antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Repellant pickup artist Roosh V is giving a talk in New York tomorrow. Here’s what to expect.

Deep Dream captures the real Roosh
Deep Dream captures the real Roosh

Roosh Valizadeh — the racist, woman-hating, fat-shaming pickup artist and rape legalization proponent — is trying to reinvent himself as a philosopher of sorts, a man with unique insights into the perils of masculinity in “a degenerate world.” He seems undaunted by the fact that his unique insights are neither unique nor, well, insights; he’s little more than a regurgitator of a lot of old, bad ideas, and a not-very-competent regurgitator at that. If he were a mother bird, his chicks would all die.

Part of Roosh’s attempted reinvention is a “world” lecture tour this summer that started in Berlin in late June and that will, barring mishaps, end in Toronto in mid-August.

Tomorrow, he’s making an appearance in Manhattan, where he will be making a canned speech on “The State Of Man” followed by several hours of Q&A and mingling with his fans. Or at least that portion of his fans who have managed to stay awake through 40 minutes of Roosh droning on in his characteristic monotone.

On his “Roosh World Tour” website, Roosh highlights some of the topics he addresses in his speech, including

  • “How to mentally approach living in a degenerate world”
  • “An examination of three different time periods men faced in the past”
  • “The overall benefits we can expect from women in the pursuit of relationships with them”
  • “One important need that all men require in life”

Based on the portion of Roosh’s oeuvre that I have managed to force myself to read, I’m going to guess that this “need that all men require” — isn’t a “need” by definition something that is required? — is women touching their boners (no fatties). Or something else equally stupid. Honestly, I don’t care. I feel a bit sorry for any man pathetic enough to pay the $47-$59 he is charging for his “4-hour event.”

Roosh is keeping the exact location of the event secret until the last minute “to prevent unattractive feminists from petitioning the event,” as he puts it on his reservations page.

Roosh’s so-called World Tour is only hitting 4 countries in total. One country he is not visiting: Iceland.

Why might this be? Well, the last time he went to Iceland, Roosh convinced a woman who’d lost her phone and been abandoned by her friends after a night of drinking in a Reykjavik bar to come to his apartment. Then this happened, as he himself tells the story in his Bang Iceland eBook:

I hooked her arm and off we went. … There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.

Quotes his, emphasis mine.

This isn’t philosophy. It’s not even pickup “artistry.” It’s just what rapists do.

EDIT: A few tweaks and a fixed typo in the headline; added the bit about the “secret” venue.

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9 years ago

I really don’t want to go to his website. Has anyone informed his venue that they’re hosting a confessed rapist? Maybe asked if their liability insurance covers any assaults committed against women by him or his ‘followers’?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

I’d much rather watch paint dry.

9 years ago

That Google Deep Dream thing normally creeps me out. But in this case, it’s perfect, bc Roosh is a grade-A creep.

9 years ago

He’s apparently so worried about “mob action” by “feminists and social justice warriors” that he’s not posting the venue until the night before the event. That is actually what it says on the site. Which I think is pretty funny. “Shhh! Don’t let them tell the venue who I am!”

9 years ago

I’ll check out his venue for Toronto.

9 years ago

Roosh has always reminded me of Tom Cruise’s character in Magnolia, and this “world tour” speaking engagement is like the blurring of fact and fiction.

9 years ago

*He’s* afraid of violence from feminists and SJW’s?
Roosh, my wallowing-in-misogyny douchebag extraordinaire-
It is you and your ilk that feminists and SJW’s fear becoming violent. And with good reason.

9 years ago

Yep, super secret! The Toronto event is actually in Mississauga (which is not Toronto!), and I am guessing right now it’s at the Hotel Novotel in one of the meeting rooms. Doubt it’s at the Living Arts Centre.

