Congratulations, neo-Nazis, quasi-Nazis and panderers-to-Nazis: You’ve managed to catapult your obsession with “cuckolding” into semi-mainstream political discourse.
It’s no secret that those on the far right in the US can’t stop talking about “cuckolding.” Some have been using “cuck” as a handy insult for any man they don’t like; others have concocted weird paranoid fantasies about black men “cuckolding” white men and the white race, literally and symbolically. It’s a ridiculous mixture of racism and misogyny.
And until recently, it was mostly confined to the neo-Nazis and “dark enlightenment” sorts. A couple of months back, you may recall, the cuck-callers tried ineffectually to torpedo a Nickelodeon show about a high school cheerleader-turned-quarterback for supposedly “promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking.”
That strange crusade never caught on but the same gang of far-right cuck-callers has hit the big time with “cuckservative,” a handy if ill-defined epithet for conservatives who aren’t conservative blatantly racist enough for the anti-“cultural Marxist” crowd.
Over the last couple of weeks, the “cuckservative” meme has blown up on Twitter, and ignited a miniature civil war on the right online. Right-wing and far-right “journalists” and bloggers, from Erick Erickson at Red State to Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart to Andrew Anglin at the Daily Stormer, have been busily churning out, er, thinkpieces on the subject. (Erickson, who’s been himself labeled a “cuckservative,” hates the meme; Yiannopoulos and Anglin love it.) Even the Washington Post has weighed in on the subject.
But if you want to understand what exactly this meme is all about you don’t need to wade into that flood of verbiage; all you have to do is to take a look at the #cuckservative hashtag on Twitter, where people are a bit more, well, succinct in expressing their thoughts on the matter. Oh, and they’re also racist as hell.
Let’s take a look.
@horatio_iii Mommy Professor says it`s OK to hate White folks and America #DonaldTrump #Cuckservative #WhiteGenocide pic.twitter.com/NSw0LvXnBf
— RainbowCh1ldren (@RainbowCh1ldren) August 2, 2015
(All the slogans in this meme are literal neo-Nazi talking points.)
Dad likes to take me to sleepovers at his friends house. They have long noses, bushy beards, and funny looking hats. #Cuckservative
— Omar Searcy (@Searcysbull) August 2, 2015
Despite all this — and these Tweets are actually fairly typical for the #cuckservative hashtag — there are those who insist that there’s nothing racist — honest! — about the #cuckservative meme.
And there are some slightly-less-far-right conservatives who’ve been trying to ignore the racism and recast the word as a handy put-down of “moderate” conservatives. Trouble is, most of the cuck-callers seem to think that pretty much all right-wing politicians and media personalities are “cucks.”
Their list of supposed “moderates” ranges from Jeb Bush …
… to Ted Cruz …
… to Bill O’Reilly …
… to Glenn Beck.
Indeed, the only big-name politician (aside from the late Adolf Hitler) that any of the cuck-callers seem to actually like is Donald Trump. (Well, Putin, too, but he’s not running for President over here.)
But that may change now that Trump has fired an aide for making a racist Tweet.
The #cuckservative meme may be too ridiculous, and too suffused with open racism, to survive for all that long in mainstream conservative circles. But there certainly a lot of people out there who want to keep this mishegoss going as long as they possibly can.
Especially this guy.
The little ball gag is a nice touch.
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EDIT: Minor fixes.
Also, what is “cultural marxism” anyway? It’s a load of bullshit im sure, but what kind of bullshit? That’s the question.
What a bunch of cucksuckers.
Also, that dancing gif keeps perfect time to CSS’s “Fuckoff is Not the Only Thing”. Weirdly and hypnotically fun.
It’s incredible that Republicans think that this is something to be proud of – this is literally, undisguisedly a race to become the biggest bastard. Showing any compassion to people who aren’t white, or who are women, or a little worse-off than you is now an offense that gets you kicked out of Club Bastard, with the goal of creating some sort of pure race of wall-to-wall bastards. My hope is that they’ll just be so ready to be at each other’s throats that any attempt to act on their awful views will be stifled.
