Congratulations, neo-Nazis, quasi-Nazis and panderers-to-Nazis: You’ve managed to catapult your obsession with “cuckolding” into semi-mainstream political discourse.
It’s no secret that those on the far right in the US can’t stop talking about “cuckolding.” Some have been using “cuck” as a handy insult for any man they don’t like; others have concocted weird paranoid fantasies about black men “cuckolding” white men and the white race, literally and symbolically. It’s a ridiculous mixture of racism and misogyny.
And until recently, it was mostly confined to the neo-Nazis and “dark enlightenment” sorts. A couple of months back, you may recall, the cuck-callers tried ineffectually to torpedo a Nickelodeon show about a high school cheerleader-turned-quarterback for supposedly “promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking.”
That strange crusade never caught on but the same gang of far-right cuck-callers has hit the big time with “cuckservative,” a handy if ill-defined epithet for conservatives who aren’t conservative blatantly racist enough for the anti-“cultural Marxist” crowd.
Over the last couple of weeks, the “cuckservative” meme has blown up on Twitter, and ignited a miniature civil war on the right online. Right-wing and far-right “journalists” and bloggers, from Erick Erickson at Red State to Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart to Andrew Anglin at the Daily Stormer, have been busily churning out, er, thinkpieces on the subject. (Erickson, who’s been himself labeled a “cuckservative,” hates the meme; Yiannopoulos and Anglin love it.) Even the Washington Post has weighed in on the subject.
But if you want to understand what exactly this meme is all about you don’t need to wade into that flood of verbiage; all you have to do is to take a look at the #cuckservative hashtag on Twitter, where people are a bit more, well, succinct in expressing their thoughts on the matter. Oh, and they’re also racist as hell.
Let’s take a look.
@horatio_iii Mommy Professor says it`s OK to hate White folks and America #DonaldTrump #Cuckservative #WhiteGenocide pic.twitter.com/NSw0LvXnBf
— RainbowCh1ldren (@RainbowCh1ldren) August 2, 2015
(All the slogans in this meme are literal neo-Nazi talking points.)
Dad likes to take me to sleepovers at his friends house. They have long noses, bushy beards, and funny looking hats. #Cuckservative
— Omar Searcy (@Searcysbull) August 2, 2015
Despite all this — and these Tweets are actually fairly typical for the #cuckservative hashtag — there are those who insist that there’s nothing racist — honest! — about the #cuckservative meme.
And there are some slightly-less-far-right conservatives who’ve been trying to ignore the racism and recast the word as a handy put-down of “moderate” conservatives. Trouble is, most of the cuck-callers seem to think that pretty much all right-wing politicians and media personalities are “cucks.”
Their list of supposed “moderates” ranges from Jeb Bush …
… to Ted Cruz …
… to Bill O’Reilly …
… to Glenn Beck.
Indeed, the only big-name politician (aside from the late Adolf Hitler) that any of the cuck-callers seem to actually like is Donald Trump. (Well, Putin, too, but he’s not running for President over here.)
But that may change now that Trump has fired an aide for making a racist Tweet.
The #cuckservative meme may be too ridiculous, and too suffused with open racism, to survive for all that long in mainstream conservative circles. But there certainly a lot of people out there who want to keep this mishegoss going as long as they possibly can.
Especially this guy.
The little ball gag is a nice touch.
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EDIT: Minor fixes.
Oh of COURSE that “Mighty Cucks” t-shirt guy is a Gamergater. Good lord…
Ah, Republicans — you sowed the wind, and now you’re reaping the whirlwind. Enjoy!
They want to dominate those Republicans…hard.
I couldn’t even read through all of the Tweets. I’m about damn sick and tired of “bigoted sh** white people say on the Internet” for the rest of the year, and it’s only August.
That’s it! I’m totally noping the f*** out of comments sections on race for the rest of this year. That’s just basic self-care.
Maybe it’s the way I’m living or something but the sheer stupidity and meanness of it never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think nothing worse could possibly be uttered by such people, they reach a new low and I’m surprised, yet again. Not surprised that anyone said it, but that they thought it, and then thought it was okay to let other people see it. Is being them like having a head full of wasps?
