes really!) tendencies. I find the Labour party too willing to throw away freedoms and often unwilling to address nuances in unintended consequences of leftist policy. Plus they bicker too much. It’s not always about left and right and leftists can embrace a weird kind of conservatism.

9 years ago

Apologies to Orion, I think you’ve had the name longer so I’ll use this one instead.

By ways of reintroduction, I’m an Aussie with a economics degree and a Law degree under his belt. Hi there!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The one-drop nonsense makes me laugh. I’m white, I look like a white stereotype, all but one of my ancestors were Irish or English… But according to the one-drop rule, I’m Chinese. =P Who needs reality when you have racism?!

9 years ago

“It’s almost like raising children and young adults to believe that sex is the worst possible thing you can do before marriage in turn makes them obsessed with it. ”

See: Rick “more obsessed with other people’s anal sex than a Mardi Gras float full of gay voyeurs” Santorum

9 years ago

“The link to Jewish people comes from the fact that some of the academics were Jews who ended up fleeing to the USA during the Nazi era where they continued to (ineffectually) push the idea.”

Or maybe because 99% of all conspiracy theories end up boiling down to TEH JOOZ if you poke them deep enough.

Gregory Lynn
Gregory Lynn
9 years ago

I can’t even imagine being so afraid of everything that isn’t like me that hating what seems like everyone is even possible.

9 years ago

@Vaiyt, I wouldn’t put it that way. Cultural Marxism isn’t perceived as a Jewish thing because it’s a conspiracy theory; it became a conspiracy theory because a number of Jewish people really were prominently involved.

9 years ago

So… send all the whites back to Europe then?

No, no, they’ve been grandfathered in because of the last 400 years or so, too late for that.

Okay, what about the hispanics who lived in the American southwest since before that was part of the United States?

Send them to Mexico, as they should have been deported when we took their land from the Spanish.

And the black people who have been here nearly as long as whites, most of whom were brought over unwillingly as slaves?

Just… ship them off to Africa, dammit! America is white people land!

Then where do we send the First Nations peoples?

…Shut up!

(Am I racist-ing right?)

9 years ago

It really is sexual with this idiots, isn’t it?

9 years ago

If Theodore Beale is upset about something, then there must be at least something right about the way the world is going.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

aside from the late Adolph Hitler

It’s Adolf with an “f”.
It’s interesting, in a nauseating way, to see how porous the boundaries between conservative and neo-Nazi politics are; yet a standard right-wing lie is that the Nazis were part of the left. (They called themselves “national socialist” you see. Like North Korea calls itself the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ rubyyogi

I’m not sure how many UK viewers there are here so I won’t derail his thread too much with a discussion on UK politics, but you’re right about Labour’s too willing accommodation to certain groups and viewpoints.

That to me does seem to be a problem on the left generally, too many people get a ‘pass’ because they otherwise tick certain boxes. There’s a particular tendency to throw women under a bus.

So George Galloway, well he doesn’t think consent is always a prerequisite for sex, and he thinks it’s ok to discriminate against people based on ethnicity, but he’s against the gulf war so he’s a hero.

Roman Polanski might have drugged and raped a girl but he made that film criticising Tony Blair and the neo-cons so let’s not dwell on the past.

Julian Assange thinks consent doesn’t really matter and once a man has started he can’t really be expected to stop, but WikiLeaks.

Organised rape of thousands of girls? Doing anything about it would be Islamophobia.

It’s not just Labour of course, the current head of the Lib-Dems thinks gay people are sinners, but he’s the victim because criticism of him is interfering with his religious rights.

Someone put up a great quote recently about how the problem with progressive politics was the willingness to accept every viewpoint which lead to immobility. I think there’s definitely something in that. It is ironic that the most progressive policies recently came from the Tories. Labour had 15 years to do equal marriage and the Tories introduced it in their first term in office.

9 years ago

Organised rape of thousands of girls? Doing anything about it would be Islamophobia.


Who’s saying this?

9 years ago

Also, what is “cultural marxism” anyway? It’s a load of bullshit im sure, but what kind of bullshit? That’s the question.

Short answer: Jews.

Long answer: Jeeeeewwwwws.

I legit laughed out loud.

Well, kind of snorted-grunted, but you get the idea.

I’ll say it again: I honestly didn’t realize that anti-semitism happened in the modern world until I was about 12.
My reaction then: Really? I mean…really?
It’s just about the same today.