It’s not exactly a secret that the Manosphere, stuffed to overflowing with he-man women haters, is also full of racists. Some of them quite open with, and even proud of, their racism, repeating literal neo-Nazi talking points and comparing blacks to apes. Others, especially amongst the Men’s Rights Activsts, pretend to be above race, often portraying themselves as champions for black men while reserving their most virulent racism for black women.
Enter JudgyBitch, the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” — and white lady. A recent post on her blog asks the question “Black men are failing catastrophically – are Black mothers to blame?”
Can you guess what her answer is? Yes, that’s correct.
According to JB, the only women who know how to raise black boys properly are … white women. Her evidence? A study that found
there are no significant differences in outcomes between black and white males with white mothers. [But] large differences persist between these groups and black males with black mothers.
So why might this be? JB, drawing on one of the explanations proposed by the paper, notes that
Black boys raised by white mothers tend to have distinctively white, rather than Black speech patterns. Barack Obama anybody? He sure is articulate for a Black guy /snark/. Those speech patterns allow Black boys to avoid a wage penalty as men.
JB apparently sees this as evidence of the parenting genius of white mothers. It’s not. If a black boy or man with “white speech patterns” is judged to be smarter than a similarly intelligent black boy or man who “talks black,” that’s proof, not of superior white parenting skills, but of the racism of the person doing the judging.
This is not actually complicated stuff, folks.
JB comes close, a couple of times, to acknowledging the racism at play, noting at one point that “[w]hite mothers … are treated differently by the school system [than black mothers], no matter what race their children are.”
But instead of exploring the possible roots of this “different” treatment — HINT: IT’S RACISM — JB decides to go after the central target of her deeply ignorant piece, those much-demonized black mothers:
I want to flip the question over and ask, rather than ‘what are white women doing right and what advantages do they have’, to ‘what are Black women doing wrong and why are they doing it wrong’?
This formulation is as revealing as her comments about schools: after momentarily acknowledging the advantages white women have, JB declares that she won’t be examining this question because she’d much rather be slinging shit at black women instead.
And sling it she does, declaring flat-out that “Black women do a shit job with their sons.”
And how did this happen? As JB sees it, back “when the recession hit in the 70s,” cruel government policies that denied
welfare for families with men in the home … effectively destroyed the Black nuclear family, and by extension, Black prosperity and community.
But the rest is all the fault of black women:
How easy would it be to take the resentment that ought to be directed against the policy and aim it instead at the man who is not allowed by law to support you? How easy would it be to turn that resentment into fury and outright hate? How easy would it be to decide “I don’t need no man anyways they can all go straight to hell”?
Pretty easy, apparently.
Then along comes feminism, making things even worse — by encouraging women, black women in particular, to think of themselves as heroes of their own lives.
Feminists are engaged in an all-out war against families, including Black families. Feminists convince Black women that struggling to raise children without the love and support and companionship of a man is a badge of honor: it is a sign of strength, courage, bravery, valor – it’s all rah rah rah you go girrrrl – if something in your life sucks, blame the man and that includes Black men.
Is it any wonder Black women resent and hate their sons? Is it any wonder they raise thugs and gangsters? Give those exact same boys to white women, who have been taught to a much, much lesser extent that they don’t need no man, and those boys become accountants and neurosurgeons and teachers and HVAC technicians and entrepreneurs.
But as much as JB wants to paint feminism as the big villain here, she can’t quite restrain herself from lecturing black women on what she’s decided are their failings:
White women raise Black boys better than you do, Black women. That should make you want to puke. It should make you crazy angry. It should make you want to scream and punch something and cry. You can’t blame all of it on racism and feminism, although those things play a huge role.
It starts with you and your relationship to your sons and their fathers.
Stop hating them. Start loving them. Understand that you have years and years and years of hate, egged on by feminists, to overcome. Black men need to trust you again.
Of the long list of things that JB — a Canadian white lady and stay-at-home mom — doesn’t know shit about, the lives of black women is probably pretty close to the top. But that doesn’t stop her from, well, judging black women and finding them wanting.
But what JB is indulging herself in here isn’t just racism; it’s that potent blend of intersectional hate, of racism and misogyny, that black feminist Moya Bailey calls “misogynoir.”
