antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Repellant pickup artist Roosh V is giving a talk in New York tomorrow. Here’s what to expect.

Deep Dream captures the real Roosh
Deep Dream captures the real Roosh

Roosh Valizadeh — the racist, woman-hating, fat-shaming pickup artist and rape legalization proponent — is trying to reinvent himself as a philosopher of sorts, a man with unique insights into the perils of masculinity in “a degenerate world.” He seems undaunted by the fact that his unique insights are neither unique nor, well, insights; he’s little more than a regurgitator of a lot of old, bad ideas, and a not-very-competent regurgitator at that. If he were a mother bird, his chicks would all die.

Part of Roosh’s attempted reinvention is a “world” lecture tour this summer that started in Berlin in late June and that will, barring mishaps, end in Toronto in mid-August.

Tomorrow, he’s making an appearance in Manhattan, where he will be making a canned speech on “The State Of Man” followed by several hours of Q&A and mingling with his fans. Or at least that portion of his fans who have managed to stay awake through 40 minutes of Roosh droning on in his characteristic monotone.

On his “Roosh World Tour” website, Roosh highlights some of the topics he addresses in his speech, including

  • “How to mentally approach living in a degenerate world”
  • “An examination of three different time periods men faced in the past”
  • “The overall benefits we can expect from women in the pursuit of relationships with them”
  • “One important need that all men require in life”

Based on the portion of Roosh’s oeuvre that I have managed to force myself to read, I’m going to guess that this “need that all men require” — isn’t a “need” by definition something that is required? — is women touching their boners (no fatties). Or something else equally stupid. Honestly, I don’t care. I feel a bit sorry for any man pathetic enough to pay the $47-$59 he is charging for his “4-hour event.”

Roosh is keeping the exact location of the event secret until the last minute “to prevent unattractive feminists from petitioning the event,” as he puts it on his reservations page.

Roosh’s so-called World Tour is only hitting 4 countries in total. One country he is not visiting: Iceland.

Why might this be? Well, the last time he went to Iceland, Roosh convinced a woman who’d lost her phone and been abandoned by her friends after a night of drinking in a Reykjavik bar to come to his apartment. Then this happened, as he himself tells the story in his Bang Iceland eBook:

I hooked her arm and off we went. … There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.

Quotes his, emphasis mine.

This isn’t philosophy. It’s not even pickup “artistry.” It’s just what rapists do.

EDIT: A few tweaks and a fixed typo in the headline; added the bit about the “secret” venue.

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9 years ago

I wasn’t squicked out until I looked up the Suriname toad. But that’s not even because of the whole “holes on the back” thing; more the “eggs are going to grow and hatch in these holes on my back” and then I just imagined having eggs growing out of my back and vomit vomit vomit vomit vomit vomit.

I was actually rather fascinated by the Deep Dream of Roosh, since it makes him look a little less skeevy than normal.

9 years ago

I didn’t actually mean the picture. I just think it’s absurd that someone like Roosh has never faced any legal action while someone like Julian Assange has to live as a political asylee.

9 years ago

I was actually rather fascinated by the Deep Dream of Roosh, since it makes him look a little less skeevy than normal.

And that’s unusual, because ordinarily, it makes things look way creepier than they are. Roosh, on the other hand, can’t get any creepier, so it makes him look like a rather neatly stylized cartoon.

9 years ago

I’m one of those “pathetic” men you feel so inclined to insult. I just touched down in NYC and went through a day of travel to get here.

What a waste of time and money when you get millions of pages and thousands of hours of video spewing red pill rubbish for free on the internet. I hope Roosh at least wipes his ass before going on stage if you’re going to be spending that kind of money on him. Or maybe you like having a hero who is annoyed that keeping your bottom clean is a societal norm.

This article (I use the term loosely) is not accurate by any means; nor does Roosh advocate sexual misconduct. Actually he has clearly stated, verbatim, that one must respect a woman’s choice to say “no.”

You’re conveniently leaving out the part where he goes after women too incapacitated by alcohol to say no. That’s still rape. Which is why he said this.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

There he is. Admitting to rape.

Men are not “pathetic” for being concerned about the increasingly anti-male hostility I see these days,

The fact that it’s now socially stigmatized (somewhat) to beat and rape women is not anti-male hostility, you sad PATHETIC fuckwit.

the damage done to relationships/datibg/families and more…along with the the triumph of emotion-based outrage & outrageous attacks on people’s livelihoods and character over simple words. We are living in an increasingly anti-male, gynocentric, morally bankrupt society where both men and women suffer in the long term.

