a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking evil black women evil single moms hypocrisy irony alert judgybitch misogynoir misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism straw feminists

Black women hate men and “do an [expletive deleted] job with their sons,” white MRA lady JudgyBitch explains

Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids
Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids

It’s not exactly a secret that the Manosphere, stuffed to overflowing with he-man women haters, is also full of racists. Some of them quite open with, and even proud of, their racism, repeating literal neo-Nazi talking points and comparing blacks to apes. Others, especially amongst the Men’s Rights Activsts, pretend to be above race, often portraying themselves as champions for black men while reserving their most virulent racism for black women.

Enter JudgyBitch, the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” — and white lady. A recent post on her blog asks the question “Black men are failing catastrophically – are Black mothers to blame?”

Can you guess what her answer is? Yes, that’s correct.

According to JB, the only women who know how to raise black boys properly are … white women. Her evidence? A study that found

there are no significant differences in outcomes between black and white males with white mothers. [But] large differences persist between these groups and black males with black mothers.

So why might this be? JB, drawing on one of the explanations proposed by the paper, notes that

Black boys raised by white mothers tend to have distinctively white, rather than Black speech patterns. Barack Obama anybody? He sure is articulate for a Black guy /snark/. Those speech patterns allow Black boys to avoid a wage penalty as men.

JB apparently sees this as evidence of the parenting genius of white mothers. It’s not. If a black boy or man with “white speech patterns” is judged to be smarter than a similarly intelligent black boy or man who “talks black,” that’s proof, not of superior white parenting skills, but of the racism of the person doing the judging.

This is not actually complicated stuff, folks.

JB comes close, a couple of times, to acknowledging the racism at play, noting at one point that “[w]hite mothers … are treated differently by the school system [than black mothers], no matter what race their children are.”

But instead of exploring the possible roots of this “different” treatment — HINT: IT’S RACISM — JB decides to go after the central target of her deeply ignorant piece, those much-demonized black mothers:

I want to flip the question over and ask, rather than ‘what are white women doing right and what advantages do they have’, to ‘what are Black women doing wrong and why are they doing it wrong’?

This formulation is as revealing as her comments about schools: after momentarily acknowledging the advantages white women have, JB declares that she won’t be examining this question because she’d much rather be slinging shit at black women instead.

And sling it she does, declaring flat-out that “Black women do a shit job with their sons.”

And how did this happen? As JB sees it, back “when the recession hit in the 70s,” cruel government policies that denied

welfare for families with men in the home … effectively destroyed the Black nuclear family, and by extension, Black prosperity and community.

But the rest is all the fault of black women:

How easy would it be to take the resentment that ought to be directed against the policy and aim it instead at the man who is not allowed by law to support you? How easy would it be to turn that resentment into fury and outright hate? How easy would it be to decide “I don’t need no man anyways they can all go straight to hell”?

Pretty easy, apparently.

Then along comes feminism, making things even worse — by encouraging women, black women in particular, to think of themselves as heroes of their own lives.

Feminists are engaged in an all-out war against families, including Black families. Feminists convince Black women that struggling to raise children without the love and support and companionship of a man is a badge of honor: it is a sign of strength, courage, bravery, valor – it’s all rah rah rah you go girrrrl – if something in your life sucks, blame the man and that includes Black men.

Is it any wonder Black women resent and hate their sons? Is it any wonder they raise thugs and gangsters? Give those exact same boys to white women, who have been taught to a much, much lesser extent that they don’t need no man, and those boys become accountants and neurosurgeons and teachers and HVAC technicians and entrepreneurs.

But as much as JB wants to paint feminism as the big villain here, she can’t quite restrain herself from lecturing black women on what she’s decided are their failings:

White women raise Black boys better than you do, Black women. That should make you want to puke. It should make you crazy angry. It should make you want to scream and punch something and cry. You can’t blame all of it on racism and feminism, although those things play a huge role.

It starts with you and your relationship to your sons and their fathers.

Stop hating them. Start loving them. Understand that you have years and years and years of hate, egged on by feminists, to overcome. Black men need to trust you again.

Of the long list of things that JB — a Canadian white lady and stay-at-home mom — doesn’t know shit about, the lives of black women is probably pretty close to the top. But that doesn’t stop her from, well, judging black women and finding them wanting.

But what JB is indulging herself in here isn’t just racism; it’s that potent blend of intersectional hate, of racism and misogyny, that black feminist Moya Bailey calls “misogynoir.”

Like a lot of white people who enjoy pontificating about black people, JB’s attempts to educate herself on the subject are halfassed, laughably slipshod.

The notion that welfare has destroyed the black family is an ancient right-wing trope. JB’s “support” for this argument comes largely from a post on Discovering The Networks, a site run by right-wing gadfly and professional leftist-hater David Horowitz, devoted to exposing what he calls the “networks and agendas of the political Left.”

