So the #GamerGaters are mad about a new study that suggests that some of the most dickishly misogynistic male gamers are quite literally losers. That is, men playing video games like Halo and Call of Duty online tend to lash out at women players when they’re doing their worst.
Looking at the behavior of a number of men and women over the course of 163 games of Halo 3, researchers Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff from the University of New South Wales and Miami University found that
lower-skilled players were more hostile towards a female-voiced teammate, especially when performing poorly. In contrast, lower-skilled players behaved submissively towards a male-voiced player in the identical scenario. This difference in gender-directed behaviour became more extreme with poorer focal-player performance.
In other words, the more of a video game loser they were, the more of a misogynistic loser they became.
We suggest that low-status males increase female-directed hostility to minimize the loss of status as a consequence of hierarchical reconfiguration resulting from the entrance of a woman into the competitive arena.
In other words, they hate losing … to a girl.
The researchers argue that the entrance of larger numbers of women into the dude-heavy world of video games is especially threatening to “[l]ow-status and low-performing males,” who
have the most to lose as a consequence of the hierarchical reconfiguration due to the entry of a competitive woman. As men often rely on aggression to maintain their dominant social status, the increase in hostility towards a woman by lower-status males may be an attempt to disregard a female’s performance and suppress her disturbance on the hierarchy to retain their social rank.
If this all sounds to you like a plausible explanation for a lot of the anger driving #GamerGaters, you’re not the only one to see the connection.
A recent article on the study on Yahoo News suggests that,
[a]s gaming has traditionally been a male-dominated pastime, these findings could go some way to explain 2014′s Gamergate furore. Several high profile female game developers were targeted with a torrent of misogynistic abuse, including rape and death threats, coordinated by factions of male gamers using sites like 4Chan and Reddit.
And this is what has the #GamerGaters on Reddit’s KotakuInAction subreddit pig-biting mad. In a thread complaining about the Yahoo News piece, the regulars show just what losers they really are by lashing out at … women.
Evidently forgetting that the study in question was conducted by two men, a Redditor called Katastic_Voyage won more than 130 upvotes with a lovely rant declaring that
There’s a huge freaking difference between shit talking, and bullying.
But most of these articles and “papers” are written by women, who live in a woman’s world, and don’t understand the first thing about what it’s really like to be a man. The others are by men who are basically women but doesn’t realize it–they were likely forced to grow up in a woman dominated, catty, passive-aggressive world.
Ok, my bad. The researchers might appear to be men, but are probably “men who are basically women but doesn’t realize it.”
And somehow this all has something to do with metal music:
Woman call all men “dumb” because that’s what they call anything they don’t understand. It’d be like someone who likes classical music calling metal dumb. Even if they’re actually related. Even though there’s plenty of beauty and complexity in metal… they don’t ever dive into it so they deride and dismiss it.
It IS real music, mom! (Sound of bedroom door slamming, followed by the muffled intro to “Enter Sandman.”)
So they take things like:
The need to compete? They think it’s violence.
The need to shit talk? They think it’s bullying.
The fact that men can look at other women and not cheat? It blows their minds that men can actually feel pleasure just seeing a woman of beauty… and that’s it.
Uh, I thought we were talking about video games. Did some mean lady just break up with you?
A fellow called Zakamaru, replying to Katastic_Voyage, decided to show how not mad he was about women invading “male spaces” by getting mad about women invading “male spaces.”
It’s what happens when a bunch of women get into male spaces and some fail to understand it.
Gaming has always been competitive. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I was called various names and derogatory remarks, but it doesn’t fucking matter. You get insulted all the time, and it takes a special type of person to actually take offense to that. …
It’s not that we hate women. With gaming being a predominantly male hobby, it’s going to have elements of masculinity, competitiveness, and testosterone floating about. When people shit talk, they will use any sort of “weakness” that you have and attack it. If you’re unskilled, you’re a noob/scrub. If you’re an obvious underaged child, you get called a kid. If someone needs a quick all-purpose insult, you’re now a faggot.
When some women see this, they immediately think that it needs to change to fit their worldview. To them, these insults are simply unacceptable, and are “x-phobic” or whatever tumblr buzzword they feel like using today. Never mind the fact that gaming was born from a bunch of socially awkward men who carved out their own space with their own culture and lingo. No, now you have to cater to ME, because I’m a GIRL.
Boy, you guys really put those dumb lady researchers (who aren’t ladies, but who maybe sort of really are) in their place.
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D’raenai 🙂
Sounds like we’re in the same boat!
