a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism armageddon beta males big daddy government drama kings entitled babies evil fat fatties grandiosity imaginary oppression man strike marriage strike matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit red pill sexy robot ladies thug-lovers thugspawn your time will come

MGTOWs predict a nightmare future of “land whales” and a 40% Bachelor Tax

In the brave new world of the future, robots won't have faces, people will dress like they did in the 70s, and taxes on single dudes will be very very high. Also spaceships, I forgot spaceships.
In the brave new world of the future, robots won’t have faces, people will dress like they did in the 70s, and taxes on single dudes will be very very high.

The MGTOWs on the GYOW forum are thinking about tomorrow, putting on their futurist hats and pondering what will happen when, as they think is inevitable, more and more men “take the red pill” and walk away from women to a new life of happiness and wonder in which they devote their days to grousing endlessly about the women they’ve walked away from.

There’s a little talk of apocalypse, and a quick mention of sexbots, but these fellas seem most worried about, well, taxes. Because naturally, big daddy government — under the control of evil feminists and manginas — will try to take a kind of revenge against Men Going Their Own Way by instituting a dreadful Bachelor Tax. 

Octavian explains just how it’s all going to go down. First, “marriage will go the way of the mechanical typewriter.” Next, the taxman cometh.

[F]airly soon the governments of the world will get hip to the fact that the dudes who dont have women in their lives have a LOT of disposable income . If 80% of the dudes in society are unattached beta males with no kids and no wife, fairly soon someone’s gonna realize taxing those guys will pay for a lot of Mr Thundercock’s progeny. …

We’ll be served with a summons to present proof of gay marriage ,alimony expenses paid ,a court order for child support or a documented relationship with a female….or pay a 40% income tax until we do.The reason?

“All men should share the burden to pay for child support, because patriarchy.Whats more important-a kid or your classic 1965 Mustang restoration?”

At first to sell the “Bachelor Tax” theyll apply it to females as a gesture of “equal burden”, but that’ll be a non-binding price ceiling. They’ll find a beta to happily vouch for being in a relationship so she can dodge the taxman … 

Meanwhile , we single dudes will be looking over our shoulders every time we use an ATM.Next floor in the elevator of decline after that is polyamory … 

Want to dodge the 40% bachelor tax, Mister Bluepill? Go find a bored fat girl who’s willing to vouch for you to the IRS that you’re a taken man.Of course nothing is free in this world……and you’ll have to prove to Miss Fatso you have the commitment required to join her roster.

As for the alpha’s, itll be a lonely club-moving between harems means pissing off a few women. Itll be the lowest social category of public society; staying out of jail & poverty will mean fake ID’s and quick feet.Plate spinning for males will require CIA tradecraft to avoid imprisonment.

Unlike a lot of Manosphere prognosticators, Octavian isn’t secretly (or not-so-secretly) hoping for a grand collapse of civilization.

I hope we dont suffer a Big Collapse ; the only thing worse then living in a matriarchy is wandering a post-industrial disaster filled with desperate bluepill males ,ruthless whores ,and easy accessed personal weapons with no law or order.You think guys are thirsty simps NOW….just wait until a society of feminized she-dudes have to figure out how to live without Amazon Prime and extended warranties. 

Insidious_Sid, meanwhile, thinks that the Bachelor Tax will just be the beginning.

There will be a tax war. Men saying “fuck it” will continue to be taxed more and more to pay for more and more bastard alpha babies. Governments will continue to create more insidious ways of getting men to pay for children that are not theirs. 

And, oh yeah, after all this? The apocalypse.

Economies will crumble – women are actually waiting for this. They believe in the lies of the feminist utopia, where the rich white men at the top of the towers fall to their deaths, the towers topple and gold spills into the streets for everyone to plunder. They have no real knowledge of what the real repercussions of this will be – they think it will be handsome alphas fucking all the women while betas toil in the mines and obediently pay their taxes.

That’s not what is going to happen. Before it’s all over they will say “Oh no, what have we done?!”

These cries will fall on deaf ears.


Dun-dun DUHHNN!!
Dun-dun DUHHNN!!

Oh, and there will be sexbot taxes as well. According to Abdenour,

Technologically, there will be sex robots. One question is, what legislation feminist, manginas and white knights will pass in the West to make land whales more competitive with robots. Maybe some sex robot 1,000% tax to provide income for single land whales and their thug spawn. 

MGTOWs are pretty much the world’s worst science fiction authors.

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9 years ago

… And I’ll look down and whisper, “Actually, it’s about ethics in sexbot marketing.”

9 years ago

Luckily, this guy is just a little worse at predicting the future than everyone else was a few decades ago.


Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
9 years ago

Hah. They think we’re *threatened* by sexbots. How cute.

I know. I hope and pray these guys get their own sexbots, perhaps they’ll really Go Their Own Way then.

My only issue is if the sexbots attain sentience, then they deserve the right to not have to deal with MRAs/PUAs/MGTOW or whatever the hell they will be calling themselves.

9 years ago

Now I love a futuristic dystopian vision as much as any sci fi/ fantasy fan, but this constant banging on about taxes takes all the fun out of it.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
9 years ago

>“MGTOWs are pretty much the world’s worst science fiction authors.”
Neck & neck with Vox Day / Theodore Beale, really.<

Split the difference: Beale will put this thread on his Hugo slate next year in the Related Work category. At least it's more relevant than the chapbook of rascism and misogyny from Michael Williamson that he put on there this year.

