alpha males beta males cuckolding dozens of upvotes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies evil ugly women hetsplaining homophobia mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

Lesbianism is a plot to deny men sex with hot women before they get old, Red Piller explains

By the time she switches to men .... it'll be too late! (Because she'll be old and ugly by then.)
By the time she switches to men …. it’ll be too late! (Because she’ll be old and ugly by then.)

Scientists may not have the whole “what causes homosexuality” thing figured out to everyone’s satisfaction yet, but one Red Pill Redditor thinks he has an answer.

Shockingly, it has to do with his boner, and the fact that not all women are interested in it.

LionLaw 49 points 17 hours ago*  I feel like being a lesbian is a phase for women, something they all eventually grow out of (for the most part) once the threat of the wall becomes all too real. Maybe not a "phase" per se, but more like an excuse to waste away her youth and good looks before her beta in shining glasses comes to marry her while she fucks chad on da side. Edit: Jesus, I wouldn't touch those women with a stick

The rest of the Reddit thread contains numerous other Red Pillers offering their own theories about lesbians, so, er, go read that if you want to bathe more in the intellectual equivalent of a fetid hot tub filled with red bull, ignorance, and poop.

H/T — r/thebluepill (the good ones)

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9 years ago

I don’t see how it’s a “waste” of “youth and good looks” if you’re spending that youth with someone you love. But apparently youth and good looks are a currency valid only for exchanging for boners. “Spending” them on a bonerless partner is like using paper money to light your cigars: it works, and some people might be impressed, but you’ll regret it later.

9 years ago

@paradoxical intention: dat mean u luv them more den 4ever!

And yes, women are all self-absorbed, but the moment something isn’t about their dick, Red Pillers throw a temper tantrum of epic proportions. Bonus points for Red Pill “science”.

9 years ago

I’m old enough that I should have been through all the available “phases” by now. How come Feminist Central didn’t notify me about my eligibility for this lesbian thingummy?

Obviously I didn’t think of it for myself, and no other person ever though to offer it. So it’s clearly the duty of the lesbiancommunistgreenredfascistilluminati hivemind’s back office to let us know about it.

I haven’t even got one of the standard format complaint forms installed on my new computer.

This Has Got To Stop.

Disgruntled of Oz.

9 years ago

Did you know that heterosexuality is a plot by twinks to deny hot-butt sex to chubby bears? /sarcasm

9 years ago

It kind of looks amazing!

9 years ago

Is this what everyone else is seeing:


9 years ago

Dangit! He’s onto us! No use hiding it anymore ladies. We had a good run, but I guess it’s time people accept it’s really just the GBTQA community. The L is forever silent.

But really, an annoying jerk thinking my sexuality isn’t real. He’s so original. I’m amazed he didn’t claim the phase was intended to get men’s attention, too.

9 years ago

I’m seeing that rainbow, at any rate.

9 years ago

Women become lesbians so they can have sex with lots of hot men and then marry ugly men later on. Makes sense.

Troy Brooks
9 years ago

I wonder how he would react to the multiple Lesbians I know that came out in their 50’s?

9 years ago

Why do these guys always think women want to be touched with sticks?

9 years ago

I read the rest of the comments on the post. I think my favourite is ‘primemale’ who claimed that “many” butch lesbians had hit on him because he is just so manly that he makes even the “most testosteroned” lesbian feel oh so feminine by comparison, something something it’s a phase.

9 years ago

Holy crap is that a real book?

Road to Servitude
9 years ago

That reminds me of Pat Robertson’s ‘interesting’ definition of feminism: “[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” (sic).

(No, I didn’t make that quote up. He actually thinks this!)

Ever notice how they guys seem to be really about these extravagant conspiracy theories.

It’s as though they have a secret delight in the prospect of having a male-dominated order overthrown by women.

Maybe they don’t only frame it as a catastrophe because they fear it: maybe they also frame it as a catastrophe because it fascinates and excites them too?

The mind boggles.

