a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking crackpottery Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary russian friends mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability straw feminists the c-word whaaaaa?

MRA Dean Esmay stunned that hurling obscenities at feminists does not cause them to take him seriously

Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?
Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?

It’s a day ending in “y” and “Men’s Human Rights Activist” Dean Esmay is spamming another hashtag on Twitter with belligerent and nonsensical Tweets directed at some imaginary feminist living in his head.

Wait, these were Tweeted yesterday, not today. Let me check something.

Yes, Thursday is also a day ending in “y,” so let’s continue. 

It seems Mr Esmay is angry that his propensity for calling women “cunts” and other gendered slurs sometimes causes people to take his alleged ideas less seriously. (Click on screenshots to see archived versions of each Tweet.)



Er, laterally? 

of or relating to the side; situated at, proceeding from, or directed to a side: a lateral view. 2. pertaining to or entailing a position, office, etc., that is different but equivalent or roughly equivalent in status, as distinguished from a promotion or demotion: a lateral move. Laterally | Define Laterally at

Oh, wait, I think he meant “literally.” Which leads me to my next question:

Er, literally?

Men are literally being set on fire for saying the word “cunt?” Where exactly?

Esmay, naturally, provides no citation for this claim.

Then, literally two minutes later, he literally followed up these two “cunt” tweets with this:


Philogyny, by the way, is not some term you’ve forgotten from biology class; it means love or admiration of women, the opposite of misogyny.

It’s sort of a weird thing to bring up immediately after defiantly asserting your right to call women, or feminist women (or whoever Esmay is talking about) “cunts.”

It’s even weirder when you consider that Esmay’s very next tweet is this “warning”/veiled threat to feminists/women/whoever that men even worse than Esmay are waiting in the wings, eager to attack feminists/women/whoever even more viciously.


“Penetrate” is an interesting choice of words in this context, no?

Also, I regret to have to inform Mr. Esmay that the “way more extreme” men aren’t actually “way more extreme” than he is. Nor are they waiting for Esmay to fail, or indeed waiting for anything; they are already attacking women energetically, sometimes rhetorically, sometimes physically.

After a couple more Tweets along similar lines to those previously quoted, Esmay channeled his inner angry teenager and declared


I can’t help but finish Tweets like this in my mind with “… MOM!” and the sound of a bedroom door slamming.

Several minutes and several angry Tweets later, Esmay posted … this:


I’ll just end this post here, because WAT.

I bring you these Tweets not because they are the worst things that Esmay — or any other MRA — has said. I bring them to you because they are in fact rather typical for Esmay, who Tweets dozens and perhaps even hundreds of Tweets much like this every day.

Esmay — the “Chief Operating Officer” of A Voice for Men — is one of the highest profile Men’s Rights Activists online. (Oh, sorry, Men’s Human Rights Activists”) online. This is what he does all day, every day, attacking imaginary feminists for the benefit of his mostly imaginary followers.

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Alice Sanguinaria
9 years ago

To whom is he directing these to, is the question of the ages. I imagine her given name is “Straw” and family name “Feminist”, but I can’t honestly be sure of that.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

– Claims that men love women, and don’t hate them.

– Calls women narcissistic cunts

– Claims that women are being irrational about being called cunts by rando dudes on the internet

– Vague tweets

– Wonders why women don’t listen to him

– ???

– Beg for donations!

9 years ago

Alice, Well, there’s that one lady, that one time, who said she has learned to hate all men. so really, it’s so obvious that non-ladies (cause we don’t call c-worders, ladies) who just hate men are everywhere. Cause reasons. And “so there!”

9 years ago

Wow. Just wow. He’s a bottomless well of self-lampooning, isn’t he?

9 years ago

I think that in that last tweet Esmay is referring to The Fall in the apocalyptic sense, not the season.

9 years ago

Head injury? Tumor pressing on the amygdala?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Whenever a misogynist claims to love women and be misunderstood and harassed by them, I am always reminded of the following speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, I accept the flowers as a memento of reconciliation between the white and colored races of the southern states. I accept it more particularly as it comes from a colored lady, for if there is any one on God’s earth who loves the ladies I believe it is myself.


This day is a day that is proud to me, having occupied the position that I did for the past twelve years, and been misunderstood by your race. This is the first opportunity I have had during that time to say that I am your friend. I am here a representative of the southern people, one more slandered and maligned than any man in the nation.

– Nathan Bedford Forrest, 6 July 1875.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Much professional. Very human rights. Wow.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
9 years ago

Well he got one thing right, “what I say doesn’t matter,” he should have stopped right there.
Does anybody take a Twitter meltdown seriously?

9 years ago

He tries so very hard to be scary. Like one of those yappy little dogs.

9 years ago

Good lord how he’s getting irrational. One day he’ll be afraid to open his own closet in case he finds a SJW feminist lying in wait to accuse him of rape.

9 years ago

@I’ll bet he’s wary about getting into elevators in case a woman steps in.

Did he ever get his tooth fixed?

9 years ago

Ah, anticipating Autumn. Classic feminist behaviour, amirite? #ImLaterallyRite

9 years ago

Fail to penetrate? Nice job at the subtle rape threat, Dean. No one could ever figure that one out!

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

One day, this man may say something that makes sense. When he does… it will be a total accident.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I think he needs to take a little break from the interent. And by “little” I mean “permanently” and by “interent”, I mean “internet” because I’m a bad speller.

Thank you spellcheck! You are an unsung hero. <3

9 years ago

I thought that Esmay’s reference to a ‘failure to penetrate’ was a subconscious desire to tell all about his erectile dysfunction, or lack of luck with the ladeez. But yes, the growing packs of men waiting for Esmays failure are horribly rapey sounding. Sounds like an extreme cuckolding video, at best.

9 years ago

Gangs of killer men?

If you’re making badly veiled rape and death threats, hurling slurs and hoping for the downfall of civilization you might just be the baddie.

Speaking of the “Fall”, how does the fall of civilization help men and boys? Won’t they be dying of illness, starvation, murder and unsafe roads and vocations along with the ebil wimmenz? Does he think roving bands of post apocalyptic rapists and murderers are really good for men and boys? For that matter, how does raping and murdering women help men and boys get a better social safety net? What exactly protects men and boys from the gangs of angry men? Their brotherly love?

No feminist anywhere is setting men on fire, through AVFM has encouraged them emulate a man who set himself on fire. WTF?

9 years ago

Just… huh? Is this an extended Twitter meltdown, or is he desperately trying to get a hashtag, any hashtag, to trend?

9 years ago

Ontogyny recapitulates philogyny.

9 years ago

Dean dreaming of how wonderful the apocalypse will be for men and boys sort of reminds me of someone.

Seriously, can’t you just hear him screaming in giddy delight, “He looked at me!”?

9 years ago

@Lea He had the self-awareness which Dean apparently doesn’t. Here’s hoping Jordan Owen tracks that character arc, except for the suicide of course.

Really though, who the hell is Dean talking to?

9 years ago

Nux deserves better than to be compared to Dean Esmay. But yes, the irrational, violent, toxic masculinity and wilful blindness of the war boys does remind me of the MRAs.

9 years ago

David, did you run the image at the top through Deep Dream or something?

If we need to do an intervention, I can bring the hamster ball.

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