creepy empathy deficit misogyny rape rape culture

Larry Wilmore’s brilliant takedown: “Bill Cosby Says the Darndest Things.”

From Comedy Central’s Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore: A brilliant takedown of Cosby’s creepy evasions and excuses, featuring newly revealed details from that 2005 deposition. Wilmore also plays clips from an early Cosby comedy album and from the Cosby Show much later in his career in which Cosby jokes about … drugging women for sex.

Evidently, as Wilmore points out, Cosby thought that his hobby of repeatedly drugging and raping women was hilarious.

And here’s Nightly Show writer Holly Walker delivering her verdict on Cosby, rap style. Why rap? Because Cosby hates rap music. 

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9 years ago

Also Sunny, there is “open thread for non personal stuff” it would probably not be derailment there. I don’t even know what’s going on with that situation.

9 years ago

@Sunny in response to your comment specifically…

I didn’t really watch Cosby until I was a little older. As a result I didn’t get the emotional attachment to the character that many people seem to have. My younger brother got really into the show though, partially (I think) because my parents made a concerted effort to make sure we watched stuff (and bought toys) featuring people who “looked like him”.

I don’t want to speak for him, but it was interesting to watch him “graduate” from Cosby to the Fresh Prince around the age of 10 or so.

I like what Michael Che had to say on SNL – “I may someday forgive Cliff Huxtable, but I will never forgive Bill Cosby.”

9 years ago

And then there are people my age that had ALL his records and played them on our record player. He was absolutely brilliant in story telling My friends and I would say lines from the characters and albums all the time, “NOAH!” … , and when he swallowed when he got his tonsils out after being promised all the ice cream he could eat. The go carts…
All these memories ruined. I’m not as bad off as the victims, obviously.

9 years ago


It kind of makes me wonder who we know and love in the entertainment industry today we will find out tomorrow does terrible things.

The cynical part of my brain says, Everyone. Everyone does it. It’s born of entitlement and power. and the rest of my brain, which really likes what it’s seen of $RISING_STAR, curls up and weeps.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

I think Larry Wilmore summed this up rather well: Go fuck yourself, Bill Cosby.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Turns out Cosby was / is a prototypical PUA / Red Pillock in his understanding of ‘things romantic, sexual, or whatever you want to call it.’

Never liked his comedy, BTW, nor understood what others liked about it / him. I’ve always found him creepy and repulsive — and decidedly not funny.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Oh, and Louis CK, too. He’s also recently been outed as a rapey creep.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

In non-Cosby news, Dean Esmay just resigned from his post at AVfM. He wanted to take his “activism” in a “different direction.” 😀

9 years ago

Louis C.K… WAT??? Can someone elaborate?

Hello btw, I’m a longtime lurker & (I think) first-time poster

9 years ago

And yet when it comes to Saville, a lot of MRAs throw a fit and scream “He a good boy, he dindu nuffin!”

Has there been much specifically MRA defence of Savile? I’ve certainly seen some people defending him, but more along the lines of “he was never tried in a court of law and there’s no hard, clinching evidence against him” – although when the sheer volume of testimonies started to mount, that quickly fizzled out.

9 years ago

Wow, those clips from Cosby’s comedy show and TV show are an excellent example of rape culture. Just the fact that in the time and place those jokes were made he felt completely comfortable making them and no one in the public at large (to my knowledge anyway) even batted an eye. It kind of makes me wonder who we know and love in the entertainment industry today we will find out tomorrow does terrible things.

Without even listening to what David has posted above, I’m going to guess that it makes at least some reference to this (in which Cosby jokes, in 1969, about traveling to Spain to acquire drugs for giving to young women – and as an aside, I think it’s incredibly disturbing that his audience seemed to think this was just hilarious – so trigger warning all over that video link, obviously). From what I understand for the time period, this sort of thing was endemic in the entertainment industry in the 1960s (and it may very well still be that way today). Grace Lee Whitney, who played Yeoman Janice Rand in the 1960s TV series Star Trek, said in her memoir that she was raped by an executive whom she declined to name. She died recently, apparently without ever telling anyone who this was, so she’s taken that secret to her grave.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Miss Andry | July 22, 2015 at 12:13 pm
In non-Cosby news, Dean Esmay just resigned from his post at AVfM. He wanted to take his “activism” in a “different direction.” 😀


Well, we’ll have to see how he does without Paulie and Co. as backup on twitter anymore.

