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The Daily Stormer defends its hero Donald Trump against the Elders of Zion (and the Daily Beast)

Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans
Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans

Andrew Agelin, grand wizard of The Daily Stormer, is given to, well, colorful headlines. Notable recent ones include

Devious Jew Vermin Abe Foxman Finally Steps Down as Anti-Defamation League Head

Jew Flood: 150,000 Ratlike Parasites to Apply for Spanish Citizenship Following New Law

Fed Jewess Janet Yellen Refusing to Share Documents with House Committee

He also has, as you might have noticed, a teensy bit of a preoccupation with Jewish people. Indeed, he’s something of an expert at working the fact (or the fantasy) of a person’s Jewishness into stories in which said person’s Jewishness is not really the story at all.

But Anglin’s attempts to inject a Jewish angle into the story of Donald Trump’s alleged rape of his then-wife Ivana deserve some sort of award. A terrible, terrible award. Here’s the headline:

Pulling Out All the Stops: Jews Accuse The Donald of Raping His Own Wife in the 80s

Technically, the person who accused The Donald of raping his own wife was his own wife, in a sworn deposition she gave several years after the alleged incident. What happened on Monday is that a publication ran an article reminding people of this allegation.

But let’s not get bogged down in mere details like that. Because, as Anglin sees it, Jewish fingerprints are all over the terrible smearing of The Donald, who is, incidentally, the darling of the neo-Nazi crowd at the moment.

The J, E, and W keys on Anglin’s laptop get quite a workout as he sets forth his accusations:

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, there is no doubt that most of the hardcore opposition to him is coming from the Jews. It was a Jew who tried to stump him on the John McCain war hero gibberish, Jewish-owned media outlets coming at him 24/7.

And Jews are a people whom no one has ever accused of having shame. They are now bringing up an ancient rape allegation (which was not actually a rape allegation) made by Trump’s wife, Ivana, during their divorce in the nineties.

The Jewish publication The Daily Beast was the first to unearth this hoax in an article written by Tim Mak (Asian) and Brandy Zadrozny (Jew).

But wait! It seems as though there’s a teensy weensy little schtikel of a flaw in Anglin’s Jewspiracy theory here.

Because, as you may recall, the Trump lawyer who got o much attention yesterday for defending his boss in a most Trumpian manner — with bluster and nonsense and a heavy dollop of attempted intimidation — was a guy named Michael Cohen.

Now, I’m no Hitler, but even I know that’s a Jewish name.

A Jew defending Trump against … the Jews? This Jewspiracy theory seems to have fallen as flat as unleavened bread.

But Anglin, an old pro in the anti-Semitism game, manages to work Cohen into his Jewspiracy theory.

What is interesting about the situation, from an anti-Semitic angle, is how horrible Trump’s Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, responded to the Asian reporter. …

Why would Cohen, who is surely a shrewd Jew, deal so horribly with a reporter, making a statement so offensive to modern sensibilities?

If I didn’t know better (and believe me, I don’t), I would almost wonder if this Jew working for Trump is purposefully attempting to sabotage his campaign.

And I am not asserting a conspiracy theory here. I am not suggesting some other Jew called up Cohen and told him he’d better serve the tribe and sabotage the Donald. The word “purposeful” wouldn’t even be explicitly accurate. The way Jewish psychology works, they subconsciously sense threats to their tribe, then act out based on these perceived threats. …

Well, it seems as though Anglin has this case all wrapped up, with no loose ends, like he’s a detective on Law & Order: Anti-Semite Unit.

But, to invoke an entirely different TV detective, there’s just one more thing that’s bugging me here.


Because, ok, so it’s Anglin’s contention that it was Michael Cohen’s evil Jewy unconscious that led him to behave in a way that made Trump look even worse than he already does?

Who else talked about the unconscious mind a lot? You know, he didn’t really invent the idea, per se, but he was the one that got people talking about it at cocktail parties for like a century.

I believe it was a famous psychologist named Sigmund Freud.

Or should I say a famous JEW psychologist named Sigmund Freud?

That’s right. There’s only one conclusion to draw from this.

Andrew Anglin, the supposedly Jew-hating, Hitler-loving dude behind The Daily Stormer, is working for the Jews!

All I can say to you, Andrew, is welcome aboard!

There’s lox and bagels in the break room.

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9 years ago

Shorter Daily Stormer (and, really, ALL stoopidfuck antisemites, as if there were any other kinds):


Also: Kittehblintzes! And Napoleon Donaldmite! Vote for Pedro!

9 years ago

@Pandapool – just watched the first part (with Chloe). Wow. I’ve become more impressed with the writing in this game as it’s gone on, and they really did an amazing job. Just… jeez. Even the comments on YouTube were solemn and thoughtful (though MaTN’s comment section is generally really good)

I do have a terminally ill person in my life and I don’t think he’d choose what she chose… but I am glad to know that he could, as it’s legal here now. Frickin’ right in the feels, christ.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I fucking know. I fucking know.

Here, this’ll make you feel better.

9 years ago

OMG it’s like a floating hug. I want to squidge it.

9 years ago

“If I didn’t know better (and believe me, I don’t)”

I somehow don’t think people will have trouble believing this.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

EVERYONE needs a pink whale in their life. 😀

9 years ago

Has anyone checked up on the male tears that were surely shed in the manosphere from the Arizona Cardinals hiring a feeeemaaale NFL coach? That’s gotta be good.

9 years ago

Also, if anyone is in need of brain bleach, YouTube just gifted me with this goat and kitty video.

9 years ago


…okay, I think there’s a permanent dent in the wall now from my cranium.

What. Just… What.

9 years ago

Aww, that whale is very squishy.

