Earlier this week, Reddit announced a perplexing new plan to “contain” the worst bigots on the site. Instead of simply banning the bigots, their subreddits would simply be “reclassified.” Redditors would have to sign into them much as they now sign into the site’s NSFW subreddits, and, presumably to avoid angering advertisers, Reddit would remove all ads from them.
In other words, as I noted the other day, Reddit has decided to fight the bigots … by funding ad-free forums for them.
Well, the folks in the 4/chan subreddit (not 4chan itself; the Reddit incarnation of it) want to get into that sweet, sweet ad-free action. So one enterprising channer suggested that they spam a thread with the n-word to prove they’re as hateful as the hateful assholes of r/coontown:
And spam they did. Here’s a portion of the top comment in the thread:
The comment continues on for a time in this fashion.
Other commenters had similar ideas; this one was so relentless I made a half-hearted attempt at censoring it.
You get the idea.
Brilliant move, Reddit admins! You surrendered to the bigots and now they’re walking all over you.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi
Is it too much to hope that by this board so flagrantly exploiting the obvious loophole to get ad-free forums, Reddit will realize their slight mistake?
So…once they’re taken private, do you have to keep being racist to maintain ad-free status? Will there be admins stalking the private forums to ensure that they’re sufficiently racist?
I sincerely hope more boards follow suit, once it’s clear to reddit that the bigots are costing them money they might cut them loose.
I feel like we foresaw this years ago, back when David was Manboobz and SRS was saying “hey! If you don’t do anything you’ll drown in the poop!” And look who decided to drown in the poop.
I’m sorry for the innocent parties that are going to be caught in the crossfire… but seriously, burn the servers and salt the earth. They’re over run with racists, sexists, rapists and wanna-be-rapists, and freefloating assholes.
How is it that my life is happy and complete without ever having visited Reddit even once?
Remember when we all said that making the racist sub-reddits private and ad-free were a bad idea and not punishment at all for said racist sub-reddits?

Remind me again of why Reddit calls itself the front page of the Internet, when in fact it’s the cloaca…
Because too much of the internet is like this nowadays, making it an unfortunately accurate representation
And the moral of today’s story: plebbit is still shit.
Also, what kind of weirdo goes onto plebbit to discuss 4chan?
I’m amazed that people find the time to come up with this crap. I was never a fan of the viewpoint that the Devil finds work for idle hands, but I’m beginning to change my mind.
They must meet the Bigot Quota to keep their premium ad-free status. “Sorry people, you’re just not bigoted enough to be ad-free, you shoulda just hated more. Ads will be back up tomorrow. Sure you can try to keep being more bigoted to be seen as indecent, but we know you just don’t have it in you. Enjoy your ads suckers!”
Bina: the front page of the internet?
That’s a joke so over the top and absurd it would be out of place in a month python sketch.
But the cloaca, I’ll take that. Or try the colon.
I new something like this would happen! I just hope that Reddit will realize how stupid giving in to these bigots are and cut those arseholes loose. I don’t think they will, though. Reddit is going to go under if it keeps this up. I hope is sooner or later.
Pandapool-I just love the Fury Road gifs. Keep it up!
I vote that reddit does put ads on the bigoted subreddits. Those nasty, virus infested, constantly flashing and sound autoplaying ads. The worst ones they can find.
Or, you know, just BAN the fuckers already.
Paradoxical Intention-“Remember when we all said that making the racist sub-reddits private and ad-free were a bad idea and not punishment at all for said racist sub-reddits?”
This policy is just mind-boggling. Mind-bogglingly stupid.
I Control+F’ed the n-word, and literally got 34,000 hits on that thread.
Jesus Christ. See, this is why I can’t stand the 4chan apologists that are like, “4chan isn’t that bad, it’s not all /b/ or /pol/.” Yeah, I don’t give a shit if you have some half-decent boards on 4chan. As long as every other post contains some kind of slur, the forums will always be shit. I’m sick and tired of seeing chan culture spread across the Internet and being told, “Oh it’s okay, they’re just doing it ironically.” I can’t wait until reality hits these fuckers hard.
Sorry for the rant, but I see 4chan garbage everywhere and it’s really pissing me off.
Alright this is so stupid reddit must realize they dropped the ball.
No? Still gonna try to profit from racist assholes?
I can’t even tell if they’re trying to “cleverly” mock the new policy. But…
Why make a /4chan subsection of a website you can’t use without registering a user account?
I keep hoping reddit will learn a lesson and stop this dumb as shut plan but they don’t seem to be.
And I agree, I can’t stand 4 Chan in any form
Okay, fess up. Who guessed this would happen?
Don’t tell me it was all of us. It was all of us, wasn’t it…
I doubted that TassleHat made up his lengthy racist screed and thanks, I guess, to Google I now know it’s a song by Johnny Rebel called “Coontown” that may or may not be his 1971 album For Segregationists Only. So there you go.