4chan anti-Semitism antifeminism attention seeking dark enlightenment douchebaggery drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs internecine warfare irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm racism red pill return of kings slacktivism sockpuppetry straw feminists transphobia

Internet Nazis plan to take down SJWs by pretending to be “Mexican trannies” on Tumblr. If they can stop fighting each other first.

Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves
Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves

The folks over on the Daily Stormer — winner of the prestigious “World’s Greatest Nazi Poop Site” award (and coffee cup) — are cackling with glee over what they see as “The Coming SJW Civil War.”

It seems that site Führer Andrew Anglin has noticed that the grand coalition of the so-called SJWs is made up of a number of different groups that (surprise surprise) have different interests and different ideas about things. Indeed, Anglin has convinced himself that all the different groups that make up the “SJW movement” actually hate each other with a passion and only stick together because they all hate “the White heterosexual male” even more.

But Anglin is convinced this can’t last, and that the “SJW movement” will soon erupt in a giant civil war as Blacks declare war on Mexicans and Gays (and, presumably, Gay Mexicans); Gays declare war on “Moslems”; “Moslems” and Feminists start duking it out; and then the Feminists, bringing up the rear, declare war on the Blacks (none of whom are apparently Feminists, just as no “Moslems” are feminists and no Gays are “Moslem”).

(Anglin capitalizes the names of all these groups, and uses “Moslem” instead of “Muslim” basically to piss Muslims off.)

Here’s Anglin’s, er, analysis of the deep divisions between Feminists and Blacks.

Blacks have an extremely “misogynistic” culture, similar to Moslems. They view women mainly as rape targets, and are constantly carrying out their agenda of “muh dik” against them.

White women love Black men, generally, in the same way they love small dogs. However, the serious man-hating element of the feminist is soon to find out about Black rape statistics.

[citation needed]

In order to help foment greater divisions between all these different groups, Anglin urges his readers to “troll hard.”

You should all be trolling these groups, and trying to sew discord between them. Easy enough to do, for the higher IQ element amongst us, and extremely personally rewarding in the form of lols.

Uh, dude, you “sow” discord; you don’t “sew” it. Also, the plural of “lol” is “lulz.”

Get into their circles, pretend to be them, cause rustled jimmies. …

For instance, this can be done on Twitter by making a Paki feminist account and then talking about Black rape. Or, you can go the even easier route, and making a tumblr as a Mexican tranny talking about Islam. Or an anti-racist against the gay oppression of Moslems.

If this all sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because they’ve tried it before. And got busted for it pretty quickly.

Last year, 4channers and assorted other assholes posing as feminists of color flooded Twitter with ridiculous tweets demanding to #EndFathersDay and trying to start fights with real feminists. This was all part of a “black propaganda” troll campaign designed to tear apart feminism.

Only the trolls weren’t really very good at it. Their tweets were so over-the-top that they fooled only Men’s Rights activsts and other antifeminist asshats. And it didn’t take much sleuthing to discover which Twitter accounts were fake. “Phoebe Kwon,” a self-described “Lesbian, Korean American, Feminist” from “San Fransico” was in fact a 4channer using a stock photo; the fact that he didn’t know how to spell “San Francisco” might have been a bit of a tipoff.

Well, that and the fact that a writer at Return of Kings gave away “Phoebe’s” secret long before the #EndFathersDay ridiculousness was even conceived, reporting in 2013 on what until then had been the super seekret Operation Lollipop, in which shitty racist white dudes put on virtual blackface and posted fake feminist tweets.

So having totally not gotten away with it before, it looks like they may try it again.

That is, if they can stop arguing amongst themselves.

A quick glance at the comments section of Anglin’s post reveals that it has turned into a virtual hornets nest of racist shitheads angrily buzzing at each other.

One fellow suggests that

I’ve been thinking, it is high past time to team up with all Blacks to bring down our Zionist-overlords.

That is how Ashkenazi-Jews operate. As long as they keep blacks vs white, the Jews get away with genocide against both camps.

And another replies,

Are you crazy? Niggers are dead weight.

You think you can bring them to your side? Good luck reasoning with a high-testosterone monkey-person with the IQ of a 10 year old child.

Meanwhile, yet another commenter pisses off the proudly anti-Semitic Christians in the comment section by declaring that “Christianity is a jewish con game” and a “communist death religion.”

This causes such a commotion that some commenters begin to suspect that they are being played by a troll. One writes:

Trying to sow discord in the comments of an article about sowing discord. You must think yourself very clever & ironic no?

