#gamergate antifeminism davis aurini grandiosity gross incompetence hypocrisy irony alert jordan owen misogyny sarkeesian!

Oh, glorious day! Davis Aurini has released a “Rough Draft Preview” of The Sarkeesian Effect: Team Aurini Version

The Sarkeesian Effect (Film Goes Here)
The Sarkeesian Effect (Film Goes Here)

Lovers of cinematic catastrophe, rejoice!

Facing accusations of fraud, douchebaggery, and skull abandonment in the wake of a split with his estranged “filmmaking” partner Jordan Owen, the formerly bald film auteur Davis Aurini has released a 38-minute “Rough Draft Preview” of his version of The Sarkeesian effect. 

I have not yet had a chance to watch the whole thing, but from the brief bits I have seen it more than lives up to the hype, if by “hype” you mean “the general consensus that Davis Aurini cannot possibly produce anything but poop.”

In the first 4 minutes alone, Aurini uses narration and music from Owen that he clearly doesn’t have permission to use; the rest of the footage is also “borrowed” from others, and the much ballyhooed “Animated Title Sequence” consists of the words “Animated Title Sequence” over a still image.

Watching this, it is important to remember that this film was not edited by a 5-year-old on a budget of one juice box, but by an actual adult human being who considers himself something of a filmmaking pro, with a budget in the tens of thousands of dollars.

So let’s watch this together. I will offer more extended notes once I’ve had a chance to stop giggling and digest the rest.

EDITED TO ADD: Ok, I finally made it all the way through and, wow, it’s even worse than I expected.

Where even to start? There’s no real narrative; none of this will make much sense to anyone who hasn’t been following the whole #Gamergate thing already.

The “argument,” when it’s not completely incoherent, is thoroughly dishonest and (when it comes to criticizing Sarkeesian’s actual videos) ridiculously petty. The film makes repeated assertions about Sarkeesian (that she’s a “bully,” that she wants to censor video games) without any evidence at all.

When we finally get around to the interviews — there is no original footage at all in the first 18 or so minutes of the “film” — the argument is simply laughable. Essentially, Davis says “SJWs claim to speak for women and minorities, so here’s a … WOMAN (dramatic pause) who disagrees!”

It’s not explained why they’re interviewing a sex worker, much less this particular woman. In fact, she made webcam videos parodying Sarkeesian, but this is never mentioned. (Also not mentioned: the fact that she’s the wife of the “mediator” involved in trying to get the film made.) Why is she talking about Gail Dines? Has Sarkeesian ever spoke in favor of censorship?

And then we get the “Honey Badgers” complaining about “damseling,” followed by Paul Elam … damseling. (What relevance he has to a discussion of Sarkeesian isn’t clear.) Then Alison Tieman damseling.

Oh, and then there’s Davis complaining that when Sarkeesian gets threats, she gets money from it! Never mind the $30,000 collected by AVFM last year ostensibly to pay for security. Or that the Owen and Aurini are basically living off of people’s hatred of Sarkeesian, as are a number of bloggers and youtubers .

Other, er, highlights:

  • Terrible fonts (an Aurini trademark)
  • That stupid grid of YouTube videos that Aurini uses when he’s got no actual filmed footage or stock photos or anything else to use for a visual
  • The terrible sound, with volume changing radically from clip to clip
  • Terrible lighting  in many of the clips
  • The lengthy segments with no visuals at all, just a black screen
  • Various people shown without introductions or subtitles to explain who they are
  • Even when people are identified, no real effort to explain why on earth they would be relevant

Probably not a good idea to include so much footage of Owen, given that he. you know, has publicly said that Aurini is a fraud who doesn’t have permission to use any of the film footage

It’s striking how much more professional the clips from Sarkeesian videos are when compared with everything  Owen and Aurini filmed.

Now, obviously, this is a rough cut. Real filmmakers often make rough cuts missing elements from the final film — music, cgi special effects, etc.

But they generally don’t release these to the public in advance of the film’s release, because they generally look terrible. The footage they use to promote the films prior to release are designed to make the film in question look awesome, not to prove, yes we have some footage.

The only reason Aurini has to release this is to “prove” that he actually has been putting in some work on the “film.” But what it really shows is how little work he’s done. I mean, take a couple of hours and clean up the fucking audio a little. At least make sure the volume is consistent within shots and from clip to clip.

The “quality” here is less than the quality of many unprofessional youtube videos that are slapped together in a day.

Also, it’s kind of amazing that he had no original footage at all to use in the first 18 minutes. Did they film nothing but the interviews themselves? Not even some footage of, I dunno, someone watching YouTube or pretending to type something on their computer?

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Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago


Right?! I just want to sit down next to her, crack us open some beers, grab a handful of popcorn and cackle with sheer unbridled joy at the incompetent nonsense.

9 years ago

If you think racism and sexism are isolated incidents, you haven’t been the target of either because that perception is in itself created by your privilege.

