The folks over on the Daily Stormer — winner of the prestigious “World’s Greatest Nazi Poop Site” award (and coffee cup) — are cackling with glee over what they see as “The Coming SJW Civil War.”
It seems that site Führer Andrew Anglin has noticed that the grand coalition of the so-called SJWs is made up of a number of different groups that (surprise surprise) have different interests and different ideas about things. Indeed, Anglin has convinced himself that all the different groups that make up the “SJW movement” actually hate each other with a passion and only stick together because they all hate “the White heterosexual male” even more.
But Anglin is convinced this can’t last, and that the “SJW movement” will soon erupt in a giant civil war as Blacks declare war on Mexicans and Gays (and, presumably, Gay Mexicans); Gays declare war on “Moslems”; “Moslems” and Feminists start duking it out; and then the Feminists, bringing up the rear, declare war on the Blacks (none of whom are apparently Feminists, just as no “Moslems” are feminists and no Gays are “Moslem”).
(Anglin capitalizes the names of all these groups, and uses “Moslem” instead of “Muslim” basically to piss Muslims off.)
Here’s Anglin’s, er, analysis of the deep divisions between Feminists and Blacks.
Blacks have an extremely “misogynistic” culture, similar to Moslems. They view women mainly as rape targets, and are constantly carrying out their agenda of “muh dik” against them.
White women love Black men, generally, in the same way they love small dogs. However, the serious man-hating element of the feminist is soon to find out about Black rape statistics.
[citation needed]
In order to help foment greater divisions between all these different groups, Anglin urges his readers to “troll hard.”
You should all be trolling these groups, and trying to sew discord between them. Easy enough to do, for the higher IQ element amongst us, and extremely personally rewarding in the form of lols.
Uh, dude, you “sow” discord; you don’t “sew” it. Also, the plural of “lol” is “lulz.”
Get into their circles, pretend to be them, cause rustled jimmies. …
For instance, this can be done on Twitter by making a Paki feminist account and then talking about Black rape. Or, you can go the even easier route, and making a tumblr as a Mexican tranny talking about Islam. Or an anti-racist against the gay oppression of Moslems.
If this all sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because they’ve tried it before. And got busted for it pretty quickly.
Last year, 4channers and assorted other assholes posing as feminists of color flooded Twitter with ridiculous tweets demanding to #EndFathersDay and trying to start fights with real feminists. This was all part of a “black propaganda” troll campaign designed to tear apart feminism.
Only the trolls weren’t really very good at it. Their tweets were so over-the-top that they fooled only Men’s Rights activsts and other antifeminist asshats. And it didn’t take much sleuthing to discover which Twitter accounts were fake. “Phoebe Kwon,” a self-described “Lesbian, Korean American, Feminist” from “San Fransico” was in fact a 4channer using a stock photo; the fact that he didn’t know how to spell “San Francisco” might have been a bit of a tipoff.
Well, that and the fact that a writer at Return of Kings gave away “Phoebe’s” secret long before the #EndFathersDay ridiculousness was even conceived, reporting in 2013 on what until then had been the super seekret Operation Lollipop, in which shitty racist white dudes put on virtual blackface and posted fake feminist tweets.
So having totally not gotten away with it before, it looks like they may try it again.
That is, if they can stop arguing amongst themselves.
A quick glance at the comments section of Anglin’s post reveals that it has turned into a virtual hornets nest of racist shitheads angrily buzzing at each other.
One fellow suggests that
I’ve been thinking, it is high past time to team up with all Blacks to bring down our Zionist-overlords.
That is how Ashkenazi-Jews operate. As long as they keep blacks vs white, the Jews get away with genocide against both camps.
And another replies,
Are you crazy? Niggers are dead weight.
You think you can bring them to your side? Good luck reasoning with a high-testosterone monkey-person with the IQ of a 10 year old child.
Meanwhile, yet another commenter pisses off the proudly anti-Semitic Christians in the comment section by declaring that “Christianity is a jewish con game” and a “communist death religion.”
This causes such a commotion that some commenters begin to suspect that they are being played by a troll. One writes:
Trying to sow discord in the comments of an article about sowing discord. You must think yourself very clever & ironic no?
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
Please read the newly revised COMMENTS POLICY before commenting.
@ShakeB: Oh hey, lookit Rush Limbaugh rushing to the head of the parade like he’s still relevant.
“Who are these people? What are they like in the real world; are they more articulate, conform to social norms, indistinguishable from any other average citizen or are they easily recognized as complete imbeciles the moment they open their mouths?”
That guy who talks about his evil, vile wife that is divorcing him, that never accepts responsibility or mentions how he failed the relationship. Pretty much everything is someone else’s fault.
They listen to Limbaugh.
They claim that their ex is a horrible monster and keeping him from seeing the kids and then you find out that they neglected the children why they were off robbing their grandmother to score drugs.
Did I mention people who avoid any self analysis or taking responsibility for anything?
They tried the exact same thing with Not Your Shield, they don’t learn, do they?
