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MRA JudgyBitch: Give me money for a crossbow so I can shoot feminists in the face!

Janet Bloomfield — the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” better known as JudgyBitch — has launched a rather unique fundraiser on Patreon: In addition to funds to spend on better videomaking equipment, she’s asking her supporters to send her $800 for a crossbow so she can “shoot the feminists in the face.”

JB isn’t joking; she’s an avid bowhunter, and she has her crossbow all picked out. 

Of course JB claims that the weapon will only be used in self-defense, in case some angry feminist shows up at her door with an axe or something. But in the video above, posted to her Patreon page, she describes her fantasy of using it to maim or kill a feminist in detail, and with great relish.

She starts waxing poetic about what she calls the “angel of death crossbow” at 8:32 in the video above. Here are some of the highlights.

In this first clip, she describes what she would do to any “little brave feminist” who showed up at her door unarmed but seeking a confrontation.

The tl;dr? She would shoot them in the gut with her crossbow, dead center, in an attempt to sever their spine and leave them paralyzed. “You’re gonna drop,” she says, “and you’re never getting back up again.”

As for those who show up at her door with “a hammer, an axe, a knife, a gun” or other weapon, she promises to shoot them dead without warning. “I would love to do it with that beautiful angel of death crossbow,” she says, with a certain manic glee. “Let’s buy Janet a crossbow so she can shoot the feminists in the face!”

MRAs, male and female, seem to spend an awful lot of time and energy fantasizing about doing great harm to their opponents. But this is the first time I’ve seen one actually set up a Patreon fundraiser so they can buy a deadly weapon.

H/T — @TakedownMRAs 

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Hypocrisy is so annoying.

Seriously, apparently I was too subtle with my rhetorical question, so I’ll say it outright: There’ve been twice as many posts about our perceived dogpiling than there were perceived-dogpiling posts. Probably way more than twice, I can’t be arsed counting. If we’re dogpiling, so are you.

9 years ago

There was a time when casual racism and misogyny were considered to be inoffensive almost universally. Just saying.

9 years ago

There was a time when casual racism and misogyny were considered to be inoffensive almost universally. Just saying.

There was. And who knows, as your ideas spread, the majority may begin to view this issue the same way. But for now, you can’t act so *surprised* that you keep having to fight a very new battle. Since I doubt I’ll give up semi-lurking, I’m hoping David’s amendments to the Comment Policy solidify the expectations here. But I doubt it will actually change much, to be honest. It will give you guys more support for your argument, but not prevent it being initiated.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

To be honest luckyfrog, we’re not surprised that we keep having to have this conversation. We’re just straight up tired of having it. (Though, admittedly, this isn’t that “new” of a battle. It’s been going on for years now here and there.)

Granted, not every newbie reads the comments policy, and they really, really should.

However, when they’re corrected on it, they should do their best to make sure not to do it again. The reason why Linux was corrected earlier in the thread is because they’ve been posting here for a while and just keep doing the thing they’ve been asked not to, and the reason why the other commenter was corrected was because they claimed to be a mental health professional, and they should know better than to armchair diagnose.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

How are our ideas supposed to spread if we’re not allowed to mention them without getting immediately spammed to hell and back by the I’d Totally Post Here If You Weren’t All So Mean Brigade? Telepathy? Smoke signals? Semaphore, maybe?

9 years ago

“Everybody does it” is seriously not a reasonable argument in support of something. That’s an argument little kids make and it’s an argument that’s easily dispelled with the old classic “if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you?” comeback.

9 years ago

How are our ideas supposed to spread

They’re not. That’s the whole point to tone trolling.

But something tells me you knew that.

Seriously though, people are more receptive to the argument that we asshole and crazy shouldn’t be synonymous than the tone trolls would have us belief. I’ve gotten people to rethink such statements both on other sites and in meatspace. I’ve also had people back me up on other sites. People who don’t, to the best of my knowledge, come here. So it’s simply not true that it’s a handful of tyrannical Mammotheers only that oppose ableism. I find that to be especially true when creepiness is compared to autism. That one bothers pretty much everybody who is either on the spectrum or who has a loved one that is.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Honestly, with so many people whining about it, I just want us to all fucking jump down the fucking throat of the next person who says something ableist, just to spite people.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago
9 years ago

That you would equate my exasperation at her being able to talk about how she would love to sever a feminist’s spine- WHO WAS TALKING TO HER POLITELY- not being illegal, and just wishing she’d finally cross the line and we could be done with this inciting violence “it’s just satire” bullshit fucking dance- that you would equate that with swatting and doxxing says all I fucking need to know about whether you’re here in good faith.

