People in glass Trump Towers shouldn’t throw stones — or, perhaps, throw around accusations of rape, as one Donald Trump did recently in his now infamous remarks suggesting that Mexican immigrants are a bunch of rapists.
A must-read story yesterday in The Daily Beast points out that Trump is not only a rape accuser of sorts, but someone who was once very publicly accused of rape — by his now-former wife Ivana Trump, who, in a deposition in her divorce case against the Donald in the early 90s, said that she’s been attacked one night by her then husband in a fit of rage, screaming at her and pulling out her hair before ripping off her clothes and raping her.
The Beast reports that, according to Lost Tycoon, a 1993 book about Trump by journalist Harry Hurt III, Ivana told her closest friends that “he raped me.” Later, though, in a statement she provided through Trump’s lawyers, and that was reprinted in the book as “A Notice to Readers,” Ivana backed away from the R-word, saying that
[a]s a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.
Make of that what you will.
At the time, the Daily Beast notes, Trump declared the account in the book
incorrect and done by a guy without much talent … He is a guy that is an unattractive guy who is a vindictive and jealous person.
Very Trumpian.
But even more remarkable than this bizarre denial was the even Trumpier response that Michael Cohen, one of Trump’s lawyers, gave to the Daily Beast writer who asked him about the allegations:
You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody.
Evidently one cannot be a rapist if one is polling better than Jeb Bush.
Cohen continued:
And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.
As the Beast points out, Cohen is completely wrong here. Not only is marital rape illegal in New York state now; it was illegal in New York state in 1989, the date of the alleged rape.
Perhaps sensing he wasn’t getting anywhere with the “you can’t rape your spouse” angle, “Trump’s lawyer then changed tactics,” the Beast reports,
lobbing insults and threatening a lawsuit if a story was published.
“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”
“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up…for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet…you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.
Someone’s a bit grouchy.
Cohen continued, telling the Beast that
there is nothing reasonable about you wanting to write a story about somebody’s usage of the word ‘rape,’ when she’s talking [about] she didn’t feel emotionally satisfied.”
“Though there’s many literal senses to the word, if you distort it, and you put Mr. Trump’s name there onto it, rest assured, you will suffer the consequences. So you do whatever you want. You want to ruin your life at the age of 20? You do that, and I’ll be happy to serve it right up to you,” he added.
Given that the Beast ran the story, and we’re talking about it now, it kind of, sort of, appears that Cohen’s Trumpian lawyering backfired a little bit. And that’s a very good thing, because this is a story that needs to be re-aired.
Why is Tilikum the Troll named after Tilikum, the murderous orca from Blackfish??
Tilikum, would you consider yourself a fan of grisly deaths?
Trollicum, darlin’, you wouldn’t know logos if it bit you in your shrieveled misogynist remnants of a brain. Ethos is equally unfamiliar to you, as you’ve amply demonstrated here and elsewhere. (Redpillianism and ethos are mutually exclusive, which you’d know if you had any acquaintance with logos. Or ethos, for that matter.)
Although you personify pathos, I’ll give you that.
And now scram.
Or… stay perhaps? Cuz we are just warming up. This can be fun, I notice.
Nah, he’s not good enough to be a decent chew toy. All condescension, no wit.
By the way, when some people were thinking that Had to Be Dead in the Head might be a woman, I was thinking, “No way. If he’s a woman, I’m a purple-striped zebra/camel hybrid.” I was going to post that comment and challenge Pandapool to come up with an appropriate gif.
Grumpy, I hear you; but it’s been a long day and one needs a distraction.
And, seriously, we cannot expect wit from manurespherian trolls. If they possessed the requisite intelligence and insight to be witty, they would not be manurespherians.
I love how he’s not bothering to actually argue. He’s resorted to just throwing out Latin and Greek words in hopes it will intimidate us.
@Aunt Edna: I know; I’ve been asking myself why we don’t seem to be getting decent trolls anymore. Do you suppose we’ve gotten a reputation for, er, troll mastication?
Ugh, reading the Daily Beast article, it states that the marital exemption to rape in New York was not repealed until 1984…that is just ridiculous.
Sunny, the Greta and John Rideout case was a big, big deal back in the day, with national media coverage every day of the Oregon trial.
Thank you, Greta Rideout, for having the courage to say it: “My husband raped me.”
You are such a piece of shit lol. Your attempts at trolling are fucking PATHETIC.
Pretty much the same thing could be said about…well, just about anything The Donald has done, couldn’t it?
That’s what they always end up doing! The whole point of their “philosophy” isn’t about self-correction or growth, it’s about “winning” and demonstrating how many smarts you got. All show, no substance.
Wow, That Tilikum guy. He’s like the guys trying to do the Femcon15 thing. They have heard words that feminists have said, but don’t understand why we say the words, so when they try to use the same language back at us, it just never works right. They’re like evil parrots.
I trust women…to smell bullshit and stay away from Trollicus.
So as someone born in the Pacific Northwest, I can’t see that username without being a little disgusted that this troll would appropriate it.
“Tillicum or tilikum is a word in the Chinook Jargon of the Pacific Northwest that means people, family, tribe, and relatives.”
And yes, it’s also the name of an orca whale (I forgot who asked).
Huh. Sadly it seems more likely to be an incredibly ‘sophisticated’ and ‘subtle’ phonetic variation on till I cum.
And that is reason #10394728947273 why we are better than manospherians. WE actually are aware of their arguments and examine them.
Oh my goodness! This is something that needs to be spread far and wide. It’s glorious!
Some more rather weird Donald Trump quotes about women:
“I don’t think Ivanka would do that [pose for Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
On ‘The Apprentice’ he went down the guys asking “Who’s the most beautiful on the women’s team?” and getting the male contestants to rate them.
General weird commentary on women and ownership: “Angelina Jolie is sort of amazing because everyone thinks she’s like this great beauty. And I’m not saying she’s an unattractive woman, but she’s not beauty, by any stretch of the imagination. I really understand beauty. And I will tell you, she’s not—I do own Miss Universe. I do own Miss USA. I mean I own a lot of different things. I do understand beauty, and she’s not.”
About an attorney (Gloria Allred) representing someone he did not like: “I think Gloria would be very very impressed with [my penis].”
“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
“All the women on The Apprentice flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”
Ohhhhhh boy.
Oh my god, I need brain bleach! Brain bleach now please??
Crap that didn’t work. Apparently I need to work on my brain bleach posting skills.
Please work Mammoth gods.
LOL@ Trump’s comment about Jolie. It means she either said something true about Trump or ignored him somewhere. Hell hath no fury like a Trump scorned (or ignored).