Like a lot of white people who enjoy pontificating about black people, JB’s attempts to educate herself on the subject are halfassed, laughably slipshod.
The notion that welfare has destroyed the black family is an ancient right-wing trope. JB’s “support” for this argument comes largely from a post on Discovering The Networks, a site run by right-wing gadfly and professional leftist-hater David Horowitz, devoted to exposing what he calls the “networks and agendas of the political Left.”
Fun fact: it is literally the first site that pops up when you do a Google search for “welfare ‘black families.'”

If you dig even a teensy bit deeper in the Google results, you’ll discover that JB’s “understanding” of welfare is what’s technically known as “wrong.” As Cynthia Gordy notes in a post on The Root, the rise of single motherhood in the black community was largely the fault of, well, the economy, stupid. (Well, the economy in a deeply racist society, that is.)
“What happened in the mid-1950s were technological changes that abolished unskilled jobs that most black men could do and created high-tech jobs that they couldn’t,” [sociologist Andrew] Billingsley told The Root, explaining that the advent of efficient, goods-producing machines drove millions of black men out of the stable blue-collar work force. “That’s what kept black families from getting and staying married, not the welfare system. To say otherwise is a misunderstanding of the data, and it’s a misreading of history.” …
[T]here is no public-housing eligibility requirement that excludes couples. Some states used to apply such regulations, but the Supreme Court struck those down in 1968.
For those unfamiliar with the concept of time, 1968 comes before “the recession [that] hit in the 70s.”
But who needs facts when you have prejudices?
That might as well be the slogan of the Men’s Rights movement.
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I like the fact that the image here makes her look like her mugshot’s on the news. Is that a still from her own video?
I can’t even with JB. I guess she can’t make herself feel good enough trash-talking other (white) women, because her FeMRA-ness doesn’t make her a special enough snowflake while the Honey Badgers are around, so now she has to pander to the racist element by trash-talking Black women in particular.
She’s pathetic. I’d hate to think what kind of a job she’s doing with her own kids.
She admitted to rape? How is this not continually brought up against her? Should this drive away all her fans?
My guess is that b is capitalised to use it as a pronoun and the “w” is lower cased because the system is so skewed by the politically correct, social justice bueurocratic governmental establishment that all us whitey menz is just totes oppressed underclass in EU/UK/US and its just not fair.
I wonder if she actually believes the crap she comes out with or if she just does it to get a reaction. Like she knows racism and misogyny are bad and so she purposely says the most racist, misogynistic thing she can think of, like when a kid tries to be edgy by repeating swear words.
Among all of the other awfulness here, it’s interesting how mixed race couples are apparently not even a blip on the radar.
JB actually admitted to being a serial rapist. But it wasn’t any of the bad kinds of rape, i.e. black stranger raping white woman, divorce rape, date fraud rape, etc. It was more like the LOL kind of rape, i.e. the guys secretly wanted it, so it’s their own fault. /s
Basically, the whole point of that blog post was to play into the old MRA strategy of never regarding any individual case of rape as “real” rape, but instead endlessly victim blame. By flipping the genders around, she’s just saying “see! it works both ways, so it’s not misogynist!” Of course, in reality she’s only confirming what we already knew – MRAs just don’t think rape is bad at all. They simply don’t see the problem.
For the people asking about where JB admitted that she’s a rapist, here and here.
The only real response to this I can think of is the following really.
Then there was no following because I don’t know how to embed images on WordPress.
Props for actually reading that shit David. I saw the title of it on her blog when checking out her other recent rubbish, but couldn’t bring myself to click on the ignorant, racist garbage I knew would follow.
Regarding her rape admissions, I’m not sure she is a rapist, but she shot herself in the foot by claiming to be one. My take is this:
She wrote an anonymous claiming to be a serial rapist, outlined a few encounters with partners without stating genders, then at the end of the piece went ‘Ha ha! I’m a woman! Aren’t your perceptions confounded by your double standards!!!’
Then she couldn’t help but come out and brag that it was she who wrote the article, not realizing that she’d basically admitted to being a rapist, and that contrary to her point about double standards, feminists and just about everyone else did regard her actions as rape.