Fun fact: it is literally the first site that pops up when you do a Google search for “welfare ‘black families.'”

Feeling lucky?
Feeling lucky?

If you dig even a teensy bit deeper in the Google results, you’ll discover that JB’s “understanding” of welfare is what’s technically known as “wrong.” As Cynthia Gordy notes in a post on The Root, the rise of single motherhood in the black community was largely the fault of, well, the economy, stupid. (Well, the economy in a deeply racist society, that is.)

“What happened in the mid-1950s were technological changes that abolished unskilled jobs that most black men could do and created high-tech jobs that they couldn’t,” [sociologist Andrew] Billingsley told The Root, explaining that the advent of efficient, goods-producing machines drove millions of black men out of the stable blue-collar work force. “That’s what kept black families from getting and staying married, not the welfare system. To say otherwise is a misunderstanding of the data, and it’s a misreading of history.” …

[T]here is no public-housing eligibility requirement that excludes couples. Some states used to apply such regulations, but the Supreme Court struck those down in 1968.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of time, 1968 comes before “the recession [that] hit in the 70s.”

But who needs facts when you have prejudices?

That might as well be the slogan of the Men’s Rights movement.

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9 years ago

Oh, wow, a hateful bigot turns out to be a doubly hateful bigot. This is my surprise face right here (it isn’t really).

9 years ago

I got hung up on this list: “accountants and neurosurgeons and teachers and HVAC technicians and entrepreneurs.”

What are HVAC technicians doing in there? Is this a prestigious, sought-after profession now? (Come to think of it, I don’t know. Maybe it is.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

MRA philosophy of everything: It is always a woman’s fault.

9 years ago

I want to flip the question over and ask, rather than ‘what are white women doing right and what advantages do they have’

Ooh! I know this one! Let’s see. I think it’s that they were born white. The privileged race.

‘what are Black women doing wrong and why are they doing it wrong’?

Um. Could it be, they were born black? A race that isn’t privileged.

Boy. That was a really easy quiz.

I’m afraid JB failed it though.

9 years ago

Keep wondering why she even wrote: “the radical notion that women are adults” when she actually means “I’m better than all women espessically black women actually scratch all that I’m better than everyone.”

And JB go step on Legos while hugging a cactus since you flat out admitted you raped a man. Stop pretending you care about men and boys just admit you think your superior to them because you only see them as animals, “things” you can rape and control and atm machines that pop out money and attention for you. I’m talking to all other female mras too.

9 years ago

*You’re not *your

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Feminists are engaged in an all-out war against families, including Black families

s it any wonder they raise thugs and gangsters? Give those exact same boys to white women, who have been taught to a much, much lesser extent that they don’t need no man

Funny Feminism, passively “teaching” women things, but teaching them to white women to a (much, much) lesser extent!

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Does anyone else get the impression that she started out wanting to attack white feminists, but then her racism got the better of her and she wound up making even less sense than usual?

And JB go step on Legos while hugging a cactus since you flat out admitted you raped a man.

She did!? God, she’s a shitstain.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

Ah lovely, racism and misogyny from a white woman FeMRA who has, by her own admission, deliberately slandered another woman with whom she disagrees via fabricated racist tweets in hopes the other woman would receive a negative backlash. And according to someone above, has also admitted to raping a man? Holy – is that even real?

9 years ago

Lady Mondegreen and Jenny

Yeah she even said that everyone is a rapist too. In the comments other women joked alongside with her about the men they raped in their lives. ..this is why I can’t stand women and girls who say “they’re not like the other girls” and other stupid stuff like that they are only saying that so no one would suspect their horrible s***stains. They are exactly like “nice guys”.

9 years ago

I know there are women and girls who are insecure and I have sympathy for them but it’s hard to trust anyone after seeing this kind of garbage, know what I mean?

9 years ago

You know, it’s amazing how close JB comes to understanding how racism and poverty negatively affects black women and their children and how avoiding racism and being far less likely to live in poverty makes things easier on white women and their children (even children with black fathers) and how she turns to racism at the end anyway, even after she’s pretty much articulated that the problem is racism and racist economic policies (although she picks on the wrong system, predictably the welfare one). It’s like watching someone run a race in first place and then trip at the finish line, breaking her neck and coming in last place.

It’s also amazingly telling that she partially gives feminism, her former favorite bogeyman, a pass and says that it can’t adequately explain black women’s alleged misandry and awfulness at parenting. It’s also amazingly telling that she’s so determined to demonize black women that she actually gives compliments to white women, whom she normally denigrates for being women. The racism is strong with this one.

9 years ago

I want to flip the question over and ask, rather than ‘what are white women doing right and what advantages do they have’, to ‘what are Black women doing wrong and why are they doing it wrong’?