Oh and excellent use of the word “mishegoss”.
So rarely get to use that in a sentence.
Of course Vox Day has enthusiastically taken up this term. He’s benn using it for over a week now, I think. I’m surprised Ted Cruz has gotten the label, though. I thought he was a conservative darling.
B-but! Gamergaters aren’t far-right racist nazis! It’s uh, it’s about ethics in… /end sarcasm/
That sarcasm over with, I wonder how many people besides that guy and Vox Day involved in this wretched hashtag are involved with Gamergate also.
Nice to see vox day screaming for attention since his scheme to get people fired hasn’t worked. These people are his natural constituency, which is weird because he is an immigrant.
I just moved from Kansas, where Tim Huelskamp was (unfortunately for Kansas) my representative. I cannot believe that stupid, useless, bigoted, shit-goblin is not disgusting enough for them.
As a leftish sort of person who’s had to put up with LOTS of conservatives thinking it was clever to refer to the “Democrat Party”, “libtards”, “dumbocrats”, etc., I can’t feel too sorry for the asshats who are suddenly all indignant about “slurs” now that THEY’RE getting called a stupid offensive nickname by rightwing extremists.
(you’re welcome everyone)
Isn’t Vox Day an immigrant? I thought he lived in another country to avoid paying the money he owes the US government, or something.
White people are called ex pats silly…
Up until I had no idea that this was a thing. Now I really wish I didn’t know. I used to think (hope, pray) that we as a society were advancing beyond this type of thinking. Sadly, I suppose that was wishful thinking. It makes me think that all the advocating and educating I have been to try to enlighten people has not helped at all.
@Panadapool Your gif made me laugh. Especially seeing Iron Bull in heels. 😀 Thank you 🙂
Not sure where I saw that term first. Occidental Dissent or Daily Stormer or Radix Journal or one of those other hubs of idiocy. I’m embarrassed that this is even a thing. Maybe these folks should just admit they’re into interracial porn and save themselves the trouble.
Boy, they’re really quick to eat their own, aren’t they?
All of the people who have been saying that a “community” bonded by hate is no true community are most certainly correct.
Why do I, a white person, hate my “heritage”?
Because that “heritage” is built on genocide, rape, subjugation, and violence against innocent people who did nothing but exist on lands us white people felt entitled to. That is a “heritage” of vicious slaughter, and I strive to be better than my ancestors.
Why do I, a white person, dislike these fucks, who are white people?
Because I hate racist bigots who are crying that they’re not being allowed to run roughshod over everyone else because of their skin color.
I feel I should add: White people have done some good shit, and for that, I’m grateful, but there’s still a lot of really awful shit we need to own up to and stop denying or telling other races to “get over”.
Of all these, “white genocide” is the one I find most disgusting. That’s entitlement with no sense of proportion whatsoever. You are humaning wrong.
The GOP is reaping what it has sown with their Southern Strategy. CN for racial slurs on the video.
They catered to bigots. They built their party around bigotry for the last 50 years. Now they’re surprised when these bigots they’ve been pandering to are turning on them for not being overtly racist enough? They’re surprised that Donald “Mexicans are rapists” Trump is leading the polls?
That’s the trouble with dog whistles. You’re attracting the vicious rabid dogs to you. And they’re not controllable and liable to bite.
I almost fell down when I realized that I actually agreed with Erick Erickson about something – these people are racist. Holy shit, when the guy who taunted pro-choicers with a link to coathangers is saying you’ve gone too far, maybe, just maybe, you’ve gone too far!
I like how with Trump picture they have these horrible disgusting stereotypes of all the groups they hate…. but couldn’t find one for working women. I mean to women smiling while working on a laptop doesn’t inspire the same hate they seem to think it does.
Ever since I’ve came across this term I can’t stop saying ‘Cuck-cuck-Cuckservative’ in my head to Duran Duran’s – ‘Notorious’.
Also ewwww at selective abortions, just ewwww.
Ohh the delusion! Isn’t it wonderfull? I don’t know if i should laugh or cry….
Probably both.
You see, it’s funny because it almost sounds like cock.