People in glass Trump Towers shouldn’t throw stones — or, perhaps, throw around accusations of rape, as one Donald Trump did recently in his now infamous remarks suggesting that Mexican immigrants are a bunch of rapists.
A must-read story yesterday in The Daily Beast points out that Trump is not only a rape accuser of sorts, but someone who was once very publicly accused of rape — by his now-former wife Ivana Trump, who, in a deposition in her divorce case against the Donald in the early 90s, said that she’s been attacked one night by her then husband in a fit of rage, screaming at her and pulling out her hair before ripping off her clothes and raping her.
The Beast reports that, according to Lost Tycoon, a 1993 book about Trump by journalist Harry Hurt III, Ivana told her closest friends that “he raped me.” Later, though, in a statement she provided through Trump’s lawyers, and that was reprinted in the book as “A Notice to Readers,” Ivana backed away from the R-word, saying that
[a]s a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.
Make of that what you will.
At the time, the Daily Beast notes, Trump declared the account in the book
incorrect and done by a guy without much talent … He is a guy that is an unattractive guy who is a vindictive and jealous person.
Very Trumpian.
But even more remarkable than this bizarre denial was the even Trumpier response that Michael Cohen, one of Trump’s lawyers, gave to the Daily Beast writer who asked him about the allegations:
You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody.
Evidently one cannot be a rapist if one is polling better than Jeb Bush.
Cohen continued:
And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.
As the Beast points out, Cohen is completely wrong here. Not only is marital rape illegal in New York state now; it was illegal in New York state in 1989, the date of the alleged rape.
Perhaps sensing he wasn’t getting anywhere with the “you can’t rape your spouse” angle, “Trump’s lawyer then changed tactics,” the Beast reports,
lobbing insults and threatening a lawsuit if a story was published.
“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”
“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up…for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet…you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.
Someone’s a bit grouchy.
Cohen continued, telling the Beast that
there is nothing reasonable about you wanting to write a story about somebody’s usage of the word ‘rape,’ when she’s talking [about] she didn’t feel emotionally satisfied.”
“Though there’s many literal senses to the word, if you distort it, and you put Mr. Trump’s name there onto it, rest assured, you will suffer the consequences. So you do whatever you want. You want to ruin your life at the age of 20? You do that, and I’ll be happy to serve it right up to you,” he added.
Given that the Beast ran the story, and we’re talking about it now, it kind of, sort of, appears that Cohen’s Trumpian lawyering backfired a little bit. And that’s a very good thing, because this is a story that needs to be re-aired.
@Tilikum: and if she says the Trumpery raped her, she could lose most or all of that.
TIlikum is a fucking asshole and watching someone play the new Life is Strange episode is dehydrating me. I can only deal with one or the other.
Also Tilikum is an asshole so shut up, Tilikum.
Yeah, you trust women so much you don’t do business with them and discriminate against them as much as possible. I’ll just as soon be untrustworthy, thanks.
Sorry for not responding sooner, kirbywarp. Cohen is Trumps lawyer. Lewandowski is his campaign manager. That’s who made the comments I quoted previously. Lewandowski is trying to spin this as though Cohen has nothing to do with the campaign. Hence my comment about throwing him under the bus. “Who, THAT guy? He has nothing to do with US.”
I was actually having a conversation. Weird.
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
“vicious ad hominem attacks”
relating to or associated with a particular person.
“the office was created ad hominem for Fenton”
It’s not an ad hominem if you’re an actual asshole, asshole, especially when you were already pulling an argument out of your ass in the first place.
@Grumpy (et al.):
We don’t know the details of the Trumps’ divorce settlement and Ivana’s gag order with regard to their marriage. It is entirely possible that it included a possibility of cutting off her custody / contact with her children and who knows what other threats.
We know enough of The Donald to believe that as a husband he indeed was treating her in ‘a cruel and inhumane way,’ as her divorce petition stated. (So redpillian. Tilicum & Co. should approve.)
