Roosh Valizadeh — the racist, woman-hating, fat-shaming pickup artist and rape legalization proponent — is trying to reinvent himself as a philosopher of sorts, a man with unique insights into the perils of masculinity in “a degenerate world.” He seems undaunted by the fact that his unique insights are neither unique nor, well, insights; he’s little more than a regurgitator of a lot of old, bad ideas, and a not-very-competent regurgitator at that. If he were a mother bird, his chicks would all die.
Part of Roosh’s attempted reinvention is a “world” lecture tour this summer that started in Berlin in late June and that will, barring mishaps, end in Toronto in mid-August.
Tomorrow, he’s making an appearance in Manhattan, where he will be making a canned speech on “The State Of Man” followed by several hours of Q&A and mingling with his fans. Or at least that portion of his fans who have managed to stay awake through 40 minutes of Roosh droning on in his characteristic monotone.
On his “Roosh World Tour” website, Roosh highlights some of the topics he addresses in his speech, including
- “How to mentally approach living in a degenerate world”
- “An examination of three different time periods men faced in the past”
- “The overall benefits we can expect from women in the pursuit of relationships with them”
- “One important need that all men require in life”
Based on the portion of Roosh’s oeuvre that I have managed to force myself to read, I’m going to guess that this “need that all men require” — isn’t a “need” by definition something that is required? — is women touching their boners (no fatties). Or something else equally stupid. Honestly, I don’t care. I feel a bit sorry for any man pathetic enough to pay the $47-$59 he is charging for his “4-hour event.”
Roosh is keeping the exact location of the event secret until the last minute “to prevent unattractive feminists from petitioning the event,” as he puts it on his reservations page.
Roosh’s so-called World Tour is only hitting 4 countries in total. One country he is not visiting: Iceland.
Why might this be? Well, the last time he went to Iceland, Roosh convinced a woman who’d lost her phone and been abandoned by her friends after a night of drinking in a Reykjavik bar to come to his apartment. Then this happened, as he himself tells the story in his Bang Iceland eBook:
I hooked her arm and off we went. … There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.
While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.
I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.
Quotes his, emphasis mine.
This isn’t philosophy. It’s not even pickup “artistry.” It’s just what rapists do.
EDIT: A few tweaks and a fixed typo in the headline; added the bit about the “secret” venue.
I’m well aware that it’s a much larger issue. But I wasn’t about to go off on a tangent in my post to the drive-by troll, so I boiled it down to a very simple thing for the purposes of making a point within a point.
“Out of context” or no, venny, it was still a very inappropriate “joke” to make at a conference of women in STEM fields. He pretty much made a “joke” that those women didn’t belong in their fields because they were distracting the men, or were too fluffy-brained to be there because “women are only after love and marriage, amirite guys?!”. Right to their faces. That’s the height of rudeness, especially when you consider the context that women are discouraged from going into those fields in the first place.
Indeed it is (someone said it was #17 on the list). I’ve already reported it, and several twitter users have as well. They’ve reported it to the site themselves, as I have, and to the CEO of Patreon.
In my report, I included links directly to her blog and the hashtag search on twitter, and mentioned that she works for AVfM, and linked the site to the SPLC’s blurb about them and what they do.
Hopefully something will be done.
@PI: I’m guessing she’s just grubbing for money in typical AVfM fashion, but it’s a good thing to call her out on it.
I actually like the DD images. I also like Junji Iro horror, so I might have a higher tolerance for gross out images. I do agree it’d be good to have them behind a link or not have them given the negative visceral reaction people are having, and I think it’s really decent of you David to do this.
If she was grubbing for money in traditional AVfM style, I wouldn’t care so much, because they’ve never attempted to raise money for anything that was outright stating they were going to harass or hurt women before, or they did it on their own site where there was nothing we could do about it.
But she’s asking for a crossbow (that she doesn’t even need, according to her Patreon milestone description*) that she can use to shoot people in the face with.
Even if she was joking (and I’m sure some twit is going to prance in here and try to make a case for her), it’s not a very funny joke, considering her history and who she works for.
*The aforementioned Patreon (donotlink link) to “MAKE SHIT THAT PISSES FEMINISTS AND OTHER FASCISTS OFF” description:
The whole thing is gross. The first paragraph comes off as being reasonable, but then she goes off about how feminists are ungrateful for the things men have given them and how she’s tired of seeing feminists “control” the discussion about gender issues, and wants to have “one not controlled by spoiled white women with dismal educations and severely impaired abilities to deploy logic, reason, evidence and rationality.”
I personally think she’s projecting.
sorry if I read to little into it. It’s OK I understand where you are coming from.
I didn’t really mean to start a while battle over this but it seems every time it comes up it is one. I am circumsized and don’t think anything of it. I am very upset that people suggest I have bad parents for it since they were only listening to their doctors. I don’t feel it violates my bodily anatomy and even if it shows to be the wrong choice now in our part of the world (which is why I brought up the clean water argument, what’s standard for us isn’t standard everywhere, and neither are all the medicines we have) it was the right choice to be made with the avaliable medical information.
Personally I doubt it’s a choice I will have to make for quite a while, since I’m only 22 and don’t plan on having kids soon so I’ll look at the current research when I do.
