![Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/worldsgreaatestnazipooop.png?resize=580%2C503&ssl=1)
The folks over on the Daily Stormer — winner of the prestigious “World’s Greatest Nazi Poop Site” award (and coffee cup) — are cackling with glee over what they see as “The Coming SJW Civil War.”
It seems that site Führer Andrew Anglin has noticed that the grand coalition of the so-called SJWs is made up of a number of different groups that (surprise surprise) have different interests and different ideas about things. Indeed, Anglin has convinced himself that all the different groups that make up the “SJW movement” actually hate each other with a passion and only stick together because they all hate “the White heterosexual male” even more.
But Anglin is convinced this can’t last, and that the “SJW movement” will soon erupt in a giant civil war as Blacks declare war on Mexicans and Gays (and, presumably, Gay Mexicans); Gays declare war on “Moslems”; “Moslems” and Feminists start duking it out; and then the Feminists, bringing up the rear, declare war on the Blacks (none of whom are apparently Feminists, just as no “Moslems” are feminists and no Gays are “Moslem”).
(Anglin capitalizes the names of all these groups, and uses “Moslem” instead of “Muslim” basically to piss Muslims off.)
Here’s Anglin’s, er, analysis of the deep divisions between Feminists and Blacks.
Blacks have an extremely “misogynistic” culture, similar to Moslems. They view women mainly as rape targets, and are constantly carrying out their agenda of “muh dik” against them.
White women love Black men, generally, in the same way they love small dogs. However, the serious man-hating element of the feminist is soon to find out about Black rape statistics.
[citation needed]
In order to help foment greater divisions between all these different groups, Anglin urges his readers to “troll hard.”
You should all be trolling these groups, and trying to sew discord between them. Easy enough to do, for the higher IQ element amongst us, and extremely personally rewarding in the form of lols.
Uh, dude, you “sow” discord; you don’t “sew” it. Also, the plural of “lol” is “lulz.”
Get into their circles, pretend to be them, cause rustled jimmies. …
For instance, this can be done on Twitter by making a Paki feminist account and then talking about Black rape. Or, you can go the even easier route, and making a tumblr as a Mexican tranny talking about Islam. Or an anti-racist against the gay oppression of Moslems.
If this all sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because they’ve tried it before. And got busted for it pretty quickly.
Last year, 4channers and assorted other assholes posing as feminists of color flooded Twitter with ridiculous tweets demanding to #EndFathersDay and trying to start fights with real feminists. This was all part of a “black propaganda” troll campaign designed to tear apart feminism.
Only the trolls weren’t really very good at it. Their tweets were so over-the-top that they fooled only Men’s Rights activsts and other antifeminist asshats. And it didn’t take much sleuthing to discover which Twitter accounts were fake. “Phoebe Kwon,” a self-described “Lesbian, Korean American, Feminist” from “San Fransico” was in fact a 4channer using a stock photo; the fact that he didn’t know how to spell “San Francisco” might have been a bit of a tipoff.
Well, that and the fact that a writer at Return of Kings gave away “Phoebe’s” secret long before the #EndFathersDay ridiculousness was even conceived, reporting in 2013 on what until then had been the super seekret Operation Lollipop, in which shitty racist white dudes put on virtual blackface and posted fake feminist tweets.
So having totally not gotten away with it before, it looks like they may try it again.
That is, if they can stop arguing amongst themselves.
A quick glance at the comments section of Anglin’s post reveals that it has turned into a virtual hornets nest of racist shitheads angrily buzzing at each other.
One fellow suggests that
I’ve been thinking, it is high past time to team up with all Blacks to bring down our Zionist-overlords.
That is how Ashkenazi-Jews operate. As long as they keep blacks vs white, the Jews get away with genocide against both camps.
And another replies,
Are you crazy? Niggers are dead weight.
You think you can bring them to your side? Good luck reasoning with a high-testosterone monkey-person with the IQ of a 10 year old child.
Meanwhile, yet another commenter pisses off the proudly anti-Semitic Christians in the comment section by declaring that “Christianity is a jewish con game” and a “communist death religion.”
This causes such a commotion that some commenters begin to suspect that they are being played by a troll. One writes:
Trying to sow discord in the comments of an article about sowing discord. You must think yourself very clever & ironic no?
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
Please read the newly revised COMMENTS POLICY before commenting.
IQ as it is used today is not a complete measure of someone’s cognitive power. It is a summary score determined by averaging performance on several major areas of cognitive ability (memory, processing speed, pattern recognition, etc.) It is supposed to be a general representation of cognitive ability, but it is by no means comprehensive. It’s similar to how a poll works. There’s no way to ask every single person in the population their opinion on something, but if you get a representative sample of maybe a few thousand, you can get a pretty good general idea of what’s going on.
How long would the MRM last if SJW actually organized a false-flag operation against them?
Not that I think anyone would care to do it, but I’m betting it would be infinitely more efficient than this.
I found a copy of their plans on sewing discord.
I am squeeing on my youngest son’s behalf. I wish Hasbro’s toys were anywhere near the quality of the fan productions.
(OT OT OT returning to our regularly scheduled, non-pony related program)
Hell, I had this problem doing high school chemistry and college-level nuclear physics. Maybe if I’d had to work in grade school I wouldn’t have been such an intolerable ass, not to mention passed nuclear physics.
@Alan Robertshaw,
yep, that’s pretty much what it’s like when anti-feminists attempt to infiltrate. There was a concern troll who kept dropping into a blog I followed, trying to stir up outrage about some low level PUA, making misandrist suggestions about DNA profiling all men at birth, everyone saw through them in a heartbeat.
@Sarity, @Wtfcakes, I gotta say, we seem to be living in some kind of era of cartoon renaissance. Between MLP and Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, there’s plenty of quality to watch, and I’m sure there’ll be more by the time my kids are, like, 10.