9 years ago

Could also be at at the Civic Centre. Or.. Panera Bread *snicker*

9 years ago

His description for the “Toronto” (aka Mississauga) event:

Maybe It’s Something In The Water

If there was a contest to vote on the city that encompasses everything wrong with Western culture, I have no doubt that Toronto would win. While I only visited for one week back in 2013, I could feel the dysfunction in my bones. A place like New York City will grind your physical shell, but Toronto will eat at your human soul, especially if you’re a man. It comes across as such as oppressive place for men that a disproportionate amount of sad emails I get are from men who live here. Judging by the radical feminists that claim Toronto as their home, I made sure to schedule Toronto as my last lecture stop, just in case I don’t make it out in one piece.

lol, bless.

9 years ago

Hmm …’One important need that all men require in life.’ I’m guessing this is a need exclusive to cis-gendered, heterosexual men?

Gosh. I really hope he doesn’t speak in Toronto. *gag*

9 years ago

So the real Roosh has two eyeballs in his mouth?

9 years ago

That Deep Dream treatment is a great improvement!

9 years ago

That explains a lot….but evokes even more questions.

9 years ago

Hey, David?

I love your site, I check it multiple times a day for new posts, and I understand that you’re really loving Google’s Deep Dream engine but…

These images? Really really bother me. A friend suggested I might have trypophobia, a fear of clustered holes. I googled it, and the images that popped up triggered the same response: this irrational awful skin-crawling shuddering feeling. It actually made me cry a little.

The GDD images, which are usually covered in misshapen eyeballs, aren’t as bad as those pictures of straight up holes. But they still make it harder for me to enjoy your posts that include them 🙁

Would it be possible for you to link to these images instead of embedding them, at least on posts that aren’t directly about GDD like this?

Thank you.

9 years ago

“one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing” maybe there is hope he has a soul or a conscience? Nah, who am I kidding!

I thought all feminists were supposed to be unattractive, so why is he qualifying that he’s concerned about “unattractive feminists” trolling his little event?

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

So I’m guessing that of the three different time periods that he’s talking about he thinks the ones were women were property is the best.

Liz Baker (@wizardofliz)

Okay, I really love this website. I visit it multiple times a day, though I think I’ve commented maybe… twice. I link it to my friends all the time.

I know you’re having a lot of fun with the Google Deep Dream pictures, and I hate to be a wet blanket, but every post that’s included them has made me increasingly uncomfortable. The more “abstract” they get, the more filled with tiny eyes, the more physically uncomfortable they make me to look at.

Apparently I have trypophobia, a fear of clustered holes:

Anyway, I’m happy to just not read the posts talking about GDD in theory, but is there… any way you might be persuaded to include images like the one here (where it’s just incidental fun, rather than the main point of the post) as a link instead of embedding them?

No obligation, obviously, but I really thought my level of discomfort was just kind of… what those pictures were supposed to do, until I googled trypophobia (I thought my friend’s suggestion was ridiculous) and the image search images that popped up among the web results made me gag and sob and close my tab and then spend the next few minutes crying silently while I pushed the images out of my head. By comparison, the GDD images aren’t that bad, but… yeah, I was just hoping… as this trend continues…

9 years ago

“An examination of three different time periods men faced in the past”

The wording in this just amused the hell out of me, for some reason. I don’t know, as if there were time periods men didn’t face? as if one could FACE a time period. as if there was a time period men faced that wasn’t in the past.

9 years ago

I jus googled trypophobia. Gonna go puke now. 🙁

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

“Degenerate world”? Rooshie’s been walking the path of what most would call “degeneracy,” (like kind of being a rapist and misogynist and seems to sort of have a some elements of criminal thinking and all that) so I don’t know what his feathers are all ruffled up about.

Oh, wait…a degenerate world, in his mind, is where gay people exist, women aren’t property and can think for themselves and decide their own destiny, some folks are not conventionally attractive, some are not perfectly thin, some of us may have tattoos, and we aren’t required to care whether we give Roosh the bonersads. Misandry!

9 years ago

Aww. Poor little Rooshie’s afraid of the big bad feminists. I hope the poor dear doesn’t go into a faint. I guess Roosh can’t deal with a woman unless she’s powerless due to extreme intoxication. How very alpha of him.

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