Citation needed. Domestic violence rates are down. Drastically. Divorce rates are starting to go down now that people don’t feel pressured to marry right after high school or college.

Roosh happens to be a well-read, well-traveled man who is one of the first to give men a venue to discuss issues that concern us.

When, oh when will men have a voice? You only own most media outlets, direct most movies, make up the vast majority of executives and the vast majority of elected officeholders. Boo hoo. Poor you.

Whether or not you agree or disagree with something he has written about gives no justification to make false claims.

What false claims? He admitted to rape. If I say “I had pizza for dinner” and you said, later on “WWTH admitted to eating pizza for dinner,” would I be able to say you falsely claimed I eat pizza? Take that out of a controversial context like rape, and you see how ridiculous that sounds?

I respect a man who goes out and earns his experiences; others simply sit on the sidelines and criticize, and quite viciously I might add (from the comfort of a keyboard of course).

What are you even talking about? All he’s down is claim to have had sex with a bunch of drunk women. Lots of people did that in their twenties. Big whoop.

I make this comment knowing the type of people here cannot be reasoned with, but I do so to show the type of man who would attend this event.

It’s always cute when trolls come on here with posts full of whining and anger and than accuse us of being unreasonable. Yeah, you showed us the type of man who would attend this event. It’s exactly what we all expected. How is this either a victory for you or an educational experience for us?

*crosses fingers, prays to the blockquote mammoth and hits post*

9 years ago

So close.

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago


This article (I use the term loosely) is not accurate by any means; nor does Roosh advocate sexual misconduct. Actually he has clearly stated, verbatim, that one must respect a woman’s choice to say “no.”

I’m sorry, are we talking about the same Roosh? Roosh V? The Roosh V? The Roosh V who suggested the legalisation of rape on private property? We are? Oh. Then perhaps you could cough up some evidence of Roosh’s alleged respect for consent.

Roosh happens to be a well-read, well-traveled man who is one of the first to give men a venue to discuss issues that concern us.

The vast majority of panel shows, legislatures, and board rooms notwithstanding, of course.

9 years ago

Roosh, on the other hand, can’t get any creepier, so it makes him look like a rather neatly stylized cartoon.


9 years ago

@david: thank you!! Thank you so very much. 🙂 my future lack of skin-crawling really appreciates it.

Seriously the idea is cool, and if you have other posts to make about further developments in them please feel free! And linking to ones you find cool is still completely okay. I don’t wanna squash the fun completely.

@binjabreel: the Wikipedia article mentions the theory that this particular one is an ingrained response that may have protected some of us from predators or poisonous plants. And since adaptations are always kinda random, well, it makes sense that different people would have carried down that response to different patterns.

The Wikipedia article’s quotes from people describing what they felt about the holes was EXACTLY me, too: the sense that they’re disgusting somehow, that something might be living in them???

For what it’s worth though, I don’t have OCD.

9 years ago

@paradoxical intention
I’m not sure I agree with such a cut and dry reasoning of circumcision. I know I wasn’t because of toxic masculinity but because doctors were recommending it when I was born. And as someone who is a pre med student I can tell you that it is still heavily debated today.
I don’t belive the negatives associated with it have been proved when performed by a doctor (many studies showing bad results focus on procedures done by non medical professionals)
The people who argue against it happening because they had it done later in life can also may suffer complications, but those may be related to it being done later in life itself

There is also a rare desiease (I think it’s 1 in either 500 or 5000 sorry I can’t think of the name now which only affect uncircumcised men, where the glands secret the wrong enzyme which leads to extreme pain.

Finally it has been shown to lower the rates of STDs or STIs although mostly in people who do not properly clean them selfs or who do not have access to clean water, which is a good reason to keep the practice going in areas where access to clean water is limited and may be the reason it is tied to so many regions (like how eating pork is forbidden because it couldn’t be cooked safely for most of human history)

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago

Roosh happens to be a well-read, well-traveled man…

Can I just add as a tangential aside that using ‘well-read, well-travelled’ as some sort of indicator of social worth or moral authority really pisses me off. I’m a voracious reader and a keen traveller, but if I did both of those things with a closed mind I wouldn’t find any sort of personal growth in them. All that ‘well-read’ and especially ‘well-travelled’ tells me is that you had sufficient privilege to indulge a couple of time-consuming and in the latter case expensive hobbies. Congratu-fucking-lations.