From what I’ve noticed, because I live in a literal city of garbage, they’re just like the other far-right conservatives with their dog whistles and feeling people out for the same shitty opinions before really ramping up the bigotry. A few will be out and open about it, but they won’t get very far socially. A very few, like a couple good friends of mine, are/were just in bad situations and misguided in the way they think about it. They had abusive female partners, and society’s more misogynistic views are set up perfectly for them to settle right into and perpetuate. It’s incredibly frustrating, because they’re not bad people, and they’re not wrong about the particular women about whom they complain. They just don’t get that being a money-grubbing, abusive asshole is not confined to one gender, because being angry makes you stupid.
A bit of a side note: For 60 years and probably longer, feminists have pointed out that women only exist as the Other, the Object, in “human” discourse. The main example is calling humans “Man” and so on, but it shows up constantly in news, books, Tv, everywhere. The racists do it here too, saying “Blacks” as though there are no Black women. It obfuscates who is doing what and misrepresents and invisibilizes women constantly.
I am so tired of editors and publishers letting writers (male and female) do this any longer. It would be so easy to add this to the handbooks of writing style that the publishing industry uses. It would get this ceaseless mantra that women aren’t human or actors in society or part of any other social group out of our heads at last.
Mr. Futrelle, thanks for the “lols”!
yeah, it’s always interesting the way racists (of various stripes) assume that everyone, in their hearts, must be doggedly aligned with their own particular tribe and hateful of all the other particular tribes. Like, they (racists) just can’t believe that a lot of people actually, truly want to work with people of different backgrounds in the interest of a common good.
I find that, in general, people believe everyone else to be roughly as intelligent as they are. That’s why smart people are so frustrated by fools, and that’s why unintelligent people come up with lies that wouldn’t trick any intelligent person. With less intellectual people, they figure (probably subconsciously) that since they’d fail to see through the lie, everyone else would, too. That’s why they tried something as asinine as “End Father’s Day” and “Free Bleeding” as opposed to more believable “campaigns”. That’s why I’m fairly sure that if they do this, they’d be as subtle as a brick through a window. “Hey guys, I’m a black tr**** who’s also gay. Am I the only one that thinks sand n*****s should all leave Europe and North America because of patriarchy?”
That’s the cuddliest Discord ever sewn! Mission accomplished!
Most of the #NotYourShield trolls we’ve had were even more facepalmingly obvious than that (I’ll never stop laughing at the one whose “Selfie” was… Denzel Washington), so, yep. =P
@Falconer Indeed we are, and it comes with its own equally amazing fanart renaissance! It calls for more sewn Discords.
![comment image](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-04JYw9CRv3w/VUPUTLAVmNI/AAAAAAABR4E/zGtrnJf8-_E/s1600/DiscordPlush.png)
And my personal favorite, actor John de Lancie getting a kiss from his own character. *w*
I wonder if the reason MRAs are so quick to call “not all MRAs” or “false flag” is because they assume feminists are also trolling undercover to sew discord.
(Despite many of the examples David sites coming from the leaders of the movement so they obviously can’t be fake feminists.)
I mean, these same dipshits were crowing about Rachel Dolezai “the narrative can’t hold!” and all excited that she was going to destroy the SJW narrative…
Except everyone I know who is actually involved in social work in any way shape or form took all of two seconds to say “who’s this bitch and why the fuck are we listening to her?”
Usually, when you try to “infiltrate” and pose as a group, it helps to actually know something about that group. But if these shmucks actually knew thing one about feminism or racial politics, their heads would implode from cognitive dissonance.
Meanwhile the open racists are doing just fine “sewing” discord on the right with their new favorite word “cuckservative”.
Okay, those sewn Discords are fantastic. I particularly like the cute baby Discord.
On the ‘intersectionality fail’ of this whole proposal:
It’s almost amusing that not only are they fighting straw feminists, but they are specifically fighting straw feminist ghosts–the SJW divisions they want to capitalize upon were mostly part of first- and second-wave feminism, when everyone who wasn’t white/straight/cis/male had so much on their plate just surviving that the idea of forging genuine alliances hadn’t really set, yet.
They still think that feminists haven’t already figured out that we need to also be anti-racists, pro-LGBT rights, and so on. Yes, there are individuals within each of the various movements that are not fully on-board, but from what I’ve seen, they’re all on the fringes.
@Snuffy Ah, but there’s an easy remedy to that, and it’s simply to discount said leaders as ‘not real MRAs’ or ‘not represensative of MRAs’. Remember, it’s only a No True Scotsman when feminists do it.
Here’s one thing I wonder: I’ve encountered Phoebe Kwon and others that are known fakes, and a LOT of them use “womyn” rather than “women” or “woman”. What’s up with that? Do they really think that’s a thing?
I don’t think that’s quite what’s going on here. Part of privilege is that you just don’t have to trouble yourself with anyone’s perspective but your own. Another part is being socialized to expect to always be taken at your word. Crafting a lie to be convincing to an audience of Others is a task these kind of people just aren’t equipped for. I don’t think it really has anything to do with intelligence at all.
@benfromcanada: They think the SCUM Manifesto is required feminist reading, that Andrea Dworkin said that all sex is rape, and that feminists killed Erin Pizzey’s dog. Of course they think we all use “womyn.”
I think we can look at feminism and acknowledge that white feminism is a thing because of racist power structures, and intersectionality is also a thing even if it’s not pulled out flawlessly every time.
MRAs see a bunch of women being assholes to them (because obviously not agreeing and going about your own life is being an asshole to MRAs) and assume “intersectionality” is a cover word to be assholes with impunity and never was meant as anything but a lie to the public.