Road to Servitude
9 years ago

*really excited

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

I think the manospherian General Theory of Relationships goes that young women generally avoid dating “betas” because they all hope to catch and marry an “alpha”. They might think, because of feminism, that even staying alone is better than settling for a beta. (note: here, “beta” does not mean only manospherian douchecanoes but most regular men)

Obviously, since alphas are relatively few, most women only succeed in having casual sex or short relationships with them. Alphas are pretty indiscriminate on which woman they have casual sex with; sometimes even a woman past the “wall” might suffice. Women are generally eager to have sex with alphas, because feminism has obfuscated the traditional wisdom that you have to withhold sex to marry a man.

When women eventually hit the wall (that is, lose their peak attractiveness), they realize they will never marry an alpha. Most will then marry a beta, although a good number of the more feminist-minded do stay single. From the POV of beta men, women’s youth is tragically wasted on a folly, because they aren’t having sex with said betas and still mostly won’t succeed in marrying alphas. Then there’s the insecurity because your wife has previously had sex with alphas, and still would prefer alphas over you, which essentially constitutes cuckolding you.

How does the Theory of Fake Lesbianism factor in this? Idunno, maybe fake lesbianism would be an extreme expression of the general sentiment of young feminist women, that “I don’t need no man, not at least a beta”. It does seem far-fetched, and the quote in OP is frankly a garbled mess that wouldn’t make any sense without wider manospherian context.

Road to Servitude
9 years ago

I see a lot of comments have picked up on the ‘phase’ myth. I suspect the sexuality of anyone who is not an MRA or MGTOW, etc. is more real than that of any MRA.

Mainly because the sexuality of these MRA/MGTOW jerks is purely imaginary, and based on distorted speculations detached from reality.

Just because someone hasn’t had sex, they don’t have to be an ‘nice asshole’ about it.

I don’t know how Dave finds this stuff, but it must be kind of unpleasant to have to root through this hateful tripe. It must get wearing pretty quick. You’re doing a good job of exposing and ridiculing this nonsense. This stuff shouldn’t go unchallenged.

9 years ago

WOW! These guys seriously believe that everything revolves around them and the boners. No, you idiots. They are not lesbian just to deny you sex, even through they will in all likelihood won’t go anywhere near you anyway. It is guys like you any woman of any sexual orientation would avoid like the plague.

Paradoxical Intention-Keep making these redpiller morons cry!


9 years ago

@marinerachel, yes that’s the banner I’m seeing. I rather like it.

Now, I thought the red pill wisdom was that women became lesbians because they were too ugly to get a man? Along with the logikal fakt that only ugly women became feminists, or decided to work in science, or do any work at all because all the pretty girls get handed diamonds just for leaving the house.

Now we’re to believe that all the pretty girls are taking those diamonds and giving their sexy times up to lesbians just to be mean to those poor betas, whom they will later marry and cheat on with alpha males?

Good thing I’ve got the manosphere to explain all my motivations to me. Oh hang on, I’m over forty and therefore have ceased to exist in any meaningful sense.


9 years ago

(blockquote) I do have to admit, I take some sort of glee in being things that red pillers have nightmares about. Like being pansexual, not wanting kids, being a feminist, fat, and not wearing enough makeup to make it look like I don’t wear makeup. (/blockquote)

Totally with you on this. I am heavily tattooed, I have rainbow hair, I wear a fuckton of very unnatural looking makeup. I’m also pansexual and a single mum. I’ve also had sex with a lot of guys, like 44 or 45 (yay alpha cock carousel!) which is apparently somehow going to bring about the end of civilisation. Oh and I have mental health issues. Run, redpillers, ruuunnnn.

9 years ago

Damn, what did I do wrong, blockquote mammoth?

9 years ago

David: That’s awesome. I have a book called Beebo Brinker that I found at the laundry mat, in a really small town in WI. The cover is not styled like that…maybe it’s a reprint. I haven’t read it in a long time, but I do remember thinking it was pretty dang interesting at the time. It’s so weird to read those kinds of books, like going into a time machine.