imaginary oppression MGTOW misogyny reddit

An Air Mattress, a Motorcycle, and a Flat-Screen TV: Living the dream, MGTOW-style

The good life?
The good life?

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam celebrates the simple pleasures of

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou

Reddit’s MGTOW contingent has a somewhat different notion of what constitutes the good life. It involves a motorcycle in one’s bedroom. 

Last week, one Man Going His Own Way proudly posted the photo above to the MGTOW subreddit, where it received more than 80 upvotes and pretty much universal acclaim.

“People always ask when I would leave this ‘narcissistic immature lifestyle’ behind and just man up and get married already,” he wrote. “Why would I want to wake up to anything other than this in my bedroom???”

Replacing the wine, bread, and poetry of Omar Khayyam’s little scene we have:

  • An air mattress
  • A motorcycle
  • A bigass flat-screen TV
  • A Playstation 4
  • Two video games

Replacing the tree, a Minecraft poster tacked to the wall.

Replacing “thou?” Whatever … that is on the bed, I guess.

You go, boy.


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9 years ago

Thankfully, Square Enix recognized how uncomfortable it would be for men to play as a character who was designed as a sexual object before an active, heroic subject, and announced today that they had modified his design.

This also reminds me of the character line-up for the upcoming FFXV. I’ve seen arguments made over how the dude-centric cast was meant to cater to the female gamer gaze and isn’t becoming just one big Boys Club… except that they don’t seem to be overly sexualized and spend most of the trailers on some kind of bro road trip in a flash car.,h_405,w_720/t_mp_quality/final-fantasy-xv-21278-1920×1080-final-fantasy-15-why-are-fans-so-angry-about-ffxv-jpeg-251035.jpg
Two whole token ladies!

And then I saw the design for ‘Cid’, one of the only female characters shown. Apparently now changed to Cindy because I don’t fucking know.

What. The. FUCK.

9 years ago

He occasionally revs himself into a Ten Minute Hate so that he doesn’t forget how much he loathes women

Isn’t this the same brain-washing technique used in Orwell’s ‘1984’?

9 years ago

I need a bit of help. I have made the mistake of adding anti-mra taggs to a post on tumblr and am getting a horrendous amount of idiocy that I have no idea how to engage or disengage from. This is the response that is most ludicrous (at this point in time) and i need advice and or help

9 years ago

What kind of person thinks all of one group are totally irredeemable? Not one I’d ever want to know, for sure. Please, dude, go your own way and hermit yourself away from the rest of the people.

9 years ago

Hi keshkirshkinra – by engaging/disengaging, do you want advice on how to respond, or do you want to turn off responses? If you want to turn it off, I think there’s a browser extension called Tumblr Savior that you can use to block certain tags.

9 years ago

I want to add another voice to the futon love crowd. As someone whose generally furniture-averse (the couch usually serves as a back rest while sitting on the floor, for example) (Japanese-style, not fold-out couch style) futons are great and I find them way more comfortable than beds.

9 years ago

I know this is old, sorry.

(And I don’t think Minecraft’s on PS3 as far as I’m aware because Microsoft now owns it, so he must either play it on his computer, or he has an XBox off-camera.)

That’d be news to Beloved, seeing as how she’s built a whole city in the clouds for her testificates on our PS3. Took her days to get them all up there by leaving a trail of doors.

Then she was trying to build Atlantis, and now she’s trying to build a portal network through the Nether. It involves lots of cussing (but quietly so she doesn’t wake the wee ones).

9 years ago

Motorcycle Man, whose screen name on reddit btw is SergeantDickhead

Because MajorDickhead would have been too obvious, amirite?

He is 23 years old

He recently graduated college and works full-time “in management”

Judging by that apartment, it’s only a fast-food or pizza joint. Or a very small retail outlet. Not much else that one CAN manage at that age and just out of college, I imagine. Smells like he’s trying to make the best of a rather pitiful situation.

