a voice for men a woman is always to blame allegedly false accusations antifeminism attention seeking douchebaggery evil lying women gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture

Men’s Rights jackass Paul Elam: Cosby’s accusers “just a bunch of drug whoring [oh it gets worse]”

Two of Bill Cosby's accusers, with attorney Gloria Allred
Two of Bill Cosby’s accusers, with attorney Gloria Allred

Apparently looking to score clicks from controversy, Men’s Rights douchebag-in-chief Paul Elam has resorted to an old tactic of his: acting like the world’s biggest asshole. This time he’s attempting to gin up traffic on the backs of Bill Cosby’s 40-plus accusers.

In a post on A Voice for Men yesterday that is repugnant even by his standards, Elam asks if the women who say Cosby drugged and raped them are really victims, or “just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?” 

Though the post insinuates more than it accuses, it’s pretty clear what Elam’s answer to that particular question is, and at the end he simply declares that, until Cosby is found guilty in a court of law,

all I see in this is a bunch of greedy women who commoditized their bodies like groupies who managed to get backstage at a rock concert.

Even Cosby’s admission, in a court deposition recently made public, that he’d used Qualudes to score “sex” from women doesn’t suggest to Elam that perhaps the stories of Cosby drugging and raping women might actually be true.

“Big fucking whoop,” Elam writes.

Women have been trading gash for stash for as long as I can remember, and they still are.

Saying that Bill Cosby gave women ludes to loosen them up for sex is about as worthy of pointing out as the likelihood is that those women loosened Cosby’s grip on his drugs by sticking their tits in his face.

Indeed, Elam comes close to suggesting that the real victims in this alleged “gash for stash” trade are the poor men forced to pay for the drugs that the women get for “free.”

[T]here is a healthy percentage of women who  are just fine with the idea that dick comes with drugs. …

Think and say what you want about Bill Cosby, the quintessence of drug culture sexual hookups is product for poontang.

What about these particular women? Elam cranks his douche-o-meter up to 11, and writes

My guess is that the only thing happening here is that the lowbrow party girls that glommed onto Bill Cosby and spread like warm peanut butter are just coming back for more.

Did Bill Cosby use his fame, fortune and pharmaceuticals to grease the wheels of his sex life? Probably yes, I think. That is the kind of grease that a lot of women yearn to bathe in.

He then attacks Cosby’s accusers — or at least the overwhelming majority of them — for being … old.

[A]ll but one or two of the long list of alleged victims are now so far past their sexual shelf-life that they could not trade sex for a ten dollar bag of Mexican schweg.

Double dipping the Cosby Cash may well be all some of them have.

There really aren’t enough “fuck yous” in the world for me to respond to that properly.

Elam is clearly desperate to hold onto what remains of his relevance as the Men’s Rights movement’s brief moment of, er, glory in the media fades. Facing endless and often justifiable criticism from MGTOWs and Red Pillers and #GamerGaters alike, Elam hasn’t been able to convince many outside of his little cult that he’s the Men’s Rights statesman he seems to think he is.

In recent months, he’s been trying to recast himself as a Warren-Farrellesque “life coach” for troubled men, but the last time I looked at the appointments calendar on his An Ear for Men site, it wasn’t clear if even a single man had availed himself of Elam’s pricey “services.” (I haven’t been able to reach the site today.)

So Elam is returning to the blatantly misogynistic rhetorical poop-flinging that got him attention in the first place. Sadly, it seems to be the only thing he’s actually any good at.

To paraphrase Elam himself, double dipping in hate may well be all he has.

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9 years ago

If this doesn’t work I’m going to give up trying to get this video to show up. Check it out though, it’s funny and dead on.

9 years ago

“Innocent until proven guilty” doesnt apparently apply to accusing rape victims of lying; rape victims are presumed guilty even after proven to have been raped.

9 years ago

My reading of “gash” is that MRAs see the vagina as a wound where the penis should be. Since all correct people have penises, obviously. [/sarcasm]

I tend to read it as a particularly obnoxious manifestation of castration anxiety myself.

9 years ago

Bottom line, the testimony of 40 women, for Elam, does not outweigh the testimony of one man.

Countries where in some cases a woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man:

Algeria (in criminal cases)[13]
Bahrain (in Sharia courts)[14]
Egypt (in family courts)[15]
Iran (in most cases)[16]
Iraq (in some cases)[17]
Jordan (in Sharia courts)[18]
Kuwait (in family courts)[19]
Libya (in some cases)[20]
Morocco (in family cases)[21]
Palestine (in cases related to marriage, divorce and child custody)[22]
Qatar (in family law matters)[23]
Saudi Arabia[24]
Syria (in Sharia courts)[25]
United Arab Emirates (in some civil matters)[26]
Yemen (not allowed to testify at all in cases of adultery and retribution)[27]

Here in the US, according to this demagogue, a woman’s testimony is not worth 50% that of a man; it is barely worth 2.5% that of a man.

I’ve heard of reactionaries who deny that there is a patriarchy and think the Galactics are nigh so sexism is petty and we should be bigger than that. I’ve read the KKK speeches about women’s natural inferiority along with Black men and also Black women. I’ve read Goebbels and I’ve read the Quran.

Elam isn’t the only person for whom no amount of female testimony will outweigh a single male.

Change is what we need. Soon. Change. We can’t go on with this kind of hate.

9 years ago

Elam isn’t the only person for whom no amount of female testimony will outweigh a single male.

