So over the weekend some enterprising 4channer decided to try to create some mayhem and make a few quick bucks by concocting a fake feminist conference, and selling tickets to it.
He — I’m pretty sure it was a he — headed to /b/ to round up some accomplices.
The co-conspirators assembled in a TinyChat to work out the details of this brilliant scheme.
Alas! Someone must have spelled feminist incorrectly, because as it turns out, no one did believe them, and word quickly spread on Twitter that FEMCON2015 was indeed a CON.
It didn’t exactly help that, their entire knowledge of feminism seemingly derived from antifeminist memess, none of the FEMCON2015 promoters had any idea what real feminists sound like, and the fake feminist Twitter accounts they set up were about as believable as Steve Buscemi’s undercover teenager on 30 Rock.
Here are some of the highlights from the would-be FEMCON artists’ brief careers on Twitter.
“Veronica” tweeted “her” first TOTALLY REAL HUGE FEMINIST comment at 2:12 (my time) Sunday afternoon.
Hey girls, I'm a huge feminist, and I can't believe I didn't have a twitter! I'm assisting in the creation of FemCon2015 in NY atm
— Veronica Hanson (@FeminsitVeronic) July 26, 2015
Literally one minute later, “Jessica” here tweeted HER first TOTALLY REAL feminist comment.
Just to let you know: You don't need to do whatever your boyfriend tells you to. You're independent! #bestrong #feminism #feminist @femfreq
— Jessica Alice (@Jessikacie) July 26, 2015
Two minutes later, she tweeted about the TOTALLY REAL conference.
ANYONE ELSE AS EXCITED FOR #FemCon2015 AS I AM?! Just bought my tickets today! Flying down in a few!! @Femcon2015 #feminism
— Jessica Alice (@Jessikacie) July 26, 2015
This TOTALLY REAL liberal showed how liberal “she” was with TOTALLY REAL liberal tweets like these:
Then followed up with a plug for FEMCON2015.
The OFFICIAL fake account of the fake conference — which has now apparently been banned — tried to whip up fake enthusiasm for the fake conference:
Looking at @Femcon2015’s tweets last night, before the account vanished, I noticed “she” had 85 followers, pretty good for a brand-new non-celebrity account. Let’s see what some of these followers had to say!
@Femcon2015 Emma Watson
— Joe Cockx (@Generic_nam3) July 26, 2015
This was Mr. Cockx’s only Tweet.
But some of @Femcon2015’s other followers tweet a bit more regularly. Like Claudia here:
This seems to be a popular topic amongst @Femcon2015’s followers.
I crossed out the info, BTW.
There are more like this, but I think you get the idea.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi, Sari’s Whimsy, and @srhbutts
So.. their plan is… to be obvious and take money from feminists for a con that never existed until the unholy depths of 4chan spawned it? Those tweets are so obviously fakes but at least they’re a fun read. xD
“Yes, I am a completely normal woman of womanness!”
Their sockpuppet accounts are too funny. Jessica’s has “I ❤️ FEMINIST FREQUENCY!” in the bio. Veronica’s is @FeminsitVeronic (sic). This one has the female symbol as the account picture and two tweets, both about FemCon. And…those appear to be the only three they made. After that it’s all real people joking about the scam.
And their Tumblr only follows Tumbler and Anita Sarkeesian.
Guys…if you want your plan to trick people to succeed, don’t discuss it in public, and don’t be obvious parodies.
(BTW, the video was inspired by tooimpurenangel comment. Also I love Zom and wish I had the comic. uwu)
Dammit, Veronica! You had one job, and that was to spell “feminist” correctly.
“Hey girls, I’m a huge feminist, and I can’t believe I didn’t have a twitter! I’m assisting in the creation of FemCon2015 in NY atm”
This is so similar to that 30 rock clip it’s not even funny. Maybe the person who wrote this saw that clip and thought it was some convincing shit.
“Feminisit” makes me think of that time Aurini misspelled his own scam as “The Sarkeesien Effect.”
Oh my god, the complete screencaps of the tinychat: http://imgur.com/a/2e0kU
pigeonsquad_zom: What should i post for our first tumblr post?
thatguy: Femenists yadda yadda, our collective liberation, yadda yadda, we will meet in a safe space in X at Y time. Be there. Femcon2015.