He lives in a 420 sq ft efficiency apartment with no windows and “loves it”

What did I say? When life hands you lemons, pretend they’re realllllllly sweet. #winning

He refers to his motorcycle as “she”

…because OF COURSE HE WOULD. It’s the only time he ever gets to have the illusion of being in control of something feeeeemale, right?

And it’s not like THAT hasn’t been done by countless other douchey bros before him, either.

He is really into cooking, especially bread, and takes a culinary class

Let’s hope he doesn’t discover McLovin’s Rubber Chicken. Otherwise, he’ll truly become insufferable.

(In all seriousness, though, at least he’s learning to cook for himself. That puts him miles ahead of the rest of them. I wonder how long it will take before one of them calls him a mangina for taking up “women’s work”.)

As a younger man he took “The Red Pill” and became a practicing PUA

But he learned that he didn’t really like women and only had a biological urge to have sex with them

Color me so not shocked…I mean, that’s only what ALL of them are like.

And PUAs don’t really like women either, or else they wouldn’t be all like “pump ’em and dump ’em.”

So he became a MGTOW and uses porn two minutes a day in the morning “as a useful object that keeps me away from women”

Okay, that’s just pathetic. And it doesn’t do a thing to help that “immature guy who has a lot of growing up to do” image he’s cultivating, either.

And it won’t be long before he gets sick of THAT, because it’s a total dead end.

He has struggled with depression but feels that MGTOW philosophy has helped him “find its source and exile the cause through logical thinking”

Dude, ever think that the Red Pill is, in fact, a major downer? And that the “exile” mentality is only going to make matters worse?

He occasionally revs himself into a Ten Minute Hate so that he doesn’t forget how much he loathes women:

“A year and a half later, I prefer to piss myself off about women sometimes. It keeps me vigilant to the bullshit. Coming “to peace” and forgetting about women takes my wall down. I don’t like the feeling of being copacetic With women.”

…as I was saying: NOT HELPING. In fact, deliberately working yourself into a hate-boner is gonna seriously damage this guy. I’m starting to feel really sorry for him.

He knows about this post on Mammoth and has this to say about it:

“I have recently learned that people uncomfortable with their own life tend to worry about others. The man who enjoys himself and his life frets not about the life of others.”

And yet, there you are, dude. Fretting yourself about women and pretending not to care. And projecting that onto us.

I really do feel sorry for you. Get help, and I don’t mean from Paul Fucking Elam.

9 years ago

@ keshkirshkinra

Regarding the statistics that guy cited, I don’t know what specific study he’s referencing with the 80% of abuse cases being female on male but I bet it uses the Conflict Tactic Scale which is incredibly flawed. It just counts violent actions and then pretends as if they’re all equivalent. If a man chokes a woman that counts as 1 violent act. If that same woman kicks him 3 times and punches him 4 times trying to get away, she’s committed 7 violent acts. It does a similar thing with injuries. It counts the bruises she left punching and kicking him to get away as no different from the damage to her throat. It also only goes back a year. So it completely obscures context and allows people to claim women are committing more domestic violence than men.

With regard to his CDC stat that 51% of rape victims are men I’m going to guess he’s referring to this: here . The relevant tables are at the bottom of page 18, top of page 19. Looking at lifetime numbers, even if you include forced penetration and sexual coercion in the numbers of male victims, you still have about half as many male victims as female. If you look at the past 12 months it’s closer but the number of male victims is still significantly less. Further, he says he’s cross referencing prison rape statistics but you’d have to count literally the entire male prison population in the US to get the numbers to match. Add to that the fact that prison populations are single sex and thus not representative of the general population which makes it unreasonable to include prison rapes at all.

9 years ago

don’t worry about it.

@whoever said mine craft wouldn’t be on Playstation. No that would be a really bad business decision, since Microsoft paid so much for the inbuilt customers and the fact that it already sells on all platforms.

9 years ago

To clarify the last sentence of my last post: I didn’t mean to imply prison rape isn’t a horrible thing. Just that it’s kind of its own thing.

