a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil lying women gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture

Bill Cosby’s deposition shows he “loves beautiful women, and they love him right back,” explains A Voice for Men writer

This is a real thing that exists
This is a real thing that exists

Earlier this month, A Voice for Men published a post by its founder, the reliably odious Paul Elam, with the lovely title

Bill Cosby’s victims? Or just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?

In it, Elam suggested that Cosby’s 46 (so far) accusers were nothing “a bunch of greedy women who commoditized their bodies like groupies” in order to get drugs from the comedian, indulging in an age-old transactional sort of sex that Elam referred to, with his customary delicacy, as “gash for stash.”

I didn’t think AVFM’s ongoing, er, coverage of Cosby could get any more ludicrous than that. Then yesterday a post by Jonathan David Farley appeared on the site with the headline:

Cosby deposition shows he loves women and women love him─and the liberal media hates it!

As it turns out, Farley spends little time meditating on Cosby’s peculiar version of “love.” The bulk of the post instead offers a highly selective “reading” of Cosby’s deposition to prove that the “liberal media” is lying about Cosby:

[A]t no point in the purported deposition transcript does Bill Cosby admit to drugging women in order to rape them. But a dying newspaper industry seeking easy clicks can hide behind the fig leaf of Fallwell v. Flynt─newspapers can basically lie about public figures with impunity─rather than present confirmed facts.

Naturally, this being AVFM, the post offers no evidence whatsoever that the “liberal media” is lying.

It’s just a teensy bit hypocritical to attack the media for allegedly not “present[ing] confirmed facts” when you present none yourself.

Farley starts off his post with this claim:

The media is breathlessly reporting that “Bill Cosby Admitted To Drugging Women In 2005 Deposition,” the implication being that he gave women drugs without their knowledge to knock them unconscious and then have relations with them.

Farley’s evidence for this assertion? He provides none.

Which makes a certain kind of sense, because that’s not what the media has reported, “breathlessly” or otherwise. Sure, a few careless headlines did in fact declare that Cosby had admitted to giving women (plural) drugs and having sex with them.

But most serious media outlets were in fact quite careful about getting the details exactly right, reporting that Cosby had admitted only to procuring drugs with the intention of giving them to women, and that he had only explicitly admitted to giving the drugs to one woman.

Here are the top ten results you get when you search Google for the phrase “Cosby admitted.”


As you can see, all but one of the headlines, from an assortment of major media outlets including the BBC and the Washington Post, report what is in the deposition exactly. The only outlet to declare, incorrectly, that Cosby had admitted to drugging women — plural — was Fox News, not exactly a bastion of the “liberal media.”

That said, it’s certainly true that plenty of people believe that Cosby actually gave women the drugs he got in order to give them to women. 

Hell, even Farley’s boss at AVFM, the aforementioned Paul Elam, thinks so, writing in his post last month that Cosby had “probably” used “his fame, fortune and pharmaceuticals to grease the wheels of his sex life?”

Farley also tries to insinuate that the deposition itself is somehow unreliable.

Question the source: the document was created by one of Bill Cosby’s accusers. It makes far-from-objective statements like “[Bill Cosby’s] testimony become [sic] more and more unbelievable” (page 20).

While the document that Farley points to was prepared by a lawyer for one of Cosby’s accusers, not even Cosby’s lawyers are suggesting that the extensive excerpts from Cosby’s deposition that appear in it are distorted or fabricated. While his lawyers aren’t happy about any portion of Cosby’s deposition being made public, they don’t deny that Cosby said what he said.

Ironically, Farley himself blatantly misrepresents what’s in the deposition:

The anti-Cosby articles insist that none of the accusers are in it for the money, but the deposition reveals how false this is: The hostile lawyer asks, “Mr. Cosby, did you believe that T—— P—– would go to the press with her story when you sent her the money?”

There is zero evidence in the deposition that any women demanded money from Cosby, though there’s no question that he sent money to some.

In the deposition, Cosby admitted that he’d offered money to the plaintiff in the case. But he explicitly denied that she or her mother had demanded hush money from him — or that he’d ever claimed that. As the defense attorneys summarized what he said:

Defendant testified that even though both Plaintiff and her mother told him that all they wanted was an apology, he called Plaintiff’s home and spoke to her mother to offer money for Plaintiff’s “education.” 

And here it is in Cosby’s own words. Or, rather word.

Q. So, you did not believe that [name redacted by DF] or her mother wanted money from you at the time they made the phone calls to you?

A. No.

While nothing in Cosby’s deposition proves that he’s a woman-drugging serial rapist, it certainly seems to back up a good number of the allegations made against him, and at the very least reveals him to be a sleazy adulterous creep.

But the main conclusion that Farley draws from it all is … this:

The old saying is still true:  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Clearly, Farley has a much bigger problem with the facts — not to mention reality itself — than the “liberal media” he’s criticizing.

And an even more screwed-up definition of “love.”


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9 years ago

I wonder how common it is to deny rape to this extent. Obviously for a man like this a thousand women could accuse the same man with similar accounts and it wouldn’t make any difference.
This is why I never bother arguing with this type of fuckwit. He’d argue that black was white if it suited his misogynist narrative.