It has never bothered me that I was circumsized and I don’t know anyone who was bothered by not being. The whole locker room or he looks different thing is stupid, anything a guy is made fun of their will be size.
And sorry I started a little war here, it wasn’t my intent. For what it matters I never considered it a violation of my anatomy. :p
Also sorry for all the typos when I type, me plus being dislexic plus autocorrect don’t get along well.
And to answer how jb started a hash tag campaign on twitter while banned, she probably just told her followers to do so.
Funny, that sounds just like Judgy herself!
@PI, nice one re:JB. I couldn’t find a ‘report’ button on her page.
It wouldn’t surprise me if she wanted her Patreon to get taken down, then she could play the victim some more and say she’s being targeted by meanie feminists who can’t take a joke.
I couldn’t listen to all of her video, because she started whining on about Jessica Valenti again (why is she so obsessed with that one journalist?), but then towards the end she started going on in such detail about how she would paralyse someone with one shot to the face with an arrow. Lovely.
Thing is, I wonder why she hasn’t detailed any of these threats she’s apparently been receiving? Most women who speak out against the threats they receive will publish some of them, for reasons of showing people what they’re up against or to name and shame the bullies, but also to prove that they are indeed receiving threats. JB is just assuring her fans that evil feminists are intending to barge up to her house armed to the teeth because they don’t like her, but without backing it up. She certainly made a big enough fuss when MGTOW RazorBladeKandy made all those videos attacking her.
Could Judgybitch be damselling for cash, by any chance?
If anyone would like to report her Patreon, here’s the link to their report form.
I personally had a hart time finding it myself, so don’t feel bad. It took quite a bit of Googling to get to this point. You have to go through Patreon’s help page to find it.
I assume that question is rhetorical. I’ve never heard a credible instance of an actual feminist making actual threats against anyone. Much less a pseudonymous nonentity like Judgy.
Damselling: Sure smells like it to me.
And before any lurking dumbasses chime in with “SOLANAS!!!1,” this millennium.
My favorite comment on the whole circumcision debate remains Pervocracy’s: http://pervocracy.blogspot.ca/2010/06/pleasure-factor.html
All I really have to say on the matter is that, as an uncut male, it took me a long time to understand all the jokes and comments about men requiring lotion to masturbate. Wait, does this mean that it actually is a cut and dry issue?
I’ll show myself out.
Thank you SFHC, Grumpy, and Pandapool. i appreciate your understanding.
Haha. Venny posted something by the daily mail as proof.
@WWTH: I was going to say something about the Daily Mail being not a good source of anything, let alone news, but as I’m ‘Murrican, I didn’t think it was my place to do so. 😛
That’s nice, dear. >pats trollio’s head patronizingly<
Normally, this would be the point where I tell someone it’s okay to have problematic favorites, because those problematic favorites usually have some sort of redeeming trait.
However, Roosh is one of those rare exceptions to the rule that has no redeeming traits, and thus I would like to point out that you, randallr, like an admitted rapist who makes money off of trying to teach other men how to disrespect women, their boundaries, and treat them like sex toys instead of people.
So, like him all you want, but you will be judged by the company you keep in this regard.
@Rabid Rabbit
Wild applause/loud groaning.
I totally agree with Pervocracy, btw. I’ve been with cut and uncut guys and uncut feels a lot better.
My sister had her sons circumcised so they would look like their dad. It was not about cleanliness or anything like that, iirc, just so they would look “normal”. It’ll probably take a lot of time before that notion of “normality” is changed.
Doesn’t whether you have to use lubrication during masturbation depends more on how much pre-ejaculate you produce?
Actually, the foreskin slides along the shaft, greatly reducing the amount of friction.
I have no idea what to say after that opening sentence. /flees
I think it operates on the same principle of one of these things:
((I’m so sorry))
You aren’t sorry.
“How to mentally approach living in a degenerate world”
He’s gonna rip off Evola, isn’t he?
@Venny and his Daily Mail ‘proof’
Even being excessively charitable to the Daily Mail and accepting that Tim Hunt’s comments were in fact intended as a joke, it was still a sexist joke. A joke that reinforces damaging, misogynistic stereotypes, at a conference intended to celebrate women in a field that has historically been and continues to be incredibly male-dominated.
On the off chance that you’re still hanging about and wish to educate yourself, look! A non-paywalled study on the very issue at hand!
The bolding is mine. We know there’s a lot of discrimination in STEM fields, and a powerful, well-respected member of that field being seen using disparaging ‘humour’ tells everybody that’s a-ok.
Hunt was offensive to the women in his audience, women in the broader scientific community, and women in general. Further, he contributed to tolerance of discrimination in STEM. So please feel free to fuck off with the utterly played-out whinging about poor Dr Hunt’s no-good-very-bad-day.
The thing that always strikes me about JB is that for a woman who claims to be a happily married mother and housewife, she certainly expresses a tremendous amount of anger. One might think she’s not nearly as contented with her life as she claims to be.
I don’t really read what she SAYS any more because it’s all incoherent rage-spew.
Snorkmaiden may well be right that she’s actually trying to get her Patreon thing canceled so that she can have an excuse for another rage-wank against the feminazis.