9 years ago


Still have no idea where he hides that tail though since that outfit really doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

Well, presumably it’s prehensile because Zidane’s is. I bet a prehensile tail would be easy to tuck.


I’m trying to take in that post, but I am going to have to take a minute here and sit and digest Edea in a hair-flashing bikini bottom.

9 years ago

@sevenofmine @davidknewton

Thanks both of you. That does help.

9 years ago


I’m really sorry to hear about your experiences at cons. I’m happy that they’re upping security, and I hope that it keeps you from getting groped again.

@sevenofnine and keshkirshkinra,

I’ve never seen a Conflict Tactic Study that claimed that 80% of domestic abusers are women. All the studies that I’ve seen that use that metric have only determined that half or 40% of victims of domestic abuse are men. Given that he mysteriously can’t link to this study because he’s on his phone (even though one can easily do searches on smartphones, which I assume he has because he’s able to post on tumblr through his phone), I’m guessing that he’s just plain making it up. I’d demand to see the study and call bullshit on its existence if and until he can produce it. Then, when you see the study, if it does use CTS, I’d point that out.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I’m trying to take in that post, but I am going to have to take a minute here and sit and digest Edea in a hair-flashing bikini bottom.

9 years ago

@ alaisvex

Fair enough. I did think the 80% figure was a bit high but, in my experience, when people start making claims about women perpetrating domestic violence as much as or more than men, CTS is usually involved. I definitely agree that the way to go is insist on actually seeing the study. Odds are it’s methodologically flawed in some fashion even if it’s not a CTS study. Or it’s a legit study which just doesn’t show what he claims it does. All of which is assuming it’s an actual study at all. If he’s going to go around lecturing other people on what the facts are he should be prepared to link to his sources and not expect people to believe a bunch of numbers he just pulled out of his ass.

9 years ago

@Panda: Sorry. I was just disturbed by the outfit.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I was teeeaaasing, dear. Lol. I knew what you meant.

9 years ago


Completely agree with all of that. And thanks for an explanation of where he seemed to be getting his rape statistics.

9 years ago


I was teeeaaasing, dear. Lol. I knew what you meant.

I guess I should just presume that unless someone is actually going hey Falconer, fuck you, I’m good.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Pretty much. We’d call you out. We owe you that much. ;D

9 years ago

I’m sorry, but this post is way out of line.

I get that this guy is another reprehensible MRA. But the post is not about his views or his stupid “ten minutes of hate”.

In the post itself I see someone trying to be happy, maybe overtly, with their life, despite society’s shaming to “man up and get married already”.

Then, David and some of the commentators are more than happy to join in on the shaming. Again, no word about misogyny there, just mocking of his possessions and lifestyle.

“My TV is bigger than that. I have more games too, and an actual bed. It’s so nice having an educated, independent spouse to share the burdens of life with. It seems like this man would benefit more from a dual income than he would going his own way.” made my day though (not). I though it wasn’t you who’s supposed to be calling people beta manginas?

Someone eventually digs up actual misogyny by that guy and post it in the comments. Why the hell is it not in the post?

As it is, this is disgusting. I’ve been reading this blog for the better part of this year, and I’ve come to expect effing more…

9 years ago

“In the post itself I see someone trying to be happy, maybe overtly, with their life, despite society’s shaming to “man up and get married already”.”

I agree with almost everything else you said, but this part was just dumb. Last time I checked, I don’t remember the whole of civilization throwing a fit when they found out a man was single.

9 years ago

Hey, nothing wrong with calling your motorcycle ‘she’. It was a big secret with the motorcyclists I used to hang out with, but they’d all named their bikes, and if they trusted you enough they’d tell you the name. I remember one lovely man had named his bike Yorick–‘He hath bore me on his back a thousand times’. I had a theory that the gender of your bike’s name related to your sexual orientation; I’ve got two, one has a masculine name and one has a feminine name…..

9 years ago

I don’t have bikes but I name all my firearms, some have female names, others have male names. The one I use most is simply named “Sidekick.”

We also named our SxS quad “Starbug”