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

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Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

OT, though not by much:

The man who executed 2 women in the LA movie theater (during “Trainwreck” — no coincidence there) and wounded 9 others had a long and well-documented history of misogynist statements:

As always in those horrific cases, one of the questions on my mind is: which manosphere sites were his favorite and what was the moniker he used?

9 years ago

@Nequam That’s why it’s a thriving fanartist market out there. And I am so joyed, in a very guilty way, that large companies are also too lazy (or scared of bad PR?) to legally pursue artists who reproduce their copyrighted property for sale when the contrast between official and fanmade looks like this.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Nequam | July 24, 2015 at 2:30 pm

I am squeeing on my youngest son’s behalf. I wish Hasbro’s toys were anywhere near the quality of the fan productions.

Fans are willing to invest time and money that large companies aren’t. I’m betting the time to make that Discord and the cost of materials was much more than Hasbro would want.

The toys for MLP:FiM directly from Hasbro always make me very, very sad. They’re not even the right COLORS. Like, Celestia’s right on the box, and you made her coat PINK.


There are some good third-party stuffs out there though. The vinyl characters seem to be pretty good. I have a friend who collects them.

Back on topic: It’s always interesting to see people working under outdated or outright false information, and under the projection that their enemies work very similarly to them.

And that’s why obvious trolls are obvious. Because anyone who passed Feminism 101 would know that intersectionality is, and will be henceforth, a thing.

9 years ago

@Aunt Edna Oh dear god. *atomic facepalm* More humans dead at the hands of an anti-woman extremist shitwaffle. I can’t wait for this to be pinned on mental illness, again. And again, and again…
9 years ago

>this is what racists actually believe

Also, they’re self-deluded enough to think this plan will accomplish anything other than embarrassing themselves.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

@Aunt Edna

Looks like another of Paul Elam’s “Male Bombs.”

9 years ago


That makes sense as well. I figured that the discrepancy would be attributed to reporting disparities and population demographics, which means that there are simply many more white women than black women living in the U.S. This means that there are far fewer black women who will encounter white men than there are white women who will encounter black men.

9 years ago

John Russel Houser, the Lafayette shooter, may be another clear case of stochastic terrorism resulting from manospheric incitement to violence. He hated women and believed they should be kept in their place; the majority of his victims, including the two who died, were women.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


Yes, it is a safe bet that the MRA and their adjacents, in order to distance themselves from this latest example of evil in which they are complicit as hell, will focus on the murderer’s “mental illness”* rather than his ideological beliefs in which misogyny featured front and center.

Here’s the murderer’s linkedin profile:

I hope David writes up a post about this lastest instance of lethal misogyny. Those posts where he seriously (i.e., without mockery) tackles the subject of white male aggrieved entitlement and its pernicious results are among his very best, IMO.

*I put it in quotes on purpose, even though he was supposedly diagnosed with something

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

@Miss Andry:


And here’s the thing: open any manospherian blog, at any time, and you can see where these men find support and encouragement for their evil ways.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
9 years ago


The blindbag(-sized) official figurines are actually pretty decent. Also, as far as I’m aware, Pinklestia is the fault of the distributors who insisted on the pink color, or otherwise they would have refused to stock it – once again, dumb product gendering at work. (Cadance was also likely introduced in part to make a proper white Celestia possible while still having a pink toy.)

9 years ago

“Not to question their brilliance of their tactics and strategy or anything, but maybe this might be a more effective plan if they don’t tell everyone about it on the internet where anyone can see it.”

Now that I think about it, didn’t the Manson Family try something similar where they killed a bunch of white people and tried to make it look like blacks did it? And it fell apart the same way when one of them bragged about it to a jail cell full of people, who immediately went to the cops.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

As to the muslim/moslem thing.

There’s no ‘official’ transliteration from the original Arabic; hence the Usama/Osama Bin Laden thing (or indeed the various ways of spelling Muhammed/Mohammed).

There does seem to be a thing were people critical of Islam use the ‘O’ variation for some reason, so it seems it’s the dog whistle aspect that can make followers of Islam wary rather than the actual spelling.

9 years ago

@Michael Lindsay

I. Am. A. Completely. Normal. Person. I. Am. Just. Like. You.

I like the way Snrub thinks!