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago

(I should add that in my younger years I was obnoxiously smug about being well-read and well-travelled so…)

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Thanks, guys — I didn’t know I’m a tryptophobe till now. Thanks a lot. Gaack!

9 years ago

Libel: I too found the Google Dream images deeply, deeply disturbing, so I made the mistake of Googling the word you defined and had pretty much the same reaction. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more visceral reaction (to just the single image I glanced at) in my entire life.

I had no idea this was even a thing, so…Thanx for that./s


“So presumably no one here has a Surinam toad as their spirit animal?”

Well, I tried, but it rejected me …

9 years ago

Can you stop with the deep dream stuff? They are really weird looking and make me a bit uncomfortable.

9 years ago

There’s scary storms in my area right now. Again! The lightening is ridiculous and the gusts got up to about 67 mph in my part of the metro. At least the tornado warning expired. My dad is somehow sleeping through this. I’m definitely waking him up if the power goes out though. I

9 years ago

Oh god, you guys all googled tryptophobia? You poor things.

9 years ago

It’s no wonder Roosh feels intimidated by Toronto–because I watched Being Erica earlier this year I know Toronto is full of 30-something handsome hunks with amazing domestic skills who aren’t afraid to share their feelings. Roosh wouldn’t stand a chance with straight women there, they’re spoiled for choice.

Re Deep Dream–I love the images myself; I hope David continues to post them behind links.

9 years ago

I can’t believe my fear of irregular holes actually has a name and other people suffer from it… I used to think I was just crazy… I used to call it “hatred of irregular/certain holey patterns.” I once open up a Reader’s Digest that had a image of zoomed in coffee-straws overhead and started screaming and crying. I didn’t know why. But I unfortunelaty googled trypophobia and I got much anxiety/anger/frustration and crying. FUCK THAT IS SO SCARY!!! I HAVE SO MUCH FEAR!!! AAAGGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!!!! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT PLEASE MAKE IT STAP!!!!

The Google deep dream pic no nearlt have the same effects as the tripophoria ones.

9 years ago

Err, hmm, I was kind of inelegant before. What I mean is that they seem to run through similar pathways in the brain, and they’re supposed to cluster in families- I.e., if you have a great aunt who ended up a hoarder, your odds of having patterns that bug you goes up.

I used to work a coffee roaster, and the big pan the beans got dumped into to cool had millions of tiny holes, for air to flow through. They tended to get clogged, with bean husks and oil and good old fashioned smoot, and we had this tool for cleaning them out. It was a little hand-heldwheel, like a pizza cutter, with little protrusions that fit exactly in each hole, and the holes were all perfectly lined up, so you’d just roll the little wheel along and it would poke out each hole in that row.

I have never had a menial job that was so utterly satisfying- something about it scratched the holes anxiety itch soooo perfectly.

9 years ago

In people, irregular holes are super soothing to me. I’ll admit though, that when they’re superimposed over people I get a little squeemish. The deep dream stuff is far enough out there for soothingness, but the google images of holey people or people with teeth protruding from abnormal places?

Yeah. Those are a little… nope.

9 years ago

Thanks for listening, David!

Oh, we’ve got some more tryptophobes in the ranks. Welcome, guys. I’m sorry you had to google that.

Though honestly sometimes I wonder if tryptophobia is some kind of memetic virus, and the vector it spreads through consists of “don’t google tryptophobia/tryphophobia!”, because every damn time that warning gets issued, I’ve seen people posting “OH GOD WHY?!” shortly afterwards.

Or maybe humans are just consistently morbidly curious and nothing makes us more likely to check something out than someone going “No, really, believe me, you do NOT want to see that”.

9 years ago


Seriously I can’t look at such images without feeling sick. Bleugh.

9 years ago

I’m not a trypophobe (not going to google it just in case) but I don’t like the Deep Dream images, I’ve been scrolling past them as quickly as possible. I’d appreciate if viewing those was optional.

Btw, Roosh also admits to raping a girl in Poland, in case quoting his rape experience in Iceland gets a bit stale.

Pity Getitgoing made his rebuttal before attending the conference, I’d actually like to hear his take after he finds out he’s wasted his money going to a whinge fest of angry white men listening to a pompous, greying Roosh regurgitating a few blog posts.

Part of me wanted to attend the London event so I could laugh with scorn; but I wasn’t about to hand over that kind of money, the London prices were really steep. Besides, I had a birthday party to go to that night.

9 years ago

Actually the really wrongo thing about the Surinam toad was that the Surinam Board of Tourism created a safer sex ad based on it.