An issue I’ve had for a long time with endgames in MMOs is the “don’t come if you’re not familiar with the fights” or “watch the video” attitude. I’d totally play a raid with a group that announced: “we don’t know anything about anything in this raid, and we don’t want to bring along anyone who does. Don’t watch any videos. Don’t bring any spoilers. We’re looking for a group that’s willing to go in and die a lot and try to figure it out all on our own.”
I mean, how good would that feel when you finally beat the boss?
It’s okay. I’m a random scary internet person. You did the right thing.
I’m sending both EJ and Kirby friend requests. Anyone else?
It was just some really random name I’m sorry XD
Wow. I gotta say, I scrolled down to the comments section expecting a massive shitstorm but it’s actually pretty tame. A little faith in humanity restored. Let’s keep it up people.
Big minecraft fan.
Have sent friend request via steam to you kirby.
Hey. Sent a few friends requests on Steam. My Steam name is jesala.
I was wondering who jesala was! I figured it was someone on here though, so I accepted! 😀
So, the Minecraft server’s coming along great! I’ve started Thaumcraft, and found out that Kirby is an alien ghost, Lanariel is made of magic and meat, and Belladonna’s the Devil through my magic scanning device.
Thaumcraft is weird.
Hey, we should also have a Twitter handle share-a-thon sometime, for those who are comfortable with it.
Sure. I’m @ParadoxyIntent, if anyone wants to see the banal stuff I tweet.
Mine is @weirwoodtreehug, but I don’t use my account that often.
My account for almost everything else is Sephirajo – since the 90s, yo. m/
Paradoxical Intention and Kirbywarp are some of the nicest people ever in game (especially since I’m a complete Minecraft moron), even if PI is convinced I’m the devil. Maybe I like her because she thinks I’m the devil.
I’d really love to share Twitter handles with people here, except that I have never made a Twitter account. I still don’t want to, but I’ll admit I’ve never been more tempted than now.
Thanks again, Kirbywarp, for setting up a server. And thanks for including my son!
@ EJ (the other one)
My Steam name is -MCG- Fabe
You’ll get a lot of hits for Fabe but mine should appear at the top of the list and my avatar is a robot labeled F.A.B.E Functional Artificial Battle Entity
My twitter handle is @gwenckatz. I’m on Steam, but I share an account with my husband and I never do multiplayer of any sort, so I’ll have to stay out of the Steam party.
My Twitter handle is exactly the same as this one, but with an @ in front of it. I don’t vary my user name much. :}
Does anyone here players and Guild Wars 2? I loved it when it came out, forgot about it, and started playing again while waiting for the expansion. The mechanical design is super satisfying intellectually and art design is gorgeous. There are way more women just… around… being soldiers or scholars or merchants or whatever than in almost any other game I’ve played. There are two really important romantic relationships between NPC characters, one straight, one lesbian.
(In general the game is much better as lesbian than it is at gay; NPCs don’t acknowledge your gender at all, but I got a flirty vibe from some women and zero men)
It doesn’t have the depth of endgame content of the older and/or subscription based games, but I love leveling alts.
Hey, like I said: None of us came out knowing everything about Minecraft. I was once a newblet too, and I built horrible block houses like everyone else.
And I’m only convinced because the scanner told me what you were made of. It said you were made of the devil. And the scanner does not lie, as it is an inanimate object and therefore cannot actually lie.
And Kirby, I went and did a ton of digging after y’all left. I also made a small room for myself and my magic tat, and claimed some of the stuff I dug up for my own use.
And I went to the nether and saw where it spawns you. I approve so hard. Speaking of pools of blood and blood magic, anyone interested in becoming a vampire? It’s some high level Witchery stuff, but it can be done. I can also do werewolf eventually if you’re a little more interested in that.
I have the game, but I got it second-hand, so I have to get a new code for it. S’alright.
A friend of mine got me to play Trine today while I was waiting for Minecraft to load up so I could diagnose it, and that’s pretty fun.
Sorry I had to leave last night so I didn’t get to meet people, but it was late. I had a great time.
So how do I get on this Minecraft server? 🙂 Assuming I’m allowed.
@dhag85: Kirbywarp is running a whitelist, which means that each individual person has to be cleared for entry. It’s a way to stop random trolls joining, but makes it a little fiddly.
We seem to be coordinating this via steam messenger. If you drop me a message (my steam name is above) then I can share details and stuff.
Edit: You will definitely be allowed, unless kirby knows something I don’t; but it’ll require kirby to be awake and paying attention.
I’ve never used steam messenger. Do I have to add you as a friend in order to send you a message?
I sent you a friend request because I couldn’t figure out how to send a message. :/ One day I will learn how computers work – but not today.