@benfromcanada: Re “womyn”:(pl. “wymyn”) back in the early days of modern feminism (before the “waves” came crashing in on us), there was a belief that etymologically the word “woman” meant “wife of man”. (Apparently the word originally meant any adult female but later came to mean a married adult female.) In any case, “wife of man” seemed obviously sexist, and some people thought that by changing the spelling somehow you could change the etymology. Other feminists used the spelling to eliminate the “man/men” sequence, not from hatred of men as some would suggest, but because they felt that the term for adult females should be entirely distinct from the word for adult males — not, as it appeared, a modified version of “man/men.” I have not seen these spellings very much recently, but I believe it is still used by some radical feminists. And it is the sort of thing that anti-feminists would pick up on.
There are some benefits to being elderly — this was all part of my history — er, herstory. (Which was, by the way, used seriously by a few feminists for a short period.) “Womyn” was mostly a 70s thing, then gradually faded away.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

But when we’ve practiced for a while, how greatly we improve our style!

That is, if we’re not neonazi/MRA/MGTOW/teaparty/etc. numpties.

9 years ago

@Alan R… I’m surprised that they’ve not come across the term musselmann a yiddischer word. But then. I guess Primo Levi isn’t high on their reading lists.

Also, there are 72 “official” flavours, Sunni, Shia’a, Alevi, Whabi and those are just the people I see and talk to on a regular basis. What irks me is that if I said to a Lutheran, “Mate, You listening to the Pope’s address this Sunday” I’d get a right earbashing. I may be a g-dless atheist but I do respect other people’s right to belive.

I get the feeling he wasn’t purposefully misspelling to annoy, more misspelling because he can’t spell.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sarity

@Sarity & @Aunt Edna

I just read the RawStory piece and it trotted out the usual line “had high IQ”. In my mid teens I was IQ tested and mine was quite below average.

One if my takeaways from these misogynist swine is that they all trot out their superior IQ drivel. I’m now rather proud that mine was below average or rather IQ is a sack load if old bollocks that actually means bugger all

9 years ago

This “plan” all sounds so high school. How old are they again? And did they like high school so very much that they are determined to repeat it?

9 years ago


“Those who are ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it”


Yeah that’s my original quote. OQ do not steal!

9 years ago

But Anglin is convinced this can’t last, and that the “SJW movement” will soon erupt in a giant civil war as Blacks declare war on Mexicans and Gays (and, presumably, Gay Mexicans)

As a gay, black, SJW, how many declarations of war am I supposed to announce against myself?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


As others pointed out already, high IQ by itself means bupkus. At worst, it can make person a more successful tormentor of others, not in the least because it allows him or her to gain some measure of success and status in society, and manipulate people better.

Beware of high IQ people with stunted emotional development that manifests as a lack of conscience. Not surprisingly, those ‘spherians who boast of their IQ belong to this category. (Boasting of one’s IQ can be considered a sign of stunted emotional development in itself.)

9 years ago

I always find it interesting they expect the various social justice movements to break down into incoherent sectarian bickering the way their various social injustice (or hate) movements do, and are positively shocked when it doesn’t happen.

Here’s a clue: part of the process of working toward social justice is accepting firstly that there is no single “right” answer to every question. There is no one simple solution to the problem. It’s all complicated. So while there’s lots of ways we can get bits of things wrong, there are lots of ways we can get bits of things right, too. One of the hallmarks of the social justice movement is a rejection of the sort of authoritarian absolutism which characterises a lot of hate movements. For the authoritarian absolutist, diversity is a weakness and a threat. For people who aren’t authoritarian and absolutist, diverse opinions are a strength – the more different ways we try to achieve a result, the more likely we are to achieve it in a collection of ways which are understandable and usable for a wider range of people.

The other big difference is that in social justice movements, we’re more likely to accept people as imperfect. For example, as a feminist, I have very little time for Trans-Erasing Radical Feminists (I tend to find their tendency toward biological reductionism short-sighted, considering this same biological reductionism was what was used to keep women out of the public sphere not all that long ago on a historical timescale), but I’m willing to admit some of their perspectives on ways to create safe spaces are useful, with a bit of modification.

I think the big difference is that while the hate movements see their plans for how the world should be as a blueprint or a mechanical schema – something which has to be followed exactly from start to finish or everything breaks down in a heap. Meanwhile, social justice movements tend to see plans more as a recipe – something which can be tinkered with, and varied according to what’s on hand at the moment, and still produce a useful result. Also, in the social justice world, we’re aware of social justice as a complex, multi-course meal – so some people can be working on the entrée while others work on the dessert and still others work to make the main course worthwhile, and others are working on little subtleties and side dishes around the edges.