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MRA JudgyBitch: Give me money for a crossbow so I can shoot feminists in the face!

Janet Bloomfield — the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” better known as JudgyBitch — has launched a rather unique fundraiser on Patreon: In addition to funds to spend on better videomaking equipment, she’s asking her supporters to send her $800 for a crossbow so she can “shoot the feminists in the face.”

JB isn’t joking; she’s an avid bowhunter, and she has her crossbow all picked out. 

Of course JB claims that the weapon will only be used in self-defense, in case some angry feminist shows up at her door with an axe or something. But in the video above, posted to her Patreon page, she describes her fantasy of using it to maim or kill a feminist in detail, and with great relish.

She starts waxing poetic about what she calls the “angel of death crossbow” at 8:32 in the video above. Here are some of the highlights.

In this first clip, she describes what she would do to any “little brave feminist” who showed up at her door unarmed but seeking a confrontation.

The tl;dr? She would shoot them in the gut with her crossbow, dead center, in an attempt to sever their spine and leave them paralyzed. “You’re gonna drop,” she says, “and you’re never getting back up again.”

As for those who show up at her door with “a hammer, an axe, a knife, a gun” or other weapon, she promises to shoot them dead without warning. “I would love to do it with that beautiful angel of death crossbow,” she says, with a certain manic glee. “Let’s buy Janet a crossbow so she can shoot the feminists in the face!”

MRAs, male and female, seem to spend an awful lot of time and energy fantasizing about doing great harm to their opponents. But this is the first time I’ve seen one actually set up a Patreon fundraiser so they can buy a deadly weapon.

H/T — @TakedownMRAs 

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9 years ago

“Anybody get the feeling that JB wishes she were “important” enough to have someone threaten her in this fashion?”

I feel that way too and towards other Mras as well. They want attention so badly even if it’s the negative kind.

9 years ago

@ Pandapool: How would that work for those of us who don’t watch Game of Thrones because the first episode was full of prostitutes, rape, and those fucking Mary Sue wolves, or who didn’t read Harry Potter?

And aren’t you basically doing the same thing but with different words? What about Donald Trump makes him a synonym for “psycho”? Does he behave in a manner that’s psychotic or psychopathic? Isn’t that ascribing a mental condition to him based on his behaviour?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

And aren’t you basically doing the same thing but with different words? What about Donald Trump makes him a synonym for “psycho”? Does he behave in a manner that’s psychotic or psychopathic? Isn’t that ascribing a mental condition to him based on his behaviour?

Not “Psycho.” “Asshole.” It’s just swapping ableist words for various famous assholes.

I thought that was obvious…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I don’t know why we would use them. I was going with soren287 and katz ideas and suggested using different characters for different things. It would just seem boring to just have “Joffery”.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Leda Atomica | July 18, 2015 at 6:46 pm
If the threat of violence was a reason to get weapons, surely it is the feminists who should be armed to the teeth. And yet, instead of fantasising about combat situations we’re out there raising awareness and funds for women’s issues.

And when we do talk about carrying around bear mace or self-defense keychains in the shape of cute cats, or hell, even our keys between our fingers, we’re somehow misandrist for saying that we’re afraid and would like to be able to defend ourselves.

Then MRAs turn around and say that women who were attacked or are afraid of being attacked should learn self-defense or they somehow “earned” being attacked by a man because everyone could totes do some advanced-level self-defense (never mind poor women who can’t afford it, mentally/physically disabled women who aren’t capable of doing it, or the fact that it shouldn’t be a fucking necessity to live our lives.)

cupisnique | July 18, 2015 at 7:13 pm
I really hate that “term”. It’s just something MRAs made up to describe something that human’s do, i.e. fraud and deceit, but gave it a gendered-term to add on the insult.

I kind of agree. I think it’s really the only word we have for this kind of behavior, because it’s beyond just fraud and deceit (it’s more like setting yourself up for failure, and then claiming victimhood because of it, and blaming your failure on your detractors instead of on yourself).

But, I do agree it’s more of a gendered slur at this point, because they do only levy it at women and women who are harassed and threatened on a regular basis.

Linux | July 18, 2015 at 6:56 pm
The idea of shooting someone, even out of selfe defense, should be scary enough. Thats not funny, no sane person would “love to do that”.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Can we please stop trying to say that people who are terrible must somehow be mentally ill?

