4chan antifeminism imaginary russian friends lying liars misogyny post contains sarcasm straw feminists TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Tweets from totally real feminists supporting FEMCON2015, a totally real conference and not a 4chan scam

Seems legit
Seems legit

So over the weekend some enterprising 4channer decided to try to create some mayhem and make a few quick bucks by concocting a fake feminist conference, and selling tickets to it.

He — I’m pretty sure it was a he — headed to /b/ to round up some accomplices.


The co-conspirators assembled in a TinyChat to work out the details of this brilliant scheme.



Alas! Someone must have spelled feminist incorrectly, because as it turns out, no one did believe them, and word quickly spread on Twitter that FEMCON2015 was indeed a CON.

It didn’t exactly help that, their entire knowledge of feminism seemingly derived from antifeminist memess, none of the FEMCON2015 promoters had any idea what real feminists sound like, and the fake feminist Twitter accounts they set up were about as believable as Steve Buscemi’s undercover teenager on 30 Rock.

Here are some of the highlights from the would-be FEMCON artists’ brief careers on Twitter.

“Veronica” tweeted “her” first TOTALLY REAL HUGE FEMINIST comment at 2:12 (my time) Sunday afternoon.

Literally one minute later, “Jessica” here tweeted HER first TOTALLY REAL feminist comment.

Two minutes later, she tweeted about the TOTALLY REAL conference.

This TOTALLY REAL liberal showed how liberal “she” was with TOTALLY REAL liberal tweets like these:

Then followed up with a plug for FEMCON2015.

The OFFICIAL fake account of the fake conference — which has now apparently been banned — tried to whip up fake enthusiasm for the fake conference:


Looking at @Femcon2015’s tweets last night, before the account vanished, I noticed “she” had 85 followers, pretty good for a brand-new non-celebrity account. Let’s see what some of these followers had to say!

This was Mr. Cockx’s only Tweet.

But some of @Femcon2015’s other followers tweet a bit more regularly. Like Claudia here:



This seems to be a popular topic amongst @Femcon2015’s followers.





I crossed out the info, BTW.

There are more like this, but I think you get the idea.


H/T — r/GamerGhazi, Sari’s Whimsy, and @srhbutts

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9 years ago

They aren’t that smart. I’m surprised only one of them spelt feminist wrong.

On the chatlogs, most of them did. It is glorious.

9 years ago

Oh, and the guy who made the FeminsitVeronic account is on the chatlogs. He spends the entire chat unable to figure out how to make a Tumblr account.

9 years ago

So how do you think the 4channers behind this are reacting? Mortified/angry (I imagine to these guys, they’re the same thing), or basking in the attention?

9 years ago

Or maybe blaming the guy who spelled “feminist” wrong.

9 years ago

Oh, I’m so glad I read through the log. It is amazing.

My favorite was the guy who blamed his inability to make a tumblr post not on his own incompetence, but tumblr “being homosexual.”


9 years ago

Aww. They wanted to contact Anita Sarkeesian and trick into endorsing the conference and giving it a signal boost. Adorable!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

It’s like reading about a train wreck on Darwin Awards…

9 years ago

Ineffectual criminals are the best kind. ;D

9 years ago

The depressing thing out of this is that these are the same idiots who pretty much incited #GamerGate. Kind of depressing so many MRAs and anti-feminists are even dumber than this.

9 years ago

WWTH, thanks for posting the link to that log. These people seem to have a great deal of free time to fritter away on strange projects. If only they could have used their power* for good.

*To use the term very loosely.

9 years ago

Since I’m up early, Robjec, I’ll answer your question (or at least give you one answer).

‘I didn’t get the while shirt gate thing, he apologized and deemed to be deeply upset that he had hurt anyone. So I don’t really get why it still comes up ever.’

Those of us who were upset that his thoughtless choice of what to wear while representing his organisation and STEM in general was just one more example of how we’re told we’re not welcome in STEM environments appreciated his sincere apology, were glad people are now a little more aware of the subtle ways sexism affects us, and are prepared to move on. As with Tim Hunt’s crass comments to women in STEM in Korea, it’s not the people who pointed out the behaviour who are continuing to obsess about it, it’s the people who are really, really not happy about being criticised. Really, really not happy. It’s not supposed to work that way–‘inferiors’ aren’t supposed to criticise the behaviour of ‘superiors’.

9 years ago

Hello, fellow lady persons.

The other day I was watching Sex in the City when it occurred to me that my womyn’s bra was flammable, so I burned it.

