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MRA JudgyBitch: Give me money for a crossbow so I can shoot feminists in the face!

Janet Bloomfield — the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” better known as JudgyBitch — has launched a rather unique fundraiser on Patreon: In addition to funds to spend on better videomaking equipment, she’s asking her supporters to send her $800 for a crossbow so she can “shoot the feminists in the face.”

JB isn’t joking; she’s an avid bowhunter, and she has her crossbow all picked out. 

Of course JB claims that the weapon will only be used in self-defense, in case some angry feminist shows up at her door with an axe or something. But in the video above, posted to her Patreon page, she describes her fantasy of using it to maim or kill a feminist in detail, and with great relish.

She starts waxing poetic about what she calls the “angel of death crossbow” at 8:32 in the video above. Here are some of the highlights.

In this first clip, she describes what she would do to any “little brave feminist” who showed up at her door unarmed but seeking a confrontation.

The tl;dr? She would shoot them in the gut with her crossbow, dead center, in an attempt to sever their spine and leave them paralyzed. “You’re gonna drop,” she says, “and you’re never getting back up again.”

As for those who show up at her door with “a hammer, an axe, a knife, a gun” or other weapon, she promises to shoot them dead without warning. “I would love to do it with that beautiful angel of death crossbow,” she says, with a certain manic glee. “Let’s buy Janet a crossbow so she can shoot the feminists in the face!”

MRAs, male and female, seem to spend an awful lot of time and energy fantasizing about doing great harm to their opponents. But this is the first time I’ve seen one actually set up a Patreon fundraiser so they can buy a deadly weapon.

H/T — @TakedownMRAs 

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Okay, all of you guys misspelt “weirwoodtreehugger” as “Jackie”, because the amount of weeks I’ve been here can be counted on your fingers and WWTH has done way more than I have ever did. I mean, I just derail shit with video games and music. WWTH, Paradoxical and SFHC do a lot of heavy lifting, along with Kirby, EJ and Falconer.

I’m just here to be an asshole. And cry over fucking Thane. Give the people who actually do shit credit.

9 years ago
Reply to  Had To Be Said

@Had To Be Said

…is this what an ignored epiphany looks like? Someone realizing exactly why something matters, and proceeding to insert it between two paragraphs of troll-gibberish? I feel like I’ve learned something.

“Assuming an infinite number of trolls with infinite Internet access, one of them will eventually produce the point.”

They’ll still find some way to completely miss it, though.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

Dilated pupils, sloppy speech patterns and histrionics, dry mouth…. Someone appears to be on drugs in a certain video clip.

9 years ago

Aww, thanks pandapool.

Insert video game gif of your choice here.

9 years ago

WWTH, Paradoxical and SFHC do a lot of heavy lifting, along with Kirby, EJ and Falconer.

*luminescent blush* Awww, gee, I’m only doing what seems like the right thing at the time.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


A large gif set of Solas, Morrigan, Jack and Thane’s butts and being kickass and stuff and totally not breaking my heart?

You’re the best, WWTH! You know what I like. o3o

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Good, as you should, as we all should, but credit is given where credit is due.

Had To Be Said
Had To Be Said
9 years ago


Yeah, it’s almost as if the desire to abuse remains a problem, right?

Many forums have rules against personal abuse. They recognize that abuse can derail and destroy a previously worthwhile conversation.

This is not one of those forums. Here, abuse is a right. Commenters gloat about how good they are at it, and they congratulate each other for particularly vicious abuse. The arguments are about how to abuse appropriately, not about whether deploying abuse as an everyday communication technique is a good idea.


@Had To Be Dead in the Head: This is a site explicitly devoted to mocking misogynists. You should wander back to wherever you wandered in from. Normal human beings are repelled by someone who fantasizes about severing someone spinal cord and paralyzing them for life, and I for one feel that she deserves just about any sort of abuse short of threats (of the kind that she and her ilk make about any woman who crosses their path)

9 years ago

@Had to be an asshat

Citation fucking needed on the whole “vicious abuse” here. I’m just really curious as to what you consider “vicious abuse”.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

“Considerate abusers” is an oxymoron.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

Yeah, we don’t let people hold our rhetoric hostage using the Tone Argument. Crai some moar nao about it.

