imaginary oppression MGTOW misogyny reddit

An Air Mattress, a Motorcycle, and a Flat-Screen TV: Living the dream, MGTOW-style

The good life?
The good life?

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam celebrates the simple pleasures of

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou

Reddit’s MGTOW contingent has a somewhat different notion of what constitutes the good life. It involves a motorcycle in one’s bedroom. 

Last week, one Man Going His Own Way proudly posted the photo above to the MGTOW subreddit, where it received more than 80 upvotes and pretty much universal acclaim.

“People always ask when I would leave this ‘narcissistic immature lifestyle’ behind and just man up and get married already,” he wrote. “Why would I want to wake up to anything other than this in my bedroom???”

Replacing the wine, bread, and poetry of Omar Khayyam’s little scene we have:

  • An air mattress
  • A motorcycle
  • A bigass flat-screen TV
  • A Playstation 4
  • Two video games

Replacing the tree, a Minecraft poster tacked to the wall.

Replacing “thou?” Whatever … that is on the bed, I guess.

You go, boy.


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Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


Diesel fumes will get you high. Maybe that’s what he’s going for – it’s not a motorcycle, it’s an oversized bong.

9 years ago

Hi everybody! :waves: I see some new stuff here and there and of course the same old disgusting stuff here and there.

Speaking of motorcycles, I would like to ride one someday. My mom likes Harly Davidsons and my brother likes Ninjas. I agree Harleys are very loud and I heard from my brother that Ninjas are easier to drive. Anyone know what their favorites are or which ones are the best in their opinion?

It’s sad to hear about Ivy, poor Ivy and I’m not going to talk about ableism, everybody has got that covered.

9 years ago

Anyway, back to Arkham Knight.

Eew. Fridging Ivy and referring back to the one and only thing people keep asking them to stop referring to? Just, eew. So much for the good will they’d earned with the anti-#GamerGate joke.

Reminds me of Anita’s video series where she lists off 15 games with the plot of “your wife/girlfriend/lover is killed and you must go rescue your daughter”. It’s sad to see yet another game go that route.

I really wish more people would take video game storytelling more seriously both inside and outside of the industry. I feel like we could solve these problems faster if more fucks were given.

9 years ago


Maybe check out the Ural Gear Up, basically a Soviet Army bike with sidecar and 2 wheel drive. A buddy had one and they are a hoot, it put a smile on everyone’s face and it’s pretty decent off-road if that interests you.

9 years ago


He’s used that non-word twice. Either he’s trying to mock a Japanese accent, or he’s decided to Go His Own Way from correct spelling, too.

9 years ago

Thanks. I’ll take a look at those now.

9 years ago

Diesel fumes will get you high. Maybe that’s what he’s going for – it’s not a motorcycle, it’s an oversized bong.

D’OH! Yes, that’s a possibility I hadn’t considered. Bet it’s a damn sight cheaper than real pot, too!

(The next-day headaches, though, are still not worth it.)

9 years ago

@Had To Be Said


Maybe people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?

You recently posted this video revealing that you are a middle-aged man who owns a futon. While that “bed” is arguably one step above an air mattress, most of us get out of the futon phase by 25. The apartment that you reveal in your video is pretty much indistinguishable from Motorcycle Man’s, except that it looks like less fun is had there.

I mean, aren’t you a MGTOW except for the voluntary part?

Oh burn, another MRA wit has no doubt reduced our host to puddle of tears. You’re middle-aged! You have a couch that can be folded out and used as a bed! Something something no sex!

I’m surprised he didn’t mention the ironic yet adorable twee cat paintings. They stood out the most to me and I now imagine David writes this blog to a constant stream of Belle & Sebastian.

Re: The motorcycle
I don’t know anything about bikes, but a friend of mine was forced to park one in his apartment for some reason and they aren’t odorless and leak some sort of goo.

9 years ago

If he wants to sleep on an air mattress, more power to him, but why deny himself the comforts of a bed and some actual sheets just to stick it to the ladies?

9 years ago

Obvs, nothing wrong with living simply. This guy is bragging about it as though it’s extravagant and something you can’t have in a relationship with a woman. If he’s happy that’s great but nothing he possesses is unique to MGTOWs or difficult to attain. As we’ve all stated.

Nothing shameful about his surroundings but there’s def something shameful about the fact he thinks they’re brag-worthy and something dudes in relationships with women can’t have.

I keep my bikes indoors because I’m stuck in an apartment right now without a storage unit or bike lockers. I have to suspend a couple from the ceiling. It sucks. I’ve never brought someone into the apt and said “See what being single affords me?”

9 years ago

If he wants to sleep on an air mattress, more power to him, but why deny himself the comforts of a bed and some actual sheets just to stick it to the ladies?

Really. I mean, who’s going to get mad, miss his participation in the mainstream of life, or do anything other than laugh in a pitying sort of way, at this guy for setting the living-the-dream bar so very low for himself? Now, if he had a well-maintained antique silk quilt and some high-thread-count sheets on that jobbie, maybe, just maybe, I’d feel a twinge of “Aw, dang”. But this? Come on, dude. We’ve upped OUR game, so UP YOURS!

9 years ago

Really. I mean, who’s going to get mad, miss his participation in the mainstream of life, or do anything other than laugh in a pitying sort of way, at this guy for setting the living-the-dream bar so very low for himself? Now, if he had a well-maintained antique silk quilt and some high-thread-count sheets on that jobbie, maybe, just maybe, I’d feel a twinge of “Aw, dang”. But this? Come on, dude. We’ve upped OUR game, so UP YOURS!