Take that patriarchy!

After that, I read article in feminist magazine by Sharon Osborn, whilst listening to famous feminist song I am a Broad, Hear Me Holler by well known woman singer.

Men are not as smart as they think, are they? Gay people are are moral superiors.

I then declined to clean my house. Health food is yummy, but I don’t cook. Social gaming 4 evar!

Yours, A Womyn (Ms)

PS, I’m between beta providers, so I’m a little short right now. Can anyone lend me twenty until payday, out of females solidarity?


I just had to quote this so it wouldn’t get lost upthread.

9 years ago

In the chatlog, one of the guys is just like ‘feminists are retarded’ as a sort of non-sequitur.

I mean aside from using a slur for the mentally handicapped… he says this while he and his buddies are plotting to defraud women in a chatroom that anyone can read. And the fraud itself is ludicrously inept.

Glass house, stones, dude.

9 years ago

How exciting! FEMCON2015! Panels on addressing bylaws! Organizational structure! NOW’s agenda! Even though we have said nowhere else that this is affiliated with NOW! AWESOME GOOD TIME! TONS OF FUN! Totally something to pay $50 on!

They seriously just copied and pasted a random paragraph from the webpage for NOW’s most recent convention, not even bothering to change “NOW” to “FemCon.” The NOW convention has a lot of dry organizational meetings because it’s a meeting of the leaders of a major political group, not… I dunno, a feminism-themed version of Comic-Con or whatever the 4channers thought they were making up.

I’m almost sorry this got nipped in the bud. I wish it could go on forever, like the Sarkeesian Effect.

9 years ago

In case anyone was worried, Sellfy has reported that the account made no sales before it was banned.

9 years ago

In case anyone was worried, Sellfy has reported that the account made no sales before it was banned.

That must be a huge disappointment to them, given that they were sharing out the expected proceeds in those chat logs.

Still, I daresay it beats being arrested for fraud. Although presumably conspiracy to commit fraud is also a criminal offence?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I’d have prefered it stayed up for several months while they earn no money whatsoever.

9 years ago

A good parody/satire of something has knowledge about its target. The doofs behind this dumbassery clearly don’t understand this.

9 years ago

Hello, fellow lady persons.

The other day I was watching Sex in the City when it occurred to me that my womyn’s bra was flammable, so I burned it.

Take that patriarchy!

After that, I read article in feminist magazine by Sharon Osborn, whilst listening to famous feminist song I am a Broad, Hear Me Holler by well known woman singer.

Men are not as smart as they think, are they? Gay people are are moral superiors.

I then declined to clean my house. Health food is yummy, but I don’t cook. Social gaming 4 evar!

Yours, A Womyn (Ms)

PS, I’m between beta providers, so I’m a little short right now. Can anyone lend me twenty until payday, out of females solidarity?

I recently watched Despicable Me 2, and I read this in Gru’s voice for some reason. Though ironically enough:

9 years ago

How hard would it have been to pm each other while setting up a fake web page? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was masterminded by a bunch of 13 year olds.

Re that photo of the Tea Party member, maybe he was telling someone he knew called Moran to grow a brain?

Herbert West
Herbert West
9 years ago

I have the odd feeling that Typical Liberal was making fun of them, I know I would have (except even more lazy).
Even used a Velma avatar.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

A super secret club that posts their plans to get those meanie feminists on a public internet board, and then gloats about their victory prematurely on that same board.

It’s like a reverse of the Spotlight Effect. Believing the eyes are not on them when they very much are. A common phenomenon amongst 4chaners and gaters XD

Omg the chatlogs are too much. It’s just so entertaining to hear them describe the various straw, patches and yarn that make up a “feminist” in their mind.

“we need even teh mild mildly sane one to give up their money”

Well geez with a total of $0 before the ban, what does that say?

9 years ago

Dammit, Veronica! You had one job, and that was to spell “feminist” correctly.

At least they know who to blame for the failure.

If Veronica had only spelled “feminist” correctly, everyone would have totally fallen for it. They would have made tons of money and all the feminists would have been outraged or embarrassed or something* when they realized they had been sent to a gay bar. It’s not like posting the plan in a public forum gave them away or anything…

*Honestly, I’m not sure what response they were going for with that. Is ending up at a gay bar supposed to be horribly upsetting for some reason?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Hey, David, I’ve started getting auto-redirect ads on the mobile version, specifically the one talked about here. Might want to look into that.)