9 years ago

I really loved the X-Files and when I got my first iMac (the original bondi-blue G3 233 Mhz, 32MB RAM model) and my first internet connection, was to check out a load of conspiracy theorist stuff for what these guys actually believed. And it was incredibly disappointing to find that virtually all of these “theories”, whether they were about aliens, JFK or water fluoridation, eventually led back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – so they were basically just very elaborate excuses for blaming everything on the jews.

So in a way, this is kind of refreshing – somebody who doesn’t hide behind any weird smokescreens but is just completely up front about his jew hate. It feels like a more honest kind of moronic bigotry.

But then, that’s just what a jew like me would say, isn’t it?

9 years ago

It really, really weirds me out that there are people who can be this brazenly anti-Semitic and not realize that they’re on the wrongest side of history.

9 years ago

That is a very comfy whale.

I want a plushy of it.

Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi)
Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi)
9 years ago

On an off topic note, I really like the new background for WHTM, it feels a lot less cluttered and more professional.


Anti-Semitism is the go-to mode for conspiracy theorists who are not smart enough to think up their own villain.
9 years ago

[s]I recognize that tiny whale![/s]

I recognize that some people, like Rupert Murdoch, are Jewish, and are also gigantic assholes. However, I’m pretty confident that for most of these people, being Jewish and being jerks who ruin everything, are independent phenomena. I don’t suspect Rupert Murdoch is a paranoid neoreactionary because he’s Jewish.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

There’s a certain sort of person who interprets public condemnation of their theories as proof that those theories are correct. For such people, anti-Semitism is a comfortable place.

9 years ago

One thing that fascinates me about hardcore bigots and conspiracists is that the negative stereotypes they believe in are very often the opposite of the more common prejudices in the general population. I used to assume there was a smooth continuum from thoughtless or benign racism through to aversion through to virulent hate, but sometimes I wonder if the hardcore are fundamentally different internally or generate by a very different subculture.

Take the idea that Jews have a hive mind that enforces loyalty to the common good of their people above all personal conflicts. That doesn’t stand up to reality; listening to the gossip at a few bat mitzvahs or attending a temple for a few weeks would make that pretty clear. But it doesn’t even stand up when exposed to other stereotypes. Even someone who’s never met any Jews would have to encounter the kind of low-grade racists who think Jewish people are petty, selfish, and prone to infighting.

9 years ago

On an off topic note, I really like the new background for WHTM, it feels a lot less cluttered and more professional.

It’s the default format for WordPress, actually. David’s trying to get the Mammoth back.

[s]I recognize that tiny whale![/s]

I’m trying hard to separate the whale from its context, which is a lot less comfy.

9 years ago

Anglin needs to find another Republican candidate to idolize since Trump most likely will implode before the primaries next Spring. I’m sure Trump loves all the attention he’s getting now but even he must know that he’s not qualified to be the President of these United States. His bigotry is popular with a certain segment of the population but that segment is not large enough to put him in the White House.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi) | July 30, 2015 at 10:56 am
On an off topic note, I really like the new background for WHTM, it feels a lot less cluttered and more professional.

Actually, I emailed David about it (because, speaking as a graphic designer, while it does look good, you can’t read the red text for shit), and it’s not a “new background”, it’s actually a WordPress bug, because that’s the default banner for the theme he’s using. 😛

Though, I will say the actual banner suits the site a lot better.


Trump certainly believes he’s qualified to be President. He thinks he’s qualified to be God. His problem is that he’s an egomaniac and a lazy man who loves playing a certain role in public. He’s very much like Sarah Palin — he won’t put in the time and effort to really understand the issues. He’s playing to a segment of the population that is angry and hates blacks, Hispanics, and what-have-you, and thinks the country is headed straight to hell. He knows exactly how to channel that group’s anger, but … his limit is probably about 30% of Republican’t voters, because of his huge negatives and the grating effect of his constant and blatant self-promotion. He might even win a few primaries while there are still a lot of candidates to split the vote, but if it looks like he has any chance of winning the nomination, the Establishment will step in and carpet-bomb him. He just upsets too many apple-carts on Wall Street for them to tolerate him. I assume, however, that he’ll just get bored and walk away. At the moment, though, he has the Republican’t Party by the proverbial balls due to the possibility that he could run as an independent and guarantee that Hillary gets elected.
Some progressives would like to see him run as an independent, but I don’t, because (1) I think Hillary is fairly sure to win anyway and (2) his candidacy might bring out a lot of angry right-wingers who would otherwise just stay home, and that might tilt some marginal Senate seats toward the GOP.
In any case, you might want to stock up on popcorn — this is going to be the ultimate reality show.

9 years ago

This is very off topic but seemed like something that might interest you all:

Virginia’s new “Andi’s Law” fights anonymous harassers on the Internet

9 years ago

On the subject of Trump and misogyny:

Oh boy.

9 years ago

Take the idea that Jews have a hive mind that enforces loyalty to the common good of their people above all personal conflicts. That doesn’t stand up to reality; listening to the gossip at a few bat mitzvahs or attending a temple for a few weeks would make that pretty clear. But it doesn’t even stand up when exposed to other stereotypes.

Anti-semites have a long history of casting Jews as, well, whatever it is they don’t like. You’re on the side of job-creating industrialists? Then Jews are rabble-rousing communist anarchists. You’re on the side of the working man? Then Jews are greedy capitalists. You like principled self-reliance and individualism? Then Jews are a clannish hive-mind. You like collective organization? Then Jews are selfish egotists. You like intellectual culture? Then Jews are heartless businessmen. You like hard-working businessmen? Then Jews are effete, spoiled artists. And on and on and on… (There’s a great take on this in ‘The Believer,’ a movie I love…).