9 years ago

I also noticed that; she’s looked and sounded really worn out recently (and who can blame her?), so it’s nice to see her looking more vivacious.

9 years ago

That gif has higher production values than the documentary.

quoted for truth

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

Ten bucks says Part 2: Infiltration is going to feature that stupid, outdated clip of Anita saying she “doesn’t play video games” and the whole argument that she’s a “fake geek girl” will be built around those seconds of out-of-context material.

9 years ago

I don’t want to keep doubling down on John after he’s tried to move on from talking about it. But since his desire to say he was the victim of racism or sexism stems from personal experience, it makes me want to share one of mine.

Years ago, I had the experience of working at 2 different jobs with small groups of people who did not like me (or anyone else) because I was white. At one workplace, this same group was transphobic as well, and were quite nasty to any POC who hung out with white people. In short, they were huge assholes who made life miserable for many people.

While I never equated this with what a POC experiences in their lifetime (because… well, obviously), I would have described these people as racist, or acting in a racist way/holding racist beliefs. Why? Because that’s what it was referred to colloquially (I’d always thought racism was another word for prejudice, as that’s how it had always been used IME), and I was unaware of how the social sciences were defining terms. How I would have been aware of this, I don’t know. I doubt all people are aware of the difference, and I’m hesitant to attribute that to some failing on their part.

Catching up on comment threads tonight I’ve seen a few people get kind of harsh treatment for various things when gentle explanation would have sufficed. I know we get shitheads and trolls around here at times, but I hope the regular commenters here (I am a regular, long-time reader but sporadic commenter) don’t just assume the worst about new/newish people. It’s been a bit smackdown-heavy the past few days.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Tracy: I did try to explain it gently at first, just saying.

9 years ago

OT…did they not shoot any coverage/b-roll? Of course they didn’t. All talking heads and YouTube grids makes Aurini a shit filmmaker. Fab soundtrack though

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

I’m surprised Davis hasn’t gone out of his way to completely crop, edit and dub out Jordan’s presence. Although, he did say this was a rough draft and all placeholder stuff, so it’s possible that could still happen.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention not singling you out at all and it was gentle, in an ‘oh boy, heeeeere we go again, kinda side-eyeing you now’ kind of way that was a tad… well, I can see why someone hearing the explanation for the first time in this way might feel initially defensive and/or jumped on. That’s all. And it is bloody frustrating if you’ve explained something, the same thing, a bunch of times (been there, and gotten super frustrated and not very nice about it!) so, I get it.

Is it better to default to compassionate patience and end up having wasted it on a troll? Probably. Is that something any of us can do on a regular basis? Probably not, given the subject matter here and subsequent emotions that get stirred up. Sometimes I have to stop reading here for a month, I get so pissed off and fed up.

Though a good Davis/Aurini thread puts me right again. Bless ’em. 🙂

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I know I wasn’t gentle, but, then again, I don’t usually stand up and explain things to people for a reason. That reason. I am not a gentle person.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I am, in fact, what people call “an asshole”. *sucks on a lollipop without no cares*

9 years ago

Seems fitting, for the species that endangers US ALL 😉

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

That panda gif is truly mesmerizing. Every time it gets posted, I just stare at it for a few cycles.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

If you think that’s amazing, you should see the rest of the commercials.

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

Wow, that Panda’s a real jerk. 🙂

9 years ago

Team Aurini: One man, a camera, some editing software from 1996, and a buttplug that vibrates when you say “McCarther”.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I’d be pissed at people who can eat cheese but don’t choose to.

I fucking miss cheese.

If you’re a person who can eat dairy products but refuse too, I hate you.

Religious and medical reasons exempted.

Everyone else, fuck you.–7K_qwOr0–/194p30f9p5pnvgif.gif

Eat your goddamn, fucking cheese.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


Dan Olsen is just the absolute best. Thank you for linking that.


I’d be pissed at people who can eat cheese but don’t choose to.

I fucking miss cheese.

If you’re a person who can eat dairy products but refuse too, I hate you.

Religious and medical reasons exempted.

Everyone else, fuck you.

Eat your goddamn, fucking cheese.

9 years ago


I’ve always hated cheese, even when I lived in France. Come at me 😛

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

I’ve always hated cheese, even when I lived in France. Come at me.

This statement made doubly hilarious by the fact that the user name is Moocow. 🙂

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago


What can I say, I’m a living paradox. XD

Also, holy cow (hehe) the comments of the video are fucking hilarious. I’ll see if I can find some more gems amidst the racist and sexist filth.

Oh, and the video itself us currenty sitting at 220 likes to 260 dislikes. :D.

Aaaaaaaand yes, there is someone demanding for more skulls.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I can see how a French person might dislike cheese. If something’s urged on you as important when you’re a child, you dig your heels in and dislike it as an adult. It’s why I dislike avocado and Scrabble nowadays.

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