It’s right in the fucking rules of the blog. NO TRYING TO OTHER TERRIBLE PEOPLE THROUGH ABLEISM.

jillhorton | July 18, 2015 at 7:31 pm
I am not a mental health professional, but Judgy Bitch should probably go see one. There are better ways to express violent fantasies than to gleefullly expound on an unlikely hypothetical situation.

I’m not a mental health professional either, but I am someone who suffers from mental illnesses, and I’d really appreciate it if we could stop trying to go “Evil people are crazy!”, or “This person said something awful, that must mean they need mental help!”, because that’s throwing me, and several other users here under the bus so you can “other” a terrible person for being terrible.

Yes, JB is a terrible person, and says and does terrible things. Yes, some people with mental illnesses do terrible things.

No, that does NOT mean we get to armchair diagnose her and say that she’s somehow “crazy” or “needs to go see a mental health professional”, or otherwise assume she’s not neurotypical. No, that does NOT mean that everyone with a mental illness is a terrible person and/or that every terrible person must be mentally ill.

Sane/neurotypical people do shitty things all the time. Let’s not try and just assume that every terrible person is somehow mentally ill, please. We’re all tired of the “Mental illness = terrible person!” narrative that society keeps trying to force us into.

weirwoodtreehugger | July 18, 2015 at 7:24 pm
It’d be nice to get through one week without the ableism conversation.

Seconded. I’m getting tired of having to explain it as well.

It’s like no one bothers to read the rules anymore. They’re right there at the top of the page, but no one bothers with them, and it’s some bullshit.

I understand we’re all trying to unlearn shit, but the least people could do before they comment here is read the comments policy, and try to do what that suggests before coming into a comment section and breaking the rules.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Sorry my comment’s so late, my uncle was being petty because he had a fight with another resident of our household and turned off the internet (which EVERYONE ELSE USES) to get back at them. : I

Grandma chewed his ass out and made him come back home and turn it on.

Fruitloopsie | July 18, 2015 at 8:42 pm

“Anybody get the feeling that JB wishes she were “important” enough to have someone threaten her in this fashion?”

I feel that way too and towards other Mras as well. They want attention so badly even if it’s the negative kind.

I don’t think they see the kind of attention that Jessica Valenti, Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, Zoe Quinn, and company get as “negative”. They see it as “female privilege” that they want in on.

They see people empathizing with others as “privilege”, and they see that people coming to stand by their sides against harassers and misogynists and people who threaten them as “privilege”, and they think that’s good.

They think they’ll get fame and fortune and people will pity them and sympathize with them.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Maybe there should be a pop up quiz of site rules that must be completed to 100% satisfaction before you can post for the first time? If that’s possible. That could deter trolls.

9 years ago

As frustrating as it is to the regulars, as a lurker with a mental illness I really appreciate that when I come hear and read the kind of nonsense that I’ve heard far too often in my life, that the regulars will be all over it before I have a chance to read the whole thread (or hit refresh).

The only thing that I’m sad about is that the person who said they were a mental health professional may not have been making it up. I’ve dealt with some truly horrible “professionals” in my time living with my brain weasles. At least here people take the argument down before someone spends months “working” with the jerk trying to get better and wondering why things are going nowhere…

So ya, thanks all, despite how annoying it is to be on constant repeat because the trolls refuse to learn, the lurkers are appreciative!

9 years ago

See, this is why you never wanna give women any money.

It’s probably just a pretext. She’ll probably just use it all to get her nails done.

9 years ago


Yup that was my thinking as well, break the rules some place to get baned then claim to be the victim of persecution. I think the honey badgers might be trying to pull the same thing with their law suit against the Calgary Comic Expo.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention
I agree. I mean “negative” to us, If I’m being clear don’t know if I’m making any sense.

“It’s probably just a pretext. She’ll probably just use it all to get her nails done.”

Or buy bon-bons. Bon-bons all the way.

9 years ago

Does every fucking discussion have to become about slurs against those with mental illness? It’s not really that hard, when it happens, for the first person who sees it to say “Hey, don’t do that” and for everyone else to resume discussion as before the faux pas. Because I see no reason every fourth poster has to comment on the same disparaging remarks which have already been called out over and over again and why the topic’s discussion has to change to the scourge of ableism.