Or, I imagine things aren’t going to change at all, he’s still going to get that backup, and he’s just going to keep spamming terrible new hashtags on twitter.

9 years ago

Here’s the thing (and I’m not defending this grossness in any way) but I remember that spanish fly routine from when I was a little kid, and in my sweet, adorable naivaté, I assumed it was like an aphrodisiac or something.

I guess that’s how the whole thing works- if you’re not a rapist you don’t hear it. If you are you think, “heh yeah that’s right”

Ugh, hearing it now, and there’s the shock of recognition that I’ve heard it before, mixed with the realization of what he’s actually talking about… It just makes me ill.

9 years ago

Katherine XII | July 22, 2015 at 9:33 am

Aye. Keeping my fingers crossed for Trump to stick around. Would make the upcoming election season a lot less dicey.

But, um, where’s the article? I only saw commentary on Cosby, above?

The link to the trump article is actually in the “Non-personal Open Thread”, one thread back. I had some problems with my computer and couldn’t even post the correction here, earlier.

9 years ago

Re: sunny- I know I’m usually posting from my phone, so it’s hard to quote people to respond properly, but another thing to keep in mind is that a lot of the time it seems like comments don’t load right away. Oftentimes I’ll finish a comment and by the time I post it more have popped up, not just at the end of the comment section, but in between comments that I know I read already.

9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Never heard that before, would be pretty disappointing since I like his work and he has good pro-affirmative consent bit even.

9 years ago

Waithe I’ve been reading through these and I’m a bit confused. I guess I haven’t seen the news in a bit. (Also I don’t know how to quote on here)
Lewis ck raped someone? That’s a much bigger hit to me then all the Cosby stuff, and I think a lot of people my age (I’m 22) might agree. He was a big deal when I was in hs, and that news is just horrible. I wanted him to be a good guy.

Oh and has the stuff with Jared been confirmed yet? I thought there was only evidence about the charity’s head and he was being questioned to see if he had a relation to it.

Also the fresh prince of bel air had the best TV dad. Sorry I can’t remember the actors name. Or his character’s, I haven’t seen it in a few years. That or red from that 70s show.

9 years ago

Also, althis may be a bit controversial here but I don’t see every joke about rape or something like that as a sign of rape culture. Now before you guys get angry let me explain.
I saw a bit not that long ago where a comic was making rape jokes, but the overall structure of the proformance was that rape was bad. He was using these jokes to build up to, look this is such a horrible thing and only horrible people would do it. So I don’t think it’s right to just dismiss all jokes as supporting the culture.
On a related note, though one not quite the same, I get most my entertainment online now of days and a big part of that is let’s plays. Now a group I watched had an bit where they were making fun of people who were against Transgender rights. But they were jumped on for making fun of Transgender rights. Even though that wasn’t at all what they were doing that’s how people interpreted it just because we have a mindset of you can’t joke about some things ever. And as someone who has struggled with gender identity I felt happy they made the jokes. The way it was handled was almost tharuputic, and it made me feel like these people I like accepted me.

Tl;dr I think it’s inportant to take the context a joke is made in rather then say all jokes about this are bad.
Also sorry Im not sure if that’s what you guys were saying, I know the examples you linked were very much the bad sort.

9 years ago

Just burn it all down. There’s nothing worth salvaging.

9 years ago

@Miss Andry: Source on Louis CK? I can’t find anything.

He definitely has his warts, but has seemed a generally good guy. It’d be disappointing to find out otherwise.

9 years ago

On Louis CK: He isn’t accused of rape from what I’ve heard, but that’s a low bar. There are multiple accounts of him starting off with a ‘joke’ about pulling out his penis, then doing so and masturbating to climax.

It’s nowhere near as substantiated as, say, the Cosby shit at this point, but it does seem to fit certain patterns.

9 years ago

re: Louis CK: Found something:

But I’m w/ the author in needing a bit more than anonymous screenshots.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

@everyone asking about Louis CK

Source [TW: WTF].

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Ninja’d while I was digging up the link, oops. =P

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Here’s the thing (and I’m not defending this grossness in any way) but I remember that spanish fly routine from when I was a little kid, and in my sweet, adorable naivaté, I assumed it was like an aphrodisiac or something.

Not to defend Cosby in any way, but you were right: Spanish fly is (or is believed to be) an aphrodisiac, not a sedative.