Yeah, at least give us a half second to consider that maybe we’re missing out on nice sheets or at least appreciate that he has good taste in sheets, in spite of his otherwise negative personality.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Idk, I get the feeling anyone sleeping with their bike in their room is in a bad neighborhood, and that he is just trying to make the best of it. Our of all the things you could of made fun of I don’t think this was proper.

You can make fun of someone for having horrible views, but to make fun of someone for trying to make the best of a situation, no matter what forum they chose, should be something we are above. 🙁

9 years ago


I don’t think that anyone is making fun of him because we think that he’s unable to put his bike anywhere else. We’re making fun of him because he seems to be saying that he’s keeping his motorbike in his room solely because he thinks that it might annoy the girlfriend that he doesn’t have.

9 years ago

Also I just read killing joke so maybe I can comment on why it was put in the game.

Killing joke was a good comic, a very good comic. But a very dark one. The thing it was trying to show is that something horrible happened to a wonderful person, because batman is more worried about sticking to his own code of honor then actually stopping the villain.
You are supposed to be disturbed by this, if you weren’t something is wrong with you. The story was supposed to show the worst thing the writer could put in a comic (abuse and torture, plus naked pictures, but not rape for anyone who hasn’t read it but has heard about it)

The point is, batman isn’t a good hero, neither is gordan, they aren’t protecting the people, they are enabling criminals. In this story batman made the joker, and the Joker wanted him to kill him but he wouldn’t.

In the end that’s why it’s so famous (besides being the most accepted joker orgin)

Batman does bad things. You aren’t a hero. Your a bad guy who causes others pain. So it will get recycled again and again and I’m ok with that. Because it is serving it’s purpose. And it is honestly the best American comic I’ve ever read.

9 years ago


OK I was just saying how I interpreted it. I agree with you guys on alot, but I seem to think about things differently then alot of you, including some disagreements about how somethings seem to be interpreted by most people here, so I feel like I should share my opinion. Even if that’s not what you ment that’s how it seemedoes to me. Sorry if I misinterpreted :p

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Dif perspectives are always welcomed. As long as they aren’t an MRA or anti-feminist one.

9 years ago

Naw that would be dumb, feminist have done a lot to make sure I have equal rights (I’m pansexual and gender fluid )

Had To Be Said
Had To Be Said
9 years ago

I spent some time on reddit trying to figure out Motorcycle Man, whose screen name on reddit btw is SergeantDickhead, so everybody here could have been calling him that already but you lost out.

He is 23 years old

He recently graduated college and works full-time “in management”

He lives in a 420 sq ft efficiency apartment with no windows and “loves it”

He refers to his motorcycle as “she”

He is really into cooking, especially bread, and takes a culinary class

As a younger man he took “The Red Pill” and became a practicing PUA

But he learned that he didn’t really like women and only had a biological urge to have sex with them

So he became a MGTOW and uses porn two minutes a day in the morning “as a useful object that keeps me away from women”

He has struggled with depression but feels that MGTOW philosophy has helped him “find its source and exile the cause through logical thinking”

He occasionally revs himself into a Ten Minute Hate so that he doesn’t forget how much he loathes women:

“A year and a half later, I prefer to piss myself off about women sometimes. It keeps me vigilant to the bullshit. Coming “to peace” and forgetting about women takes my wall down. I don’t like the feeling of being copacetic With women.”

He knows about this post on Mammoth and has this to say about it:

“I have recently learned that people uncomfortable with their own life tend to worry about others. The man who enjoys himself and his life frets not about the life of others.”

9 years ago


That’s cool. I was more trying to explain that I wasn’t trying to rag on him for potentially not having enough money with my comments on the air mattress. I was worried that it might’ve come across that way.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Sweet. I’m pansexual and genderquestioning I think maybe I have no idea sometimes I feel things there but like sometimes I don’t and I feel like one thing but without the thing YOU SEE MY DILEMMA? I just roll with it I dunno what’s up so I mean pfffff I have no clue.

He refers to his motorcycle as “she”

Normally, I wouldn’t question this because that’s what people do, but considering he has it in the bedroom, but, like there’s that guy that had sex, with like, 700 cars dough.

I hope he finds real help for his depression, though.

9 years ago

Re: Batman (this will lead to a different subject)
I was watching Justice League Gods and Monsters “Twisted” on YouTube because I saw a pic of Harley (she is one of my favorite characters????) and I wished I didn’t because it was way too dark for me. I really like Harley Quinn but Batman not so much.

Plus don’t read the comments too many mangry men complaining about feminists and sexism (just like most sites and comment sections). “Stop complaining about Harley in lingerie, it’s sexy! Why complain about fictional women being sexualized when you b**** about wanting to dress how you want?”

And I was thinking “meanwhile some men are calling sexualized men (ex. magic mike) “gay” and whining about men being objectified and male beauty standards”

I think the problem is that when I see fictional women and girls in video games, shows, etc for example taking showers I feel uncomfortable because she’s in a “vulnerable” state but when I see characters like Bayonetta well ok she’s sometimes naked and you can see her butt when she’s dancing but I feel somewhat relieved because at least she’s not in a “vulnerable” state. She likes the attention, being fabulous and enjoys every minute of it. And that’s one of the reasons I like Harley. I find that some female characters who try to be sexy more entertaining to me because they have more personality, they’re funny and they enjoy being themselves. As long they are not there just to be decoration, “verbal and physical” punching bags and being killed like in GTA then it’s fine with me.

9 years ago

I forgot about car guy. Idk, referring to a car of boat as she is normal so maybe that’s it. It does make it a bit strange :p

9 years ago

Maybe check out the Ural Gear Up, basically a Soviet Army bike with sidecar and 2 wheel drive. A buddy had one and they are a hoot, it put a smile on everyone’s face and it’s pretty decent off-road if that interests you.

I have just looked this up and I love it.