Yeah, it’d be nice if no one ever came here saying “Golly, that person must be mentally ill” when someone does something shitty but as it stands newbs do it all the time, ignorant of the implications. You can’t expect everyone to know prior to coming here that it’s not acceptable conduct on this blog.

It doesn’t have to become the topic of conversation either though. When it happens, it can be called out and the discussion that was occurring prior to it can resume. The same dumb remark doesn’t need to be revisited and criticised eighty-seven times. I swear some people like making every discussion about ableism.

And before someone responds with a stupid “You don’t understand”, at my worst I have audiovisual hallucinations and paranoid delusions and at my best, I’m anxious with a low mood. I’ve spent lots of time in the psych ward in my life and will always be in therapy and on medication. I get how irksome it is to see psychiatric labels thrown around to absolve people of responsibility for their behaviour or explain away why someone would do something ugly. My mom does it all the time. I also know, when someone does it, its not about me and I’m so bored of the ” Don’t use ableist slurs” lecture, particularly considering it takes over fuck knows how many discussions. I don’t know how many valuable discussions have been scrapped by that lecture taking them over.

9 years ago

Question on abelist term: I was thinking she is paranoid, in a real sense. Is that ok to say?

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Aw, I got ninja’d on this one. Oh well, at least people can help me take down her Patreon. I already reported it this morning.

9 years ago

Paranoid, narcissistic, delusional; all these things can be characteristics of a sound mind. None are exclusive to the mentally ill or those with personality disorders.

Saying someone demonstrates paranoia is not derogatory. It’s a description.

It may well be the case that nasty people who do awful things ARE mentally ill too. Maybe JB is. It’s just that waxing on the subject from a position of ignorrance is of no value. All we can make judgements about are their actions.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

marinerachel | July 18, 2015 at 9:52 pm
Does every fucking discussion have to become about slurs against those with mental illness? It’s not really that hard, when it happens, for the first person who sees it to say “Hey, don’t do that” and for everyone else to resume discussion as before the faux pas. Because I see no reason every fourth poster has to comment on the same disparaging remarks which have already been called out over and over again and why the topic’s discussion has to change to the scourge of ableism.

What, you think we like having this discussion over and over again? You think we enjoy derailing entire threads because someone wants to march in here and say “That person’s terrible! They need mental help!” and we all have to remind them that that shit’s not cool?

I don’t like having this conversation. I wish we could come in here and talk about things without derailing because someone equated mental illness to terrible behavior again.

However, as long as it keeps happening, yes, people are going to call other people out for it. You can get pissy about it all you want and come in here and try to berate us for it, but I for one am not apologizing.

Perhaps if those commenters see enough people calling them out for it, they’ll look at what they were doing and go “You’re right, that was shitty, I won’t do it again.” rather than just see one person going “Um, that wasn’t cool of you”, and then go “Psh, that person’s just over-reacting.”

Or, perhaps if you started a new topic of conversation, or brought the old one back up instead of trying to tone police everyone for pointing it out due to whatever reason, then perhaps we could move on and talk about something else.

No one said you have to keep bringing it back around. No one said you have to comment in threads or participate in discussions you don’t want to.

You can’t expect everyone to know prior to coming here that it’s not acceptable conduct on this blog.

I could if it’s in the fucking comments policy right at the top of the page, and in the welcome package.

People have been warned, they’ve been told. If they do it anyways, they’re going to get called out for it.

9 years ago

Thank you for answering marinerachel

So Anita has been deaththreated. What if she responded like this? The internet would explode.

9 years ago

Late to reply, but to clarify, I meant it would be nice to go a week without having to have the ableism conversation because we have gone a week without having to correct someone. I didn’t mean people should let it slide if they don’t want to. I just wish we could get through a week without somebody using ableist language!

9 years ago

“Hope no unsuspecting Mormons show up at her door. Nobody deserves a crossbow to the face. Not even Mormons. Not even the ones who knock on my door to wake me up at 6 o’clock in the morning.”

Me too. I am worried about anyone unlucky enough to knock on her door, whether it is the postman, charity workers, Mormons, etc.