It is clear that this primitive conscience-deficient egomaniac is capable of anything to get his way, so it should not surprise anyone that Ivana would try to protect herself (and her family) by guarding the truth.
Get lost, Tillicum. “Conversation,” lol. You don’t know the meaning of the word.
It’s so sad that Trollicum can post the definition of ad hominem and still not understand what it is. Calling someone an asshole isn’t an ad hominem. Saying someone’s argument is wrong because they’re an asshole is. Trollikum didn’t even make an argument in the first place, so posting the definition of a logical fallacy doesn’t really accomplish anything.
It’s so cute when the misogynists think they can undermine feminist logic by speaking in strawfeminist cliches.
@ Aunt Edna
It might just be as simple as the fact that women get such a battering when they stick their head above the parapet in situations like this that they are just forced to withdraw from the fray for their own well being.
I’ve seen this in my own experience and also with people like Roman Polanski’s victim; Julian Assange’s etc.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Ivana just doesn’t want all the media intrusion raking up the coals again and then the wrath she’ll get either from people pressing for lurid details or haranguing her for ‘making things up’, ‘disgruntled ex wife’ etc.
@ Alan
Yeah, dear god, it’s awful enough for anyone alleging rape, but to go up against Trump? Fuck that. I hate to say it, but I don’t know if I would have the wherewithal to withstand the media and Trump onslaught.
Also, keep in mind that they have kids. She might want to keep the allegation in the past for their sake.
Trollicum proved he can cut and paste, which exhausted his mental capacity.
Yes. I’m sure the last thing she wants right now is to revisit the shameful and painful personal details of the abuse she suffered from Trump.
One of the rules that’s served me well in Internet discourse: In non-semantic arguments, the party that links a dictionary definition has lost the argument. I actually tolerate Godwins more than the “appeal to dictionary” nonsense.
“Oh shit, they caught me out. DEPLOY THE DICTIONARY!!!11one”
You want to hear an ad hominem, asswipe?
You’re a fucknuggetty doucheweasel of a crusty wankstain with the intelligence of an infected haemorrhoid and the trolling ability of my cat. You are a mountain of asses. A gaping, angry colon that Goatse himself would be disturbed by. Take your dictionary and your rape apologia and shove them sideways, you morally-bankrupt shitmonger, then run on home to Daddy Fartiste along the Yellow Lego Road. I suppose that last one’s not really an insult; you should feel right at home with the Straw Feminist and the Cowardly Lyin’.
Feels good to break out the swearing again after the new comment policy.
@ Aunt Edna
I don’t see anything ‘shameful’ (not having a dig there; I know what you mean); the only person who should feel shame is the perpetrator; not that he will.
You’re right, in the ideal world there would be no shame associated with being victimized. But in the real one, such revelations are always associated with victim-shaming.
Her past and present would be scrutinized in order to find reasons and ways of how she brought this on herself, etc. IOW, the standard patriarchal approach to female victims of rape and abuse. This would be especially energetic given who she was married to.
I’m sure that as a mother and grandmother she’d like to avoid such public circus for the sake of her kids, if not just her own.
I’m not fond of swearing — or so I thought… 😉
(I know it’s not necessarily a mic drop moment, but, damn.)
Top swearing; that was almost poetic. You’d give Malcolm Tucker a run for his money.
@ Scented Fucking Hard Chairs,
Thanks for quoting Tilikum and revealing that he’s nothing but a straight up racist/bigot. It really puts his comments into perspective. Funny, how he doesn’t try to deny that he made the racist comment you attributed to him. Good to know.
Interesting. I’ll check off Pathos and Logos, but I need to work on Ethos with this crowd.
Well, its good to see we don’t disagree on substance, merely style. That’s easy enough.
Thanks folks.
More of classic Trollicum:
And that’s not even the worst one.
You can see how he’d come here to have a “conversation” and tell us that he’d “trust women,” lol.
Asshole. To put it kindly.
You’re relying on the advice of a bloke who thought flies have four legs and men have more teeth than women?