#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy Dean Esmay dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism straw feminists twitter

Newly free from A Voice for Men, Dean Esmay continues on being a douchebag

Dean Esmay's Opinions: Still Terrible
Dean Esmay’s Opinions: Still Terrible

When the lovely Dean Esmay jumped (or was pushed) off the good ship A Voice for Men last week, we were told that he intended to “take his activism in a different direction.”

So far that “new direction” looks suspiciously like the “old direction.” While Esmay has reduced the frequency of his intemperate, accusatory, free-associational Tweets from a flood to a trickle, he hasn’t stopped Tweeting — apparently his primary form of “Activism” for now — and his Tweets are as intemperate, accusatory, and free-associational as ever. 

He’s still attacking anyone even vaguely critical of the Men’s Rights movement as “lying bigots;” describing anyone even vaguely critical of him as “cyberbullies” and maybe even paid shills; and making bizarre pronouncements to no on in particular.

Here he is offering his take on the rather fraught issue of women in STEM.

Here he is taking on the question of the Confederate flag.



Here he is trying to convince the world that Washington Post writer Caitlin Dewey is  a “cyberbully” … by spamming her Twitter account with attacks on her. Oh, and spamming the Twitter account of a completely different and utter;y unrelated woman named Caitlyn Dewey, who spells her first name with a Y.


(He’s been pestering her for a while.)

Here he is trying to convince a feminist that he knows more about feminism than she does.


Here he is proving that the only feminism he knows anything about is the Bizarro World feminism he dreams up in his own feverish mind.

And here he is trying to convince another feminist that he’s a nice guy, honest.

Take a break, dude. Take a long break and think, really think, about what you’re doing with your life.




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Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

The amount of self delusion that goes into calling himself a nice guy would be shocking if that wasn’t what the entire MRA actually thought of themselves. =__=

9 years ago

“But I’m a nice guy! How DARE she take out a restraining order on me after I threatened to burn her house down for making me pay child support! It’s totally unreasonable because child support is rape! She raped me! Women are bitches amirite lads? Nice guys like us just can’t get a break in this misandrist world.”

9 years ago

Maybe we could get him a talking mirror that would tell him how wonderful he is. Then he could just sit and gaze enraptured and leave the rest of our species alone.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’ve been thinking about the charge of “bullying.” It’s a term that gets slung around a lot by MRAs in a very specific context and with a very specific meaning. In my opinion, it goes back to the playground, that place we all remember with such love and affinity.

Most geeks were not part of the popular clique, and many of us were bullied at school. Our socialisation was a matter of hiding in the library and pretending that stuff wasn’t happening. As a result, a “me against the world” sort of siege mentality tends to develop, and the archetypes of “bully” and “socially able person” easily become merged in our minds. When people who’ve gone through this process see a person who’s funny, well-liked and kind to others, they instinctively think of them as being “one of the popular clique”, which we’ve been socialised to think means “bully.”

Most of us reject this socialisation later when we get to university or work and we discover our peers and grow to like their company. However, some don’t, either due to not discovering any peers or else due to having a poisonous peer group, and it sticks.

Let’s add this one to the MRA dictionary.

Bully, n. A person who is funny, kind and smart enough that others appreciate their company and are willing to help them.

9 years ago

I thought “bully” in MRAland meant “someone who isn’t fooled by my bullshit and calls me out on it respectfully”.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Isn’t that just “Person”?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ SunnyS

Bully = Anyone show disagrees with me

Censorship = When someone disagrees with me.

Misandry = When those disagreeing with me are women

9 years ago

@thierry guerrant:

Maybe we could get him a talking mirror that would tell him how wonderful he is. Then he could just sit and gaze enraptured and leave the rest of our species alone.

I can’t think of a single mirror I’d do that to. The problem with a talking mirror is that they all start looking like people to me.

Maybe the Mirror of Erised?

9 years ago

Perhaps his real problems include his health, his relationships, and his income. Trying to forget about the real problems by attacking individuals who have done nothing to him is scapegoating. It feels good because he is lashing out at someone, and he needs to lash out, but you can only end the misery you live in by doing something about your reality. Get a job, for instance.

9 years ago

Better be an asshole on land than an asshole on a sinking ship, right Esmay?
comment image

(no, it’s not really better, and I think you’re sinking anyway… keep paddling!)

9 years ago

I think it might be too much too ask Dean Esmay to think long and hard about anything.

9 years ago

@kylagb: that’s probably true about everyone at AVfM – I think having no critical thinking skills is a prerequisite to being in any way involved.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I hope miss Caitlyn with a Y reports him for harassment on twitter. Because Esmay will obviously never get the name right, and even if someone did correct him, he’d never admit he was wrong. : /

MRAs: We want to harass people, but we’re too lazy to make sure we’re harassing the right person, or to make sure the target of our harassment has actually done something wrong.

9 years ago

People keep wanting to feel bad for Dean and hope he’ll turn over a new leaf. I’m starting to think that’s a little bit of a pie in sky hope.

9 years ago

Huh. Maybe Tub boy and Mr Tooth could do a team up.

9 years ago

Maybe we could get him a talking mirror that would tell him how wonderful he is. Then he could just sit and gaze enraptured and leave the rest of our species alone.

I think Eliza is about his speed.

9 years ago

As always, he has no self awareness at all, a requiring theme with these MRA’s i’ve noticed. Why is this the case with so many of em? I really wanna know…

9 years ago

Caitlin and Caitlyn are just different parts of the female hive-mind, so they’re effectively the same person anyway. I’ll just call them Katie.

9 years ago

I was ready to be furious after his comment about female programmers (considering I’m a female programmer) but then I got to the last one and I just sort of deflated. It was just so transparently pathetic I couldn’t be angry anymore. It won’t make a difference if I’m angry anyway, so it’s for the best.

9 years ago

This is my face every freaking time I read something by Esmay

It’s like he’s actively *trying* to not make any sense.

9 years ago

Caitlin and Caitlyn are just different parts of the female hive-mind, so they’re effectively the same person anyway. I’ll just call them Katie.

I am Katie and you are Katie and you are me and we are all together.

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure this chap is trying to use a verbal version of the pulling-the-hair-of-a-girl-in-the-playground-and-running-away method of getting attention.

Except he’s at least in his mid 40s so he should have grown up by now.

9 years ago

I… I thought I was the walrus?

9 years ago

Moggie – I am the Eggman – or Eggwoman?!

9 years ago

So what’s this new activism called? Super-Duper-Men’s-Rights-Activism-Fuq-All-Yall?