So then she backpedaled in her comments saying she had exaggerated her stories, that she hadn’t really raped anyone, she just made it sound that way to illustrate double standards held by evil feminists.
So basically she either lied, which makes her point about double standards meaningless, or she’s a rapist, which she really oughtn’t to be bragging about.
Annoying thing is we DO have double standards about women raping men, but because she’s so focused on highlighting the hypocrisy of the straw feminists she wants to attack, she completely failed to contribute anything useless to this debate.
As for her recent piece of whitesplaining, what the hell is she thinking??? No wonder the Examiner is trying to find reasons to get rid of her.
Oh, and she supports Donald Trump for president. Which kind of makes sense.
Well, that made me queasy. Someone fetch me a bucket.
This sums up why I’m always uncomfortable with people invoking intelligence or lack thereof to explain the behavior of bigots. I don’t think it’s a matter of intelligence at all. I think it’s a matter of where the cognitive dissonance becomes intolerable for them and they stop fact checking their cherished preconceptions against reality. It’s not that they can’t reason correctly or even that they aren’t reasoning correctly. It’s that they begin from false premises and scrupulously avoid having them corrected.
And even where they aren’t reasoning correctly, correct reasoning is not an innate ability that humans possess. It’s a process that has to be learned and we don’t generally teach it until post-secondary school and then it’s not required except for certain disciplines.
It makes me endlessly sad that she’s raising children. I seriously hope they grow to see through her racist, sexist and hateful bull.
I realized I haven’t really seen many pictures of JB, and at the risk of invoking looksism… is she drunk? That is a really weird facial expression she’s sporting there.
I don’t know why but it never ceases to amaze me the utter and complete lack of self awareness JB seems to always be proudly showing off. Even having seen her in action in the comments section of this blog, I just cannot wrap my head around someone lacking any concept of the words that are coming out of their mouth. I am never quite sure if she is trolling or serious. Of course I am starting to lean towards serious since she seems so damn consistent about it.
@ NonServiam, yeah, me too. It’s fortunately not unusual for children of sexist, racist, homophobic parents to form very different opinions of their own.
At least her name is appropriate…
● It’s relatively stable (there is always demand) and not something that can really be outsourced.
● It’s classified as semi-skilled – some training or education is required – and pays relatively well. It can even qualify as a “skilled trade” depending on your specialty.
● There are opportunities for starting your own business / employing others.
● You are often unable to practice it if you are a felon (if you work for a large company, they often do background checks). This is where disproportionate conviction/sentencing practices come into play.
@katz – The condescension with which you asked that question actually really bothered me.
JB also draws (indirectly perhaps) on the 1965 Moynihan Report, which blames single black mothers for emasculating men by raising their families alone, and thus causing social and economic dysfunction in black communities. While the report has been heavily critiqued by black/feminist scholars, it’s flawed conclusions are still widely touted by the right. I couldnt find a single source which covers all the issues but the Wikipedia article goes a short way towards catching some of them:
So how can it be racism when its behaviour, not skin colour, that corelates with outcomes? If outcome correlates with behaviour this is something that can be changed, unlike skin colour, so instead of whining about a type of discrimination that does not affect outcomes, why not modify behaviour and get the outcomes other groups achieve.
Its an important message to deliver.
@ RV
What do you imagine your point to be? It’s not the behavior of black people causing black people to be disadvantaged.
@rv, I’m kind of confused, but what I think you’re asking is, ‘why whine about discrimination against skin color when those discriminated against can change their behavior to get a better outcome?’ If that’s not the case, I apologize, but that is the question I’m going to answer.
The answer is this: Our lives are not strictly determined by our behavior and our own choices. They would be, if we did not live in a society with other people who are in positions of power over us. But we don’t. We live in a society where some people are privileged over others; white people over other races, men over women, for example. One can make all the right choices and still fail, due to blind luck but also due to people in power trying to keep their power by holding back those not in power from achieving the success that would allow them to earn power of their own.
Why do so many Canadian MRAs pontificate about American politics? Canada’s got its own shit… you know what though? You can keep it. I don’t want them talking about their own country because they might fuck things up for the rest of us.