Today, a news quiz!
Earlier this week, creepy misogynistic internet shitpublication Return of Kings posted an article titled “American Women Are Only Good For One Thing,” by Donovan Sharpe, described in his bio on the site as “a west coast resident who lives for objectifying women while keeping them on their toes, their backs, and their knees.”
The Question: According to Mr. Sharpe, what is the one thing American women are good for?
- Converting light energy from the Sun into “food”
- Producing a toxin in a specialized gland that is used to kill or paralyze prey via biting or spitting.
- Holding their breath for 90 minutes during deep ocean dives
- Jumping 100 times their own height
- Sex
- If you cut a woman in half, each half will regenerate into a whole woman
ANSWER: According to Sharpe, the answer is number 5, sex.
But it was a trick question! Numbers 1, 2, and 4 are also correct.
Apparently unaware of the amazing jumping, toxin-producing and photosynthetic abilities of women, Sharpe argues that
most of today’s women are bitchy, masculine, selfish cunts with inferiority complexes that make them think they want to dominate men.
The sad truth is that decades of feminism has reduced women to nothing more than three holes and a set of tits who are only as good as the orgasms they provide men.
I also think he’s wrong about the number of holes. Women have nostrils, right? And earholes? I mean, I don’t think they’re very good for sex, but they’re definitely holes.
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It’s like they’ll find or even make up stuff to excuse their hate to make themselves feel important.
I hear that there are grown women who believe that, too. I’m not sure if that’s an urban legend though, but with the state of our education system I’m sure some fall through the cracks.
I remember when I was a girl having to explain it to another girl, knowing that she was in class when we had talked about the urethra and had seen the damn diagrams…I wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed that I knew that (you know, girls aren’t supposed to be smart) or not. Of course, that was when I was a kid so it makes sense and I know I didn’t know it was there until I was taught in school, so I guess it’s possible.
Well, there was a quote I forgot to paste before the gif. Not that I regret (accidentally) avoiding echoing words of a total asshole.
Or maybe the Blockquote Mammoth read in my heart that I only wanted an excuse to post that gif and swallowed the whole thing.
Re: urethra? what urethra?
This is why I love Orange is the New Black and Laverne Cox.
I’m not sure that I want to know the logic, but how can a “cunt” be “masculine?” Aren’t they opposites by definition, even or especially by MRA standards?
And this is why I should be in bed instead of posting. This is the stuff:
So what would they make of the men who *want* to be dominated by a woman? They do exist, no matter what magical thinking is used to try and pretend otherwise.
That’s still something interesting to note. It’s like they still want to cut women out of their lives forever, but can’t seem to find a way to do it completely, because women are still good for sex.
As far as I’m concerned, they’d all be better off pairing off with one another, rather than having them out in the (metaphorical) dating wilderness. Perhaps then they’ll see that they’re all terrible human beings who are terrible at sex anyways, but I imagine it’ll take a couple rotations.
Also, this and I’m going to bed!
Exactly, I noticed a lot of that logic during the whole gamergate thing, and that was actually when I first started noticing how detestable anti-feminists are. They would find any excuse to bitch about feminists, looking for any remotely bad thing a feminist said or did and using that one anecdote to make sweeping blanket statements about how ALL feminists are evil. Meanwhile, when guys on their side did or said something horrible that there was no way they could possibly defend, not only would they say those people don’t represent them, but they would go as far as to say those guys had literally nothing to do with gamergaters, and imply that they were just some outsiders who had no opinion on the matter but just showed up to start trouble. Any bad example of a single feminist represented all feminists to them, but bad examples of them were passed off completely or unacknowledged.
I had no opinion on the whole matter at all until I started noticing how objectively worse people on the gamergate side were being, and then I started noticing it everywhere, whenever people ranted about feminists.
Their attempts to make me believe feminists are evil and terrible people had the exact opposite effect on me, it basically turned me into a feminist myself, because all I noticed was how evil and terrible people complaining about feminists were.
I never did see any of these conniving harpies who want to cut off my penis that they claim are everywhere, instead I am CONSTANTLY seeing anti-feminists saying some of the most sickeningly awful shit I’ve ever seen on a daily basis, even if you don’t count what I see on here. Even when I finally decided to check out the one woman who I saw the most complaining about, Anita Sarkeesian, to see what the big fuss was all about, I was so underwhelmed. I mean I didn’t agree with most of her points, but she wasn’t being completely unreasonable or in any way mean or spiteful, and she never said she wanted anything to be banned, overall her arguments were pretty calm and tame, while the people complaining about her were frothing rabid animals.
My point is, I am living proof that MRA’s and anti-feminists in general are only hurting their cause and creating more feminism.
(told ya!)
Dat bunny. <3
Everyday, they wake up and women have personal agency… what a sad reality. Playing a tiny violin just for the PUAs.
I don’t want to be identified, so here’s a picture of the back of my head:
You know, I’m perfectly OK with Mr. Sharpe having to do his own cooking, cleaning, dishes, and laundry, since he’s clearly so superior at these things.
