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MRA JudgyBitch: Give me money for a crossbow so I can shoot feminists in the face!

Janet Bloomfield — the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” better known as JudgyBitch — has launched a rather unique fundraiser on Patreon: In addition to funds to spend on better videomaking equipment, she’s asking her supporters to send her $800 for a crossbow so she can “shoot the feminists in the face.”

JB isn’t joking; she’s an avid bowhunter, and she has her crossbow all picked out. 

Of course JB claims that the weapon will only be used in self-defense, in case some angry feminist shows up at her door with an axe or something. But in the video above, posted to her Patreon page, she describes her fantasy of using it to maim or kill a feminist in detail, and with great relish.

She starts waxing poetic about what she calls the “angel of death crossbow” at 8:32 in the video above. Here are some of the highlights.

In this first clip, she describes what she would do to any “little brave feminist” who showed up at her door unarmed but seeking a confrontation.

The tl;dr? She would shoot them in the gut with her crossbow, dead center, in an attempt to sever their spine and leave them paralyzed. “You’re gonna drop,” she says, “and you’re never getting back up again.”

As for those who show up at her door with “a hammer, an axe, a knife, a gun” or other weapon, she promises to shoot them dead without warning. “I would love to do it with that beautiful angel of death crossbow,” she says, with a certain manic glee. “Let’s buy Janet a crossbow so she can shoot the feminists in the face!”

MRAs, male and female, seem to spend an awful lot of time and energy fantasizing about doing great harm to their opponents. But this is the first time I’ve seen one actually set up a Patreon fundraiser so they can buy a deadly weapon.

H/T — @TakedownMRAs 

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9 years ago

I’m not seeing a problem here. All PR folk routinely include “shoot them in the face” as part of proper damage-control regimens.

9 years ago

Where’s Katz?

Drawing Bowie outfits onto a picture of Frankenstein.

9 years ago

It’d be nice to get through one week without the ableism conversation.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Pics or it didn’t happen.

9 years ago

I’m waiting for her to shoot the Avon lady.

9 years ago

I am not a mental health professional, but Judgy Bitch should probably go see one. There are better ways to express violent fantasies than to gleefullly expound on an unlikely hypothetical situation.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

It’d be nice to get through one week without the ableism conversation.

Sorry. >_> I just had to jump on Linux again because he hasn’t learned a thing since the time I called him out for using the r-word.

9 years ago

Cupisnique, I never heard the term “damselling”, but it sounds akin to the Southernism, “pink ruffles”, where a woman (typically one who considers herself irresistible to men) runs an exaggerated act of fluffiness and helplessness to get certain men revolving around her. It’s a term applied by other women, and it’s not flattering.

Invariably, such women describe themselves as antifeminists.

9 years ago

If she’s an avid hunter as claimed then she should also be familiar with our laws on self defence. She’s setting herself up for a bad time in court with this post should she ever actually use that for anything but hunting.

That aside, we live in one of the safest countries in the world. The only people she need worry about coming to her door are JW’s.

9 years ago

weirwood: Never gonna happen.

9 years ago

That aside, we live in one of the safest countries in the world. The only people she need worry about coming to her door are JW’s.

Maybe she confused them for SJWs.

9 years ago

Anybody who lives in the same country as her called the police yet? If not someone probably should, I am pretty sure setting up a campaign to acquire lethal weapons to murder people is against the law

9 years ago

David, an idle thought here – would you be interested in seeing if there’s a way to plug in to WordPress to allow the comment system to detect certain words like “insane”, “psycho” and so on, offer an explanation from the forum rules about how harmful these words can be in certain contexts, and make the user click again to verify that they’re sure they want to post? I’d be willing to put in research and coding to make it happen if it’s something that might make people think twice and protect some users here.

9 years ago

Am I the only one thinking of Joffrey and his crossbow from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones? I can be the only one…

Something tells me that if Joffrey and JB ever met in real life they would quickly become the best of friends.

9 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger and @Scented Fucking Hard Chairs, well it is important to remind people about it when they use ableist language so I don’t think that should be anything to apologize about. As someone with mental illness, I can also say it’s much more annoying to see people keep using ableist language and compare any sort of evil act to mental sickness/illness than it is when people call them out on it (in fact, the callouts are great and helps me feel safer due to the public support). Please don’t make it seem like calling that kind of thing out is a bad thing, it’s not, it’s wonderful and I hope y’all won’t ever stop doing it

9 years ago

@davidknewton are you going to do that for other slurs too?

9 years ago

Any one want to bet if her Patreon page is taken down she’ll use it as ‘proof’ that Feminists and SJWs really are after her and are trying to make her defenseless ?

9 years ago

I had a typo.

Also boo to all the folks calling JB mentally I’ll. I’m “Mentally ill,” JB on the other hand is a “Joffrey”

Except Joffrey has his cruelty backed up by the power of the monarchy–whilst JB must resort to flailing angrily behind her keyboard.
(Not that that makes JB’s behavior any less deplorable, but at least her actions are rightfully recognized as being illegal).

9 years ago

Also boo to all the folks calling JB mentally I’ll. I’m “Mentally ill,” JB on the other hand is a “Joffrey”

Nice. From now on, I move that the words “insane” and “crazy” be replaced with “Joffrey.”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

We should replace all ableism slurs with asshole fictional characters: “Insane” is “Joffery”, “crazy” is “Draco”, “psycho” is “Donald Trump”, and so on and so forth.

9 years ago

There’s something I find moderately amusing (but more frightening) about how people with lurid violent fantasies talk about “self defense”.

If you take self-defense classes, one of the things that gets drilled into you is that you hope you never need to use this stuff. Ever. The best way to defend yourself is to not need to defend yourself. If someone pulls a knife and asks for your wallet, you hand over your wallet no matter what color your belt is. If you carry a weapon, you hope that you never need to draw it. Once you start fighting, you’ve already lost; what you learn is how to not lose as severely as you would otherwise.

If you’re going around wishing someone would give you an excuse to defend yourself, you’re doing it wrong!

9 years ago

But yet we are the violent terrorists, yeah ok. Why doesn’t Jb get a job and buy herself a weapon and stop asking the poor menz for money? Isn’t that what “other girls” do? Come on JB you’re not like those other girls but then again getting a job is bad too because “independence” or whatever. I feel sorry for her kids and husband (if they are real or not) no one should be around somebody that dangerous.

“I’m a mental health professional”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

“And I’m a shapeshifting dragon.”

And I’m a fairy. And there are vampires, werewolves and I’m pretty sure we have the Easter bunny lurking here too.

I’m getting real tired of ableism here.

9 years ago

Anybody get the feeling that JB wishes she were “important” enough to have someone threaten her in this fashion?

Yup. And that would no doubt explain her ridiculous fixation on Jessica Valenti, who IS a leading feminist media figure, and who HAS gotten real, honest-to-Goddess death threats, rape threats, and other assorted threats of violence, usually in response to saying rather mild but undoubtedly true things about the hassles women face on a daily basis, especially if they dare to identify themselves by the f-word.

Sucks to be Judgy. It really does.

9 years ago


I’m actually wondering if she’s doing this on purpose to incite people to report her so her Patreon gets taken down. Then she can complain about the ebil “feminazis” who are trying to limit her free speech or whatever it was she complains about when she gets banned from websites. She made such a huge deal turning herself into a victim and martyr when she got reported on Twitter, I fear she may be actively working to get herself banned somewhere else.

…That’s if she’s actually thought this whole thing out that deeply, though. And I still think we should report her because setting up a fund to buy a deadly weapon for the express purpose of harming people isn’t okay.

9 years ago

I love this idea!