antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Repellant pickup artist Roosh V is giving a talk in New York tomorrow. Here’s what to expect.

Deep Dream captures the real Roosh
Deep Dream captures the real Roosh

Roosh Valizadeh — the racist, woman-hating, fat-shaming pickup artist and rape legalization proponent — is trying to reinvent himself as a philosopher of sorts, a man with unique insights into the perils of masculinity in “a degenerate world.” He seems undaunted by the fact that his unique insights are neither unique nor, well, insights; he’s little more than a regurgitator of a lot of old, bad ideas, and a not-very-competent regurgitator at that. If he were a mother bird, his chicks would all die.

Part of Roosh’s attempted reinvention is a “world” lecture tour this summer that started in Berlin in late June and that will, barring mishaps, end in Toronto in mid-August.

Tomorrow, he’s making an appearance in Manhattan, where he will be making a canned speech on “The State Of Man” followed by several hours of Q&A and mingling with his fans. Or at least that portion of his fans who have managed to stay awake through 40 minutes of Roosh droning on in his characteristic monotone.

On his “Roosh World Tour” website, Roosh highlights some of the topics he addresses in his speech, including

  • “How to mentally approach living in a degenerate world”
  • “An examination of three different time periods men faced in the past”
  • “The overall benefits we can expect from women in the pursuit of relationships with them”
  • “One important need that all men require in life”

Based on the portion of Roosh’s oeuvre that I have managed to force myself to read, I’m going to guess that this “need that all men require” — isn’t a “need” by definition something that is required? — is women touching their boners (no fatties). Or something else equally stupid. Honestly, I don’t care. I feel a bit sorry for any man pathetic enough to pay the $47-$59 he is charging for his “4-hour event.”

Roosh is keeping the exact location of the event secret until the last minute “to prevent unattractive feminists from petitioning the event,” as he puts it on his reservations page.

Roosh’s so-called World Tour is only hitting 4 countries in total. One country he is not visiting: Iceland.

Why might this be? Well, the last time he went to Iceland, Roosh convinced a woman who’d lost her phone and been abandoned by her friends after a night of drinking in a Reykjavik bar to come to his apartment. Then this happened, as he himself tells the story in his Bang Iceland eBook:

I hooked her arm and off we went. … There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.

Quotes his, emphasis mine.

This isn’t philosophy. It’s not even pickup “artistry.” It’s just what rapists do.

EDIT: A few tweaks and a fixed typo in the headline; added the bit about the “secret” venue.

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9 years ago

The internet trypophobia meme is meant to freak people out by superimposing arrays of holes where people would not expect them to be. Being upset by a series of lotus seeds being embedded in someone’s face is different than being upset by a picture of an actual lotus pod.

9 years ago

In re: Roosh’s regurgitation skills — If he were a mother bird, his chicks would all die.

DIVINELY funny! I don’t know why, but this hit me as funnier than anything I’ve read in months. Damn, I am going to be in a good mood all weekend now.

9 years ago

I have that too and the Deep Dream pics do give me the squicks. The zebra one on another thread was the worst of the bunch so far. I understand. You aren’t a wet blanket.

9 years ago

I jus googled trypophobia.

Oh, God. No! Don’t so that!

9 years ago

I though even MRAs weren’t buying into his crap these days so I wonder how is he going to pay for a international tour.
I also wonder how many people showed up for his Berlin event?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

[disgusted noises]

9 years ago

I had no problems with the Deep dream thingy…
until now, goddamnit, does every word I learn here has to make me miserable?

9 years ago

For real though, those pictures are really freaky and i seems like it would be courteous to put them behind a link.

9 years ago

Customs and Immigration should probably be pointed to his rapist ways, they may bar entry.

Or is it the RCMP?

9 years ago

The man never looked better.

I’m still unsure to which degree Roosh and his ilk believe what they say about social justice warriors and so forth.

9 years ago

Ugh sorry for the double post, feel free to delete either one (I thought it had been eaten by my log in process on mobile so I rewrote if on desktop….. 🙁 libek and wizardofliz are both me).

9 years ago

If I work his event I will do one of two things: burst out laughing uncontrollably, or get blackout drunk afterward. I can’t really say which way it would go at this juncture.

I promise you all that Toronto has far fewer feminists than he believes. I get cat-called almost every day. And no one ever stops them. Sometimes it lasts for a whole light cycle D:

9 years ago

Also thank you so much, every person saying the pictures bug them too or just sympathizing has made me feel better. I’m also very sorry for those who googled trypophobia themselves!! Like my friend said, “I tried to explain so you WOULD NOT HAVE TO DO THAT D: ”

But it doesn’t sound like it would be as horrible as it is 🙁

9 years ago

“One important need that all men require in life”

Mongol: Riding the open steppes on a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair?

Roosh: No!

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women!

Roosh: NO!

Then what is best in life?

Roosh: Getting into frothing rages and insulting random women from the safety of my computer!

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

9 years ago


I’m sorry but Trypophobia doesn’t exist. They’re the old ones clawing at the gates of reality. Some people are more sensitive to their coming incursion than others.

In his city Cthulhu sleeps!

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu R’yleh phtagn!

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

His description of Toronto kind of makes me want to move there.

9 years ago

Meh don’t be fooled, I’ve been harassed plenty of times in the streets of Toronto at night. Although when it comes to being hit on in the streets (during the day at least) men in Toronto are fairly polite I find.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Toronto will eat at your human soul

Well then, Rooshie, it’s good that you don’t have such a thing.
Ugh. That guy.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

I currently live in Whitehorse which has the highest rate’s of violence against women out of any city in Canada (although surprisingly little street harassment from what I’ve heard) I’m pretty sure Toronto would still be a step up.

9 years ago

Does Toronto have poorly lit streets and many broken street lamps or something? If so, maybe the government should be petitioned to rectify the problem with a few of those bat-signal lights but aimed down at the street. Or lasers. Lasers are always fun.

9 years ago

Well I’m 100% certain there are worse places to live for women than Toronto. I’m living in Trujillo right now and can’t walk down the street without hearing cat calls, whistles, or some variation on “pretty, precious, etc. etc.” by men just standing in the street like they have nothing better to be doing, and all of this in broad daylight.

I’m just saying Toronto isn’t without it’s problems, like CAFE. . . .

9 years ago

Another tryphophobe here, and yeah, the deep dream images squick me out too. Not so much the ones that have bunches of slugdogs, but the really close clusters of eyeballs freak me out. I’d much prefer if David would put them behind a link or use a different filter, if he could.

9 years ago

Also, Roosh isn’t saying that Toronto is a bad place for women to live in; he’s saying it’s a bad place for MEN because a lot of people in Toronto actually respect women and don’t put up with the kind of shit that Roosh and his ilk constantly pull.

So basically, he’s saying that Toronto is a good place for women to live in. And for men, assuming these men aren’t shambling piles of coagulated shit like Roosh.

9 years ago

I’ve been on the internet/in the wrong places on the internet too long, googling trypophobia just doesn’t even register. *jaded sigh* Obviously not having trypophobia helps but those lotus seed pod pics are supposed to make anyone gag. The nasty two fingers one used to make my skin crawl, but that was the first 1000 times I saw it.

Roosh on the other hand makes my skin crawl no matter what…