9 years ago

@Miss Andry: I’m now thinking of MRA valentines. So far my favorite: I like you, unless you reject me, in which case, you’re a fat whore. Happy Valentine’s Day!

9 years ago

A famous example: when the News of the World ran a story about Jeffrey Archer’s alleged financial dealings with an alleged prostitute, which allegedly took part in Victoria Station, this led to a legendary libel action (legendary not least because although Archer won, he was subsequently jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice and had to pay back the damages with interest).

But the twist is that he didn’t sue the NoW, he sued the Daily Star. And why? Because the Star ripped off the story lock, stock and barrel – but while the NoW had been incredibly careful to make sure that every allegation was meticulously qualified, the idiot who wrote the Star‘s equivalent ended up stating outright what the earlier story was only hinting at. Which is a really stupid mistake for a professional journalist, editor and newspaper to make, but there you go.

Heh…that IS an interesting one.

Of course, the one the bozo cited above is also not what he made it out to be. For one thing, Larry Flynt’s piece on Falwell was satire, and obviously meant to be understood as such. It was never couched as journalism, and not meant to be taken seriously. Its sole purpose was to needle Falwell, and it succeeded.

MRAs really do need to bone up on the meanings of words like journalism, satire, legality, etc. They obviously think those words only mean whatever THEY want them to mean.

9 years ago

(Or, hell…bone up on the meanings of words in general. MRAs seem to have trouble with the concept of just about anything.)

9 years ago

Omg MRA Valentines!

How about: I have chosen you to be the recipient of my liquid fucking gold.* Happy Valentines Day!

*Disclaimer: I refuse to be held liable if said liquid gold impregnates you. I hereby hold myself exempt from all parental and financial responsibilities if this incident occurs, nor should I be expected to apologise. Should have thought twice about sleeping with me, slut.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

MRAs really do need to bone up on the meanings of words like journalism, satire, legality, etc. They obviously think those words only mean whatever THEY want them to mean.

And what they want them to mean is “Be held accountable for what we’ve said/done? NEVER! Accountability is only for harassment, rape and murder victims!”

9 years ago

I’m loving the idea of MRA Valentines…

“I got you this Valentine, you now owe me sex.

Unless you’re just some gold digging whore who wants candy from me too, in which case I always thought you were ugly and never wanted to have sex with you. Slut.”

History Nerd
9 years ago

Cosby clearly knew that he was drugging women so they wouldn’t resist, and that was just as wrong then as it is now. It just wasn’t fully in the public consciousness to consider that rape and people would minimize it more often.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Also, I wanted to put Lolaphilologist’s one through a meme program.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

It’s not as if that attitude is something that only existed back in the antediluvian age:

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“MRA Valentine” would be a good euphemism for “Unsolicited dick pic.”

9 years ago

@History Nerd

It’s possible Bill Cosby truly thought he was only being an adulterous sleaze and “bad boy.” In the 1950’s and 1960’s people did tend to think that consent was implied if a man was alone with a woman he wasn’t related to and she didn’t physically resist.

I think not. He often used deception (inviting women to dinner parties and when they arrived found themselves alone with him; telling women he was giving them something for a headache or over-the-counter cold medicine, reassuring Joyce Emmons who said she “didn’t do drugs” by saying that he was her friend, would never hurt her, trust him; he drugged Victoria Valentino and her friend while they were eating in a public restaurant then took them to a private hotel room to assault them). He entered the green room at the Tonight Show and orally raped Louisa Moritz. They’d never met and he knew she was there to appear on the show, not to “be alone” with Bill Cosby. He certainly used the perception that consenting to be in a man’s company was consent to sex in order to get what he wanted, but he knew that what he wanted was rape.

9 years ago

*Moritz’s dressing room not the green room

9 years ago

“You’re a young, fertile, attractive virgin female. I’m a man with a biological need for a girl like you. Want to bear my children and live a life of submission to me?”

9 years ago

Roses are red
My sperm is liquid gold
Don’t hit the wall
20 is too old

9 years ago

I choo-choo-choose you. That means you better not say no, you misandric shallow cunt. Wait! Where are you going? I’M A NICE GUY! !! VALENTINES DAY IS MISANDRY!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

“MRA Valentine” would be a good euphemism for “Unsolicited dick pic.”

Seconded. All in favour?

9 years ago

“I like you. Take it as a compliment because I don’t normally go for girls with fat thighs like yours.”

(My attempt at a “negging” valentines).

9 years ago

Red pills are red,
Beta mangina balls are blue,
I’m a Menz Rightzer
— Hey! Come back here! Fat bitch! Slut! Fuck you!

History Nerd
9 years ago

I know he used deception and that definitely made it rape or first degree sexual assault back then (legally in most states). I’m saying it’s possible he rationalized it (like Red Pillers), but I could be wrong.

9 years ago

“I am a HUGE admirer of yours, ON PAPER.

You do agree that Roosh got laid in Norway, right?…
Say it! Admit he got laid in Norway!!!”

(My attempt at an Aurini valentines)

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
9 years ago

That gaslamp is a nice touch, but it needs a blatantly false statement to really make it complete.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Tonight will be the most decadent dinner since the fall of Rome. Happy Skullentine’s Day.”