9 years ago

Of the many things these MRA clowns spout, one of the most annoying to me is their tendency to profess to know what women are thinking, feeling, and what their intentions are. I would NEVER be so arrogant as to believe I was justified in making these same sort of assumptions in the case of men overall(or women, for that matter).

9 years ago

One of these days, all those childless folks that retire will have to rely on these awful blood-sucking, gravy-eating pigs called children to pay into the system for you and keep it going.

Anyway, it’s a big leap from single mothers are statistically more likely to tap into government resources to “OMG! all us MGToWs will be forced – FORCED I SAY! – to support all these freeloaders!” Do they not know that welfare spending is only a portion of their tax money? Why don’t they rant about all the wars and military spending?

On another note, what is with all the apocalypse obsessions? They really want to world to collapse so they can point, laugh and say it was because they, the poor sad John Galts, walked away.

9 years ago

Hmm. Since sex isn’t something I’m interested in, and I’m certainly not ever having children… think I could get a cuddlebot?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Of course!

9 years ago


Every single one of their dystopias boils down to a revenge fantasy. They can fantasize about the worst things happen to them because they’re Men(tm), and the only reason society got to that point is because them Men(tm) had to hold back. But when society crumbles and the evil wimminz finally realize how lost they are without the guiding paternal hand of a Man(tm), the MRAs will finally be vindicated.

9 years ago


On another note, what is with all the apocalypse obsessions? They really want to world to collapse so they can point, laugh and say it was because they, the poor sad John Galts, walked away.

They think they’re really important. So they believe they’ll be vindicated and can scream a big I told you so when everybody learns how important to society they were. Plus, because they’re so awesome and important, they will rise to the top and be the leaders, and finally they will have the power they feel they deserve but can’t get because of our horribly gynocentric society.

9 years ago

Also, what’s with all this “land whale” s–t? At least in the US, obesity rates between men and women are approx. the same.

9 years ago


Also, what’s with all this “land whale” s–t? At least in the US, obesity rates between men and women are approx. the same.

You can say shit here. But anyway, it’s hypocrisy, and of course that men have value independent to the way they look. In addition to that, these guys don’t wanna fuck other guys, so a guy being fat isn’t insulting to their boners. But a woman… Oh man, a woman? RAAAAAGE!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bernardo

It’s always good to have more kids in Western societies, but in Africa, it’s overpopulation.

PJ O’Rourke wrote a good essay about this (“Way too many of you; just the right amount of me”)

9 years ago

I’ve got bad news for you MGTOWS in the US. Whether you’re single or not, we’re already picking up other’s slack with our tax dollars. I’m not talking about the evil wimminz. I’m talking about the corporations we subsidize because they pay their employees so little that they have to go public assistance.

Why not worry about a real problem such as that, instead of making up imaginary taxes?

9 years ago

“Go your own way,” “Thinking about tomorrow,” I see what you did there.

9 years ago

Tessa: You’re right, that is their mindset. They see women as gratification machines.

9 years ago

Insidious_Sid babbled:

They have no real knowledge of what the real repercussions of this will be – they think it will be handsome alphas fucking all the women while betas toil in the mines and obediently pay their taxes.

Weird, batshit fantasies like this always make me wonder how the person projecting them can take it – and by extension, themselves – at all seriously. They seem to need to make both their enemies and the world around them into simplistic, two-dimensional caricatures of reality. I want to ask them, in all seriousness, “do you really believe that? When has reality ever been even remotely that simple and shallow?”

Do they see Hollywood summer blockbusters and think they’re documentaries?

9 years ago

Can these guys get anymore ridiculous, paranoid, and delusional than they already are? Do these dudes actually believe this shit to some extent? I can’t believe they want to be taken seriously. I can’t even be annoyed or disgusted with them, I’m just genuinely concerned at this point. I can’t imagine living my life like them, with all that anger, paranoia and loneliness. That’s no way to live.

Also, I think ‘sex bots’ would be good for them; it’ll keep them happy and away from women and possibly, the general public, because they’ll be stuck inside fucking their bot all day. Maybe they’ll even stay offline and stop having these idiotic discussions.

(btw, can someone write a screenplay for this? pleeeease.)

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

@Alan: thanks, sounds interesting!

Funny enough, just after I wrote about the German model, it’s been overturned by the Supreme Court. That’s a great blow against the ultraconservatives in the government, especially since even conservative judges voted against it, on the grounds that the state shouldn’t meddle in private matters like family lifestyle.

To the OP: Normally, I’d say they are unbelievably egocentric. But as their whining is not so much about what’s unfaaaair about the whole world not revolving around themselves, but rather the whole world being unfaaaair by not revolving around their boners, I propose bonercentrism as descriptor for this ideology.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

* I read it’s been overturned. The news is from yesterday.

9 years ago

Also, out of curiosity, what the fuck would a sex bot look like?

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

After reading that I have to say my gast is truly flabbered.
And honestly what this obsession with being taxed? Taxes have been around since the rise of civilization – but you’d think they are a special evil creation of Karl Marx the way these folks carry on.

9 years ago

As always when reading this, i wonder how large the MGTOW movement and whatnot actually think they are. From them it sounds like they think they are huge, but it honestly seems to just consist of a few thousand people. Either way, their ridiculous conspiracy theories and ideas are as always laughable.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Do you really want to know? *shudders* (NSFW, NSF Uncanny Valley, sexist language because of course the people who made that thing are misogynists, etc.)