9 years ago

Here, abuse is a right. Commenters gloat about how good they are at it, and they congratulate each other for particularly vicious abuse.

Translation: I don’t know what abuse is or how it works, and people say mean thing to me I don’t understand. I couldn’t follow the train of though here if my life depended on it. And people seem like a happy community, which makes me angry. So I try to make them angry intead. And I fail.”

9 years ago

Is trollie talking about the group discussion about ableism and how harsh the commentariat should be with repeat offenders? Because it would not shock me to find that trollie finds ableism perfectly acceptable, as well as finding threats of mayhem and murder perfectly acceptable.

9 years ago

wmw lol

9 years ago

Is Had To Be Said referring to the whole “Don’t notify the police about Judgy Janet’s violent threatwank to kill feminists with a crossbow because doxxing is bad (???)” or to the ableism discussion? Because troll’s misplaced commenting has me completely confused as to the context of their post.

Also thank you to the commenters who do the long hard work of challenging ableism in these threads. Kudos to you for trying to make this a safe space. You’re awesome.

re: newbie ableist posts, I don’t feel that showing respect for the space you’re about to enter is that hard. When I decided to start commenting I took the time to read through previous comment sections, the FAQs and the Welcome Package before I made my first post, because I didn’t want to barge into a community I didn’t know and that didn’t know me and risk causing upset (both for others and myself) by saying something hurtful and ignorant. And … ta da! I discovered that cr**y and ins**e were not acceptable. I used these words in my everyday language, but I knew not to use them here. I don’t feel it’s too much to expect others to show the same consideration before commenting. Hence the snark.

But eh. Maybe a blase attitude to posting in new spaces is the done thing, and I’m just weird *shrugs*. A clearer commenting policy would be cool.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

dhag85 | July 20, 2015 at 7:49 am
For the record, M., Paradoxical Intention, and Jackie are some of my favorite commenters here, and I certainly agree with pretty much every word they’ve said so far in this comment thread.

Pandapool — The Species that Endangers YOU | July 20, 2015 at 1:18 pm
WWTH, Paradoxical and SFHC do a lot of heavy lifting, along with Kirby, EJ and Falconer.

Lanariel | July 20, 2015 at 10:24 am
The fact that ableism was called out, not only made me feel welcome, but have made me realize how much things like privilege affect people, and the passion of PoM, PI, M and Jackie, are a huge inspiration to try to become the best human I can be.

comment image

Bless all your faces. You made my day~

AltoFronto | July 20, 2015 at 12:04 pm
I think this blog was the first place that actually forced me to think about how often I casually used the word “crazy” to describe things, and luckily, I think I learned about ableism the easy way, by actually paying attention to what other commenters had said about ableism and proof-reading my comments in order to abide the rules, until it became habit.

Same here. I didn’t think twice about it, despite being mentally ill myself, and consistantly browsing tumblr (which, you know, is kind of a place where you’d assume I’d be called out for it).

But here, I was being far more conscious about it. I still slip up from time to time in my speech, but I’ve learned to be more careful in my editing.

And most of all, it keeps this from being just another Sisyphean Basic Feminism 101 For Bad-Faith Pissbabies.

Had To Be Said | July 20, 2015 at 2:09 pm
Many forums have rules against personal abuse. They recognize that abuse can derail and destroy a previously worthwhile conversation.

This reminds me of a post I saw on tumblr where someone actually asked if we would really destroy a possible worthwhile friendship because someone was a racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist/etc.

The answer was yes, in case you were wondering.

Same applies here. Some people may come in here and make some worthwhile points, but it’s hard to take them seriously if they follow it up with or couch it in bigotry.

It’s like someone taking a shit on your Cheesy Fries. You really going to eat those cheesy fries after someone took a shit on them? Sure, some of the fries aren’t touching the shit, but are you really going to risk it?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I should also add in my bit to Had To Be Trolly that we can continue to go on and discuss those points with other people in good faith, while still laying the smacketh down on some asshole who wanders into our midst.

However, that’s not an excuse for them to be assholes, nor is it a reason we should tolerate them.

9 years ago

Had to Lie:

No one called for doxxing or harassment. JB’s specific threatened behavior would be illegal, and it might be appropriate to bring that threat to the authorities, depending upon how serious one believes her to have been about that threat. Oddly, the more sincere one believes her to be, the more inclination there is to say that the authorities should, in fact, be notified.

