#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy Dean Esmay dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism straw feminists twitter

Newly free from A Voice for Men, Dean Esmay continues on being a douchebag

Dean Esmay's Opinions: Still Terrible
Dean Esmay’s Opinions: Still Terrible

When the lovely Dean Esmay jumped (or was pushed) off the good ship A Voice for Men last week, we were told that he intended to “take his activism in a different direction.”

So far that “new direction” looks suspiciously like the “old direction.” While Esmay has reduced the frequency of his intemperate, accusatory, free-associational Tweets from a flood to a trickle, he hasn’t stopped Tweeting — apparently his primary form of “Activism” for now — and his Tweets are as intemperate, accusatory, and free-associational as ever. 

He’s still attacking anyone even vaguely critical of the Men’s Rights movement as “lying bigots;” describing anyone even vaguely critical of him as “cyberbullies” and maybe even paid shills; and making bizarre pronouncements to no on in particular.

Here he is offering his take on the rather fraught issue of women in STEM.

Here he is taking on the question of the Confederate flag.



Here he is trying to convince the world that Washington Post writer Caitlin Dewey is  a “cyberbully” … by spamming her Twitter account with attacks on her. Oh, and spamming the Twitter account of a completely different and utter;y unrelated woman named Caitlyn Dewey, who spells her first name with a Y.


(He’s been pestering her for a while.)

Here he is trying to convince a feminist that he knows more about feminism than she does.


Here he is proving that the only feminism he knows anything about is the Bizarro World feminism he dreams up in his own feverish mind.

And here he is trying to convince another feminist that he’s a nice guy, honest.

Take a break, dude. Take a long break and think, really think, about what you’re doing with your life.




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9 years ago

Carry on, my wayward son.


I have a daughter named Caitlin, and if he spelled her name with a Y she’d hunt him down and glare him unconscious.

9 years ago

I… I thought I was the walrus?

I am clearly the Fool on the Hill.

9 years ago

People keep wanting to feel bad for Dean and hope he’ll turn over a new leaf. I’m starting to think that’s a little bit of a pie in sky hope.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Dean, partly because he seemed… less frothy/unreasonable and more intelligent, and sometimes he seemed on the verge of getting it. Plus, his avatar looks like Bob Seger.

Now, however, I’ve given up. He’s frothed to the gills. He’s gone… gone.

9 years ago

I was told some so-called MRAs were nasty to you. If you ever want to talk to an MRA who thinks that was wrong, I’m here.

Good thing for Deano I finished my beer before I read that, or he’d owe me a keyboard. And possibly a monitor.

(Or, hell…a whole new laptop.)

9 years ago

@Moggie Koo Koo Kachoo!

Deborah Hitchens (@Deb_Hitchens)

a few days ago i noticed Esmay gave a thumbs up to a video uploaded to youtube by one of his fans showing clips of men punching women in the face,
most of the comments below it were written by various MRA applauding every punch, apparently so did Esmay.

9 years ago

a few days ago i noticed Esmay gave a thumbs up to a video uploaded to youtube by one of his fans showing clips of men punching women in the face,
most of the comments below it were written by various MRA applauding every punch, apparently so did Esmay.

I want to see that video…well, not SEE it, because it sounds awful, but do you have a link? This bears closer investigation.

Especially since Deano is apparently trying (and failing, as usual) to present himself as not-all-MRAs.

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
9 years ago

I’ve always had a soft spot for Dean, partly because he seemed… less frothy/unreasonable and more intelligent, and sometimes he seemed on the verge of getting it. Plus, his avatar looks like Bob Seger.


I always thought Dean was playing the role of “the reasonable one”; he always seemed less vitriolic, less hostile, and more compassionate than the rest of them (not that this is saying much).

9 years ago

Why yes Dean, I would say that an entire culture based around being proud of your ignorance is a “problem.”


“he always seemed less vitriolic, less hostile, and more compassionate than the rest of them”
And apparently he was booted out for not living up to their standards.
And, again: What about The Tooth? Inquiring minds want to know.

9 years ago


The Tooth is a reference to Dean Esmay’s tooth/teeth that had to be fixed but couldn’t afford to, and he blamed feminists for not having the money. David wrote a post about it once.


@painteyelash: My comment was snark. Supposedly AVfM was going to raise money to pay for getting his tooth fixed, and I was wondering whether they raised any and whether, like everything else, it ended up in Paulie’s pocket.

9 years ago


Ah. Okay 🙂