That’s not “flipping the question over”, JudgyBozo…that’s just rehashing the same old racist “question” (which is NOT a question) in a particularly unoriginal and offensive way. After all, white people love to blame black people for all of society’s ills, and male people love to blame female people for the same. And in a racist, sexist clique like yours (one can’t really call AVFM a community, can one?), white male people love to blame black female people…and the white ladies’ hooded-sheet auxiliary is happy to aid and abet, because FeMRAs know that the white men in charge regard them, though white, as naturally and inherently inferior (not “adult”). So they have to feel superior to somebody…and guess who that somebody turns out to be. It’s a hierarchy that looks like this:





And the piss rolls ever downhill.

And this is what passes for mature intellectual analysis in that clique. Wow, much human. So rights. Gollywhiz.

9 years ago

I want to flip the question over and ask, rather than ‘what are white women doing right and what advantages do they have’, to ‘what are Black women doing wrong and why are they doing it wrong’?

Wait, where did the “advantages” part of the question go?? It disappeared and a completely unrelated question took its place. That’s not what flipping a question over is! I want to ask, ‘what is flipping over a question and why is JB doing it wrong’?

Why does she capitalize “Black” but not “white”? Is that a thing?

9 years ago


Yeah, it’s like she might’ve initially considered the idea that black women have disadvantages, and then she decided that that couldn’t be true because then her racism might not be justifiable.

Seriously, can this woman get any more despicable?

9 years ago

How easy would it be to take the resentment that ought to be directed against the policy and aim it instead at the man who is not allowed by law to support you? How easy would it be to turn that resentment into fury and outright hate? How easy would it be to decide “I don’t need no man anyways they can all go straight to hell”?

Pretty easy, apparently.

First off, LO-fucking-L at a father not being allowed by law to support his children and their mother. There is no law that prevents this, and there never was. Even if there were some states where couples had a harder time getting public housing than a single parent, it has never been illegal for a father to give money to his children’s mother. Or for any person to hand money to any other person to be used for legal purposes, for that matter, or for any person to buy anything legal for other people.

The rest of this is pure, pure projection. What JB describes here is precisely how she thinks and operates; only the object the of resentment, fury, and hate is different. She thinks that it would be “easy” to follow that model of irrational, hateful thinking because it’s exactly how she would and does respond. Not everyone responds to to adversity by finding someone to hate, JB. Though I think that point will be forever lost on her.

9 years ago

@alaisvex I wonder if she started writing that part of her, um, essay, and at a certain point realized there was no way to reconcile what she was writing with her intended conclusion. If that did happen, I image that in lieu of considering why that might be the case, she just deleted those paragraphs and reworded her question “flip”.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I have no words for this level of stupidity and arrogance. I just…I cannot.

9 years ago


That might be the case. As David points out, she gets really close to grappling with racism but instead blames black people, especially women, for things that happen to them because of racial prejudice. And then for good measure, she outright makes shit up about black women hating black men and being bad mothers without providing supporting evidence for either claims. Instead, she’s merely echoing stereotypes portrayed in the media about black women henpecking and emasculating their boyfriends and husband and popping out loads of welfare babies so that they can keep getting more welfare.

9 years ago

Gah! She was sooooooo close to actual sounding like a thoughtful person capable of doing research and then she just face planted into a steaming pile of racism and sexism!

9 years ago

You know what always irks me about white people ‘whitesplaining’ to black people is that they always assume that the black people are aspiring to white culture, when they are probably simply applying their own cultural association to the raising of their children, that is, to raise their children with some semblance of understanding of their own culture and history, but have the added hardship of also having to reconcile that with dominant white culture…materialism!

As for black women hating their sons….ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Have they never heard of the long standing joke in the black community about not insulting a man’s mother? That you can get away with anything but insulting another black man’s mother?

I realise that it’s an exaggeration and a stereotype about black culture, but the concept is clearly embedded in black culture, that the mother is the matriarch of the family and she is to be respected.

In fact, young black man seem more likely to hate their fathers than their mothers.

Of course I am just another whitey “pontificating about black people” LOL! 🙂

9 years ago

I can’t believe both her and Karen Straughan are Canadian. Like, I live in a very conservative part of Canada, so I’ve met tons of people like them, but seriously let them move to snake island or something with the other MRA’s (or MGTOW’s…or whatever they call themselves)


JB loves nothing better than a good rant, and logic has never prevented her from shitting on someone’s head no matter how little they may deserve it. She’s weak on exactly what people are doing right or wrong, but always ready to attack them and throw every accusation in the book at them.
But at least she shows great familiarity with the works of that great educator, Prof. Otto Yerass.

Catherine Reed (@Radiojane1)
Catherine Reed (@Radiojane1)
9 years ago

Of the long list of things that JB — a Canadian white lady and stay-at-home mom —

What!? She’s Canadian?!?! Oh dear. That is just embarrassing. Wait, wasn’t she the one who was trying to crowdfund a gun or a hunting bow, or some other sort of weapon? Oh dear.

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