Side-Note: There has been no ableism derail on this thread. Rather, what there was, was a marineracheal derail. Seriously, look at the posts.

The first ableist comment (“I’m a mental health professional”) was particularly incendiary, and got five responses. The second was a more typical gaffe, and got two. Then there was some non-targeted discussion about ways to better inform folks about the policy before they walked face-first through a pane glass. During this time, there continued to be useful discussion about the core topic, and more typical community off-topic posts.

Then marinerachael posted, and everything changed. It suddenly became all about her, and about her disappointment that a board with no official moderators (but a fairly established community standard, which is noted in multiple places and would have been witnessed by anyone who observed the site for a time before posting here would have seen), somehow resulted in multiple similar messages.

And even then, there was still a lot of discussion about how to better improve awareness of the community standard. But MR wasn’t having any of that; every post after that point was all about how she was not properly entertained.

9 years ago

This reminds me of a post I saw on tumblr where someone actually asked if we would really destroy a possible worthwhile friendship because someone was a racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist/etc.

The answer was yes, in case you were wondering.

The answer is N/A, because a racist/sexist does not make a good relationship.

9 years ago

Oh, on the core topic:

I honestly think JB was hoping that people would donate, then she’d take the money, show off a friend’s crossbow in a video, claiming it was the one she’d bought, and then used the money in some other fashion. It would make as much sense as any of the other possible explanations for this whole thing.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

This reminds me of a post I saw on tumblr where someone actually asked if we would really destroy a possible worthwhile friendship because someone was a racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist/etc.

The answer was yes, in case you were wondering.

The answer is not only “yes”, but “you were never my friend to begin with; it’s just taken me a while to realise it.”

9 years ago

The problem I’ve seen is that this community is not a hivemind. People have rotten days and good days, and since we don’t exactly have dedicated moderators, calling out shit has to be done by those individuals. Most times, you get an aside pointing out the policy on ableism, which the people accusing us of dog-piling ignore. Sometimes you an angry post from someone sick and tired of seeing the same discussion for the 20th time, or someone dreading the inevitable comment about mental illness on a post about some tragedy.

Sometimes it’s just kinda like some people in the service industry freaking out when they see 20 people in a row ordering the same sandwich.

Doesn’t help that far too often a single posting calling it in a “nice” way out turns into a long drawn out doubling-down conversation about the ableism policy itself, which invariably brings out that nastier comments. Again, no dedicated mods means no easily identifiable authority figure to just say “those are the rules, stick to them” unless David steps in. And he doesn’t very often.

Doesn’t help that this community is so familiar with the idea of sock-puppets that it’s a lingering question of whether this new commenter is just someone trying to subvert a ban or otherwise arguing in bad faith.

Doesn’t help that a comment policy is only really effective if it’s enforced routinely, and even then you’ll still get plenty of folks who will never read it (for both good and bad reasons).

I don’t think even clarifying the comment policy will solve much. We just have a tough rule on abelism that isn’t common across the internet; enforcing that rule is going to seem harsh no matter how it’s done, especially if the people trying to enforce it don’t have a moderator’s mentality.

9 years ago

“This reminds me of a post I saw on tumblr where someone actually asked if we would really destroy a possible worthwhile friendship because someone was a racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist/etc.

The answer was yes, in case you were wondering.”

For me, it depends. My mother goes into a tizzy at the mere mention of Freddie Mercury. Is she homophobic? Maybe, maybe not, but I can’t bring myself to hate her. She takes very good care of my family, making sure that we all got our shit together and doesn’t go around screaming “God Hates Fags” or rambling about some grand conspiracy to sissify American men a la your average MGTOW or Rush Limbaugh-style moron. She has her flaws, but they’re nowhere near enough to make her a despicable person.

9 years ago

This reminds me of a post I saw on tumblr where someone actually asked if we would really destroy a possible worthwhile friendship because someone was a racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist/etc.

The answer was yes, in case you were wondering.

Yeah, my answer would be “yes” too. Though in all honesty it’s because I already find it difficult to maintain a friendship with someone. I can’t really imagine how great a person someone would have to be in order to let me glance over bigotry… and in my experience, people who are racist or sexist or whatever also tend not to be so great in other areas as well.