Last night was the grand premiere of The Sarkeesian Effect (Team Jordan Owen Edition), and the response from critics and audience members alike has been overwhelming!
That video of crickets has gotten more than 3,344,825 views on Youtube. That’s 371,647 times the number of people who apparently showed up at the Sarkeesian Effect premiere/#GamerGate Meetup at the Landmark Midtown Art Cinema in Atlanta last night.
Yep. According to the organizer of the #GamerGate meetup, only nine people showed. Including the director.
@mundanematt @jordanowen42 But yeah, including me, Jordan, and my bf, only 9 people showed up.
— Artist Lisa M (@ArtistLisaM) August 1, 2015
Meanwhile, on Reddit’s Kotaku In Action subreddit, one of the main #GamerGate hubs, the excitement was palpable.
Even Jordan Owen — the director of this incarnation of the Sarkeesian Effect — was uncharacteristically quiet; his reports from the premiere consisted mainly of photos of the screen, evidently his attempt to prove to the critics that, yes, the film exists.
Those last two pics seem to suggest that the insidious “Sarkeesian Effect” that gave the film its title is Ms. Sarkeesian’s uncanny ability to cause her critics to wear plaid shirts vaguely similar to her own signature look.
Online, the only people excited about the event that I could find were an assortment of popcorn-munching critics of #GamerGate. And they were mostly excited about the discovery of the official Sarkeesian Effect website.
Sorry, I meant to say the discovery of ANOTHER official Sarkeesian Effect website.
You may vaguely remember the official website, unveiled several months back, an amateurish unfinished job, with crappy graphics; the links on the front page to the film’s trailer, press coverage, Sarkeesian Effect wallpapers (!), and a list of theaters showing the film (!!) all led to this page:
And they still do.
Owen says that this unfinished mess of a website is still the official Sarkeesian Effect website. But now it’s been joined by a second unfinished mess of a website that also seems to be staking a claim as the official Sarkeesian Effect website. It’s not clear if this new site is the handiwork of Davis Aurini, or if Owen hired someone to put it together and just forgot about it.
Weirdly, this last option seems the most probable. Given that the site was promoting the premiere last night — a premiere of Owen’s version of the film, which Aurini had disavowed in advance — it seems unlikely that Aurini had anything to do with it.
While a teensy bit slicker than the original, the new site isn’t quite ready for public consumption. Here, for example, are the bios of some of the famous NAMES interviewed in the film.
Yes, that’s right: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s …
Also, Karen Straughan — the blabby FeMRA videoblogger and “Honey Badger” — is actually three women sitting next to each other.
Alas, the now-feuding “filmmakers” behind the “film” don’t fare any better themselves. In addition to giving both of them the Lorem treatment, whoever made the site also managed to misspell Aurini’s last name.
Clearly, from now on, Davis Aurini will be known as Davis-a-rooni.
Even the site’s Quick FAQs section has an impressive Lorem ratio.
And, yes, it is true that FILM starring NAME, NAME and NAME, has been featured on MEDIA.
This site, as, er, wildly optimistic about the commercial prospects of The Sarkeesian Effect as the old site, also includes a link to theaters showing the film. But instead of leading to a “Coming Soon” page, the new site links instead to …  a blank page on Google Docs.
I can only hope that the film itself — presumably headed ultimately for a YouTube release — lives up to this amazing website.
Sorry. I mean BOTH films live up to BOTH websites.
H/T —Â @tortoiseontour, who alerted me to the website and pointed out the misspelling of Aurini’s name.
The level of meltdown going on around this is so well represented by Sarkeesian’s gif. First, you have this moronic film made by a porn loving randroid neckbeard, and then you have the low end Aurini and his manosphere minions spreading a never ending spew of obscene rumours about Owen (mental illness, incontinence, etc). The most hilarious thing is how these manosphere morons actually claims that they are the one’s with “honour” and “virtue” and that its the “left” that’s “sick in the head”.
I heard that the nine who attended, were offered money to stay and just as a precaution, they were provided with match sticks to keeps their eyes open!