In short, fuck you. Being horrified by her constant skirting of the line of what’s legal isn’t the same as a wholehearted endorsement of the police state.

So, again, go fuck yourself.

9 years ago

Sorry, read the troll’s posts earlier but couldn’t get back to respond for awhile.

I’m not even touching the ablism crap, I think we’re doing fine. The fact that every crop of new people who have to be told the policy invariably includes one shmuck who doubles down on it isn’t dogpiling.

Also, just noticed he conflates reporting her page to Patreon with reporting her to the police, so fuck him all over again.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

…Imma going to have to look up those flags, aren’t I?

*goes to Wikipedia*

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Well, okay then.

9 years ago

@had to be said (though I think “dead between the ears” is more appropriate and really funny too)

That’s rich considering Judgybitch has repeatedly and publically defended the doxxing of feminists on the grounds that they must be held accountable for their words.

She and her ilk know very well that doxxing may lead to swatting or to harassment and threats as well as physical violence. In fact I think they count on it. You know, like, violence by proxy?

And hey, as feMRAs love to say, she needs to “own her own shit”. She asked for funds to purchase a weapon to use against people she believes are feminists, whether they’re armed or not, so she has to face the fallout of her own words. And if MRAs/anti-feminists can hold every feminist accountable and responsible for the Solanas’ SCUM manifesto then we can hold judgybitch accountable and responsible for HER OWN DIRECT WORDS TO MURDER FEMINISTS. In fact, I plan to use this example every time a MRA/anti-feminist mentions the SCUM manifesto as evidence of their massive hypocrisy. Instead of calling her out, you try to defend her.

Oh and I bet she sent death threats to herself just so she could damsel her way into sweet donation money. In fact, if she’s being threatened why hasn’t she gone to the police or RCMP? Where’s her proof that she’s been threatened?
Sound familiar? That’s the same argument used against every feminist that has ever claimed to have been threatened or harassed and fear for their safety.

Sucks when you’re own vile behaviour comes back to bite you in the ass, eh?

9 years ago

In all honesty I really can’t imagine most feminists caring enough about Bloomers to find out where she lives and then going to her house. Like, we all know she’s unreasonable and has her head up her ass so what would be the point?

She seriously reminds me of this girl I knew in high school who fancied herself something of a badass and had the temerity to attack me in the hallway. She scratched my cheek and screamed at me and I laughed at her. A lot. Later she bragged about how she had to defend herself from me attacking her with her mad martial arts skills (presumably hamster style)

Yeah, I don’t believe Bloomers is an avid hunter any more than I believe in Handsome Jack not being evil.

9 years ago

Is it just me or do JB and Davis Aurini share a similar cadence in their voices? It’s like they both emphasize way too many words.

Ok, maybe this is a Canadian thing? I just realized that the way they talk reminds me of William Shatner.

9 years ago

What I would like to happen — ideally — is for people here to gently remind them of the rules, without attacking them. I would like the newbies to read these rules, and agree to go along with them. And then for the conversation to move on.

Thank you, @David. Some ppl do double-down, and yup, that’s a different animal, but dogpiling does happen here too, as does a very non-gentle ‘fuck, this shit again’ addressing of the comment in question, and it also sucks. Seen it over and over and over again for years here. Frustration is understandable but isn’t an excuse to be nasty to people who don’t deserve it (when they truly don’t deserve it – better to save it for those who do).

@dumbassapostrophe No. Not. All. Canadians. SPEAK. The SAME. Way. 😉 It is very possible that all assholes do, though, so that could explain it.

9 years ago

@Tracy: I’ll have to second all that(yes, thanks David!). There are indeed effective ways to get genuinely invested commenters to get acclimated to the expectations and guidelines of an internet community, without biting their heads off at the push of a button, over any mistake, real or perceived.

9 years ago

To anybody being ableist or defending their right to be ableist without criticism in this thread: go step on Legos you heartless Donald Trumps and “thanks” for making this whole place be another place where it feels incredibly unwelcoming to be mentally ill in.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… heartless Donald Trumps …


I know this is a bit hypocritical of me to say after stomping off annoyed earlier, but try not to let the pile of assholes toupee of Trumps get you too down, okay? We’re winning on the racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia fronts, we’ll win on this front too.

And hey, it’ll be really fucking funny when the dogpiling rules are added and they’re inevitably the first ones to fall foul of it. ;3

9 years ago

Hi everyone, long-time lurker, de-lurking.

I don’t comment, anywhere, but I have wanted to say this for some time:
To all the commenters who take the time and energy to – repeatedly – engage and push back against ableism, THANK YOU.