Erm, well, not in those exact words…
But yeah, I hadn’t heard of her at all pre-clusterfuck, and post-clusterfuck, she just makes me think of that grossly transphobic South Park episode.
I think it’s because straw feminists are always depicted as throwing fits over unimportant, purely symbolic, and usually meaningless things, like the spelling of the word “woman.” They always fail at imitating feminists because their strategy is always “find some random, arbitrary thing to get upset about.”
@benfromcanada – Maybe I’m pointing out the obvious, but it’s a spelling of “woman” that doesn’t include the word “man” in it, and since they claim all feminists are man-haters, clearly these man-hating feminists don’t want to spell anything that has the word man in it (so no feminist ever talks about things like mantras, romanticism, or mandolins…)
I’ve also heard – not specifically from misogynists, but from the “political correctness gone mad” crowd – that feminists want to replace “history” with “herstory.” Now, sure, people have written papers with words like “herstory” in it; it’s a useful pun that points out “okay, we’re talking women’s history here” especially since the bulk of historical writing centres on men. But it’s a pun. It’s not as if most people seriously think that the word history derives from the masculine object-case pronoun.
Seven: it’s probably both privilege and a lack of intellect, really. They aren’t smart people.
Falconer: yeah, but I’ve literally never seen “womyn” used unironically. At least some people do actually hold to the SCUM Manifesto (very, very few but I’ve met a couple)
Correction: “his” is possessive case, not object case. And I just did a worksheet on pronouns for grades 4-6. (Imagine an eye-rolling face right here.)
I wonder if womanta rays are related to feminist morays.
Err, sorry, two of my friends would yell that at the tv during every episode of SVU where they sidelined Mariska Hargitay’s character for the blonde lady stand-in so they could ram in a romantic subplot without committing to anything. I typed it without thinking, because it became our go-to “who the fuck are you?!” exclamation. My apologies.
General info on Anglin/Daily Stormer for those not up to speed:
Seriously, I think the “womyn” bit was a thing for all of two seconds in the early 90’s, and these guys have been getting all their knowledge about feminism and women from stand-up comedy specials from 1992.
Like I seriously was reading some dumbass who included “Birkenstock wearing lesbians” in his rant and I had to check my calendar.
We really are, and I have to say I absolutely -love- Steven Universe, the complexities of Rebecca Sugar’s characters and the brilliant artscape/story telling are a weekly treasure in our house.
(I spent years living in the area her world is based on, so it hits me right in those nostalgia feels as well)
Not to question their brilliance of their tactics and strategy or anything, but maybe this might be a more effective plan if they don’t tell everyone about it on the internet where anyone can see it.
Really miss that giant statue of a multi-armed woman, huh?
I recall seeing “womyn” in the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, which I read as a teenager. Not to be too td;lr or spoilery, but the main character Melinda has to deal with a friend’s betrayal as well as a recent sexual assault (and the attacker still at her school). She also has a tendency to group people at her high-school according to stereotypes (the jocks, the nerds, etc.) and she jokingly calls the lacrosse team “womyn” because… I dunno, she thinks girls in sports are all hardcore feminists? To be fair, her snark is also targeted at herself. I couldn’t help thinking, “If you reached out to some of these people, you wouldn’t feel so alone…” but that can be really really hard in real life too. Anyway, the conclusion brings a measure of healing as well as recognition that people are more complex than she first thought.
And (to go on a tangent of a tangent), I looked up the book online and it seems to become something of a YA classic. I’m glad. It seemed quite well written.
Oh heck yes, and the kindergarten. :p The town is loosely based on Dewey and Rehoboth Beach in D.E (and a smidge of M.D & V.A)
Look up the funland arcade in Rehoboth and compare it to the funland in beach city for fun sometime if you find yourself with nothing to do.
Anyway, looking up what black rape statistics they’re talking about…apparently, FBI statistics demonstrated that black men are more likely to rape white women than white men are to rape black women. Maybe someone with a background in statistics could investigate this claim more closely? I’ve only seen conservative and Neo-Nazi blogs reporting this.
But nonetheless, even if we accept the statistics at face value, they’re not showing that black men are more likely than white men to rape, and they’re certainly not showing that white women are more likely to be raped by black men than white men (it’s overwhelmingly the opposite). Of course, these Neo-Nazis only care about rape when it’s a black man raping a white woman, so naturally, this is what they care about.
Here’s Tim Wise’s breakdown of it:
Minor nitpick, I have seen muslim spelled like that by actual muslims before. Like a lot of arabic, I think there’s no official romanization of it.
@Miss Andry,
Thanks! I figured that it was bullshit/distortion because I was only finding those claims on Neo-Nazi sites.
I’m guessing white women raped by a black man are much more likely to report than black women raped by a white man. The former is going to be more likely to be believed and supported than the latter.
@ColeYote, yeah, it seems to be a legitimate spelling. David provides a link I haven’t followed where Mr. Anglin seems to think spelling it like that will piss people off.
Fans are willing to invest time and money that large companies aren’t. I’m betting the time to make that Discord and the cost of materials was much more than Hasbro would want.