So who’s the dude attempting to camouflage himself against the drapes?
I mean, I know about greenscreening, but I’ve never seen anyone attempt plaidscreening before.
Yes, Paul Elam in a partially unbuttoned black silk shirt will convince many a feminist to renounce her evil ways.
Their original thesis seemed to be that Sarkeesian lied about being harassed (or that anti-GamerGate people are responsible for the harassment) and she and other “SJW’s” are using the harassment to promote her work and make GamerGate look bad. But since nobody actually believes in feminism, they’re all in this just to promote themselves and make money.
Of course, people who actually believe this stuff tend to have strange ideas about what constitutes “evidence.”
@Chris, thanks, I figured it was something like that. Even if she’s moved on from ‘Tropes vs Women’, I don’t see why she shouldn’t use any excess money to make other videos.
@leftwingfox, ‘plaid screening’, I like it 🙂
If Owen is a “porn loving randroid neckbeard,” then what’s Aurini? 🙂
Laughed, I nearly pee’d all over an MRA..
I still can’t tell whether or not this is performance art.
It still needs more skulls.
Okay, I will say I agree with the people who say at least the movie was put out. Owen didn’t buy a car with the money and he got it out on time. He has slightly more moral fiber than Arooni. Slightly.
Oh so slightly.
Oh my stars and garters this is amazing
re: History Nerd
Aurini might be a “deluded, skull-loving, medieval fair reject”?
This is amazing. I’m oscillating between being genuinely embarrassed on their behalf, and laughing out loud at how astoundingly terrible these guys are at doing the thing they’re charging people Real Actual Moneydollars for. If this is the most devastating piece of propaganda the redpill types can summon up, I think feminism/progressivism is pretty safe.
The best thing about this is absolutely everything*. You could not make this stuff up and be believed. It’s way too on the nose.
Props to Owen for at least making his stated deadline. 9 people is hilariously awful, but who knows – the film could grow a cult following a la Rocky Horror. I can’t think of a more fitting fate for either version than SJW’s gathering once a year to screen the film, cosplay, shout stuff out and dance.
Also, there are a ton of ipsum generators out there. That someone used the explanation of ipsum text is… well, emblematic of this whole project, really. Kudos, geniuses!
*Actually, the best thing about this is that ‘Davis-a-rooni’ now exists as a thing.
I’m having the most devastating, vile day. It’s a year since my cousin died. I’ve just got back from putting flowers on the lake she drowned in.
this actually made me smile today
Is it too much to hope that if/when the movie itself ends up on youtube that Matt Lees will do a fake director’s commentary for the whole darn thing? That’s something I’d be willing to pay for…
I’m glad this made you smile. 🙂
NicolaLuna, sorry to hear about your day.
NicolaLuna-I am so sorry for what happened to your cousin. Please accept my internet hugs (((((((((((NicolaLuna))))))))). I am so glad that this post made you smile despite what you are going through. Have some more hugs! (((((((((((NicolaLuna))))))))). And some kitten hugs, too!
Thank you, @Policy of Madness. So, ‘Tthe Sarkeesian Effect’ is just a joke about how other people’s criticism of her increased her project’s profile? That actually disappoints me, as I was hoping for some thesis about how Sarkeesian’s work and the response she’s received has had some kind of real or imagined impact on the world of video games or gamer culture or whatever.
They mean by “the effect” that she’s part of the problem of people losing their jobs over “Political correctness” (not that they were fired for being assholes), and other wholesale injustices.
Side note. These people started throwing their tantrums before she released a single video in the series proving they had no idea what they were talking about long before they had no idea what they were talking about.
HAH HAH HAH from this pair? LOL
The “effect” they are claiming, if I am recalling it correctly, is hardly new, and it’s not like it’s never been noticed before. However, it’s become pretty clear that their “documentary” has very little to do with the “effect,” as it is merely a one-note hit piece.
Or in my case, her evil supper.
Srsly, Paulie, if that’s your “hey ladies, you wanna piece a dis?” look, it’s no wonder the fish aren’t biting.