9 years ago


So… that whole thing about “maybe we actually like all the ableism derails?” We don’t. Not in the least. We’re just really, really tired of people tossing ableism gunk in the nice WHTM lake. Now we’re talking about putting up “don’t thrown gunk in the lake” signs. How does this mean we want gunk thrown in the lake?

9 years ago

God help the Girl Scouts, too. Those she-devils and their cookies are rank feminism right there.

9 years ago

See, she’s not a psycho bully hatemonger. Any day now some feminists will attack her in her house with an axe!
That in NO WAY playing the victim. Fantasizing about your murderous response to imaginary oppression is totally heroic.

Zemyla (@Zemyla)
9 years ago


I feel the same way about “rationalization hamster”. I mean, it’s something everyone does from time to time, and it’s a nifty term, and yet it’s something the MRAs claim that only women do. It’s fucking annoying.

9 years ago

JudgyB has called herself a Twitter activist, she’s never going to do anything beyond her current social media based antics. She’s deluded in the sense that she fancies herself a calculating reactionary provocateur, rather than recognize that she’s just a huge asshole who spends way too much time on Twitter flinging bullshit lies and remaining furiously hostile at whomever she’s cast as her personal enemies. No one should even remotely take her seriously, it’s so painfully obvious that JudgyB’s full of shit that even she seems to knows it.

JudgyB’s too much of a joke for people to waste time arguing over her.

9 years ago

I sure do think some of the posters here like making every discussion about themselves and their mental illness hence the eagerness to use even a tangentially related remark as an opportunity to shriek “I have mental illness so let’s spend the next six pages talking about those two remarks in this discussion, both already thoroughly rebuked, and how they hurt me!” Lots of people enjoy talking about themselves and wallowing. I see a LOT of that here. It’s fucking boring.

Like, are you for real? It’s ableist to say someone should talk to a counsellor? As if mentally ill people are the only ones who see therapists? Get over yourself. Mental health professionals serve those with and without mental illness and the suggestion alone that someone see one is not by any means the same as calling them mentally ill. Telling someone to see a doctor doesn’t mean they have a disease either, just that it may benefit them.

And if you genuinely believe one person returning to the discussion’s prior topic after the entire commentariat has engaged in the usual derail will have ANY impact, you may want to call someone to help get your head out of your ass.

At no point have I ever suggested people saying shit that’s pejorative to people with mental illness shouldn’t be called out so you can blow it out your ass. I’ve said turning every discussion into one of the same topic is fucking boring for a lot of people.

If people arent to post until they read the guidelines for commenting that tab needs to be huge and neon and flashing, maybe with some glitter and sound effects because right now it just blends in with all the other tabs none of which anyone feels compelled to read prior to allowing themselves to hop into an discussion.

I swear to God, its like dealing with Ally all over again. Every missstep, percieved or real, receives a disproportionate response if not an entirely undeserved one and every discussion is turned into one about her, her, her but no one’s allowed to criticise lest she or those who coddle her jump down your throat and pull your stomach out through it because she’s oppressed how dare you! You know what? People disbject to systemic disadvantage can act like dickfaces too.

I have no idea where people get the impression their personal challenges are interesting or more important than anyone else’s. I get speaking out about unacceptable behaviour but certainly not to the extent other discussion is stiffled, particularly if it involves making the whole discussion about one’s self and all their horrible challenges. We’ve all got them. Doesn’t mean they’re interesting or anyone should have to listen to them repeatedly and be prevented from discussingthe topic at hand. That’s what happens here.

But obviously lots of people dig doing exactly that and do think they’re special snowflakes and making discussions entirely about themselves over and over and over and over and over again is appropriate, welcoming, thoughtful behaviour. It’s not. They’re wrong. It’s the case though.

I don’t think I’m that special. I don’t find going off on the same tangent repeatedly interesting, even if its relevant to me and beyond shouting “Hey, don’t do that” I wouldn’t derail a public discussion in order to make it about my personal challenges. Slapping someone down and derailing a discussion in a really narcissistic (Who’s dumb enough to think that’s an opportunity to accuse me if ableism, as is narcissism is a characteristic only attributable to those with mental illness?) manner arent the same thing.

I love David for everything he does here and everything he’s done for me. I value and respect some of those belonging to the commentariat. This trend though has made the comments section tiresome and a bore.