It has made this a very welcoming place for me to know and see that that kind of shit is not tolerated, and I am angry and upset to see the people who have made this place welcoming to me getting accused of being hostile, aggressive, mean, petty, of enjoying being offended, of actively looking for offence for the sake of their own egos, of making the comment threads all about themselves and their mental illnesses, of ‘wallowing’ in their mental illnesses and all kinds of garbage.

I feel like I have been reading a completely different blog to marinerachel and those that are in agreement.

As for all the complaining about how are people to know they’re being ableist – and seriously, this is not an obscure thing like some are making out, but anyway, from the Comments Policy :

Other slurs and otherwise problematic words to avoid: Cunt, twat, bitch, tranny, retard, spaz, cretin. I’m sure there are plenty of others I’m forgetting. Use your judgement, and listen to feedback from other commenters. If a bunch of commenters tell you a word is inappropriate, drop it from your vocabulary here and move on. Don’t argue about it, or explain that in your country it’s perfectly acceptable.

And from the Welcome Package :

Avoiding the word “crazy” isn’t something we do because we’re the language police, or because we’re polite, or because we’re “sensitive” to the hurt feelings of those poor, poor people (who manage to deal with mental illness without harming other people, like other decent human beings). We do it because misogynists — whether or not they are mentally ill — are douchebags, and we’re not interested in making excuses for them, or in treating people with mental illness like we treat people who make poor ethical/moral choices. Misogynists deserve judgment & mockery; people with mental illness do not. It is harmful to people with mental illnesses to be compared to misogynists. You can find an interesting discussion of these issues on this thread.

Sometimes new commenters say “MRAs are crazy!”and get treated with patient explanations of why that’s the wrong way to view misogynists. But honestly, it’s been happening a lot recently, so commenters might not get a patient response, and shouldn’t expect one. Think of it this way: You just harmed people we care about. When you do that, even unintentionally, you need to apologize.

There is actually a lot more about ableism in the Welcome Package, including links to other resources, but this is enough of a teal deer as it is. 🙂

And from the end of the recent Peter Nolan post (and other similar posts):

NOTE TO COMMENTERS: Please avoid describing Nolan as “crazy,” or attempting to diagnose his mental health. Mental illness doesn’t cause hate. And please refrain from violent language, even when it is clearly metaphorical.

The information and guidelines are all right here, on this blog. Commenters complaining that they didn’t understand about ablesim is no excuse for continuing to be ableist when it’s been pointed out to them, explained, and when they’ve been directed to other resources on this blog. Complaining that the comment policy is too hard to find is no excuse, it’s just rude and lazy.

I don’t see what else David can do apart from what he already has; it seems at this point that some of the people complaining simply do not agree that ableism is a thing, and want to keep with their shitty ableist ways, or are deliberately derailing by accusing others of derailing. 🙁


And is it just me or has there been a rash lately of people who come out of lurking just to call us mean?

Most definitely not just you.

Finally, I just want to thank David and everyone else here who fights the good fight. 🙂

(Sorry for the teal dear, and I hope my formatting works! *crosses fingers*)

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Would a bit of brain bleach be welcome here? Like, a six-widdle-kittens-livestream-brainbleach?
If so, please click on this link:

They are asleep right now, I think, but to see them when they are active just go a bit back in the timeline.

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago

I can’t believe people defending the use of ableism and regarding it as a personal preference. It’s NOT.

I mean, yes, of course it is my preference to be treated as a fucking human being at all times, and at the very least get an apology when I don’t.

It’s the exact same thing I say to my compañeros when they downplay sexim, actually.

I think framing it as personal preference is denying the problwm in the first place, and becoming part of it in the second.

Son, It’s not about “us” (I learnt about ableism here and behold! Turns out it applied to things people said and did to me!) it’s about making a place that is not hostile to any population affected by violence, evwn if that violence takes the form of ignorance.

We don’t want a better place for ourselves, but for evwryone. It is in YOUR best interest to erradicate ableism if you like the conversations going on here, because most pf them can’t ne had in an ableist environment. Even if you never noticed.

Also, I’m assuming everyone who came to say how we dogpile, are all volunteering to be the ones to patiently explain the newbies? Or do you all just expect we keep doing the job, only more toy your liking? (not including sensible and reasonable proposals some of us left here)

As I twll my compañeros: If you take it on you to prevent sexism/ableism, you won’t hear from us that often at all.

Sorry for the typos, still learning to use this virtual leyboard and for some reason I can’t correct stuff without the whole post vanishing from sight. WTF new phone.

9 years ago

Yes Pandapool let’s all drive away the next person who used “crazy” or “sane” as a colloqiallism out of spite. You really are a fucking asshole.

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