Seems legit.
pigeonsquad_zom: I got the tumblr made
pigeonsquad_zom: we just need femenists following it
You had one job, 4channers. Not misspell “feminist.” ONE JOB.
More suggestions for totally legit feminist tweets:
27faggotscantstopme: no men unless they are trans
drfukker: We need to have a “NO CIS WHITE MEN” Policy, but also maybe not
27faggotscantstopme: like a separate QNA for people who think they are wolves or some shit
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Surely they don’t think feminists are the same thing as furries.” You think wrong. As one anon explains, “most feminist cunts participate in the kin shit.”
How did the feminists see through this scam? Probably some men helped them figure it out.
Oh, lord, they have to remind each other to make new Twitter accounts and not just post under their usual accounts. The feminists could catch on that drfukker and 27faggotscantstopme might not be on the level! They are so wily, those feminists!
Not a single one of them can set up a webpage (guys, guys, a blank Tumblr account is not a website) or draw a logo. One guy can’t figure out how to post on Tumblr, like, at all.
Their big plan is to trick feminists to go to a gay bar in Chelsea. Because a) a gay bar is the scariest place you can possibly go, and b) no feminists will Google the address and notice that it’s a place called Zack’s Dance Loft. The only person who questions this plan is a guy who thinks it’s a bad idea because Zack’s Dance Loft has a capacity of 100 people, and obviously their brilliant subterfuge will attract thousands of feminists.
Come to think of it, a gay bar in Chelsea sounds fun. Maybe I’ll go after all.
Sweet merciful hell, these socks made me laugh until I wheezed. x’D I bet they’re just plain puzzling over what went wrong.
And hey from my first post after setting up on WP at long last (previously posting under Sarity).
Oh that’s not it, or at least not the only reason. Read “Jessica”‘s message there. A common meme in the Channer/Gater/MRA sphere is that media critic Jonathan McIntosh (@radicalbytes, supposedly Anita Sarkeesian’s boyfriend though I’ve never seen any confirmation of that outside their own hit pieces on him) and that he basically controls her views and controls her and she essentially works for him.
In other words, that tweet to Sarkeesian is a not-so-subtle dig at her based on her supposed subservient relationship with @radicalbytes.
Just for giggles, have a kitten.

Seriously, lol. If they really thought that feminists are all… Ehm.. “Hideous land whales” why didnt they choose pics to reflect that? Also, they didnt even try to make their profiles look real.. Like at all. Could they really think they were going to trick anyone?
I read all those liberal tweets in Velma’s voice DX
These bozos are so stupidly transparent that they are in fact transparently stupid.
Also, that kitteh is the cutest widdle fing I’ve seen all day. *LeSqueeeee*
If these guys knew anything about feminism, it’s always that “Kittens tame the angry feminist. But only for a little while, and only a little bit, depending on the severity of the situation.”
Ooh ooh don’t tell me! Ah, even though Sarkeesian is despicable and is totally wrong about everything, a woman still couldn’t do what she does because a woman couldn’t be important enough to get all that attention without being told what to do by a MAN.
Is that it? Did I get it right??
Wow, those tweets were hilarious. My jaw hurts from laughing! 😀
More of Mr Burns undercover operations because The Simpsons!
LOL, their description on their Sellfy page:
How exciting! FEMCON2015! Panels on addressing bylaws! Organizational structure! NOW’s agenda! Even though we have said nowhere else that this is affiliated with NOW! AWESOME GOOD TIME! TONS OF FUN! Totally something to pay $50 on!
I mean, at least edit the damn thing and try to make it sound a little appealing?
Also, I can’t help but wonder what they thought would happen if this was successful, and lots of women bought the tickets and just ended up at a gay bar? That they would magically not be arrested for fraud?
“This is an opportunity for us to gather and tackle the critical issues facing women today and shape the future of women’s rights. Panel discussions with experts on a range of topics, such as Women and Social Media, Women in STEM, and The Top Feminist Movies of 2010-2015. Each convention pass comes with 2 free drink tickets.”
There. That took 3 minutes. It really wasn’t hard, guys. And I’m just some stoopid femenist who can’t do anything and has to rely on a MAN to do things FOR me. So if can do it in 3 minutes, you could do it better in, like, 30 seconds, right? 😀
They aren’t that smart. I’m surprised only one of them spelt feminist wrong.