I’m also super convinced he’d be a perfect parent who would never, ever take his eyes off the kids for one second for the entire 14 hours they are awake, never need a break, never need to check texts on his smartphone, and never have other aspects of his life to tend to. Anything less than 100% attentiveness 100% of the time is selfish folly, and will inevitably result in a rap sheet by the time the kids are 7.
Hell’s bells, this font isn’t sarcastic enough.
Occam’s razor: do women actually suck at basic household tasks, or is it that women are choosing not to cook and clean and have babies for him because he’s a whiny snot otter with nothing to offer except contempt and a fragile ego that needs constant coddling? Are women defective products who no longer fulfill their 1950s bangmaid duties because the factory changed hands and is now being run by feminists, or are they sensibly steering clear of someone who is patently unsuitable as a potential mate and father?
Yeah. Far easier to have impossible armchair standards and berate feeeemales for not living up to them. It’s classic MGTOW sour grapes.
I just want to thank David for doing the seemingly impossible and making me laugh while reading about horrible misogyny.
Somehow I get the feeling Mr. sharp isn’t quite living up to his bio and maybe just maybe he’s essayed his own personal failings. Actually, we all spotted that – I just stated the obvious. I wonder though why he missed out hands though, they are an active part of Mrs. Autosoma’s and myself jiggy time. Quite curious that he missed that obvious one. Also, he’s seriously not thinking out of the box if he wants to “objectify”. Defiantly letting the PUA world down their. Roosh seriously needs to up his editorial responsibilities. I mean, if they (the PUA’s that is) only want women to be a vessel of male orgasm, then there are plenty of other places on the human body to get your rocks off with in addition to Mr. Sharp’s three plus the aforementioned hands I can think of another five bits of her body where Mrs. Autosoma’s has creatively entertained my little winky, so we’re up to nine and Mrs. Autosoma’s has had a monolateral mastectomy so that does technically reduce the count (BTW I do also try to be creative with Mrs. Autosoma’s bedtime rompy fun – it’s not just a one way street).
I do feel sorry for these ROK-types they do seem to miss out on an awful lot by being so uncreative, dumb and shallow.
Welcome to the good guys’ side, gosuamakenatek! We have cookies.
Also bunny gifs.
Instead of a selfie, here’s a schematic of me.
On the topic of manosperians picking apart a single feminist quote and/or event to paint all feminists, dudes on the Red Pill have been posting links to a Dutch ‘Survivor’ episode where the female team did worse than the male team since the episode came out and every time they talk about it, it’s “see women can’t do anything without men! Men are so much better than women because these men won!”
You seem well built. But then again I’m not the best reader of blueprints.
@anemonierosie – Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen is the special reward they reserve for “good” women, who know how to behave themselves…
@autosoma – Hands have too many uses and having them implies that women might be capable of using them to do non-sexual things, like holding a steady job independent of a man, and Mr Sharpe wants to reduce all women to their holes (and only as the pertain to taboo uses), so of course his theoretical woman doesn’t have hands.
Mr Sharpe’s ideal woman:
[Image of a bowling ball]
Was going to post an actual image, but I didn’t want to risk squicking out any of our resident Trypophobes.
Projecting his selfish inferiority complex much?!
Somebody please tell me Gordon Ramsey didn’t actually say women couldn’t cook.
Now the AFVM is slowing dying a death, it seems RoK will now be the dominant misogyny site.
While the existence of that place is discouraging, at least the men there can be relied upon to do absolutely squat in terms of activism, all they’re about is pubescent whining. AVFM used to help coordinate actual campaigns of toxicity. So I’m thinking the rise of RoK means that the manosphere is losing overall.
It cracked me up when he pulled this out his arse:
‘What’s more is that men are much better with money making single father homes more stable. As the more responsible sex, a man will pass his financial shrewdness to his children, whereas a woman who buys the hot new iPhone rather than pay the electric bill will undoubtedly influence the future spending habits of her young.’
I’d like to know how this shrewd single father is going to manage nurturing his children while also providing for them? If children from single parent households struggle more in life it’s because one parent must perform the combined roles of nurturer and provider, which is incredibly tough unless there’s outside support from relatives, friends and the government. I’d love to know how he thinks men would manage better at this task. Possibly by hiring a nanny? But wait, most nannies are women!
And why do idiots look at single mothers and assume they must be bad mothers, why aren’t they judging the fathers who have walked away? Hang on, I know the answer to that one, it’s the women’s fault for choosing the wrong man /s
It never crossed my mind to think what seditious things hands were. My, I’ve got my worldview completely wrong haven’t I. PUA Shagland must be a horrible place to live.
So that’s what Mrs. Autosoma’s was doing 10 hours a day, five days a week, using her hands to hold down a steady job, blimey, I wondered what she was up to (OK that was an vague attempt at humourous sarcasm).
Also, if theoretical women don’t have hands and a kitchen being a hands on kinda place, why be in a kitchen? Well, at least theoretical women are barefoot, which implies feet, so that means practical women (whom I’m assuming also have feet) rather than the theoretical variety can run a mile from the likes of Mr. Sharp.
Finally, I feel that my Friday morning sarcasm may touch a few raw nerves, so I’ll apologise upfront, if I’ve upset anyone.