Maybe not, but he’s a particularly odious one, and it sure as hell makes his contentions — that men have no rights, and women have ALL THE RIGHTS — ring downright hollow.

And when his attitude is worse than the strictest interpretations of sharia, you just know you’re dealing with a true fascist.

9 years ago

“Innocent until proven guilty” doesnt apparently apply to accusing rape victims of lying; rape victims are presumed guilty even after proven to have been raped.

Ninja’d by @KL.

And watching Paulie scrabbling for relevance (and revenue) in the fetid niche he’s chosen is pretty damn delighful.

9 years ago


…and spread like warm peanut butter…

Thanks for that. A girlfriend once compared morning sex to trying to pet open a grilled cheese sandwich and my fiancé at the time never had morning sex with me again. This imagery has hands-down topped that for me. I’d better never show my husband.

9 years ago

“Pet open???” Wtf, autocorrect? Prying open.

9 years ago

Has else read the men’s rights subreddit simulator? It’s pretty telling:

Josh Miller
Josh Miller
9 years ago

I read this article a couple days ago, was wondering if you’d get around to covering it.

Y’know, “officially” OJ Simpson was innocent, too. Just because double-jeopardy protects him now and due process says he’s innocent doesn’t stop any sensible person from understanding the man was guilty as sin.

The same is true for Bill Cosby. Elam says he won’t judge Cosby until a court of law finds him guilty, which would be commendable except he then immediately says he won’t extend the benefit of the doubt to these women that they’re not all “attention-seeking drug addict whores.”

The man’s ridiculous.

9 years ago

It’s completely infuriating that Elam doesn’t (or more likely, won’t) see how Cosby’s fame and fortune gave him the power to silence his victims.

He understands just fine.

9 years ago

Never enough “FUCK YOU!!”s for Paul Elam.

He can go live on Neptune in a filthy puddle of his own bile. -_-

I can’t tell if he really believes 40 women are liars as he describes, but I think he does. Extremist views seem to addle the brain over time, and prominent hate-mongers seem to become further and further detached from reality the longer they spend being outraged for money.

I know a lot of people hate the “c” word, but to me, “gash” is one of the most hateful euphemisms for female genitals out there.

I agree wholeheartedly. There are so many words for my genitals that I find distasteful (clunge, beef curtains, fuck-hole), but none of them trigger violent disgust quite like the word “gash”. *shudders*

9 years ago

Paul Elam and all the other MRAs, PUAs, and so on, are so jealous they could spit. They can only wish that they were as beautiful and sexy and charming as women. They can only wish that they could use their masculine wiles to get something, anything.

9 years ago

Nthing what everyone is saying about “gash”. It definitely has connotations of violence but I mostly get a castration anxiety vibe from it. Women are defective men doncha know.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
9 years ago

Just jumping on the GIF bandwagon directed at Elam:
comment image

9 years ago

Should we have expected anything different from the likes of Paul Elam? He gets off on other men raping women because he doesn’t want to end up in jail or any sort of legal trouble himself.

9 years ago

I’m past even the anger, my emotions about people have moved into pity. And pitying someone is not a compliment to them, quite the opposite. It’s not the same as compassion. Pity makes a person pathetic and not even worth the time to read his stupid AVFM post.

9 years ago

…I’m not particularly certain that the petition the guy started will go anywhere at all, but it was ridiculous that he thinks that with enough people signing it the FBI will begin the process investigating the VICTIMS – all 40+ of them. And of course the fact that in his mind they’re all lying von liarpants looking to rob Cosby of all the gold he’s got buried means the FBI will have no choice but to prosecute them on charges of this that and the other…

9 years ago

kylagb-“Should we have expected anything different from the likes of Paul Elam?”

Nope. He didn’t even believe his own daughter when she said that she had been raped. He even threatened to disown her if she ever reported it and claimed that this behavior is ‘good parenting’. He also said (or wrote, I can’t remember which. There is article about this in here somewhere) that if he gets called for jury duty for a rape case, he is always going to vote ‘not guilty’, no matter how strong the evidence of the accused’s guilt is. He is a disgusting man. Nothing in this article surprises me. Nothing at all.

“He gets off on other men raping women because he doesn’t want to end up in jail or any sort of legal trouble himself.”

Absolutely correct.

9 years ago

kylagb-True. Pity is not a compliment and being an object of pity is not a good thing. And there is nothing more pitiful right now than Paul Elam.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
9 years ago

@Imperator Kahlo, @Scented Fucking Hard Chairs,

I totally forgot about that one. And I really shouldn’t have; I recently had to explain what it meant to someone who had the misfortune of hearing it. She was horrified.

9 years ago

If Elam gave up on trying to monetize hate, he’d have to go back to being a truck driver.

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

Idledilletante-I don’t think I’d trust that nutbag in a rig…..

9 years ago

I randomly read this article the other day and assumed it would be covered on WHTM. Thanks for not disappointing. 🙂

I also read some of the comments. I’m sure nobody will be surprised to hear that many of the readers vehemently disagree with Elam’s statement that Cosby should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Instead, they think Cosby should be considered innocent even if he’s found guilty. Because reasons. So can MRA’s just stop pretending like they care about the legal system?

9 years ago

Just for the hypotheticals, is there ANY level of evidence for rape that this charmer won’t either explain away, blame on the victim, or excuse in some fashion? Not sure I can think of any.