This kind of thinking is being highlighted in mainstream politics as well with the enthusiasm surrounding Donald Trump – an obscene, egotistical raging bully whose only notable quality is that he has money. He’s the chance they’ve been waiting for – someone who speaks about their true views giving no quarter to being a decent human being.
Wow, I used to think people like this looked at things they didn’t like and thought “I bet the jews did this”, but it turns out I was wrong, they actually look at things they don’t like and think “I bet the jews did this, and also it’s really about my penis somehow.”
It’s also funny because that’s the sound cocks make! 😀
I feel like there’s a joke here somewhere here about cock-pics… doesn’t rhyme sadly :'(
@spacelawn: It’s the memetic mutation of the old Nazi bullshit about “cultural Bolshevism”, ie everything that Nazis opposed. Nuf sed?
I adore the sweeping grandeur if the last image. Problem is, the Trump family aren’t exactly opposed to women who work: http://www.celebitchy.com/290021/ivanka_trump_works_16_hour_days_i_think_it_makes_me_a_better_mom_when_im_home/
Does this mean Trump is a Secret Cuckservative? Or is he still their favourite candidate? What are the requirements for non-cuckservative leaders?
Welllll, never heard of cultural bolshevism either, so not really enough said.
Really, i could just google this shit, but the i have a feeling a lot of the explanations that i would come across would be written by people of actually believe in this shit, shit that i don’t know what it means.
Sorry, I meant the super Trumpy second last image!
Short answer: Jews.
Long answer: Jeeeeewwwwws.
I just noticed that that first image takes in the long tradition of Neo-Nazi/MRA/GamerGator memes: They stole that image and
pasted over it“touched it up” in MSPaint.It’s incredible just how completely artless a movement it is.
I don’t comment here a great deal just because sometimes reading this stuff is a chore. It’s like a contest to see who can be the worst person ever born. Vox Day never met a horrible cause he didn’t like, so he’s up there.
Not unlike the feeemales
‘Cultural marxism’ is a scare word that far-right morons use for any chain of thought that doesn’t accept the natural superiority of white people and white culture. I used to only hear it from deranged Tabletop RPG bloggers like John Tarnowski but obviously the meme has metastasized.
So it’s really just a sentence that doesn’t mean anything meant to spook far-right wankers? Alright, sounds about right, considering the type of people we are dealing with here.
Sad, pathetic stuff. If we truly are “cultural Marxists” maybe we should round all these losers up and send ’em to re-education-through-labour camps?
The “Mighty Cucks” logo reminded me of nothing so much as the “Bumpaddle” magazine in “Arrested Development”.
So, yeah, guys: Nothing says “American” more than bringing up cricket. Nothing says “I’m so heteronormative I just call it straight” than a strangely thorough fascination, and familiarity, with ball gags and BDSM gear.
PS Re “the only pol these guys like”: Am I to infer that the right’s mancrush on Vladimir Putin is over already?
It’s actually spelled “mishegas” but, yeah, it’s a great word. As is “meshuganah.”
Cultural Marxism: If something doesn’t treat white cis straight male protestant gun-owning christian capitalists as the rightful rulers of the planet, then it’s a Communist plot by the Jews.
I always wonder where these people would want me to go. I’m half Asian, so I guess back to Korea? But I’m also half white, so am I allowed in America? I do get read as white a lot, and have had people say crappy things about Asian people to me and they make the best faces when I call them out and tell them I’m Asian. I feel like a secret agent, or secret Asian. I’d love to know what they would think of me, but I also wish to stay far far away.
@Paradoxical Intention
I knew it was one of Latuff’s cartoons, I recognized the style.
David Futrelle
Looks like they’re trying to come up with something dumb enough, to rival the idea of “white genocide”
David Futrelle
“#Cuckservative: The dumbest neo-Nazi hashtag since #CulturalMarxism hits the big time”
Actually I think that would be “white genocide”